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Definition: The larynx a hollow muscular organ

forming an air passage to the lungs and holding
the vocal cords in humans and other mammals; the
voice box.
Larynx. An anatomical term for the modified
upper part of the trachea (windpipe) of air-
breathing animals. It is commonly known as the
voice box in humans because of its importance of
the creation of the voice. It contains the VOCAL
CORDS or folds and influences voice quality.
The larynx houses the vocal folds, and manipulates
pitch and volume, which is essential for phonation.
It is situated just below where the tract of the
pharynx splits into the trachea and the esophagus.
Where is the larynx located?
It is part of the respiratory system and is located
between the pharynx and the trachea. Humans use
the larynx to breathe, talk, and swallow. Its outter
wall of cartilage forms the area in front of the neck
referred to as the Adam’s apple. The vocal cords,
two bands of muscle, form a V inside the larynx.

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