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Novel therapeutic targets

in chordoma
Mohamad Bydon, Kyriakos Papadimitriou, Timothy Witham,
1. Introduction Jean-Paul Wolinsky, Ali Bydon, Daniel Sciubba & Ziya Gokaslan†

The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Department of Neurological Surgery, Baltimore, MD, USA
2. Body
3. Expert opinion Introduction: Chordomas are malignant bone tumors arising from notochordal
remnants. They most commonly occur at the sacrum, skull base, and spine. The
gold standard treatment for these tumors is a combination of en-bloc resection
and radiation therapy.
Expert Opin. Ther. Targets Downloaded from by Universitat de Girona on 11/11/14

Areas covered: Recent genomic studies have identified duplication of the

gene brachyury as a major susceptibility mutation in familial chordomas.
Studies on sporadic chordomas have identified several tumor markers, using
microRNAs and Comparative Genome Hybridization. In this article, we
highlight current advances in research on the molecular characterization
of chordomas.
Expert opinion: Scientific advances have allowed for the identification of
numerous tumor markers involved in chordoma pathogenesis. In the future,
chordoma cell lines will be produced that silence or over-express these
tumor markers. As we increase our understanding of the mechanism of
chordoma tumor proliferation, we can expect the development of targeted
For personal use only.

drug therapies.

Keywords: brachyury, CDKN2A, chordoma, imatinib, JHC7 chordoma cell line, met,

Expert Opin. Ther. Targets (2012) 16(11):1139-1143

1. Introduction

Chordoma is a rare cancer that accounts for 1 -- 4% of all bone malignancies. It

usually arises from the osseous spine and skull base [1]. Chordoma is histologically
considered to be a low-grade tumor; however, it has a high recurrence rate and
can metastasize in up to 19% of cases [2,3]. These tumors are often resistant to tradi-
tional treatment protocols, with a median survival of approximately 6 years [4,5]. The
gold standard treatment for these tumors is en-bloc resection followed by post-
operative radiation therapy. Preoperative radiation has been recommended to
reduce tumor seeding during surgery [6].
Chordomas are often difficult to manage due to their locally destructive behavior
and predilection to grow in close proximity to critical neurovascular structures [4,7,8].
The invasive nature of this cancer makes complete resection challenging [4,9]. Surgi-
cal advancements have made en bloc excision of chordomas with negative margins
possible in both the cervical and sacral spine [4,8,10].
When they were first described, chordomas were thought to develop from
cartilage [2]. However, recent data suggests that they arise from the notochord, a
mesodermal structure involved in neuralation [2]. As opposed to chondroid tumors,
chordomas have been shown to express genes involved in the development of
cartilage [4,11].
The classic pathological features of chordomas include physaliferous cells, immu-
noreactivity to S-100, and the epithelial markers, epithelial membrane antigen
(MUC1) and cytokeratins [2]. Chordoid meningiomas and chondrosarcomas share
with chondroid chordomas the characteristic of S-100 immunoreactivity [2]. Recent

10.1517/14728222.2012.714772 © 2012 Informa UK, Ltd. ISSN 1472-8222 1139

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M. Bydon et al.

(94.4%) as well as many chondrosarcomas (54.2%) and

Article highlights. osteosarcomas (23.3%) [20].
. Chordomas are malignant bone tumors with high Several studies have utilized Comparative Genomic
recurrence rates. Hybridization (CGH) to investigate the role of chromosomal
. Studies on familial chordomas have identified brachyury imbalance in chordoma [21,22]. A study by Scheil and collea-
expression as a factor in tumor proliferation.
gues revealed loss of DNA sequences at 3p and 1p [22]. In
Studies on sporadic chordomas have implicated the
proto-oncogene Met as well as the tumor suppressor the same study, copy number gains of DNA sequence
genes PTEN and CDKN2A. occurred at 7q, 20, 5q, and 12q, with 7q36 harboring the
. MicroRNAs and Comparative Genome Hybridization most frequently detected gain of chromosomal material [21,22].
have led to advances in the molecular characterization Certain genes on 7q36 are known to be expressed in the noto-
of chordomas.
chord, including the homeobox-containing gene HLXB9 and
The development of chemotherapeutic targets for
chordomas holds potential for increasing the remission sonic hedgehog gene (SHH) [23].
rates for patients. By utilizing the Agilent 244K genome-wide CGH microar-
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ray, Le et al. found numerous “recurrent and remarkably stereo-

This box summarizes key points contained in the article. typic chromosomal abnormalities in sporadic chordomas” [23].
The authors consistently found deletions in chromosomes 1p
and 9p in chordoma tumors [23]. Chromosome 9 harbors
studies have focused on finding additional biomarkers the tumor suppressor gene CDKN2A, which inhibits the
specific for chordomas, including cytogenetic and proteomic cdk4- and cdk6-cyclin D complexes involved in the regulation
profiling. These studies have led to the identification of of retinoblastoma protein (pRb) [24]. As a result, CDKN2A
brachyury and keratin [12]. inhibition can result in uncontrolled cellular proliferation [23].
Le et al. also report deletions of the 10q23.3 region in 16 of
2. Body 20 (80%) sporadic chordoma cases [23]. This region houses
the PTEN tumor suppressor gene, leading the authors to con-
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Recently, there have been studies focusing on the genetic basis clude that CDKN2A and PTEN are key regulators of sporadic
of familial chordoma [2,13]. Comparative genomic hybridization chordomas [23,24].
of eight families with heritable chordoma has implicated a The lack of adequate in vivo models for human chordoma
transcription factor involved in notochord development called prompted many scientists to seek new lines in order to inves-
brachyury (6q27) [2,4,13,14]. Studies indicate that brachyury is tigate signaling pathways [25]. Recently, several chordoma cell
expressed in up to 90% of chordoma tumors [4,11]. The mech- lines have been established. These cell lines include U-CH1
anism of action for brachyury in chordomas has not been from a recurrent sacral chordoma, CH8 from a recurrent
described; however, this protein appears to be involved in chordoma of the lumbar vertebrae, CCL-3 and JHC7 derived
tumor pathogenesis [4]. Brachyury has recently been implicated from a primary sacral chordoma, EACH-1 from a scapular
in promoting epithelial--mesenchymal transition in various tumor, MUG-Chor1 from a recurrent sacrococcygeal chordo-
human malignancies [15]. There are reports that brachyury is mas, and CH22 from a recurrent sacral chordoma [4,22,25-29].
expressed in 41% of primary lung carcinomas [16]. To date, only JHC7, EACH-1, and U-CH1 have been tested
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a newly discovered class in xenografts [25].
of small RNA molecules that down-regulate messenger RNA Yang et al., in a well-designed study, characterized three chor-
(mRNA) expression [17,18]. MicroRNAs can act as either doma cell lines: CH 8, GB 60, and U-CH1 [26]. The authors
oncogenes or tumor suppressors, thereby affecting tumor also managed to grow chordoma cells in a three-dimensional
formation [18]. While the function of miRNAs in chordoma culture system. These cells are thought to more closely resemble
tumors has not been defined, chordoma tissues and cell lines chordomas in “cell surface receptor expression, cell density, met-
revealed significant differences in miRNA expression when abolic functions, and extracellular matrix synthesis,” allowing
compared to control (p < 0.01) [17]. Duan et al. found that for a more accurate analysis of carninogenesis [26].
expression of miRNA-1, miRNA-206, and miRNA-133 was Hsu et al. described the generation of the JHC7 cell line [4].
significantly reduced in chordomas [17]. Overall, the authors In order to investigate the role of brachyury in cultured
discovered 17 miRNAs that were down-regulated and four chordoma cells, JHC7 cells were transduced with various
miRNAs that were up-regulated in chordoma tissues and shRNA vectors against brachyury, resulting in knockdown
cell lines [17]. of the gene [4]. A 20 -- 25% reduction of cell viability and
While much remains to be learned about the role of complete arrest of growth was observed following brachyury
miRNA-1 in oncogenesis, this microRNA is believed to con- knockdown, with a significant decrease in average cell dia-
tribute to the formation of liver and lung cancer [17-19]. meter size with nearly complete loss of cytoplasmic vacuoles.
Indeed, the proto-oncogene Met, which is over-expressed in Chordoma cells with knockdown of brachyury did not
many human cancers, has two conserved miRNA-1 sites [19]. contain physaliferous features; rather, these cells contained a
This proto-oncogene is expressed in almost all chordomas differentiated stellate appearance [4].

1140 Expert Opin. Ther. Targets (2012) 16(11)

Novel therapeutic targets in chordoma

Chordomas can be treated with a chemotherapy regimen generated the JHC7 chordoma cell line. Brachyrury silencing
that includes anthracycline, cisplatin, alkylating agents, and using this cell line resulted in decreased progression of
camptothecin analogues [30]. While previous studies have chordoma tumor cells in vitro [4]. In addition to brachyury
demonstrated chordomas to be insensitive to conventional inhibitors, tyrosine-kinase inhibitors may prove to be potent
chemotherapy [31], recent evidence has shown promising results therapies for the treatment of chordoma [32,33,38]. While these
using imatinib, a tyrosine-kinase inhibitor (TKI) specific for findings are promising, it should be noted that most chor-
the kinase domain of platelet-derived growth factor receptor doma cases are sporadic and brachyury is commonly expressed
(PDGFR) and kit receptors [32,33]. A prospective study investi- in other tumors [2,4].
gated the antitumor activity of imatinib in 56 patients with The advent of miRNAs and CGH has led to significant
chordomas that express platelet-derived growth factor b advances in our understanding of chordoma pathogenesis.
(PDGFB)/PDGF receptor b (PDGFRB). Ten of 26 patients Studies on sporadic chordomas have implicated the proto-
receiving imatinib (39%) achieved a ‡ 25% decrease in oncogene Met, as well as the tumor suppressor genes PTEN
standard uptake value on Positron Emission Tomography and CDKN2A [21,24]. In the future, chordoma cell lines will
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(PET) after 3 months of treatment when compared to the be produced that silence or over-express these tumor markers.
pretreatment baseline [32]. As we increase our understanding of the mechanism of chor-
In another trial, a series of 12 patients with chordoma doma tumor proliferation, we can expect the development of
revealed strong expression of epidermal growth factor receptor targeted drug therapies.
(EGFR) and c-MET [34]. Based on this finding, Hof et al. In the US, Phase I (NCT01407198) and Phase II
successfully utilized cetuximab and gefitinib, two well-known (NCT00464620) clinical trials that investigate the effective-
drugs that inhibit the EGFR pathway, in the treatment of sacral ness of targeted drug therapies----nilotinib and dasatinib,
chordoma [35]. An analysis of 70 chordoma tissue specimens respectively----have begun enrolling patients [2]. Moreover,
showed activation of the phosphorylated signal transducer another multi-center study (NCT01175109) is being con-
and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3), a transcription factor ducted in order to investigate the effectiveness of imatinib
associated with poor prognosis in several human cancers [36]. and LBH589 (panobinostat) in patients with newly diagnosed
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Strong suppression of cell growth and proliferation with the and recurrent chordoma. Similarly in Europe, a Phase II study
use of STAT3 inhibitors has been demonstrated in chordoma of imatinib in combination with RAD001 (everolimus) and a
cell lines [37]. Phase II study of lapatinib in EGFR/HER2-positive advanced
chordoma are being undertaken. Continued research is
3. Expert opinion necessary in order to identify further therapeutic targets for
the treatment of chordomas.
Chordomas are malignant bone tumors arising from The ultimate goal of this research is to produce a new treat-
notochordal remnants. They most commonly occur at the ment paradigm for patients afflicted with chordomas. The
sacrum, skull base, and spine. The gold standard treatment exciting development of three-dimensional cell lines [26] in
for these tumors is a combination of en-bloc resection and combination with the use of miRNAs and CGH in order to
radiation therapy. Despite aggressive surgical approaches and identify tumor markers will continue to advance the field in
high-dose radiation therapy, many chordomas will recur or the coming years [26]. This will result in more targeted clinical
progress. Surgical advancement has allowed for successful therapies that will serve as a chemotherapeutic regimen to
en bloc resection of chordomas in many cases. In the coming augment current standards of treatment. Along with advances
years, chemotherapeutic advancement will continue to in surgical technique and radiation therapy, clinical trials that
provide encouraging results in the development of adjuvant investigate the various drug targets will provide higher rates of
therapies for chordoma. remission and cure for patients suffering from chordomas.
Historically, our understanding of chordoma tumors has
been highlighted by their classic pathological features and Declaration of interest
immunoreactivity to S-100 [12]. Recent advances have led to
the identification of several promising tumor markers, using The lead author has received funding from DePuy Spine,
both familial and sporadic chordoma cases. Studies on Medtronic, the Neurosurgery Research and Education Foun-
familial chordoma have revealed the important association dation (NREF), Integra LifeSci, Fellowship support from
of chordoma proliferation with brachyury expression [2,4,12]. AOSpine North America. Two of the authors are associated
Recently, a Johns Hopkins University research group with DePuy Spine.

Expert Opin. Ther. Targets (2012) 16(11) 1141

M. Bydon et al.

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Expert Opin. Ther. Targets (2012) 16(11) 1143

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