Working With Excel

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Working with EXCEL

BASICS ..................................................................................................................................... 3
1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 3
2 THE SPREADSHEET ...................................................................................................................................... 3
3 INPUTTING DATA......................................................................................................................................... 3
4 CALCULATIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 5
5 FUNCTIONS AND FORMULAE ....................................................................................................................... 5
6 COPYING FORMULAE AND FUNCTIONS. RELATIVE AND ABSOLUTE COPYING .............................................. 6
7 CELL LAY-OUT ............................................................................................................................................ 8
8 CREATING GRAPHS ..................................................................................................................................... 9
EXERCISE 1 .......................................................................................................................... 10
GRAPHS ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
FORMAT CURRENCY, ABSOLUTE ADDRESSING, FILL HANDLE ............................................................................. 11

EXERCISE 3 .......................................................................................................................... 12
ABSOLUTE COPYING, FILL HANDLE .................................................................................................................... 12
EXERCISE 4 .......................................................................................................................... 13
THE FUNCTIONS AVERAGE, IF, AND, NUMBER.IF, MAX ,MIN, COLUMN INSERT ...................................... 13
EXERCISE 5 .......................................................................................................................... 16
FUNCTION NESTED IF ......................................................................................................................................... 16
EXERCISE 6 .......................................................................................................................... 17
WORKING WITH TAB PAGES ................................................................................................................................ 17
EXERCISE 7 .......................................................................................................................... 19
THE SEARCH FUNCTION VLOOKUP. ................................................................................................................ 19
EXERCISE 8 .......................................................................................................................... 20
THE FINANCIAL FUNCTION PV. .......................................................................................................................... 20
EXERCISE 9 .......................................................................................................................... 21
SOME TEXTFUNCTIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 21
EXERCISE 10 ........................................................................................................................ 22
SORTING DATA .................................................................................................................................................. 22
EXERCISE 11 ........................................................................................................................ 23
PIVOT TABLE ..................................................................................................................................................... 23
ASSIGNMENT A ................................................................................................................... 24

ASSIGNMENT B ................................................................................................................... 27

ASSIGNMENT C ................................................................................................................... 29

ASSIGNMENT D ................................................................................................................... 30

ASSIGNMENT E ................................................................................................................... 31

ASSIGNMENT F................................................................................................................... 32

ASSIGNMENT G .................................................................................................................. 33

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1 Introduction

Excel is a spreadsheet programme. Spreadsheets have been devised for the administration of various
figures. A popular application for Excel is as a tool for financial administration.

2 The spreadsheet

With Excel you organise your figures and text in a spreadsheet. Each cell in the spreadsheet can be
identified by its row number and the column letter; the so-called address. When you open Excel, the
cell A1 is selected as standard. A range is a group of cells; by A1:B2 we mean the cells A1, A2, B1
and B2.

There are a number of ways to select cells:

• You can select individual cells by clicking on them.

• You can select several adjoining cells at the same time by keeping the left-hand mouse button
pressed and dragging the cursor across them.
• By keeping the CTRL key pressed, you can select several, non-adjoining individual cells.
• By clicking on a row number, you can select the whole row and by clicking on a column
letter, you can select the whole column.

3 Inputting data

If you select a cell, you can then type data into it. In the spreadsheet below you can see the
administration of the costs incurred by a baker in the first quarter. All text is typed in, as are the
numbers in columns B, C and D. The numbers in column E are calculated by Excel.

• Reproduce the above view in Excel, except for the numbers in column E and row 8. N.B. you
need not be concerned with how the decimals are displayed or the colours of the cells. So just
type 375 instead of 375,00.

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• When you type numbers into Excel, it will display as many decimal places as necessary.
Hence, 375 is displayed without a decimal point and 3,0 is shown as 3,2. You can indicate in
Excel that you wish to display the numbers to two decimal places.
• Select all fields to which the new layout must apply and reach with rihght mouseclick the
menu Format Cells . Select number from the list. On the right, you can indicate the number
of decimal places. When you press OK, all the cells you have selected receive the indicated

• Numbers are recognised by Excel to enable calculations to be performed. Numbers are

justified to the right as standard (in contrast to text).
• If you wish to input a number as text, then you must first type an ‘ (apostrophe).
• An important key for correcting input is F2. You can modify the cell input after pressing F2.

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4 Calculations

You can perform a calculation in an empty cell. A calculation always begins with an = sign. Examples
of calculations are involution (^), multiplication (*), division (/), adding (+) and subtracting (–). Try
typing the following into an empty cell:

5 Functions and formulae

You can refer to cells and make formulae

A formula also begins with a = character.
Examples of several simple formulas:

= A1 + A2 sum of A1 and A2
= A1 + A2+A3+A4 sum of A1, A2, A3 and A4
= Sum(A1..A4) sum of A1, A2, A3 and A4
= A1 – A2 difference between A1 and A2
= A1/ A2 A1 divided by A2
= A1 * A2 A1 multiplied by A2

Excel has hundreds of functions. These are built-in formulae. The structure is always the same:
=Name of the function (Arguments)

Formulae and functions always begin with an = sign.

The arguments can consist of numbers, text, logical values or cell references. If there are several
arguments, they are separated by semi-colons. Some arguments are not obligatory.

type in cell B8: =SUM(B2:B7)
then press the Enter key. The monthly total (775,55) now appears in B8 as a result.
You can also do the addition by using the AutoSom (AutoSum) function. This is accomplished as
Put the cursor in cell B8. Then click on AutoSom in the menu (∑ :the sigma sign). A dotted line now
appears around the range of cells from B2:B7. Excel assumes that you wish to add up these cells. Press
Enter to confirm this.
You could also have typed the following formula = B2+B3+B4+B5+B6+B7

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6 Copying formulae and functions. Relative and absolute copying

In our example, the monthly total must be calculated.

You could now type in a similar formula for fields C8 and D8. You can also let Excel do this,
however. This is performed as follows.

Select field B8 using the mouse

1. Press the key combination CTRL + C (or select with right mouse click Copy).
2. Using the mouse, select cells C8 and D8 (for example by dragging)
3. Press the key combination CTRL+V (or select with right mouse Paste)

You can see that Excel does not literally copy the number 755,55 from cell B8 to the other cells. The
formula in the cell is copied and adapted for the other cells. Excel 'senses' that you wish to add the
values vertically and adapts the formula to the new column letter. Cell C8 is automatically assigned
the formula =SUM(C2:C7), hence the correct total for that column appears.
This is called relative copying

• Repeat this operation but now for the rows: Flour), Salt, Yeast, etc. The total amount
expended on flour in the first quarter will appear in cell E2 if you fill in the formula
=SUM(B2:D2) for that cell.

The total expenditure for the first quarter is at the bottom, on the right, in the costs overview in cell
E8. There are two ways in which to calculate cell E8. You can add up either E2 to E7 inclusive or B7
to D7 inclusive.

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Sometimes when copying you do not wish the formulae to be automatically adapted. You then wish to
copy the formula absolutely.

In the above example, the costs for every quantity sold are calculated according to the formula: costs =
amount sold* costs each + fixed costs

In B8, the formula = A8*B2+B3 is sufficient

If you copy this formula to B9 and B10, this produces nonsensical formulae. Check this out.
Besides the intended change to A8, B2 and B3 also change unintentionally.
To prevent cells from changing, you can put dollar-signs around them. This is done with the function
key F4.
In the above example, put the cursor on B2 in the formula and then press the function key F4.
Do the same with B3 in the formula.
In B8, you then have = A8*$B$2+$B$3

When copying these formulae, only A8 will change. A8 is copied relatively.

The cells B2 and B3 remain the same. B2 and B3 are copied absolutely.

Copying and pasting can be done even faster. In the above example, delete B9 and B10.
Using the mouse, put the cursor on the lower right-hand corner (fill handle) of the rectangle created.
As soon as the cursor becomes a bold plus sign, drag the right-hand corner down such that B8:B10 is
highlighted. Press Enter and check out the result.

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7 Cell lay-out

We return to our example of the administration of the baker. To make things a little more attractive
and to clarify the overview, we add colours to the cells.

• Select the cells you wish to colour in (for example, the monthly totals).
• Click on the bucket on the task bar (upper-right) on the screen. You can select a colour from
the palette that appears. (see below)

With the 'colour-bucket' you can give the cells a background colour, with the "A" you can highlight
the text in the cells in colour. With the "window" to the left of the bucket you can open a menu with
which you can edit the borders of cells or groups of cells.

For further possibilities refer to the menu under ( right mouse click) Format Cells

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8 Creating graphs

You can create a variety of graphs in Excel. We shall keep it simple here.

• Select field A1 to D7 inclusive by dragging the mouse with the left-hand button pressed.

• Click on the tab insert and then find charts then choose line

• Choose the first option. Switch Row/columns and get the next graph.


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1. Make the following spreadsheet

2. Make a bar chart in the following manner of the numbers sold per quarter.

Select A2 till E5.

Select insert column.Choose the first option now.
If you click on the chart you will see a menu with Chart Tools (Design Layout and Format).
Use this to add a chart tiltle and titles for the axis.

Save the work page under the name graph.

Numbers sold per quarter



numbers sold

part of the year

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format currency, absolute addressing, fill handle

Calculation of the compound interest.

1. Copy the data from the first 4 rows.

The Euro symbol can be inserted by selecting right mouse klick format cells > currency.
Select symbol € and 2 for the number of decimals.
Enter the numbers in column A.

Enter the formula for B5 that calculates the credit balance after 1 year.

2. Enter the formula for B6 that calculates the credit balance after 2 years.

3. Enter the formula for B7 that calculates the credit balance after 2 years.

4. Enter the formula for B8 that calculates the credit balance after 3 years.

5. The formulas above show a certain regularity. We try to copy B8 to determine the formula for
B9. Copying from B8 to B9 produces

During the copying, B7 changes into B8. That is correct

During the copying, B2 changes into B3. That is not correct: B2 must remain B2.

When we do not want a cell address to change during the copying then such a cell address
must be made absolute first. This can be done by inserting dollar symbols. This can be done
manually, but it is easier to use the function key F4 when you place the cursor on the B or on
the 2.

Go to cell B8 and change the contents into =B7*(1+$B$2)

copying from B8 to B9 now produces
=B8*(1+$B$2) and that is the correct formula.

The copying of B2 in this manner is known as absolute copying.

6. The result can be copied from B9 to the bottom

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Select B9 and copy the formula until you have determined the credit balance after 25 years.
Adjust column A.
Select the cells A5..A10.
Drag the fill handle over the cells that you want to fill and release the mouse button.

Check the result.

7. Enter your name in cell D1 and save the work page under the name interest.

absolute copying, fill handle

A shop uses the following spreadsheet to calculate the turnover in the first half of 1994 for
three products: A, B and C.
The numbers of products and the prices are known.
Formulas must be entered in the cells that contain asterisks.

1. Type Jan 2000 in A4. Excel changes this into Jan-00.

Type Feb 2000 in A5.
Select A4 and A5 and copy to below with the aid of the fill handle.
Make the first column bold by selecting column A and pressing on bold.
Do the same with the first and the third row.
Enter the numbers.

2. Determine the formula for F4 that calculates the turnover for product A in Jan 2000.
Adjust the formula with dollar symbols so that this can be copied to F4..H9.

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(F4 is then copied to itself, which is not a problem)

3. Make sure that the totals are calculated in row 10. Use the SUM function. .
The result must be in accordance with the following spreadsheet.

4. Enter your name in cell A12 and save the work page under the name turnover.

The functions AVERAGE, IF, AND, NUMBER.IF, MAX ,MIN, column insert

The spreadsheet shown above shows the scores obtained by several students for various
subjects. The average must appear in column G. Column H shows automatically whether a
student has passed or failed.
A student has passed when the average is 5.5 or higher.

1. ENTER in G3 a function that calculates the average of B3..F3

the function can be entered directly in G3
= average(B3..F3)


and then to use the mouse to select the cells of which the average must be determined and then
to type a closing bracket followed by pressing the ENTER key.

2. The result can be copied from G3 to G4..G6

Select G3 and copy by means of copying and pasting.

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3. Enter in H3 a function (formula) that displays “passed” when the average is 5,5 or higher and
“failed” in the other case.

the function can be entered directly in H3

=IF(G3 >=5.5;"passed";"failed")

4. The result can be copied from H3 to H4..H6

Select H3 and copy by means of copying and pasting.
Check the result.

The criterion for passing/failing is changed. Besides the average, the number of passes is now
also included in the assessment.
Students pass if they have an average of 5,5 or higher and do not have more than one failure.
After the adjustment, the spreadsheet should look like the following.

5. Insert a column in the original spreadsheet.

A column must be inserted for column H
Move to column H
Select in the menu: Insert > insert sheet columns

6. Select Formulas > insert function> statistical > COUNTIF

(If you want some help about this function press F1)
Press OK.
Select as a range B3:F3
Select as a criterion <5.5
Press OK.
H3 now contains the following formula =COUNTIF(B3:F3;"< 5.5")

7. The result can be copied from H3 to H4..H6

Select H3 and copy by means of copying and pasting.
Check the result

8. The formula for I3.

The old formula =IF(G3 >=5,5;"passed";"failed")

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must be edited.
The condition G3 >= 5,5 must be replaced by G3 >= 5,5 and H3 <= 1
Excel has a logical function for this: AND
In this case AND(G3>=5,5 ; H3<=1)

The formula therefore becomes =IF(AND(G3>=5,5;H3<=1);"passed";"failed")

9. The result can be copied from I3 to I4..I6

Check the result.

10. Add two more names yourself, think up scores obtained for the various subjects and let Excel
calculate whether these students have passed or failed. Check the result.

11. Determine for each subject the highest and the lowest score achieved.
Enter in A10 the text “highest”.
Enter in A11 the text “lowest”

Enter the formula for B10 that calculates the highest score for Dutch.
Select in the menu
Formulas > insert function> statistical ; and search for the function MAX.

Press OK and enter the range.

The final result is =MAX(B3:B6)

Enter the formula for B11 that calculates the lowest score for Dutch.

Copy the contents of B10 and B11 to the range C10..F11.

Check the result.

12. Enter your name in cell A14 and save the work page under the name results.

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function nested IF

Excel has a large number of functions.

A function is a recipe that relates to one or more values that produce one value.
Several functions have already been seen:
for example

=MAX(A1:A10) gives as a result the maximum of the numbers A1 till A10.

=MIN(A1:A10) gives as a result the minimum of the numbers A1 till A10.
=SUM(A1:A10) gives as a result the sum of the numbers A1 till A10.
=AVERAGE(A1:A10) gives as a result the average of the numbers A1 till A10.

= AND(A3>5;B3<1;C3= 7) gives as a result true if all statements (A3 is greater than 5, B3 is

smaller than 1 and C3 = 7) are true.

= OR(A3>5;B3<1;C3= 7) gives as a result true if at least one of the statements is true.

=IF(C3>5;”pass”;”fail”) gives as a result “pass” if the condition entered (C3>5) is true and
shows “fail” if the condition entered is false.

=COUNTIF(B3:F3;"< 5") gives as a result the number of non-empty cells in the range B3:F3
that satisfy the requirement that they are less than 5.

Functions are divided up into categories

Categories Is used for

Financial Periodic payments, profitability, depreciation
Date and Time Calculation in which dates and times are used
Mathematics Mathematic calculations
Statistics Calculation of average, sum, variance and standard
Search and refer Calculations with the aid of data in tables
Database Working with lists and databases
Text Comparisons, turnovers and re-formatting of text in
Logical Calculations that produce the result TRUE or FALSE
Info To determine whether an error has occurred in a

The function IF has already been used.

=IF(C1 >=5;"passed";"failed")
If C1 contains a number greater or equal to 5, then passed must be displayed in the cell of the
formula and otherwise failed.

The function IF may also be nested as that is known.


If C1 contains a number greater or equal to 6, then passed must be displayed in the cell of the
formula and in the other case a distinction is made between greater or equal to 5 (re-exam
appears then) and smaller than 5 (failed appears then).

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1. Open a new work document.

2. Test the formula shown above in cell A1.

3. Make a formula that, depending on the age entered in B3, shows the correct discount in cell
The discount is as follows: younger than 25, then 10% discount. 65 or older, then 20%
discount. In all other cases no discount.

4. Enter various ages in B3 and check whether the result is correct.

Save the work page under the name function_if.

working with tab pages

1. Copy the following spreadsheet. It shows the sales for the South region made by 3
representatives in 4 different quarters.

At the bottom of the screen you can see sheet1, sheet2 and sheet3. These are different work
sheet tabs. Sheet 1 is the active page. Click with the right mouse button on sheet and change
the name to “South”.

2. Click on sheet2.
Give this the name “North”
Copy the data from the “South” page to the “North” page and then change the title and the
numbers according to the model below.

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3. Do the same as under 2 for East and West. There is no standard work sheet tab available for
West. Click with the right-hand mouse button on a work sheet tab and select insert > work

4. We make a work page with the name “summary” that shows the totals of the sales. The page
will look like the following:

Copy the text (but not the numbers) and give the page the name summary.
Cell B7, for example, shows the total calculated for West in the first quarter, that is therefore
the sum of B4..B6, from the overview for West.

5. Add formulas that calculate the totals with the SUM function. Start each formula by entering
Enter the cell range for the SUM function by clicking on the work page tab that you want to
include in your formula; then select the cell range that you want to use in your link.
For the formula in B4 this means:
Type =SUM(.
Click on the tab page “South” and select there the cells B4 till B6. The adjusted formula is
displayed on the formula bar and the work page name and the cell range are separated by an
exclamation mark (South!B4:B6).
Press Enter to complete the formula. Excel adds a closing bracket to complement the formula.
The result is calculated and displayed in cell B4 of the work page “summary”. The complete
formula is also displayed on the formula taskbar.

6. Enter your name in cell A12 and save the work page under the name regional sales.

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The search function VLOOKUP.

searches for a value in the left-hand column of a table and gives as a result a value from the
same row in a column that you indicated in the table.

lookup_value is the value that you want to search for in the first column of the matrix
table_ array is the data table in which you want to search for data
col_index_number is the number of the column in the table matrix from which you must
retrieve the value sought. If column index_number is 1, the value is retrieved from the first
column in table matrix, if column index_number is 2, from the second column, etc.
range_lookup is a logical value that indicates whether or not VLOOKUP must search for
exactly corresponding values.

A calculation is made for the taxation costs of a car per year.

The taxation that must be paid for a car depends on the weight of the car. It is also important
whether the car is powered by petrol or LPG.
The amount of taxation that must be paid can be seen in a table.

1. Open a new work document.

2. Type the data shown above. B14 must contain formulas that depend on the input in B13.

3. Click in the work page on the cell B14.

Select the function VLOOKUP and fill in the appropriate values.

The formula bar shows =VLOOKUP(B13;A3:D10;3)

4. Enter various weights in B13 (also intermediate values) and check whether the result is

5. Save the work page under the name SEARCH.

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The financial function PV.

Returns the present value of an investment. The present value is the total amount that a series of future
payments is worth now. For example, when you borrow money, the loan amount is the present value
to the lender.

Find the present value of an annuity that yields an income of €10.000 at the end of each year for 10
years, asuming that the interest rate is 7% compounded annually.

Solution 1:

I need money for

The payment at the end of year1 : 10000 divided by1,07
The payment at the end of year2 : 10000 divided by(1,07)2
The payment at the end of year3 : 10000 divided by(1,07)3
The payment at the end of year4 : 10000 divided by(1,07)4
The payment at the end of year5 : 10000 divided by(1,07)5
The payment at the end of year1 : 10000 divided by(1,07)6
The payment at the end of year2 : 10000 divided by(1,07)7
The payment at the end of year3 : 10000 divided by(1,07)8
The payment at the end of year4 : 10000 divided by(1,07)9
The payment at the end of year5 : 10000 divided by(1,07)10

Summing all these expressions gives €70235,82

Solution 2:

Use the function PV (Present Value) which gives you immediately €70235,82

Try both solutions in Excel.

Save the work page under the name PV.

Stenden university 20
Some textfunctions
Use the file “exercise 9 text functions “ . In column A you will find names
Make two columns B and C where you can find the first name and last name seperated.

name last name first name

Bijl,Cynthia Bijl Cynthia
Boswijk,Mila Boswijk Mila
Brouwer,Vincent Brouwer Vincent

If in column A of a spreadsheet a name is given like “Bijl,Cynthia” we are able to split it in two
different parts in two different columns B and C.
Therefore textfunctions are very usefull.
With the following functions you are able to split the names:

FIND gives you the position of the comma in the name ( for Bijl,Cynthia the position of the comma
is 5)
LEFT gives you the last name ( the first 4 letters for Bijl,Cynthia)
LEN gives you the whole length of the text string (12 for Bijl,Cynthia)
RIGHT gives you the first name (last 12-5 letters for Bijl,Cynthia)

Now load the excelfile “exercise 9 text functions “ and separate all names.

If you have two or more strings which you want to put together you can use the function

Save the work page under the name textfunctions.

Stenden university 21
Sorting Data

Name Week What Amount

Dick 3 Beer 18
Beth 4 Food 17
Janet 5 Beer 14
Dick 3 Food 12
Dick 4 Beer 19
Janet 5 Car 12
Dick 3 Food 19
Beth 4 Beer 15
Janet 5 Beer 19
Dick 3 Car 20
Dick 4 Beer 16
Beth 5 Food 12
Beth 3 Beer 16
Dick 4 Food 17
Dick 5 Beer 14
Janet 3 Car 19
Dick 4 Food 17
Beth 5 Beer 20
Janet 3 Food 18
Dick 4 Beer 14
Dick 5 Food 12
Janet 3 Beer 18
Janet 4 Car 17
Janet 5 Food 12
Dick 3 Food 15
Beth 4 Car 16
Beth 5 Beer 20
Janet 3 Food 12
Dick 4 Food 15
Dick 5 Car 14
Janet 3 Food 16
Dick 4 Beer 19
Beth 5 Food 21
Dick 3 Beer 17
Beth 4 Beer 15
Janet 5 Food 13
Janet 3 Food 11
Beth 4 Beer 12
Dick 5 Car 15
Janet 3 Food 21
Dick 4 Food 15
Dick 5 Car 18
Beth 3 Beer 14
Janet 4 Food 16
Beth 5 Beer 20

Copy the data to excel in four different collumns. Then Use sort and filter
For help press F1.

1. Sort on name
2. Sort on week and within week on what
3. Sort on what , within what on week and within week on name

Save the work page under the name sorting data.

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Pivot table

employee period amount turnover

Hensen week 1 7 210000
Hensen week 2 5 165000
Hensen week 3 13 420000
Hensen week 4 9 240000
Faber week 1 6 210000
Faber week 2 8 220500
Faber week 3 5 135000
Faber week 4 12 395500
Slachter week 1 4 100500
Slachter week 2 7 220500
Slachter week 3 9 325000
Slachter week 4 5 125500

Copy the data to excel in four different collumns. Then Use pivotTable
For help press F1.

1. Give an overview of the total amounts per employee.

2. Give an overview of the total turnover per employee per period.

(Put the period in the columns and the employees in the rows)

3. Give an overview of the average turnover per employee.

4. Give an overview of the average amount per employee.

Save the work page under the name pivot .

Stenden university 23
Petrol or LPG

Design and make a spreadsheet that answers the question whether under certain circumstances it is
more attractive to use LPG instead of petrol.

Variable input data in the case of this calculation are :

- name and registration

- estimated number of km per year
- the weight of the car, still without LPG installation
- litre prices of petrol and gas
- fuel consumption, according to the ‘foreign’ notation: number of litres of fuel required for 100
km. For LPG: 20% higher consumption.

For various reasons, the LPG car also travels 10% of the annual kilometres using petrol!!

On the basis of the installation costs (depreciation period, remaining value 0 and interest %), the extra
depreciation is included for the use of LPG.
For example, installation costs € 3000.- means lending € 3000.- now. If the depreciation period is 3
years, then it must be calculated how much must be paid back in equal amounts in 3 years always at
the beginning of the year.
The function in Excel is called PMT
Furthermore, there are annually higher maintenance costs for the LPG car.

Based on the weight of the car (the LPG installation makes the car 10% heavier), the owner tax,
previously the road tax, can be found in a table.
The function in Excel is called: VLOOKUP

weight car (kg) till Petrol LPG

550 649 € 227 € 569

650 749 € 270 € 670
750 849 € 313 € 771
850 949 € 379 € 895
950 1049 € 447 € 1.021
1050 1149 € 546 € 1.178
1150 1249 € 644 € 1.334
1250 and higher € 742 € 1.490

Here below is an example. Most of the input data has a temporary exemplary value or is the
consequence of a calculation!
The calculation and the advice are not shown.
The model can be found on BBunder the name model_lpg.xls. Open this file and enter your own data

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repatriation costs

Suppose the ANWB (the Dutch Automobile Association) can choose between transport by train,
airplane or lorry to repatriate broken-down or damaged cars.

The following concepts and preconditions apply.

The home town is the place to which the damaged car must be delivered.
The standing point is the start and end point of the lorry.
In the Netherlands, Schiphol is always the arrival point for transport by air.

All kilometre and monetary amounts are input variables. In the ‘what-if’ situation for which we make
spreadsheets, those numbers and currencies can therefore be changed !!

Calculate the various costs under different conditions and also show the cheapest / most efficient

In case of unforeseen situations or mistakes, make your own motivated choice.

Transport always by lorry.

The place where the stranding occurs is not always next to the railway station or an airport. Therefore,
transport by train or air also requires short transport distances by lorry. In the Netherlands, the arrival
railway station and Schiphol are also some distance away from the home town.
The various lorries must also return empty to their standing point in the Netherlands.

The whole route by lorry.

Given the use of a lorry, that has to travel empty from the standing point to the stranding place first
and then back to the home town (and back to the standing point).

Extra rules in case of transport by air.

In addition, air transport is not suitable if the distance by air is shorter than 250 km. The result then
displays something like ‘not applicable’.
The price of 1200 km by air is 1200 times 0.40 (in this example) and not first :
500 * 0.60 plus 500 * 0.50 plus 200 times 0.40.

Here below is an example. Most of the input data have a temporary exemplary value or are the
consequence of a calculation !

The model can be found on the I-disk (Information for students) on the network in the file Theme
XC2C under the name model_repatr.xls. Open this file and enter your own data
The costs in A40 , A41 and A42 must be specified.
A table must be made to determine the airplane costs, after which vertical search can be used to
determine the costs per km

Stenden university 27
Stenden university 28
Provision overview representatives

A manufacturer makes a product that nearly always works: “HEADCARPET” – a product that
prevents baldness. This product must be sold via intrusive door-to-door sales. Five representatives are
employed to do this, and they try to sell as much of the product as possible on a provision basis. The
person that has sold the most over a certain period receives an attractive bonus, the others do not
receive a bonus.
In order to calculate the bonus and to gain some insight into the sales results, a spreadsheet program is
used to make an arithmetic model.

The data in column B (excluding B16) is the data to be entered. The rest of the numbers depend on

Make the model. Enter your own numbers in column B (different to those in the example). Where
possible, use the copy function of Excel.
Column C shows the turnover per representative.
Column D shows the provision per representative calculated as
amount of turnover * provision percentage
Column E shows the bonus. This is calculated as follows:
When a representative has the highest amount of turnover of all representatives then the representative
concerned receives a bonus that amounts to the number of examples sold by him/her times the bonus
amount per item. In the event that this is not the highest amount, this representative does not receive a
bonus (bonus is then 0).
Column F shows the total earnings, this is the sum of the bonus and the provision.
Furthermore, the average earnings per representative (C18) must be calculated as well as the total
bonus paid out as a percentage of the total turnover (C20).
Column G must show the difference between the amount earned by the representative concerned and
the average earnings.

Stenden university 29
Bungalow park

Make a spreadsheet in accordance with the model to calculate the total amount of rent for a bungalow
in the “Woods and Sun” bungalow park.

Make a spreadsheet in accordance with the model above to calculate the total amount of rent for a
bungalow in the “Woods and Sun” bungalow park.
Enter the following data: the name of the customer, the number of the bungalow, the number of adults,
the number of children, summer or winter, the rental period.
The rest , indicated by ***, must be calculated using that data.
Enter the correct formulas for that purpose.
formula for B8
If B7 does not display W or S, then B8 must display “B7 again”
formula for B10
If the booking is for 4 or less people (notwithstanding adults or children), then the price is 100 Euro's
per person per week, but in the case of a booking for 5 or more people then the price is 80 Euro's per
formula for B15
The total amount of rent is calculated on the basis of all costs per week, the rental period and the
cleaning costs.
formula for C16
Cell C16 must contain a formula that ensures that this cell displays the message “Too many people for
a bungalow” if the number of people entered is too high. A maximum of 8 people is allowed in a

Make sure that the amounts of money displayed in the appropriate cells are displayed in Euro's and
with 2 decimals.

Stenden university 30

Make the model shown above.

Enter your own hourly wages for each employee in B9, B10 and B11.
Amounts of money must be accompanied by the Euro symbol and the amounts must be displayed with
2 decimals.

Enter a formula in B14 that you can copy to B14..E16.

Check the result.

B2..F2 must be aligned to the right.

Enter a formula in E21 that indicates whether the average number of hours per week is not too high.
When the average number of hours per week is more than 40, then the following text must be
displayed in cell E21: “TOO MANY HOURS PER WEEK”.
In the other case the text “NUMBER OF HOURS IS GOOD” must be displayed.

The total number of hours worked in F6 is low if it is less than 360, normal if it is between 360 and
500 and high if the number of hours worked is more than 500.
Enter a formula in E22 that displays LOW, NORMAL or HIGH depending on the total number of
hours worked in F6.

Stenden university 31
Charity Walk (Dutch: Sponsorloop)

Primary school Daffodil in Exeter (Devon, Great Britain) organises a Charity Walk for the Red
Cross. For a pupil of group 7, John Grisham, you will calculate the amount of money he
gathers for the Red Cross. He asked several people to sponsor his walk. These sponsors
have to pay a fixed amount of money (obligatory deposit) and also an amount for every
round John walks. The sponsors only sponsor for a certain maximum number of rounds.

1. Start up the Excel program.

2. Open the file Charity Walk.
• in Sheet 1 you find an incomplete model which you have to complete.
• In Sheet 2 you find data to be used in this test.
3. Make the following assignments, where you should use formulas in the computation as
much as possible.
When you change one of the basic numbers (blue cells in Sheet 1 and Sheet 2) Excel
has to recalculate the model automatically in a good way.


1. Put your name in the appropriate cells.

2. Calculate in Sheet 1 the deposit per round for every sponsor. You have to search for
these values in the table in Sheet 2. Use the appropriate function.
3. Calculate in Sheet 1 the maximum number of rounds to be sponsored for every sponsor.
You have to search for these values in the table in Sheet 2. Use the appropriate
4. Calculate for every sponsor the payment for the rounds John walked.
5. Calculate for every sponsor the total payment.
6. Calculate the total amount of money John gathered.
7. Make a graph of the total payment per sponsor.
a. choose a good chart type
b. give the chart a title and put titles at the axes
c. give a legend when necessary
d. put the graph in a new sheet

8. Lay out of all the sheets:

a. make every text readable; use cell alignment (left, right, centre)
b. give every amount of money the euro sign in front of it and 2 decimals
c. use different fonts, font colours and background colours
d. use borders
e. give all the sheets well chosen names

9. Save the file.

Stenden university 32
CD shop

There is a little CD shop called CeeDee Retro. Mark Smith is the owner. Today he has to
order new CD’s, because the stock of some CD’s is too low.
• Mark only sells 13 different CD’s.
• He orders a CD when the stock of that CD is lower than 6.
• He orders CD’s till a maximum of 12.
• In an Excel sheet the owner calculates the total costs of his order.

1. Start up the Excel program.

2. Open the file ‘CeeDee Retro’.
• In Sheet 1 you find data to be used in this test;
• in Sheet 2 you find an incomplete model in which you have to make the
3. Make the assignments, where you should use formulas in the computation as much
as possible.When you change one of the basic numbers, Excel has to recalculate the
model automatically in a good way.

1. Put your name in the appropriate cell
2. Put the CD Artist in the table of sheet 2 by using an appropriate function.
3. Put the selling price of the 13 CD’s in the table by using an appropriate function.
4. Calculate the purchase price (= selling price - profit) for every CD. Make a good
formula in which you have to use the Profit Percentage.
5. Put the amount of CD’s for every title in stock in the table by using an appropriate
6. Determine for every CD if it has to be ordered. Use an appropriate function.
7. Calculate the number of CD’s to be ordered.
8. Calculate for every CD the total costs.
9. Calculate the total costs for this order.
10. Calculate the shipping costs. You need to use the shipping cost table in sheet 1.
11. Calculate the overall total costs for this order.
12. Make a graph of the total costs for every CD Title in a new sheet.
a. choose a good chart type
b. give the chart a title and put titles at the axes
c. give a legend when necessary
d. put the graph in a new sheet

13. Lay out of all the sheets:

a. make every text readable
b. give every amount of money the euro sign in front of it and 2 decimals
c. use cell alignment
d. use different kinds of fonts, font colours and background colours
e. use borders
f. give all the sheets well chosen names

Stenden university 33

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