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received a beginning of practical realization, and so on).

Palace, to the crest of the parallel ridge, three miles nearer

the name current in Babylonia, whereas Adad was more common in

AMYRAUT, MOSES (1596-1664), also known as AMYRALDUS,

diplomatic body is given by courtesy to the nuncio of the pope.

simple fluoride of aluminium with sodium, and his process

from giving a second performance by police interference, the

lead peroxide on the positive, and dilute sulphuric acid between

from its northern shore to Ras Sanailah or Cape Aden, its

the distinctive doctrines of the Munster Anabaptists. They

hillside he is one of the finest skirmishers in the world,

of Magdeburg in return for 500,000 florins. During his

the Phoenician alphabet.8 The Greeks who migrated to Cyprus,

a substance differing from gelatin in giving a well-marked

that those who held opposite views were not Democrats, and

more or less globular or elongated expansion of the oesophageal

terra-japonica, sugar, molasses, clay, logwood, and with other

division includes the Adamello, Presanella, Brenta and Bergamasque

country. He tried to reconcile political parties by granting

represents her as cured of a dangerous illness by his skill.

AGUASCALIENTES, an inland state of Mexico, bounded N., E.

Georgia (where it is formed by the junction of the Oostenaula

It is the only large boa which is decidedly ill-tempered.

septate, but elsewhere no cellulose partitions occur, and the

them. His conquest was effected by 1521. His example

altar, but they may be placed upon a support of any suitable

the spread of French influence--then the greatest civilizing

crucible and a much higher current density is used. The

it was an importation adapted in a somewhat rough and ready

near Cairo, would have done credit to any agricultural

to Old Aberdeen, and twenty years later the cathedral of

supplied it with Nile water, became blocked; and although it

or other of its subspecies, has also been naturalized in

+3 deg. 0.104 0.104 0.00543 0.546 0.545 +0.0285 0.0

descent. Spaniards who were openly or secretly Christians

not prevent smuggling, which was, in fact, carried on with

and on the 17th was fought the sanguinary and obstinately

from his barons on these three occasions alone--and then only

(1508-1583), Spanish soldier, descended from one of the

from their dammes''; ``and the poore of the peeke (high)

London, 1900); At the Court of the Amir, by J. A. Grey (1895).

12 Zanesville v. Zanesville Telephone Company, 63

MODERN ANARCHISM.--The best sources are the collections of

town being on the right bank. It is regularly built and

Mapleson's direction at Covent Garden, also singing at important

invalid visitors, on whom the town largely depends for its

So far the development of algebra and geometry had been

It is impossible to give accurate trade statistics, there

friends in the west. But they were met by a large force under

prices of produce even increasing towards the close of that

Smyrna. It is called also Guzel Hissar from the beauty of

Mahommedanism. They are distinguished by narrow straight

subject of a hot dispute between Henry II. and Becket in 1163.

Catholic, though all Chemnitz had gone over to the Lutheran


In 1900 he succeeded Sir Nathaniel Lindley as Master of the

companions. So I took thought, and invented what I conceived

railvay world Sir James Allport was known as a keen tactician

duration. By decree of the 24th of November 1860, the

gigantic proportions in the forests, which are the home of

Evenings at Home (6 vols., 1792-1795), excellently adapted

jahrlichen Niederschlagsmengen des afrik. Kontinents,''

with the works of Themistius at Venice (1534); the former

never returned. It has been said, but not on contemporary

``Alderney cattle,'' however, has lost in great measure

region. The Habsburgers, whose original home was in the

carbide, and cases have been known where this was present in

AMENTIFERAE, or AMENTACEAE, a name which has been used to

wet. The vapour-laden sea air blowing landward against the

when it was captured by the ruler of Mewar. In 1509 the place

Grapes are grown very extensively, and the varieties are very

See W. J. Ashley, Economic History; and W.

Gorinchem. Meanwhile a complete transformation took

svenska radets historia under. medeltiden (Upsala, 1872);

been incorporated in the French walls, which are pierced by four

the longer wave-lengths (the error of crown glass lenses

has been the battle-ground of critics and supporters of the

Semidi, Shumagin and Sannak clusters; (2) the Aleutian Islands

in the freezing-point curve, and indeed a liquid alloy of

of Mr Plowden was slain by his friend and companion Mr J. T.

Agricultural Population and Wages.

An article on monastic arrangements would be incomplete without

in 1817, and named by him from the Greek amblus, blunt,

was he that even the angels were commanded through Michael

Pasha. Alexandria was connected with Cairo by railway in

men. The British lost about 1000, one-half of whom were

investigation. It is generally assumed that the chief stress

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