Study Guide Questions Parts 6 and 7

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Name: __________________________________ Date:____________ Hour: __________________

The Book Thief

Parts 6 & 7 Discussion Questions
Note: No Socratic Seminar between now and your next quiz,
so be sure to complete these to prepare you for the quiz.

1. How did Death characterize the year 1942?

2. Why did Max wait so long to reveal his illness to the family?

3. What did Liesel hope to accomplish by bringing presents to the unconscious Max?

4. Why did Liesel deliberately injure her leg while playing outdoors?

5. Why did Death say the sky was “the color of Jews”? How did Death respond to the mass
destruction of human lives?

6. Why do you think Liesel was able to enter the mayor’s house with ease and rob books each
Name: __________________________________ Date:____________ Hour: __________________

7. How did Liesel’s dream about her brother and Max mirror the conflicts in her own life?

8. Why did Liesel conclude that she was a criminal even though Ilse Hermann gave her
permission to steal books?

9. Why didn’t Death feel sympathy for the Germans who hid in their basements during the air

10. Why was Hans Hubermann gilt-ridden days after the incident at the march?

11. Why do you suppose Rudy got himself disqualified from the final race of the day and then left
his medals behind?

12. Why do you think the author placed the parade of Jews on their way to Dachau in the unfolding
story of The Book Thief and why might Death have agreed with Hands Hubermann that his act
of compassion was “stupid”?
Name: __________________________________ Date:____________ Hour: __________________

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