Impacts of Covid-19 Pandemic On Pig Production and Marketing in Cabiao, Nueva Ecija

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Republic of the Philippines

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

College of Management and Business

Impacts of Covid-19 Pandemic on Pig Production and Marketing in Cabiao, Nueva Ecija


Bernardo, Nicole A.

Macale, Jennifer P.

Republic of the Philippines
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
College of Management and Business


Title Page............................................................................................................................i


Introduction and Review of Related Literature...................................................................

Statement of the Problem.......................................................................................................

Conceptual Framework.........................................................................................................

Scope and Delimitation….....................................................................................................

Significance of the Study......................................................................................................

Definition of Terms.............................................................................................................


Research Design …..............................................................................................................

Research Locale....................................................................................................................


Sample and Sampling Procedure…………………………………………………………..

Research Instrument………………………………………………………………………

Data Gathering Procedure ………………………………………………………………..

Data Analysis Technique………………………………………………………………….

Republic of the Philippines
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
College of Management and Business

Chapter 1


Introduction and Review of Related Literature and Studies

The main purpose of this paper is to reasonably regulate the pig production and
Marketing in Cabiao, Nueva Ecija. To provide suggestions, ensure the pork supply and production while
surpassing the Pandemic.

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic virus had a direct impact across the pork industry. The COVID-19
crisis has affected our society and economy in many and often unexpected ways. Agriculture was not
exempted to this problem and their workflow has been severely impacted. Agricultural output began
during this time period under the Covid-19 restrictions, which were gradually eased. As of now, the
measures such as social distancing, mask wearing, collective isolation and travel limitations are being
used to fight the pandemic.

Market hogs that were intended to be sold were put on hold, thus areas that should have been empty
for new arrivals were remained occupied. Pork producers hurried to adjust to the unknown of when
"normal" would return, but they realized that time was not on their side and that their measures and
safeness are needed to be well-considered. As the pandemic has spread from country to country, the
economic consequences have been devastating. Job losses, shortages in production and lock- downs have
resulted in a severe economic challenge for most governments. One of the critical effects of the pandemic
has been a negative impact on agricultural food production and distribution. The impact of pandemic,
particularly COVID-19, on global animal agriculture will be explored in this issue of Animal Frontiers.
Compared to other agricultural sectors (e.g., vegetables and fruits, crop production), pig production was
especially influenced from the following perspectives. First, livestock farmers faced the challenge of
running out of the feed materials needed to continue pig production. The amount of feed that a medium-
scale livestock pig farmer has on hand can typically supports his farm for 14–19 days (Zhu et al. 2020).
When transportation of feed products was not smooth, livestock farmers found it challenging to sustain

Republic of the Philippines
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
College of Management and Business

their production without sufficient raw materials. Livestock farmers had difficulty delivering fattened
pigs to downstream buyers. The transportation of livestock was strictly controlled during the pandemic,
thus preventing livestock pigs from being sold to the market. Last and most importantly, livestock pig
farmers were reluctant to recover pig production. The pandemic shock occurred just when livestock pig
farmers had begun to purchase animals and arrange production for the coming year. The difficulties and
uncertainties that pig farmers faced affected their willingness to recover pig production.

The negative effects were associated with decreased demand for pork in Cabiao, Nueva Ecija and an
inability to export products to other countries. The reduced demand for products resulted in an elevated
pig population on farms in Nueva Ecija and elsewhere. In our province, the panic buying of meat products
by consumers and the COVID-19 infections in processing plant workers was also experiencing slowed
processing capacity. In addition, there was a decreased demand for meat products from restaurants and the
simultaneous closure of national borders that reduced the export of products. One consequence was a
shortage of feed ingredients for animals. This has all led to an increase in prices for meat and other
products in Cabiao and a lowered profit margin for farmers.

The goal of this study is to assess the COVID 19 IMPACTS on hog farming and the future
consequences of it to other businesses.

Republic of the Philippines
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
College of Management and Business

Statement of the Problem

This study was primarily aims to determine the impacts of Covid-19 Pandemic on Pig
production and Marketing in Nueva Ecija. The researcher intended to further know how it
brings sudden changes in Production, processing, income and in Agricultural marketing field.
At the beginning of the pandemic, slaughterhouses were forced to shut down at times. When
they reopened later on, they suffered several COVID-19 outbreaks despite tight measures and

To obtain all the essential knowledge, data and information the research study will specifically
answer the following questions:

1. How Covid-19 pandemic affects the world of Livestock and Marketing?

2. Did Covid-19 pandemic brings a sudden change in consumer behavior/demand and in
the profit of pig production enterprises?
3. How has the sector managed to adapt to this challenging situation?

Objectives of the study

The objectives of this study are to examine the impacts of the pandemic on the producers of
pigs and their marketing, wherein we will determine how the demand for pigs changed due to
consumer buying behavior. We will know how and if the COVID-19 pandemic carries challenges
for the producers and the marketers, and we will also know if the consumers are also impacted.

Conceptual Framework

This study was anchored by McEwan (2020) stating that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought
tremendous uncertainty to global markets, not just in human health but also in the economy and food
security, which includes the agricultural and livestock production sectors, specifically the pork
Republic of the Philippines
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
College of Management and Business

industry. It is designed to examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on hog farmers and pork
production. The purpose of this study is to know and analyze the impact of the pandemic on pig
producers and the market. For this study, an online survey has been used, wherein the primary research
method is a quantitative survey.

In this study, the researchers formulated a conceptual framework using the Input-Process-Output
Model to explain how information should be gathered. The input component includes the profile of the
respondents such as, name, age, gender and farming experience (year). The process component
incorporated the Survey method through Online Platform to gather data. The output component
contains the answer of pig producers and hog farmers on how pandemic impact on their production.

Research Paradigm

The model illustrates the relationship between the three major parts of the research paradigm
namely the input, process and output. The researcher adopted the Input Process Output (IPO) model.
The process is viewed as a series of boxes connected by inputs and outputs. For input component, it
consists of the profile of the respondents which includes name, age, gender and farmers experience.
All the details specified in the statement of the problems are stipulated here. Moreover, the process to
be used requires data gathering through online survey. For output, this includes the possible outcome
of the study, action taker and conceptualized recommendation that will help the research.

The researchers want to find out the things and ways to cope up with the impact of Covid-19
pandemic that affect the performance of Pig production and Marketing in Cabiao Nueva Ecija. The
table shows how researchers do surveyed and solved their thesis statement.

Republic of the Philippines
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
College of Management and Business


Republic of the Philippines
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
College of Management and Business


Profile of the respondents  Improve the

according to; procedures in hog
Data gathering through
 Evaluate the
 Name
 Conducting Online conditions of the
 Age
Survey producers and their
 Gender
 Farmers Experience
(years)  To determine the
changes in consumer
behavior and profit
of pig production
 Provide effective
strategies to both pig
production and
Marketing field

Republic of the Philippines
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
College of Management and Business


The following are the null hypothesis of this research:

Ho: There will be no difference on the Covid-19 Pandemic between Pork production and

Ho: There is no significant relationship between Impacts of Covid-19 Pandemic between Pork
production and Marketing

Republic of the Philippines
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
College of Management and Business

Republic of the Philippines
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
College of Management and Business

Scope and Delimitation

The scope of this study will focus on the impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Pork

Production and Marketing. It will also measure and aims to deepen our knowledge on why and

how this impact happens.

This study will not cover the other problems of Poultry Production that are not involved

and considered as one of the impacts of Covid-19 Pandemic. The results of this study will be

applicable only to the respondents of this study. The main source of data will be the

questionnaire, which is prepared by the researcher.

Significance of the Study

This research is made with the aim to provide crucial information and knowledge

regarding the chosen topic from the respondents. The findings of this study may serve as a guide

to open doors to reduce and examine the impacts of covid-19 pandemic on pig production and

marketing. More specifically, the vital results of this study could be highly significant and

beneficial to the following individuals and organizations:

Students- The results will provide the students some knowledge and they will be aware about

the adverse impacts of covid-19 on the hog farming and Marketing performance. It will give the

students an information about this certain topic. At the end of this study, the students would

finally know how those impacts can affect the pig production, farmers and also the marketing.

Professor- This study will give them awareness regarding the study outcomes. This can also

help them give insights for their future students.

Republic of the Philippines
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
College of Management and Business

Community- This study will be beneficial to the community because of the reason that due to

the awareness, they will be more knowledgeable and will be aware of the advantages and

disadvantages of this pandemic on producers.

Future Researchers- This will be useful and serve as reference for future researchers on the

impacts of covid-19 pandemic on the field of pig production and marketing that can help them

with their research for it to have a strong foundation.

Farmer Entrepreneur- This study is important for the entrepreneur to become aware to the

impacts of Covid-19 in agri businesses during the global pandemic and how to make some

strategies to apply their own business.

Republic of the Philippines
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
College of Management and Business

Definition of terms

Covid-19 Pandemic- Is an ongoing global pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)

caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2 and has caused

widespread illness and death, economic devastation, day-to-day challenges and long-term


Pig Production- is the raising and breeding of domestic pigs as livestock, and a branch of animal

husbandry. Pigs are farmed principally for food (e.g. pork, bacon, gammon) and skins.

Marketing- The process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and

distribution of your ideas, goods or services to satisfy the needs of individual consumers or


Agriculture -

Consumer Behavior –

Livestock -

Republic of the Philippines
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
College of Management and Business



This chapter deals with the research methodology. It will describes the methods and

procedure that the research will employ in the conduct of the study. This section consists of the

research study design, research locale, respondents of the study, sample and sampling procedure,

research instruments, data gathering procedure and data analysis technique. It also includes the

sources of data that contains the respondents for further understanding.

Research Design

This study will investigate the Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Pig Production and

Marketing in Cabiao, Nueva Ecija using a Quantitative Research Approach. The study use the

descriptive research design and survey has been chosen by the researchers as the research

method for this study. It is designed to examine the pig production and marketing performance

towards pandemic crisis.

The Data Gathering Procedure were conducted through an online platforms via Google

Forms to keep Social Distancing and To find an existing information and data regarding to the

impacts of of Covid-19 Pandemic on Pig Production and Marketing in Cabiao, Nueva Ecija .The

researchers use quantitative research to validate the observation of this study. We believe that

survey questionnaire is the most appropriate mechanism to collect relevant data from a specific

respondent for this research study.

Republic of the Philippines
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
College of Management and Business

Research Locale

This study will be conducted in Cabiao, Nueva Ecija. This place was selected to determine the

impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on pig production and marketing. The municipality of Cabiao has

a lot of hogs and pig producers, which are impacted by the pandemic. Cabiao is a municipality in

Nueva Ecija's landlocked province. It is divided into 23 barangays with a total land area of 111.83

square kilometers (43.18 square miles), accounting for 1.97% of Nueva Ecija's total land area. The

population was 85,862 according to the 2020 census. This represented 3.72% of Nueva Ecija's total

population or 0.69% of the overall population of the Central Luzon region.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are 30 farmers in Cabiao, Nueva Ecija composed of 20 males and 10
females. They answered the questionnaire that the researchers gave them which supplies the information that
the researchers need. They will be chosen using the purposive sampling.

The respondents of this study are the producers of pigs and hogs in Cabiao, Nueva Ecija, which
also implies their marketing regarding the pig or pork. They are the ones who are legitable and have
enough knowledge to answer all of our questions and problems posed in our study. They are the best
respondents we need for our research because they experienced the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on
their pig production and marketing. We want to know how it directly affects them and whether the
challenges they are facing are adapted to cope with this situation or result in losses to their production. We
will conduct a survey among 30 producers to become our respondents, which will be done through a
questionnaire on an online platform, accessible via Google form.

Republic of the Philippines
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
College of Management and Business

Sample and Sampling Procedure

The participants in this study were producers who works at home in Cabiao, Nueva Ecija during the
Year 2020 –2022. A total of 30 respondents from the farmers were randomly selected. All producers
who took part in the study were chosen through purposive sampling.

In order to find and collect the data needed for the study the researchers used non-probability
sampling method known as purposive sampling. The researchers chose this sampling technique due to
the fact that they have specific purposes, the target respondents and the criteria that will be used in data
gathering. We chose producers as respondents because we believe that this research will benefit them
and the community in which they live. This type of non-probability sampling method is used based on
the respondents’ availability and convenience. The use of strategy which allows for the selection of a
sampling frame that is most likely to be influenced by a particular issue. This entails locating and
selecting individuals or groups of individuals who are particularly educated or experienced in a topic of

Research Instrument

The researchers used the survey questionnaire method to collect data from a selected group of
respondents. We did an online survey wherein we provided a link that the respondents would answer
through the use of their cellphones. We came up with this idea to avoid physical contact with the
respondents and for the safety of each other due to the COVID-19 pandemic we are experiencing
right now and to adapt to a "new normal".

In the preparation of the instrument, the requirements for the design of a good data collection
instrument were considered. For instance, a statement describing the situation or issues pertaining to it
was toned down to accommodate the knowledge preparedness of the respondents. The survey research
consists of two parts. The first part consists of gathering the profile of the respondents. The tool for
the profile was made by the researcher; it will determine the name, age, and gender of the respondents.
The second part of the survey consists of the questions that are answerable by Yes or No. This tool is
to determine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the producers and the marketers.

Republic of the Philippines
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
College of Management and Business

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher collected the data by means of survey questionnaire that comprises their age, gender
and farmer experience (year). The problems encountered by the respondents will be identified through the
1st part of the survey questionnaire that was given to them. 

For the completion of this study, a step by step data gathering procedure was accomplished
accordingly. In doing so, the researchers first adopted survey questionnaire and then it was presented to
their adviser to their further comments and suggestions. The questionnaire was finally approved, the
researchers conducted the survey and a letter of request was submitted for appointment. After the request
was granted, the researchers left the copy of questionnaire to the target participants. The answered
questionnaires were presented in a YES/NO scale form to expedite analysis and interpretation of data.
From the dichotomous question were derived the findings of the study, from the findings conclusion,
from the conclusion and the recommendation.

Assuming that the study has been accomplished, the researchers will clarify the answers of their
respondents. The respondents’ information is strictly confidential, it would not be shared nor scattered to
anybody except for the researcher and lastly, the results were tallied and tabulated. The data
became the bases of the analysis and interpretation of data. The obtained information’s from the
respondents would remain confidential and private. After, the respondents have taken the tests; the papers
were checked, tallied, interpreted and analyzed.

Republic of the Philippines
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
College of Management and Business

Data Analysis Technique

Republic of the Philippines
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
College of Management and Business



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