Sheet 2

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Microwave Engineering

Sheet 2

1. Drive the propagation constant and the characteristic impedance of

transmission line. According to the following model where the series
inductance L represents the total self-inductance of the two
conductors, and the shunt capacitance C. The series resistance R
represents the resistance due to the finite conductivity of the
individual conductors, and the shunt conductance G. R and G,
therefore, represent loss.

2. A transmission line has the following parameters, R=4Ω , L=.15nH ,

c=300pf, G=.04 S; calculate the propagation constant and the
characteristic impedance of this line at 700Mhz. recalculate if the
transmission line is lossless (R=0,G=0)

3. A transmission line has the following parameters, R=6Ω , L=.11nH ,

c=250 pf, G=.04 S; calculate the propagation constant and the
characteristic impedance of this line at 800Mhz. recalculate if the
transmission line is lossless (R=0,G=0)

4. A lossless transmission line has the following parameters, R=4Ω ,

L=.13nH , c=330pf, G=.05 S; calculate the propagation constant and
the characteristic impedance of this line at 850Mhz
5. A 75 Ω coaxial line has a current i (t, z) = 1.8 cos (3.77 × 109 t −
18.13z) mA.
Determine (a) the frequency, (b) the phase velocity, (c)the
wavelength, (d) the relative permittivity of the line, (e) the phasor
form of the current, and (f) the time domain voltage on the line.

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