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● Onion - It is an agricultural product which became trending ● Humans studying humans

because of its hyperinflation that causes its price to rise up to ● Promotes a holistic study of humans
300 pesos per kilo. ● Studies human as both biological and social creatures
● Raffy Tulfo - He is the senator who speak up and make a ● Includes Research time frame which ranges from the
stand recently about the plight of agricultural lands evolution of humans specie to our current development.
converted into residential lands or subdivision in our country. ● It also studies humans from various ethnic groupings and
● Maharlika Wealth Fund - This is the proposed sovereign geographic locations.
wealth fund which became controversial because it will be
sourced from financial institutions controlled by the 5 SUBDISCIPLINES OF ANTHROPOLOGY
government such as GSIS and SSS. ● Archaeology - Examines the remains of ancient and
● Qatar - The asian country where FIFA World Cup 2022 is historical human populations to promote an understanding
currently held. of how humans have adapted to their environment and
● 8.0% - The inflation rate reported in our country this month of developed.
November. ● Cultural Anthropology - Promotes the study of a society’s
culture through their belief systems, practices and
ANTHROPOLOGY possessions.
● From two Greek words - Antropos (Human) | Logos (Study) ● Linguistic Anthropology - Examines the language of group
● “The study of people—their origins, their development, and of people and its relation to their culture
contemporary variations, wherever and whenever they have ● Physical Anthropology - Looks into the biological
been found on the face of the earth” (Ember, Ember, and development of humans and their contemporary variation.
Peregrine, 2010) ● Applied Anthropology - Attempts to solve contemporary
● Claude Levi-Strauss - Famous Anthropologist. problems through the application of theories and
● Henry Otley Beyer - Father of Philippine Anthropology. approaches of the discipline.
between societies, culture can be modified to
● Is everything that a person learns as a member of a society. accommodate desirable traits from other
● “that complex whole which encompasses belief, practices, cultures.
values, attitudes, laws, norms, artifacts, symbols, knowledge
and everything that a person learns and shares as a ● DECULTURATION- when the culture of the
older generation comes into conflict with the
member of a society” (Tylor, 2010)
needs and realities of the younger generation,
the reason for the culture has been lost and
CHARACTERISTICS OF CULTURE even the cultural trait itself is in the process of
being forgotten.
CULTURE IS ● It is what a person has, does and thinks as
EVERYTHING part of society.
CULTURE IS The set of behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs that a
● This implies all of a person’s belief system, set
SHARED person possesses is part of greater collection of
of behaviors and material possesions.
values and ideas that is communally owned and
practiced by members of society.
● Material Culture:includes all the tangible and
visible parts of culture, which include clothes, CULTURE ● Humans are born into cultures that have
food and even buildings. AFFECTS values on beauty and body.
● Non-Material Culture: includes all the BIOLOGY ● As such, they alter their bodies to fit into the
intangible parts of culture, which consist of physiological norms that are dictated by
values, ideas and knowledge. culture.

CULTURE IS ● Culture is a set of beliefs, attitudes and

LEARNED practices that an individual learns through his CULTURE IS Culture is a tool for survival that humans use in
or her family, school, church and other social ADAPTIVE response to the pressures of their environment.
● ENCULTURATION- process of learning your on CULTURE IS Can also cause problems for the people who
culture. MALADAPTIVE subscribe to it. These problems arise when the
● ACCULTURATION- due to constant interaction environment has changed and culture has
remained the same. organism with all of the parts
CULTURE ● The final characteristic of culture is that it is ● Existing institutional structures of any
CHANGES never static. society are thought to perform
● This dynamism of culture is due to the indispensable functions, without which
changing needs of humans as they interpret the society could not continue.
and survive in their environment.
● As such, culture is continuously reinvented by NEO-EVOLUTIONIS Culture is said to be shaped by environmental
people. M and technological conditions. Cultures evolve
when people are able to increase the amount
● Mahatma Gandhi - A nation’s culture resides in the hearts of energy under their control.
and in the soul of its people.
MATERIALISM Culture is the product of the “ material
THEORIES IN CULTURE conditions” in which a given community of
people finds itself.

CULTURAL All cultures undergo the same development

EVOLUTIONISM stages in the same order. The main
classifications include savagery, barbarism HISTORY OF SOCIOLOGY
and civilization. ● Sociology - The study of society
● The term sociology was first coined by Auguste Comte in
DIFFUSIONISM All societies change as a result of cultural 1830
borrowing from one another.
● from, Greek word socius “ companion and logy “ study “

HISTORICISM Each culture is unique and must be studied in ● 1847, Karl Marx contribute conflict theory in studying
its own context Sociology
● Herbert Spencer - likened society to an organism and used
PHYSICAL Personality is largely seen to be the result of
the phrase “survival of the fittest”
ANTHROPOLOGY learning culture

FUNCTIONALISM ● Society is thought to be like a biological

● Emile Durkheim - is the first French sociologist, he put the
idea that individuals are more the products rather that the
creator of society; Auguste Comte Society as an organism possessing a harmony of
structure and function.
● Durkheim - published his book “ Suicide” proved that social
forces strongly impact on people’s lives. Emile Durkheim Society as reality in its own right. Collective
● Max Weber - introduced interpretative sociology, He believed consciousness is of key importance to society,
in “Verstehen” of the mind of others”. which society cannot survive without.

Talcott Parsons Society is a total complex of human relationships

INTERPRETATIVE SOCIOLOGY in so far as they grow out of the action.
● The study of society that focuses on the meanings people
George Herbert Society is an exchange of gestures that involves
attach to their social world.
Mead the use of symbols.
● In 1959 C. Wright Mills coined the phrase “Sociological
Imagination” Morris Ginsberg Society as collection of individuals united by
certain relations or mode of behaviour that
marks individuals off from others who do not
enter into these
The process of detaching oneself from the common understanding
relations or who differ from them in behaviour.
of society and creates an alternative approach that would situate a
behaviour or an event within a great social framework. George Douglas Cole Society as the complex of organized associations
and institutions with a community.

SOCIOLOGICAL CONCEPTS Robert Maclver and Society as a system of usages and procedures of
● Society - can be defined as a product of human interactions Charles Page authority and mutual aid of
as humans subscribe to the rules of their culture. many groupings and divisions, of controls of
human behaviour and liberties.
● (requires qualitative methods in
● Social Change and Disorganization - Branch of sociology gathering of data such as interviews,
that inquires on the shift in social organization and cultural participant-observations and other
interactions and the interruptions of its process through tools of ethnography)
deliquency, deviance and conflicts.
● Human Ecology - Pursues studies that relate human THEORIES ON SUICIDE
behavior to existing social institutions. The work on SUICIDE by Durkheim (1951)
● Demography - Inquires on interrelationship between ● Altruistic Suicide (strong ties) - The sacrifice of one's life in
population characteristics and dynamics with that of a order to save or benefit others, for the good of the group, or
political, economic and social systems to preserve the traditions and honor of a society.
● Applied Sociology - Uses sociological research and methods ● Egoistic Suicide (Weak ties) - Committed by individuals who
to solve contemporary problems. It often uses and are social outcast | unable to find their own place in society
interdisciplinary approach to better address social problems. and have problems adjusting to groups.
● Anomic Suicide (No Rules) - Involving the perception that
METHODS IN SOCIOLOGY one's relationship to society has changed so radically that its

POSITIVIST ORIENTATION ● Perceives society as a quantifiable values and norms are no longer personally relevant.
subject from which objective ● Fatalistic Suicide (Many Rules) - Occurs when individuals
conclusions can be made. are kept under tight regulation | placed under extreme rules
● (statistical analysis, quantitatives or high expectations are set upon them.
methods such as surveys)
● This type of orientation allows for a
The work on SUICIDE by Pearson and Lui (2011)
macro-level of analysis of society.
● It presents the suicide of a village woman in China named
ANTI - POSITIVIST ● Promotes a subjective approach Ling.
ORIENTATION wherein social phenomena are ● Using ethnographic process, Pearson and Lui concluded that
understood through individual
the typical Western orientation toward suicide, which focus
on depression and other mental health-related factors, are
not in the same operation among rural Chinese women as ● Labeling Theory - actions are initially not consider deviant
their suicide act is triggerred by social and economic until they labelled as such by members of the community |
structural conditions. Primary Deviance: age and intensity | Secondary Deviance:
Labelled by society at deviant)
● Socialization - Refers to the process by which an individual is
oriented and taught by his or her society’s norms. ● Structural - Functionalist Theory - this theory proposes two
● Social Identity - is a persons notions of who he or she is in perspective in the formation of deviant behaviour. | Macro
society ( includes the roles and status that he performs in Level: Deviance is a product of the breakdown of social
society) norms which produces “Anomie” or social organization. |
● Deviance - refers to rule-breaking behaviour of some kind Micro Level: deviance product of the role strain that an
which fails to conform to the norms and expectations of a individual experiences due to lack of resources to cope with
particular society or social group. Deviance is closely related the demands of social norms.
to the concept of crime, which is law breaking behaviour.
THEORIES THAT EXPLAIN THE EXISTENCE OF DEVIANTS ● Cultural Goals - consist of values that are important for the
● Social Control Theory - Deviance is primarily caused by a society
lack in stronger social bonds within a society. As an individual ● Institutional Means - Are the process that have been
feels less attached to his or her society, there is a higher established through social such as the government, school,
change for him or her to deviate from social norms church, and even family
● Rational Choice Theory -The individual’s decision to follow or ● Conformist - individuals who accept their society’s cultural
to go against social norms is dependent on their perceived goals and that of the process to accomplished
cost and benefits of such action. ● Innovators - Those who accept the goal but not the process
● Differential Association Theory - Conformity or deviance is ● Ritualism - Individual who reject the goal but not the process
learned by an individual from those he or she associates ● Retreatism - Individual who reject both the goals and the
with. process
● Rebellion - redefined the goals and processes in a society in
the form of rebellion

● Primary Identity - consists of the roles and statuses that an
individual learns as a child ( sex, age, and ethnicity)
● Secondary Identity - as a child gets enculturated and
socialized with his or her society's’ norm ( roles and statuses
that are achieved such as occupation, educational
background, economic status and gender)

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