Shrutika Demo

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Class:-F.Y.BBA IB

Roll No:- 036

Subject:-Business Demography .

Project Title:-Demography survey

Project guide:-Kirti Bora (madam)


 To achieve knowledge about the

Size,composition, organization and distribution
of the population.
 To describe the past evolution present
distribution and future changes in the
population of an area.
 To enquire the trends of population and its
relationships with the different aspects of
social organization in area.
 Toprotect the future demographic evaluation
and its probable consequences.
What is demography
 Introduction:-Demography is the study of the
Size,composition, and geographic distributionof
human population and how the population
changes due to fertility, mortality, migration.
 Meaning:-Tha study of statistics Such as
birth ,death, income or the incidence of
disease, which illustrate the changing structure
of human population.
 Definition:-Demography is the statistical study
of population, especially human beings.
Demographic analysis examines and measure
the dimensions and dynamics of population.
Sample of questions:
 1.Name:-
 2.Age:-
 3.No of person in family:-
 4.Childrens:5.Marital
Status:6.Employment statues:-
 of birth :8.Annual income:-……… -
Charts (20response)
 1.Are you migrant 2.Education
3.Facilities provided by government 4. Annual income
Analysis & interpretation

Demography information allows you to better understand

certain background characteristics of an audience whether its
age , race, ethnicity , income, work situation , material status , etc .
By asking demographic questions in surveys , you can gather
demographic information about current and potential customers
at scale and in turn help you design a market segmentation
strategy to reach the right clients .

Demography is often viewed as applied science . The collected and processed data on the
population are widely used both among public entities (E.g. National , Regional , and local
Administration ) and private sectors ( E.g. commercial companies as well as non profit and non
governmental organizations) It is difficult to imagine modern management of for example : Health
care , Education and transport without knowledge of the population structure or making investment
decisions without knowing the specifics of the local labour .

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