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PLAN FY2021/22 - 2025/26
(FY2078/79 - 2082/83 B.S.)


b BUSINESS PLAN FY 2021/22 - 2025/26

PLAN FY2021/22 - 2025/26
(FY2078/79 - 2082/83 B.S.)



The information included in this document is for informational purpose only, not offered as legal or any
other kind of advice. The Investment Board Nepal expressly disclaims liability to any person with regard
to anything, and the consequences following there from.

Investment Board Nepal
ICC Complex, New Baneshwor,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone: 977-1-4475277, 977-1-4475278
Fax: 977-1-4475281

September 2021

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Part of this
publication maybe copied, redistributed in any medium or format and adapted for any purpose, even
commercially, with the publisher acknowledged duly.


Established in 2011 to accelerate nation-

al economic growth by mobilizing pri-
vate investment including Foreign Direct
Investment (FDI) in large scale infra-
structure and service sector, Investment
Board Nepal (IBN) has achieved notable
success in its ten-year journey. The en-
actment of Public Private Partnership
and Investment Act (PPPIA) 2019 has
expanded its mandate and scope by pro-
viding a strong legal framework for man-
aging infrastructure projects.

To fulfill the given mandate and evolve

as a PPP Center of Excellence, IBN has
devised a five-year Strategic Plan, with
the vision of “developing Nepal as an at- Office of the Investment Board Nepal
tractive investment destination”. In such (OIBN) has implemented the Respon-
a context, the Business Plan has been sibility, Accountability, Consultation, In-
developed for the effective operationali- formed, and Quality Control (RACIQ)
zation of the Strategic Plan. framework for effective operationaliza-
tion and implementation of the annu-
The Business Plan (FY 2021/22 - 2025/26) al plan. The monitoring and evaluation
has laid out detailed actions and activi- framework developed for this purpose
ties for realizing the goals and objectives keeps track of the progress of the mile-
set for the Strategic Plan. The 13 strate- stones set in the action plans providing a
gies devised in the Strategic Plan accord- feedback mechanism to incorporate the
ing to the four strategic pillars, namely learnings and continuous improvement.
Project Development and Management,
Investment Promotion, Institutional De- With strong support, team spirit, and
velopment, and Coordination, Collabo- dedication of the management and staff,
ration and Partnership, aim at delivering I am confident that the organization will
the strategic objectives. The strategic be able to achieve the targets set in the
initiatives and programs will be effec- plan and play its role in the socio-eco-
tively implemented to achieve the output nomic development of the country.
indicators and outcomes desired. For
this purpose, the Plan has adopted a re-
sult-centric approach, by identifying the
resources required and setting the time-
lines. Sushil Bhatta
Chief Executive Officer
Investment Board Nepal
iv BUSINESS PLAN FY 2021/22 - 2025/26









Abbreviations and Acronyms

CEO Chief Executive Officer

CoE Center of Excellence
DoI Department of Industry
DDI Domestic Direct Investment
FDI Foreign Direct Investment
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GoN Government of Nepal
HR Human Resource
IBN Investment Board Nepal
KMP Knowledge Management Portal
LDC Least Developed Country
MEAL Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning
MoFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs
MoICS Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies
MoPIT Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport
NIS Nepal Investment Summit
NRB Nepal Rastra Bank
OIBN Office of the Investment Board Nepal
OSS One Stop Service
PBMIS Project Bank Management Information System
PCC Project Coordination Committee
PCN Project Concept Note
PDA Project Development Agreement
PIA Project Investment Agreement
PIN Project Idea Note
PPP Public-Private Partnership
PPPIA Public-Private Partnership and Investment Act
PPPIR Public-Private Partnership and Investment Regulations
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
SPFC Strategic Plan Formulation Committee
STF Strategic Task Force
UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
WAIPA World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies
vi BUSINESS PLAN FY 2021/22 - 2025/26

Executive Summary

The Business Plan has been developed ment of bankable and credible projects,
for the effective operationalization of the strengthening a transparent procurement
Strategic Plan for realizing the strategic system and effective facilitation and
goals and objectives set out for the Plan monitoring of projects. The second pil-
Period. It defines specific actions and ac- lar, Investment Promotion, is concerned
tivities for each strategy adopted in the with promotion initiatives by providing
Plan. The Plan has set out output indi- state-of-the-art services to investors in
cators, desired outcomes and yearly tar- all stages of investment cycle. The third
gets for effective monitoring and evalu- pillar, Institutional Development, refers
ation of the defined strategies, actions to developing IBN as the PPP center of
and activities. For effective implementa- excellence. The fourth pillar, coordina-
tion, the Plan has duly assessed the re- tion, collaboration and partnership, has a
source requirements and identified key cross-cutting function to secure support
risks and mitigation measures. necessary from relevant stakeholders of
IBN to realize projects on time. The four
The five-year Business Plan (FY 2021/22- Strategic Pillars, nine strategic objec-
2025/26) provides a roadmap for attain- tives and thirteen strategies have been
ing the Strategic Goals and objectives defined and devised to achieve the Stra-
through four Strategic Pillars, namely tegic Goals.
project development and management,
investment promotion, institutional de- The Business Plan has estimated finan-
velopment, and coordination, collabora- cial resources required to conduct the
tion and partnership, aimed at strength- activities of the four pillars. The Plan
ening IBN to support socio-economic has also highlighted the need for organ-
development of the country in garnering ization and management in light with
quality investments in Nepal. PPPIA 2019. The risks associated with
each strategic pillar are also listed clas-
The first pillar, Project Development and sifying their likelihood of occurrence and
Management, is associated with develop- severity of impact.



1.1 Background Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and com-

The Investment Board Nepal (IBN), es- prising members from key ministries. To
tablished in 2011, is a high-level institu- complement the development of IBN
tion under the chairmanship of the Right Strategic Plan, it is necessary to develop
Honourable Prime Minister for attracting a comprehensive Business Plan to effec-
and facilitating private investments, in- tively operationalize the Strategic Plan.
cluding Foreign Direct Investment (FDI),
Domestic Direct Investment (DDI), and The Business Plan is an execution
Public Private Partnership (PPP)s in Ne- roadmap for the Strategic Plan (Figure
pal. It was established through the leg- 1). It consists of detailed action plans for
islature Parliament in 2011 under the In- four Strategic Pillars which represent the
vestment Board Act 2011. Its mandates key dimensions around which strategic
were later revised with the enactment objectives are defined and strategies are
of the Public Private Partnership and In- devised. They support the IBN’s vision
vestment Act (PPPIA) in 2019. With the and represent the priority performance
objective to carry out its enriched legal areas for the next five years.
mandate effectively and efficiently, and
in view of the challenges of attracting 1.2 Objectives
private investments during the ongoing The overall objective of the Business
COVID-19 and post Covid regime, IBN re- Plan is to effectively operationalize the
alized the need to formulate its Strategic IBN Strategic Plan for realizing the stra-
Plan. tegic goals and objectives set out for the
Plan period. The specific objectives are:
The objectives of the IBN Strategic Plan
are to guide IBN in delivering its man- „ To define specific actions and activi-
date, determine IBN priorities, and de- ties for each of the strategies adopt-
vise suitable strategies to achieve its ed in the IBN Strategic Plan;
strategic goals in terms of attracting
„ To set out output indicators, desired
quality investments, streamlining the key
outcomes and yearly targets for the
functions of Office of the Investment
effective monitoring and evaluation
Board Nepal (OIBN), providing efficient
of the defined strategies, actions and
and effective services to investors, and
facilitating project development and
management. The 45th Board Meeting „ To estimate the resources required for
of IBN, chaired by the Rt. Hon. Prime the execution of the action plans; and
Minister, formed a Strategic Plan Formu- „ To Identify key risks and related mit-
lation Committee (SPFC), headed by IBN igation measures for effective imple-
mentation of the action plans.
2 BUSINESS PLAN FY 2021/22 - 2025/26

Figure 1: Strategic Planning Framework



Core Mission SPFC


Strategic Goals


Strategic Objectives

Desired Outcomes
Analysis and
and STF
Output Indicators

Strategies Feedback

Action Plan

Review and Learning



Action Plans

Implementation of the Strategies will be The Strategic Plan MEAL framework1

based on actions plans. The action plans provides the basis for measuring the
comprise strategies, actions, and activ- progress of the Strategic plan, how ef-
ities along with the output indicators fectively the objectives and targets set in
and desired outcomes. Yearly targets the plan are achieved, and the feedback
have also been set out for each activi- mechanism to incorporate learnings into
ty and output indicators have been set updates of the Strategic Plan and deci-
that reflect desired achievements, to be sion-making processes. Further, the per-
used for measuring performance of the formance of the entire office has been
strategies adopted, actions, and activi- strategically linked to the IBN Strategic
ties. The action plans will be elaborated Plan by integrating the strategy into per-
in the annual work or operational plans, formance indicators of the IBN staff at
developed by the respective units of both vertical and horizontal hierarchies.
The detailed action plans for each Stra-
tegic Pillar are provided below.

Refer IBN Strategic Plan for more information on Strategic Plan MEAL Framework.
4 BUSINESS PLAN FY 2021/22 - 2025/26

1. Project Development
and Management

Strategic Objective 1.1 Develop Bankable and Credible Projects

IBN Project Bank established and kept up-to-date with viable investment projects; investors attracted in projects prioritized
Desired Outcomes
and listed in IBN Project Bank.
Strategy 1.1.1 Establish IBN Project Bank

 KPI (Output
Action Activities FY FY FY
Indicators) Unit
2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Development of
project ideation framework

communication and collaboration with
Develop Project Idea Note (PIN) At least 75 PIN logged in
concerned Line Agencies, private sectors No. of PIN 20 20 15
for all identified PPP projects the IBNPBMIS
and relevant stakeholders for
creation of long list

Prepare PIN of long list of projects

Development of
Approved project
project selection, screening, ranking and No. of
selection, screening,
appraisal Framework/ 1    
ranking, and appraisal
Select, screen, rank, appraise framework and Guideline
framework & guidelines
and required tools, matrix and methodologies
prioritize PPP
At least 25 procurement
projects & carry out project Carry out procurement of pre-feasibility No. of
for pre-feasibility studies 7 3 5
studies study Procurement
carried out
At least 14 procurement
No. of
Carry out procurement of feasibility study for feasibility studies 2 3 3
carried out
A long list of at least 15
Identify brown field project with No. of brownfield
Brown field project 15    
preliminary information project identified
identified and developed
Update studies of Brown Field At least 7 Brownfield
Undertake the study of identified No. of Brown field
and other Projects projects study report 2 2 1
brownfield projects project study report
At least 10 project study
Update study of stalled projects No. of study 2 2 2
Development of
PIN template developed        
Develop project idea note for project ideation framework
private investment At least 25 PI
Prepare PIN of long list of projects No. of PIN prepared 5 5 5
projects in long list

Target Total Budget for Budget (Rs. in Million)

Success Measures
FY FY 5 years (Rs. in FY FY FY FY FY & Indicators
2024-25 2025-26 Million) 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26

At least 1 out of 3 from PIN projects in short

10 10 37.5 10 10 7.5 5 5
list for pre feasibility study

Operationalization of IBNPB guideline through


At least 1 project out of 3 from PIN will be

5 5 250 70 30 50 50 50
selected for pre feasibility study

At least 50% projects to be

3 3 420 60 90 90 90 90
included in IBNPBMIS

At 50% of those identified brown field

proceed for study

Development modality of the 7 brownfield

1 1 210 60 60 30 30 30
projects will proceed

Development modality of the updated study will

2 2 50 10 10 10 10 10
Operationalization of PIN template through

5 5 12.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 At 25 PI project PIN Developed

6 BUSINESS PLAN FY 2021/22 - 2025/26

 KPI (Output
Action Activities FY FY FY
Indicators) Unit
2021-22 2022-23 2023-24

Develop IBNPBMIS system      

Develop IBN Project Bank MIS IBNPBMIS
(IBNPBMIS) Integrate Project Bank with MIS and operationalized
Operationalization of IBNPBMIS

Standard checklist
Develop standard checklist for submission
developed for submission        
of the proposal
of the proposal

Develop standard procedures Improve standard framework of proposal Improved standard

for unsolicited proposals evaluation with reference to PPPIA, 2019 framework of proposal        
and PPPIR, 2020 evaluation

At least 20 Proposals No. of proposals

Submit evaluation report to the IBN Board 4 4 4
submitted to IBN Board submitted
Total Budget            

Strategic Objective 1.2 Strengthen Project Procurement Agreement and Award with Reference to PPPIA, 2019 and PPPIR, 2020
Desired Outcomes A fair, transparent and robust project procurement system that accords with national laws and international best practices
Strategy 1.2.1 Develop Standard Project Procurement and Award Manual and Standardize Implementation Agreement Templates
Action Activities FY FY
KPI (Output Indicators) Unit
2021-22 2022-23
Development of project study procurement Project study procurement
Number 1  
guidelines guidelines developed
Development of standard project study EOI & RFP templates
Standardize project study procurement documents such as EOI and RFP developed
procurement process Evaluation criteria and
Development of project study evaluation evaluation committee
mechanism (Technical Advisory Group)
Development of project procurement Approved Project
guidelines procurement guidelines
Develop standard project Standard project
procurement and award Development of standard procurement
procurement & award
procedures for project documents such as EOI and RFP with provision      
process document
solicitation based on PPPIA, of an online application (if required)
2019 and PPPIR, 2020
MoUs and survey license
Development of standard template for MoU,
standard templates      
survey license and others

Target Total Budget for Budget (Rs. in Million)

Success Measures
FY FY 5 years (Rs. in FY FY FY FY FY & Indicators
2024-25 2025-26 Million) 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26


            Projects showcased through IBNPBMIS


No. of proposal

At least 20
proposals evaluated

4 4 2.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 No. of decisions made by the Board


Total Budget Budget (Rs. in Million)

FY FY FY for 5 years FY FY FY FY FY Success Measures & Indicators
2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 (Rs. in Million) 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26


Project study procurement
5 5
template/guidelines developed




MoU and Survey License templates

8 BUSINESS PLAN FY 2021/22 - 2025/26

Action Activities FY FY
KPI (Output Indicators) Unit
2021-22 2022-23
Standardize PDA, PIA and  
PDA, PIA & other
Other concession agreement Develop standard agreement templates for  
concession agreement    
documents on the basis of PDA/PIA and other agreements
documents standardized  
PPPIA, 2019 and PPPIR 2020
At least 16 EOI notice No. of EoI notice
Call Expression Of Interest 2 2
published published
Short list of eligible applicants
Prepare a short list of eligible applicants      
submitted to Board
No of developers applied
PPP Project Call Request For Proposal (RFP) No. of developers 2 2
for RFP
Procurement (Solicited)
Evaluation of RFP No of RFP evaluated      
Developers selected for 16 No. of developers
Select Developer 2 2
projects selected

Sign MoU MoU signed for 16 projects No. of MoU signed 2 2

Unsolicited project screened No. of Unsolicited project

Screening and Evaluation of Proposal 3 3
PPP Project and evaluated evaluated
(Unsolicited) MoU signed for at least 10
Sign MoU No. of MoU signed 2 2
projects signed
PI Project proposals are No. of PI project proposal
Screening and Evaluation of Proposal 2 2
evaluated evaluated
Private Investment Project
MoU signed for at least 5 PI
Sign MoU No. of MoU singed 1 1
projects signed
Investment Approval (Solicited,
Table Agenda to the Board for Investment Investment Approval of at No.of Project Investment
Unsolicited, Private Investment 4 4
Approval least 20 projects Approval
and Direct Negotiation)
Prepare a draft PDA/ PIA
Share draft PDA/PIA
Initiate Negotiation
Initialize PDA/ PIA

Share the PDA/PIA document with relevant 15 PDA/ PIA signed within
Sign PDA/PIA government agency for feedback No. of PDA/PIA signed 3 3
5 years

Incorporate comments received on PDA/PIA

PDA/PIA to be approved from IBN board


Total Budget          

Total Budget Budget (Rs. in Million)

FY FY FY for 5 years FY FY FY FY FY Success Measures & Indicators
2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 (Rs. in Million) 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26

Standard PDA & PIA developed in

                  line with national and international
best practices

4 4 4


5 1 1 1 1 1 Procurement of Developer
4 4 4


4 4 4

16 projects proceeded for further

4 4 4 2.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

3 3 3 10 2 2 2 2 2  

10 projects proceeded for further

2 2 2 5 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 5 1 1 1 1 1  

5 projects proceeded for further

1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1

4 4 4              

3 3 3 375 75 75 75 75 75 No. of PDA/ PIA signed

10 BUSINESS PLAN FY 2021/22 - 2025/26

Strategic Objective 1.3 Effectively Facilitate and Monitor for Project Development and Implementation
Projects completed on predetermined time, within the contract budget/cost and to the specified quality standards; Projects deliver agreed
Desired Outcomes benefits and compliance with agreed terms and conditions and the extant regulatory environment; PPP projects are handed over to GoN in good
operating condition at the end of the concession period
Strategy 1.3.1 Strengthen Facilitation Services for project development & implementation

Action Activities KPI (Output FY FY FY
Indicators ) 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Facilitate investors for various approvals and activities
Effective facilitation
Develop effective facilitation through effective operationalization of One Stop Service        
mechanism established
mechanism for project (OSS) and Monitoring and Facilitation Committee
development & implementation Develop Project Coordination Committee (PCC) to
ww address local-level/community-level issues for effective PCC formed        
implementation of project.
Total Budget            

Strategy 1.3.2 Strengthen Project Monitoring Systems for Project Development and Implementation
Action Activities FY FY FY
KPI (Output Indicators) Unit
2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Strengthening of existing monitoring mechanism Effective operationalization of
(Project Review Panel, Project Monitoring Unit, etc.) PRP, PMU
Develop MEAL framework MEAL framework developed        
Strengthen and Develop Develop checklist for monitoring and evaluation of standarized checklist and
effective monitoring compliance against technical, social, environment, template for periodic reporting        
mechanism legal, etc. developed

Establish online monitoring tool (Dashboard) Operationalized dashboard        

Effective Develop M&E related publication materials No. of M&E related publication
communication and Share M & E information to relevant stakeholders materials developed and shared        
dissemination of MEAL periodically with relevant stakeholders

Total Budget            

Target Total Budget for Budget (Rs. in million)

Success Measures
FY FY 5 years FY FY FY FY FY & Indicators
2024-25 2025-26 (Rs. in Million) 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26

Automated facilitation activities

Improved Ease of Doing Business Index

Increased support for project stakeholders &

                management activites from project stakeholders
Timely completion of projects

Total Budget Budget (Rs. in million)

for 5 years
FY FY FY FY FY FY FY Success Measures & Indicators
(Rs. in
2024-25 2025-26 Million) 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26
No. of action taken on the basis of
recommendation by PRP and PMU.
          Effective M & E

3 1.5 1.5 Enhanced project monitoring system

Increased compliance rate

Use of web-based
          monitoring system
Generation of monitoring data and information
Strengthened communication and dissemination of
information related to monitoring activities
Support evidence-based decision making
Transparent flow of information
12 BUSINESS PLAN FY 2021/22 - 2025/26

PILLAR 2. Investment Promotion
Strategic Objective 2.1 REACH out to Investors
Nepal promoted and recognized as an “Attractive Investment Destination”.
IBN promoted and recognized as a “First Reference point for Investment in Nepal” and
Desired Outcomes
Identify strong “Leads” (High -Potential Investors)
Increased interest and investment in IBN Projects
Strategy 2.1.1 Position Nepal as a Preferred Investment Destination

KPI (Output
Action Activities FY FY FY
Indicators) Unit
2021-22 2022-23 2023-24

Conduct study for Identification of opportunities At least 3 study Report

Number of study 1   1
and advantages of investing in Nepal prepared

Development of Information, Communication

and Promotion (ICP) Materials like Investment
20 Publications of ICP
Guide, Sector Profile, Industry-specific brochure, Number of
Materials including A/V 4 4 4
Investment Opportunities Directory, Flyers, publication
(digital or hard copy)
Banners, Information Package, A/V etc.- (digital
or hard copy)
Build Nepal's Image through
promotional activities Organize road shows/promotional events
such as marathon, targeted interaction with
key business houses/business missions or Number of
14 Proceeding Reports of
participate in investment promotional events Proceeding 2 3 3
the Program
held in abroad to promote Nepal and priority Report
sectors like green investment in collaboration
with other relevant organizations/agencies
15 Interviews/ Number of
Publish adverts and interviews/articles in
articles and Adverts in interviews/ 3 3 3
international media
international media articles
Total budget            

Target Total Budget for Budget (Rs. in Million)

FY FY 5 years FY FY FY FY FY Success Measures & Indicators
2024-25 2025-26 (Rs. in Million) 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26
Identified comparative advantages of the
  1 3 1 1 1 priority sectors.
Identified sub sectors of priority sectors

Enhanced positive perception toward Nepal

4 4 10 2 2 2 2 2
as a competitive investment destination

3 3 25 5 5 5 5 5
Enhanced positive perception toward Nepal
as a competitive investment destination

Enhanced positive perception toward Nepal

3 3 25 5 5 5 5 5
as a competitive investment destination

14 BUSINESS PLAN FY 2021/22 - 2025/26

Strategy 2.1.2 Position IBN as A First Reference Point for Investment in Nepal
Action Activities KPI (Output Indicators) FY FY FY
Unit 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Create a slogan for IBN Unveiling of IBN slogan Number 1    
Inauguration of IBN Investor Lounge and Inauguration of the IBN premises Number of event 1    
Resource Center
Creation of "Invest in Nepal" Logo Unveiling of Logo of "Invest in Nepal" Number of event 1    
Organize a special program on IBN's 10th Year 10th Year Anniversary Celebration Number of event 1    
Organize 10K Marathon in Nepal Marathon Conducted Number of event 1 1 1
Launching of the fully functional and automated Number of
Automated OSS launched 1    
IBN "One Stop Service" event
Development of promotional flyers "Investment Promotional flyers launched Number 1    
in Nepal"
Launching of the IBN Investor Portal Functioning IBN Investor Portal Number 1    
Inauguration of "CEO's Club" CEO Club Established Number 1    
Publication of "Investment Opportunities Launching of "Investment Opportunities Number 1    
Directory" Directory"
Brand IBN in
national and Launching of IBN Mobile Application IBN Mobile Application Number 1    
international arena Publication of Postal Stamp and Souvenir Coin Number of
IBN Postal Stamp and Coin 1    
Organize IBN’s flagship event “Nepal Investment Organization of 2 Summits Number of event   1  
Summit” in every two years
Collaborate to organize province level summit Organize at least 5 province level summits Number of event 1 1 1
Collaborate with private sector organizations Organize at least 5 events in collaboration Number of event
(Chambers, Associations ,BFIs) to organize 1 1 1
with private sector umbrella organization
promotional events
Structured dissemination of news and 15 Interactions held with the media Number of 3 3 3
information and regular interaction with media persons/media houses interactions
Enhance digital marketing and increase use of Increased presence in digital marketing
social media like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn,        
YouTube, google+, etc.
Re-design the IBN website focusing on providing
information on incentive, demographic, Operation of redesigned OIBN website Number 1    
workforce, quality of life, target industries,
announcements, FAQs, newsletter, etc.
Total budget            

Target Total Budget for Budget (Rs. in Million)

FY FY 5 years FY 2 FY FY FY FY Success Measures & Indicators
2024-25 2025-26 (Rs. in Million) 021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26
    0.5 0.5         Enhanced perception of investors towards IBN as an
investor centric professional institution
    0.5 0.5        
    0.5 0.5         Identification as private face of the government

    7.5 7.5        
1 1 12.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
    0.3 0.3        

    0.2 0.2        

    0.3 0.3        
    1 1        
Enhances positive perception towards Nepal and IBN
    0.5 0.5        
Increased investment intent
    1 1        
    0.5 0.5        

1   100   50   50  

1 1 2.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

1 1 10 2 2 2 2 2

Increased awareness on the contributions/progress of IBN

3 3 13.5 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 and its projects to the Nepalese economy

    6 1 1.5 1 1.5 1 Greater interaction through digital platforms

Increase in views/engagements/queries in the website;

Increased awareness and knowledge on IBNs work;
    4.5 3.5 1 Increased access of resources on investment processes to
potential investors
16 BUSINESS PLAN FY 2021/22 - 2025/26

Strategy 2.1.3 Effectively Utilize Economic Diplomacy to Identify, Reach and Attract Investors
Action Activities KPI (Output Indicators) FY FY FY
2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Organize investment promotion events in
collaboration with Nepali diplomatic missions Number of
20 events organized 4 4 4
abroad and foreign missions in Nepal to promote event
investment in Nepal.
Organize targeted meetings and visits in
At least 10 records of Meetings/ Number of
coordination with diplomatic agencies, missions 2 2 2
interactions conducted meetings
and consulates
Effectively Mobilize Sovereign funds attracted for
Facilitate accessing sovereign funds to bring Number of
Nepalese Diplomatic sustainable and competitive 3 3 3
sustainable and competitive investments in Nepal missions
Missions and investments in Nepal
consulates through Sovereign funds attracted for
MoFA's Economic Facilitate accessing sovereign funds to bring
sustainable and competitive        
Diplomacy sustainable and competitive investments in Nepal
investments in Nepal
Set up regional investment desks to facilitate Number
At least three regional investment
investments in collaboration with Nepalese of desks   1  
desks established
embassies established
Liaise with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to
mobilize Nepalese missions for investment
List of potential investors Number 1 1 1
promotion as well as to create a list of "100
Potential Investors/Companies

Identify at least 5 top investors/companies from at contribution to the development Number of

  least 11 top FDI source countries in collaboration of a roster of at least 275 high top investors 55 55 55
with diplomatic agencies, missions and consulates value investors identified

Organize promotional
Organize at least one event in collaboration with Number of
events in collaboration At least 5 programs organized 1 1 1
NRNA and Nepalese diaspora event
with Nepalese diaspora
Total budget            

Strategy 2.1.4 Promote IBN Projects

Action Activities KPI (Output Indicators) FY FY FY
2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Prepare Project Fact-sheets Projects fact sheets prepared        
Market sounding of
projects in pipelines Organize event with targeted stakeholders such as BFIs, Number of
At least 10 events organized 2 2 2
developers, DFIs and Others event
Total budget            

Total Budget for Budget (Rs. in Million)

FY FY 5 years FY FY FY FY FY Success Measures & Indicators
2024-25 2025-26 (Rs. in Million) 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26

Investment lead generated

4 4 20 4 4 4 4 4
Increased investor’s response post-participation

2 2 10 2 2 2 2 2 Investment lead generated

Investment lead generated

3 3 2.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Increased investment transactions from source

    5 1 1 1 1 1 Increased Investment Intent

1 1 10 2 2 2 2 2 Investment for Nepal increased

1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1

Investment lead generated

55 55 5 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 20 4 4 4 4 4


Target Total Budget Budget (Rs. in Million)

FY FY for 5 years FY FY FY FY FY Success Measures & Indicators
2024-25 2025-26 (Rs. in Million) 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26
    2.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5  

2 2 2.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5  

18 BUSINESS PLAN FY 2021/22 - 2025/26

Strategic Objective 2.2 Retain Investors

Convert the strong leads into actual investments; Retains large-scale investors in the face of competition from other investment
Desired Outcomes
destinations;Investors Satisfied with investment promotion and facilitation services provided.
Strategy 2.2.1 Ensure Investors Satisfaction through Efficient Services and Facilitation
Action Activities KPI (Output Indicators) FY FY FY
2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Number of
Identify and develop investor/Company profile Creation of Company Profile 1    
Categorize investors/company as Strategic, Priority and
Valued investors
Strategic : Existing Investors who have received
approval from IBN board
Classification of investors        
Priority : Investors who have lodged application for
projects/shown commitment/strong intent.
Valued : Investors who have participated in investment
promotion events/visited OIBN
Listing of the FAQs in
Creation of Detailed Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)        
Strengthen Investor investor portal
Facilitation Services to Prompt and detailed response to Investors queries Time to respond queries        
Retain Investors
Assist and handhold the "Strategic Investors" and
"Priority Investors" in establishing business in Nepal Number of days required for
Accompany the "Strategic Investor" and "Priority investment approvals and
Investors" to the First-time Site Visit (FTSV) and/or licenses        
Follow-up Site Visit (FUSV)
Facilitate and coordinate "Strategic Investors" and
Investors participation in 10 Number of
"Priority Investors" participation in various events 2 2 2
networking events events
organized in Nepal for networking opportunity
Regular correspondence via Direct mail, telephone Record of correspondence/
to the "Valued Investors" listed in the IBN investors follow up with valued        
database investors
Total budget            

Target Total Budget for Budget (Rs. in Million)

FY FY 5 years FY FY FY FY FY Success Measures & Indicators
2024-25 2025-26 (Rs. in Million) 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26

    1 0.5 0.5

Increased Investment Intent

    1 0.5 0.5

    1 1 Satisfaction with information and inputs

    2 2

    1 1 Satisfaction with services provided for

consultation, investment potential/
opportunities information, and handholding
    1 1 services

2 2 1 1
Satisfaction with services provided for
facilitation and coordination, and regular
    2.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

20 BUSINESS PLAN FY 2021/22 - 2025/26

Strategic Objective 2.3 Regain Investor

Improving policies, laws, systems, regulations and administrative services on investment promotion;
Desired Outcomes Investors attracted due to clearly created competitive investment advantages.
Investors choose to further reinvest in Nepal.
Strategy 2.3.1 Policy Advocacy for Improvement of Investment Policies and Systems

KPI (Output
Action Activities FY FY FY
Indicators) Unit
2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Conduct study on review of investment related laws and
At least 15 policy
policies and various applied research (perception survey, Number of study 3 3 3
studies conducted
motivation survey, etc.)
Advocate on reforming investment climate related to
Create Conducive Policy advocacy
Government's regulatory framework such as sovereign credit        
Investment Climate to carried out
rating, hedging, VGF, blended finance, green financing
Regain Investor
Organize Interaction events with investors through CEO’s Proceedings of 15
No. of proceedings 3 3 3
Club CEO's club meetings
Proceedings of 10 PPD
Organize “Public-Private-Dialogue (PPD)” Forums No. of proceedings 2 2 2
forums' meetings
Conduct study on best practices related to green and At least 3 study
No. of study 1   1
climate-resilient infrastructure conducted
Promote Green
infrastructure policy Organize workshops/meetings on green and climate-
At least 5 workshops/
resilient infrastructure in collaboration with national and No. of workshops 1 1 1
meetings organized
international agencies
Lobby for signing BIPPA Conduct workshops and seminars to advocate for the signing
At least 5 workshops/ No. of workshops/
and DTAA with other of Bilateral Investment Protection and Promotion Agreement 1 1 1
seminars conducted seminars
countries (BIPPA) and Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA)
Total budget            

Target Total Budget for Budget (Rs. in Million)

FY FY 5 years FY FY FY FY FY Success Measures & Indicators
2024-25 2025-26 (Rs. in Million) 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26

Identification of the issues and challenges

3 3 15 3 3 3 3 3
limiting FDI

    2 1   1    
Number of Policies Amendments
3 3 5 1 1 1 1 1
Satisfaction of investors with investment
services and policy environment
2 2 5 1 1 1 1 1
Improved ease of doing business
  1 41 1 10 10 10 10
Global Competitiveness Index
1 1 50 10 10 10 10 10

1 1 3 1 1 1 Improved ease of doing business

22 BUSINESS PLAN FY 2021/22 - 2025/26

PILLAR 3. Institutional
Strategic Objective 3.1 Ensure Institutional Development and Sustainability of IBN
Desired Outcomes IBN developed as a result-oriented institution providing state-of-art services; IBN developed as a self-sustainable institution
Strategy 3.1.1 Develop IBN as a Result-oriented Institution and Ensure Institution Sustainability
Action Activities FY FY FY
KPI (Output Indicators) Unit
2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Carry out and review Human Resource need
At least 2 HR need assessment studies Number of
Develop and implement assessment in line with IBN Functions as well as 1    
conducted study
organization and global best practices
Management (O&M) Approval of OIBN Organization and Management Organizational structure in place as per
structure structure the endorsed document
Develop and maintain IBN roster of Experts IBN roster of Experts developed        
Identify all revenue streams for IBN All the sources being identifies and listed   1   1
Explore additional funds such as GCF and Green
Develop IBN Committee Formed        
Autonomous fund
IBN Fund Guideline Approved by IBN Number of
Develop IBN Fund Guideline/Regulation 1    
Board guideline
Develop Investors Database Management Investors Database Management System
Systems Developed
Develop Query Management System and
Query Management System Developed     1  
Feedback tool
Develop Web-based One Stop Service (OSS) Web-based OSS Developed   1    
Develop and Upgrade Knowledge Management Knowledge Management Portal
  1   1
Portal (KMP) developed
Develop and Upgrade IBN Project Bank
IBN PBMIS Developed and Upgraded   1   1
Management Information System (PBMIS)
Strengthen and Develop Develop Project Infrastructure Mapping System Procurement process for selecting the
IBN Management and (PIMS) (1st Phase) by developing Idea Note, external vendor will be completed
Information systems        
Concept Note, ToR, and preparation of legal and legal guidelines and user manual
guidelines and user manual. prepared
Develop Project Infrastructure Mapping System
(PIMS) (2nd Phase) by moving into automation PIMS in operation        
and providing necessary trainings
Web-based Project Monitoring System
Develop Web-based Project Monitoring System     1  
Develop and upgrade IBN Board Decision and IBN Board Decision and Implementation
Implementation Tracking system Tracking System Developed
Redesigning and upgradation of IBN Website IBN Website Rebranded and Redesigned        
Hardware requirement prepared        
Develop a 5-year purchase Plan for all required Relevant IT infrastructure in operation
Strengthen ICT infrastructure and its procurement according to the 5-year purchase plan and        
infrastructure and its procurement
application Procure project development and management
Project development and management
software (Economic analysis, solar projection,        
software procured
GIS, Autocad and others)

Target Total Budget for Budget (Rs. in Million)

FY FY Five years FY FY FY FY FY Success Measures & Indicators
2024-25 2025-26 (Rs. in Million) 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26

1   4.5 2.5     2   IBN O&M implemented;

Effective and efficient organizational structure;
Improved service delivery
    3 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Capacity of IBN enhanced
  1 1.5 1.5         Self-sustainable in generation and mobilization of required fund

    1 1         IBN Fund Operationalization

    1 1        

    1 1        

    7 7        
    2 2        

    1.5 1.5        

    4 4        

ICT Infrastructure strengthened with the latest technology;

    5.5   4 0.5 0.5 0.5 Improved service delivery

    2   0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

    2.5   1 0.5 0.5 0.5

    5.5 3.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

    14.6 10.6 1 1 1 1

    11 3 2 2 2 2
24 BUSINESS PLAN FY 2021/22 - 2025/26

Action Activities FY FY FY
KPI (Output Indicators) Unit
2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Land Ownership Document in OIBN's
Build OIBN Physical Take initiative for securing land for IBN Office        
Construct OIBN Building Final Design endorsed        
Prepare Hiring Policy guideline Hiring policy finalized and approved        
Prepare and implement
Prepare a framework and guidelines for Guidelines for performance appraisal
HRM plan in line with        
performance appraisal finalized and approved
developing IBN as a PPP
Center of Excellence Prepare a manual for gender friendly and green Gender Friendly workspace manual
workspace approved
Identify gaps in HR capacity in line with OIBN Capacity development activities being
functions identified and updated every year
Build HR Capacity
Conduct capacity enhancement training and Number of trainings and workshop
workshop conducted
Establishment of a library in the office and
Establish inhouse library and access to online
number of membership for online resources        
Foster Continuous learning resources
subscribed and renewed annually
learning environment
Relevant exposure visits (Domestic and Number of
Number of exposure visits per year 3 4 4
International) visit
Conduct team building initiatives (retreat events, Number of team building events Number of
Promote Team Building 2 2 2
workshops, etc.) conducted each year (2 events in a year) event
Total Budget            
*Budget for acquiring land is subjected to land provided by the Government

Strategic Objective 3.2 Establish IBN as a National PPP Center of Excellence

Desired Outcomes IBN developed as a PPP Center of Excellence
Strategy 3.2.1 Institutionalize PPP Center at IBN

Action Activities KPI (Output Indicators) FY FY
2021-22 2022-23
Develop Framework for PPP Form a Task Force to develop Framework for PPP Center of Report on framework of PPP
Center of Excellence Excellence and its institutionalization COE developed
Form a Task Force to provide recommendation on
developing National PPP policy framework Report on PPP policy revision
Provide recommendation to GoN on National PPP Policy      
Advocacy of PPP framework
and policy Sensitized on PPP framework
Advocacy of PPP framework and policy      
and policy
PPP concept and modalities
Promotion of PPP concept and its modalities      

Target Total Budget for Budget (Rs. in Million)

FY FY Five years FY FY FY FY FY Success Measures & Indicators
2024-25 2025-26 (Rs. in Million) 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26
    130 130*         OIBN building developed with corporate-like structure;
Enhanced IBN Brand image with modern amenities
    80 20 40 20  
    0.5   0.5      
Implementation of human resource plan
    0.5   0.5       Compensation package and TOR linked with Strategic Plan
Output Indicators
    0.5   0.5       Enhanced expert service

    1 0.5   0.5    

    20 4 4 4 4 4
Skilled human resource developed
    2.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

4 4 33 5 7 7 7 7

Enhanced service delivery

2 2 14 2 3 3 3 3
Employee satisfaction survey

Total Budget Budget (Rs. in Million)

FY FY FY for Five years FY FY FY FY FY Success Measures & Indicators
2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 (Rs. in Million) 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26

      0.5 0.5         Framework for PPP Center of Excellence Implemented

      1   1      

National PPP Policy framework developed; PPP
      3.5 0.5 1 1 1   Concept and its modalities promoted

      7.5 0.5 1 2 2 2
26 BUSINESS PLAN FY 2021/22 - 2025/26

Action Activities KPI (Output Indicators) FY FY
2021-22 2022-23
Develop guideline/directive/ manuals for Transaction Number of
At least 8 guideline/manual/
Advisory, PPP Procurement, Hedging, VGF, VfM, Swiss guideline/directives/    
Develop relevant directive developed
Challenge, Project Bank, Blended finance, and others procedures/manual
guidelines, manuals,
SOP for PPP development and
and directives, SOP and Develop SOPs for PPP development and management      
management developed
Develop PPP Sectoral Standards (Energy, Transport, PPP sectoral standards
Tourism, Urban Development, Agriculture, etc.) developed
Develop Standard Standard EOI, RFP, RFQ,
Develop standard EOI, RFP, RFQ, MoU, concession
Transaction Documents concession agreements      
agreements, contract documents, etc.
related to PPP developed
At least 50 research and study
Conduct research and study on PPP Number of study 10 10
carried out
Develop PPP Knowledge Generate, adopt and disseminate information on PPP best Best practices on PPP adopted
hub at IBN practices and shared
Organize, host and participate in international workshops/ At least 10 events organized or
Number of event 2 2
seminar/webinar on PPP participated

Map out capacity gaps in federal, province and local Number of capacity
governments building activities
Capacity building of
At least 14 capacity building
federal, province and local
Develop capacity development plans in collaboration with activities conducted.
governments on PPP      
federal, province and local government agencies
Conduct capacity building activities related to PPP project
  2 3
development and management

Provide support and Provide support for preparation, development and Federal government agencies
advisory service to federal structuring, appraisal and implementation of PPP projects supported in PPP project      
government agencies to federal government agencies development and management

Support province and local government agencies for

developing project bank
Provide support and Sub-national government
advisory service to province Support province and local government agencies on agencies provided with advisory      
and local governments developing legal and policy framework of PPP services
Support province and local government agencies on
institutionalizing PPP
Develop framework for PPP Database (national and
Develop PPP Database international) PPP Database developed
Develop and update PPP database      
Total Budget          

Total Budget Budget (Rs. in Million)

FY FY FY for Five years FY FY FY FY FY Success Measures & Indicators
2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 (Rs. in Million) 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26

      25 5 5 5 5 5

      2 1 1       Guidelines/ directives/manuals,, SOPs and standards

for PPP project development and management
      25   10 10 5   developed and operationalized

Pillar 1

10 10 10 40 8 8 8 8 8

Support in decision making and actions; PPP best

      4 0.5 0.5 1 1 1
practices adopted

2 2 2 7.5 0.5 1 2 2 2

      1.5 0.5 1      

Capacity of government agencies enhanced

      1   1      

3 3 3 14 2 3 3 3 3


      2.5 0.5 1 1    
Project Bank developed at sub-national level; PPP
      3   1 1 1   framework developed and institutionalized at sub-
national level

      1   1       PPP database developed and maintained; Investors

informed on PPP opportunities
      2.5   1 0.5 0.5 0.5
28 BUSINESS PLAN FY 2021/22 - 2025/26

4. Coordination, Collaboration,
and Partnership

Develop and Strengthen Relationship with Key Stakeholders for Undertaking Strategic Initiatives and Leveraging
Strategic Objective 4.1
Desired Outcomes Access to a wide range of resources; IBN outreach increased and recognized; joint initiatives with strategic stakeholders taken
Strategy 4.1.1 Establish and Strengthen Coordination, Collaboration and Partnership Mechanism with Strategic Stakeholders

Action Activities FY FY FY
KPI (Output Indicators) Unit
2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Develop a mapping Conduct a study to identify IBN's Strategic
of IBN's strategic Stakeholders and recommend areas for At least two studies conducted No. of Study 1    
stakeholders coordination, collaboration and partnership
Plan and conduct Investment Promotion programs With reference to Pillar 3,
and activities with MoFA, MOICS and others Investment Promotion
Coordinate and Collaborate with MOICS, NPC,
Projects identified and developed in
MOWERI, MoPIT, SEZA and IDML and others for
coordination and collaboration with        
project identification, project development and
relevant government agencies
Coordinate and Collaborate with NRB, MOF and
others on policy reforms (Sovereign rating, Hedging, Relevant policy initiatives taken        
Strengthen strategic blended finance, green finance, VGF, etc.)
working relation with
federal government Coordinate and Collaborate with relevant
agencies government agencies for approval and clearances
(Visa, land acquisition, environmental clearance, Efficient Service Delivery        
access road, transmission line, forest, repatriation
and others)
Coordinate and Collaborate with relevant federal
government agencies for study visits, trainings, At least 10 visits organized No. of visit 2 2 2
observation visits and others
Establish an inter-agency mechanism to facilitate The inter-agency mechanism
project development and implementation established
Organize a Visioning Workshop with the Provincial
Establish strategic working Chief Minister and Stakeholders / Mayors/ No. of
At least 5 workshops organized 1 1 1
relation with provincial workshop
Chairpersons to find out the shared vision
and local government
agencies MoUs signed with 7 Province
Sign MoU with Province governments No. of MoU 7    
At least 10 workshops and
Organize/participate workshops and interaction No. of
interaction programs organized/ 2 2 2
programs with apex bodies private sectors workshop
Strengthen relationships
Collaborate and engage with apex bodies of No. of engagements/initiatives with No. of
with the Private Sector and      
private sectors for Policy Reforms private sector for policy reforms engagements
apex bodies
Collaborate with BFIs and international lending Collaboration with BFIs and
No. of
agencies on (investment promotion, project international lending agencies      
financing, project development and others) increased

Target Total Budget for Budget (Rs. in Million)

FY FY 5 years FY FY FY FY FY Success Measures & Indicators
2024-25 2025-26 (Rs. in Million) 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26

IBN relationship with strategic stakeholders

1   1 0.5 0.5

    Quality investment in Nepal increased

Robust project pipeline developed and projects

    2.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
are efficiently implemented

    2.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Improved business climate

    1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Expedited service delivery

2 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 Capacity Enhanced

    2.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Project implementation expedited

1 1 4 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8

IBN relationship with province and local
government established
    2 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

2 2 2.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Enhanced information sharing;

Increased capitalization of resources from
private sector
    2.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

Interest from international lending agencies

and BFIs on IBN projects increased
30 BUSINESS PLAN FY 2021/22 - 2025/26

Action Activities FY FY FY
KPI (Output Indicators) Unit
2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Nominate Investment Recommend to the government of Nepal for
Investment Ambassadors in major
Ambassadors in major nominating appropriate investment ambassadors        
FDI-source countries nominated
FDI-source countries in major FD-source countries
Reach out to international media platforms such
IBN reach out to international
  as CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, Forbes, Bloomberg, CNBC, No. of event 1 1 1
media platforms established
DW, CGTN and others
At least 15 workshops/briefings
Organize workshops/briefings and programs with No. of
Establish and Strengthen and programs with media and apex 3 3 3
media and apex bodies of media workshop
relationship with national bodies of media organized
and international media At least 10 visits and trainings for
Organize visits and trainings to media persons No. of visit 2 2 2
media persons organized
Identify areas of collaboration with development
Areas of IBN collaboration with DPs
Enhance strategic partners including bi-lateral and multi-lateral        
relationship with agencies
development partners Develop and organize common interaction At least 5 common interactions No. of
1 1 1
platform of development partners organized interaction
Establish and Strengthen Areas of IBN collaboration with
Identify areas of collaboration and partnership
IBN Collaboration and research institutions and thinktanks        
with research institutions and policy thinktanks
Partnership with research identified
institutions and policy Sign MoU with relevant research institutions and MoUs signed with at least 5
thinktanks No. of MoU 1 1 1
Policy thinktanks research institutions and thinktanks
MoUs signed with relevant IPAs and
Establish and Strengthen Sign MoU with relevant IPAs and PPP Agencies No. of MoU   1  
PPP Agencies
IBN Collaboration
Obtain membership of international IPA and PPP At least Membership with WAIPA
and Partnership with        
agencies and WAPPP obtained
international IPA and PPP
Agencies Follow up/update previous MoUs with MoUs with international IPAs
international IPAs updated
Strengthen OIBN No. of
Prepare communication policy for OIBN Communication Policy Document 1    
communication document
Mapping of stakeholders and engage with local
18 visits No. of visit 2 4 4
communities for IBN Projects
Interact and facilitate with relevant stakeholders
Coordinate and
on activities such as public hearing, financial At least 50 interaction and
Collaborate with IBN No. of event 10 10 10
awareness, project monitoring, project updates, facilitation events organized
Project Stakeholders
project implementation and others
Coordinate meetings and visits (project stakeholders,
24 visits No. of visit 3 3 6
media and government authorities)
Total Budget            

Target Total Budget for Budget (Rs. in Million)

FY FY 5 years FY FY FY FY FY Success Measures & Indicators
2024-25 2025-26 (Rs. in Million) 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26

    Nepal's investment climate promoted

1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 Nepal's investment image promoted

3 3 1.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 IBN relationship with media strengthened

knowledge of media persons regarding IBN

2 2 2.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
and its activities enhanced

Extended support for institutional

development and investment promotion

1 1 IBN relationship with DPs strengthened

    IBN R&D strengthened

1 1 Evidence-based decision-making enhanced

IBN relationship with relevant IPAs and PPP

Agencies established
Learnings on investment promotion, PPP and
others between the agencies shared.
IBN relationship with international IPAs

    Implementation of communication policy

Proper identification of stakeholder influence

4 4 3.6 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
and interest in projects

10 10 10 2 2 2 2 2 Project bottlenecks resolved

Better compliance on social and environmental

6 6 4.8 0.6 0.6 1.2 1.2 1.2
provisions as per PDA
32 BUSINESS PLAN FY 2021/22 - 2025/26


Resource Estimation
and Mobilization

A total of Rs. 2.38 billion is estimated to „ Negotiation fees from project devel-
be required over the next five years to fi- opers
nance the activities of the Strategic Plan. „ Development Partner Support
„ Royalties from projects, managed by
IBN recognizes that successful imple-
mentation of Strategic Plan depends on
a number of factors, which have been To implement the strategies and actions
well defined to facilitate smooth imple- identified for the planned period, the fol-
mentation of the Plan. Implementation lowing arrangements have been made.
is also anchored on the government’s
financial year system, as resource alloca- „ Funds required for implementation of
tion from government is vital for effec- Strategic Plan will be sourced inter-
tive implementation. nally and externally.
„ Internal sources of funds are service
The Business Plan recognizes the role of charges and fees from investors.
coordination, collaboration, and partner-
ships as valuable aspects for successful „ Amount received from Government
implementation of the Strategic Plan. of Nepal (GoN).
„ Financial support received as assis-
The IBN expects to raise resources from: tance, grant or donation from foreign
governments or development part-
„ Government support ners on approval from the Govern-
ment of Nepal.
„ Facilitation Fees from investors

Table 2: Financial Requirements for Strategic Plan

Strategic Pillar Estimated Amount Required (Rs. in Million)

Project Development and Management 1399.5
Investment Promotion 438.8
Institutional Development 491.1
Coordination, Collaboration and Partnership 52.9
Total 2382.3 (2.38 billion)


and Organization

4.1 Organizational garding PPP and private investment in

Nepal including FDI. The existing organ-
Structure of OIBN
izational structure clearly shows that all
The existing organizational structure at
the tasks to be performed by OIBN have
OIBN has two wings - the administrative
not been addressed. Among them, PPP,
division and the technical and foreign
private investment, and one-stop-service
coordination division - to carry out the
centers have not been properly defined
statutory functions defined in the PPPIA
in the organizational structure. The limit-
2019. OIBN is headed by the CEO. The
ed number of core staff seconded from
Figure 2 and Figure 3 describe the ex-
GoN and embedded consultants is not
isting organizational structure and the
sufficient to manage the increased work-
provisions of human resources of OIBN.
load in sustainable terms. Thus, there is
an urgent need to conduct human re-
The PPPIA 2019 has provided O/IBN
source needs assessment and develop
with broad roles and responsibilities re-

Figure 2: Organizational Structure and Provisions of Human Resource of OIBN (as of July 2021)

Chief Executive Officer

Technical & Foreign

Administration Division
Coordination Division

Administration & Technical & Foreign

Investment Promotion Coordination Department

Administration & External Affairs,

Investment Communication & Accounts Legal Hydro & Foreign
Environment Civil Engineering
Promotion Unit Policy Advocacy Coordination
34 BUSINESS PLAN FY 2021/22 - 2025/26

Figure 3: Full time Embedded Consulting Staff (Supported by Foreign, Common-

wealth and Development Office (FCDO), Government of UK)

30 plus consultants with varied skill sets and experiences

1. Stakeholder Engagement and Policy Advocacy
2. Investment Promotion, Private Investment and Partnerships
3. Energy Project Development and Management
4. Non-Energy Project Development and Management
5. Social and Environment
Operations and Admin (Logistics Support)

a human resource plan to achieve IBN’s ture (ii) the growth anticipated in its
strategic goals and perform mandates as activities in line with the Strategic Plan,
per the Act. The organizational structure and (iii) provisions of PPPIA 2019. OIBN
and the human resource requirement of needs altogether a new organizational
OIBN shall be decided by the GoN. structure. A human resource require-
ment study in line with the Plan has been
The human resource gap needs to be recommended to achieve the vision, mis-
analyzed also by keeping in view (i) the sion and goals set.
gaps in its existing organizational struc-


Key Risks, Mitigation

Measures and Assumptions

their severity (impact) and likelihood (oc-

5.1 Key Risks and
currence) as high, medium and low.
Mitigation Measures
The Strategic Plan and Business Plan
have identified certain assumptions, risks 5.2 Key Assumptions
and their mitigation measures while exe- The following key assumptions have been
cuting the strategies, adopted in the four considered for the execution of the Busi-
respective strategic Pillars. The identifica- ness Plan.
tion and management of risks is the key
toward realization of IBN goals. IBN shall „ Conducive business environment to
keep on monitoring and evaluating how garner investment will be accelerated.
these risks and assumptions manifest at „ Institutional capacity of IBN increases
operational levels of the plans during their for realizing its targets with consider-
implementation. IBN shall adopt neces- able support from relevant agencies.
sary mitigation measures to ensure that
„ IBN is established as a PPP CoE.
the identified risks do not affect the re-
alization of IBN vision, mission and goals. „ Legal and procedural reforms to ad-
The key risks identified for each Strategic dress investment bottlenecks are un-
Pillar are presented in the tables below. dertaken during the Plan period.
The level of risks is classified in terms of „ IBN receives continuous support from
development partners, private sector.

Pillar 1: Project Development and Management

Potential Risks Severity Likelihood Mitigation Measures

Effective coordination with relevant agencies for data/information sharing
Limited availability of data/
Development of IBN PBMIS for data/ information capturing and analysis and Knowledge
information required for project H M
Management Portal for data management
development and management
Development of PPP database.

Challenges in implementation of Institutional capacity enhancement

IBN project bank framework Development and operationalization of IBN project bank guidelines

Develop standard project procurement and award manual and standardize implementation
Possible delays in project
H L agreement templates in line with PPPIA 2019
Development of SOPs
36 BUSINESS PLAN FY 2021/22 - 2025/26

Potential Risks Severity Likelihood Mitigation Measures

Best project planning and project structuring

Project Implementation Strengthen Project Coordination mechanism
Challenges Study and adoption of best PPP practices
Strengthen project monitoring systems for project development and implementation

Gaps in legal and regulatory

H M Identify and recommend for harmonization of policy, Acts and regulations
Capacity for managing complex
H M Institutional capacity enhancement
and mega projects
Coordination challenges among
H M Strengthening coordination and cooperation mechanism among the relevant agencies
relevant agencies
Capacity of sub national
H M IBN engaging with sub national government agencies for the latter's capacity enhancement
government agencies

Pillar 2: Investment Promotion

Potential Risks Severity Likelihood Mitigation Measures

Prolonged COVID-19 Pandemic Situation H H Adoption of digital platforms
Coordination challenges with diplomatic missions H L Adoption of economic diplomacy
Challenges to Retain and Regain investors H M Adoption of 3R approach

Pillar 3: Institutional Development

Potential Risks Severity Likelihood Mitigation Measures

Challenges in implementation of IBN systems (IBN Development of necessary infrastructure
PBMIS, KMP, PIMS, OSS) Capacity development for the execution of the systems
Challenges on IBN independent fund management H L Operationalization of IBN autonomous Fund and secure revenue streams
Challenges on IBN HR autonomy H M Development of IBN O&M in line with PPPIA, 2019, and global best practices
Challenges on required capacity to develop IBN as a Development and implementation of PPP CoE framework
PPP CoE Adopt global best PPP practices

Pillar 4: Coordination, Collaboration and Partnership

Potential Risks Severity Likelihood Mitigation Measures
Devise a robust mechanism for constant coordination and collaboration
Challenges on garnering timely support from
H M Timely dissemination of information to the relevant stakeholders on IBN initiatives
relevant stakeholders
Accelerate engagement with relevant stakeholders
38 BUSINESS PLAN FY 2021/22 - 2025/26


CORE VALUES: Define what the IBN be- STRATEGY: Plan of action to achieve
lieves in and how the staff of the OIBN IBN’s strategic objectives and goals.
are expected to behave with relevant Strategies express a cause-and-effect
stakeholders. relationship between the desired and the
existing state.
DESIRED OUTCOME: The intermediate
results that strategies aim to attain in re- STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES: Support
alizing the set strategic objectives. goals and reflect more focused policy
or operational areas where IBN plans to
GOAL: The purpose-driven, forward-fo- make significant improvements.
cused, and long-term measurable ob-
jective indicative of its long-term vision STRATEGIC PILLARS: The activities and
and providing a basis for measuring the initiatives that direct the organization to
performance of IBN during the Strategic achieve its long-term goals. Strategies
Plan period. are devised around the Strategic Pillars.

MISSION: The purpose why IBN exists STRATEGIC PLAN: A road map that de-
and provides a strategic direction on scribes the overall direction of the IBN,
how the organization shall serve to at- as well as how the IBN achieves its Stra-
tain the vision. tegic Goals and Objectives.

OUTPUT INDICATOR: The immediate VISION: A clear picture that IBN strives
results that strategies aim to deliver as to achieve in the distant future, i.e., dur-
a basis for measurement of success that ing the Strategic Plan period.
the planned activities intend to create.
40 BUSINESS PLAN FY 2021/22 - 2025/26


ICC Complex, New Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone: 977-1-4475277, 977-1-4475278
Fax: 977-1-4475281

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