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Ramírez Castro Samantha Lizbeth GRUPO 551

This is a story based on real events and personal experiences, years ago, when I was just a 2-
year-old girl, I used to hear noises and see how immovable objects were able to articulate
movement, they changed position and place little by little in the During the night and at dawn
they were immobile but in another place.

My parents rarely noticed this, it was not something of great importance, but I never
confessed that I had seen them move during the night. So several months passed until over
time I began to stop seeing how they moved.

A week before my birthday I have a vague memory that they took me to church, as always I
was playing on the seats, until my mother called my attention and I sat down correctly, for a
few moments I turned to see a statue of the Virgin and I felt your gaze dug into me, a
frightening and at the same time compassionate gaze, the strange thing is that it didn't scare
me. During the mass I could feel how the gaze of the virgin was nailed to me from time to time,
but also the mothers of the church they realized, at the end, the three sisters stopped me and
my family at the entrance, they asked to speak with me but my parents refused and we left at
that moment, the sisters stared at me with a worried face.

Before going to sleep I was getting ready and I heard the doorbell ring, my mother went out to
attend, a few minutes passed and a slight scandal was heard, followed by the sisters and the
father who entered the house looking for me and told me to go with them, I was scared I
paralyzed and began to cry, my father, the father of the church, each fought with their own
arguments, I was too scared to pay attention to that, my mother fought with the sisters who
explained to her why they wanted to take me with such urgency, she kept crying and I hid in
my brother's crib among so much confusion screaming and crying I fell asleep.

I dreamed that I was in my house but it was all dark I yelled to see who was there, there was
no answer, I lay in the crib waiting to sleep or wake up, I feel like the walls are getting closer
and closer and I feel trapped with no way out, scared I close the eyes, in that I hear someone
calling me, but it is not a well-known or pleasant voice, with each letter of my name it
penetrated my skin, I see how a figure appears in front of me.

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