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Piston Engine Performance

Algorithm Development- PLO 2

BDU 20203
1. Choose a leader in your group to coordinate the completion of the practical activities.
2. Produce the Practical Activity Report 02 and submit it in Author.

Lab Question 1
You are required to work in a group to produce piston engine performance analysis at different
altitudes (0 to 11,000m) and engine speeds (1000 – 5000 RPM).
To perform this analysis, you are required to perform the following:
a. Develop a piston engine performance model using Microsoft Excel to calculate the
following properties at a given altitude and engine speed. The inputs and outputs of the
model are given in the following table.

Input Output
Number of Cylinders Indicated Power
Shaft RPM Shaft Brake Power
Piston’s Stroke
Piston’s Bore
Compression Ratio
Fuel LHV
Air to Fuel Ratio (AFR)
Mechanical Efficiency


Note: Embed inside this aircraft piston performance model, your previous atmospheric
model so that when you enter the altitude, your engine model could automatically calculate
the corresponding temperature and pressure. Assume that no energy loss so that the
atmospheric temperature and pressure is equal to the manifold temperature and pressure.
b. Use your performance model to study the behaviour of the engine at:
i. Different rpm (analysis at one particular altitude)
ii. Different altitude (analysis at one particular RPM)

c. Based on the obtained data, make some conclusions.

d. The report should include the algorithm of the performance calculation, one example of
manual calculation, the table of data for the calculation made.
The rubric of the assignment is given in Appendix A

Appendix A

No Assessment Weight Scale 1 Scale 3 Scale 5

1 Define Problem 1 The group is unable to The group is able to identify The group is able to identify the key
identify the majority of the more than half of the key calculation algorithm to obtain the
key calculation algorithm to calculation algorithm to obtain desired parameters.
obtain the desired the desired parameters
2 Process 2 The group is unable to The group is able to partially The group is able to develop the
develop the performance develop the performance model performance model that can
model that can generate the that can generate the data to generate the data to perform the
data to perform the perform the performance performance analysis.
performance analysis. analysis

3 Evaluation 1 The group is unable to The group is able to evaluate the The group is able to evaluate the
evaluate the performance as performance as per the normal performance as per the normal
per the normal behaviour of behaviour of a similar type. behaviour of a similar type.
a similar type.
4 Presentation of report 1 The group is unable to The group is able to produce a The group is able to produce a well-
produce a well-written moderate-written report. written report.

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