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Shiksha Sagar High School

Sanjaynagar, Bengaluru – 94


Class - L.K.G
Sl. No. Subject Questions
1 English Oral  Recite the alphabet A – Z in series.
 Sing a song – Peppy, the Polite Parrot;
Sam, the Slow Snail; Walter, the Wonderful Walrus; Rex,
the X-Ray Fish.
 Name the action words.

2 Stories and Rhymes Narrate any one of the Story :

1. The Grasshopper and the Ants
2. The Lion and the Mouse

Sing any two Rhymes with actions:

1. I love my school
2. Aaloo Bhola
3. Horsey Horsey
4. Listen To The Big Drum

3 E.V.S Oral 1. Name any two flowers and fruits.

2. Name any two vegetables.
3. What are farm animals and wild animals?
4. Name any two pet animals and water animals?
5. Name the homes of animals?
6. Name some Indoor games and Outdoor games?
7. Name any two musical instruments.
8. Name any two vehicles on road and air.
9. Name some special vehicles.
10.What are the road safety rules?

4 Math Oral  Recite the numbers 1 – 100 in series.

 Recite the number names 1 – 20.
1. Who is the father of our nation?
Ans: Mahatma Gandhiji is the father of our nation.

2. When do we celebrate Gandhi Jayanti?

Ans: We celebrate Gandhi Jayanti on 2nd October

3. What is ‘Diwali’?
Ans: Diwali is the festival of lights.

4. How do we decorate our house on Diwali?

Ans: We decorate our house by lighting candles, diyas and lanterns.

5. Which puja is done on Diwali?

Ans: Lakshmi puja is done on Diwali.

6. What happens after bursting crackers on Diwali?

Ans: The air becomes dirty after bursting crackers.

7. How can we celebrate an eco-friendly Diwali?

Ans: We can celebrate an eco-friendly by saying NO to crackers

8. When do we celebrate Children’s Day?

Ans: We celebrate Children’s Day on 14th November.

9. What do you learn in the school?

Ans: I learn to read and write in the school.

10. Did you complete your homework?

Ans: Yes, I completed my homework

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