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CASE STUDY - Fictional Condition

Covid 19 pandemic is causing a severe funding dilemma for Indonesian universities, since
revenue streams are devastated by the pandemic. The tertiary education sector projects a
revenue reduction of between $2 billion and $3.6 billion in 2020, mostly due to a decline in
international student enrolment as a result of travel restrictions and prohibitions. With
overseas students accounting for more than 40% of the sector's yearly student revenue, this
financial downturn is estimated to lose around 15,000 full-time jobs over the next six months,
or 16% of total university personnel.

Missed intakes affect the pipeline of overseas students - who typically study for two to three
years - and hence have a long-term effect on budgets. When this cash stream is
jeopardized, the educational experience of domestic students will suffer as well.

XPH University, Indonesia's largest university with approximately 55,000 students and 5,000
employees, has identified digital transformation as a critical aspect in overcoming this
challenge. They have had to change their teaching and learning, campus experiences, and
operations fast in semester 1 of 2020 to safeguard the health and safety of the XPH
University community. However, much online education is currently given in its most
rudimentary forms, emulating more traditional on-campus learning.

XPH University is now rethinking their digital value proposition strategically in order to
maintain a competitive edge over other universities and to remain attractive to both domestic
and international students during these trying times. The university's senior management is
seeking a team of digital marketing consultants to advise them over the next few years. They
have engaged a variety of digital consulting firms, including your company, to develop a
digital transformation strategy that will provide XPH University with a structural competitive
edge in order to remain appealing to both domestic and international students.

Your Discussion should cover the Following Points:

● Identify the current Issue
● What is the digital transformation goal
● Identify the types of digital investment and technology proposed to be implement
● Create the digital transformation road map
● Benefit of the transformation and what can be improved after the transformation
● How you can Create compelling Customer Experience
● Reinventing Business Model
● Crafting Your Digital Vision
● Engaging the Organization at scale
● How you Governing the Transformation
● Building Technology Leadership capabilities
● You may add another discussion that you think necessary

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