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Traditional methods of language teaching test

Esmeralda Moreno López

Mastery degree in English Teaching, IEXPRO University

NRC: MEI11101: Introduction to Applied Linguistic

Professor: Marcela Cardoza Pérez

December 18th, 2022


Instructions: read, analyze, and answer the following questions, according to the recent

methods read in the chapter 3 of “Methodological Approaches”.

Total Physical Response (TPR)

1. According to Asher (1929) and the influence of brain lateralization on language

functions, why is it suggested that right-hemisphere activities must occur before

the left hemisphere?

A= As the left hemisphere watches and then learns, there must be previous activities

that stimulate the right hemisphere, so left hemisphere is able to process language for

production, and as a result, it is triggered to produce oral response.

2. What are the learner and teacher’s roles in this method?

A= Universidad IEXPRO (n.d.) affirms that “learners had little influence over the course,

however, they could monitor and evaluate their own progress. The teacher played an

active and direct role; they were encouraged to be well prepared and well organized”

(p. 53).

3. Mention an activity you have applied in your class that is related to the Total

Physical Response (TPR) method and eventually leads to an oral response.

A= Every two weeks, students are given a list of twelve words which are going to be

worked on during the new lesson. The teacher provides the meaning and pronunciation

of each word, and subsequently, students pass to the front one by one. The student

chooses a word from the lesson and acts it out. The rest of the class should guess the

word. This way, students start to familiarize with the vocabulary and take it to speech.

Silent Way Learning (SWL)

4. What are the objectives of this method and where does this lead to?

A= Students start with basic elements, that is, practical exercises of grammar knowledge

of the language, therefore, the learners are provided specific language needed during

the lesson. Finally, this leads learners to foster a self-correction of their learning process.

5. What are the learner and teacher’s roles?

A= According to Universidad IEXPRO (n.d.), the teacher is responsable for the creation

of a classroom environment that facilitates learning. On the other hand, learners are

expected to develop independence, autonomy, and responsibility.

6. With your own words, explain the effectiveness of the Silent Way Learning (SWL)


A= During the process of learning, students learn to interact with each other, thus

an environment of trust begins to emerge. Learners correct the errors themselves, and

after that, the teacher comes up with the help they need. This gives learners a feedback,

so they are motivated to keep doing their best. Independence, autonomy, and

responsibility appear at the moment that learners start to work by their own and to help

each other.

Community Language Learning

7. What is the major goal of this method?

A= According to Universidad IEXPRO (n.d.), the major goal is to achieve linguistic or

communicative competence in social situations.

8. What are the elements needed for complementary tasks or activities?

A= Group work, analysis, listening, and free conversation.


9. What are the learner and teacher’s roles?

A= It is important to take into account that

The role of the learner also implies giving support to fellow learners and acting as

counsellors for the other learners… The role of the teacher changes gradually

from being very supportive to intervening less and less. The teacher must

operate without conventional materials, depending on student topic to shape and

motivate the class. (Universidad IEXPO, n.d., pp. 61-62)

Suggestology or Suggestopedia

10. According to Lozanov (1926), what are the factors that constrain learning rather

than one’s native intelligence?

A= Fear of incompetence or mistakes, and apprehension regarding the new and


11. What are the learner and teacher’s role in this method?

A= Both roles, learner and teacher are highly important, since

Learners must forgo mind-altering substances and other distractions and

immerse themselves in the procedures of the method… The primary role of the

teacher is to create situations in which the learner is more suggestible and then

to present linguistic material in a way most likely to encourage positive reception

and retention by the learner. (Universidad IEXPRO, n.d., p. 65)

12. Do you find this method efficient? Justify your answer.

A= Yes, I do. I have always believed that teaching and learning process is

constantly changing. This method goes a little hand in hand with the Total Physical

Response (TPR) method, insomuch as it could possibly stimulate the right hemisphere

of the brain, due to the class environment settings this method suggests: soft carpets,

pleasant colors, music, painting… All of this brings a release of anxiety, tension, and

stress, and subsequently leads to a level of concentration that will take learners to a

commitment to the class.

The Natural Approach

13. Which are the five famous hypotheses the Natural Approach is based on?

A= The Acquisition/ Learning, the Monitor, the Natural Order, the Input, and the Affective

Filter are the five famous hypotheses of Krashen’s Monitor Theory.

14. What are the learner and teacher’s role in this method?

A= Learners should provide information about their specific goals and decide with the

teacher the relative amount of time to be devoted to learning exercises. The teacher was

the primary source of comprehension input in the target language; they need to create

an interesting and friendly classroom atmosphere.

15. What are the advantages of the Natural Approach?

A= Comprehensible and meaningful communication, acquisition of vocabulary, self-

confidence, motivation.

Test results

After analyzing the different recent methods, I found out that we cannot live in the

teaching role with only one method. As I said before, it is about constant change, and change

implies new searches in order to improve as teacher. In my personal experience as a foreign

language teacher, I have come across different teaching methods that have helped me achieve

my teaching goals. In summary, if we talk about these recent methods, we can say we take

some parts of them to use in our class, but the one that I apply the most in my classroom is The

Natural Approach. This method helps students to let go of any stress and pressure… In that

order, they should be more confident about themselves.


When we talk about the different methods of teaching a foreign language, we might

assume we have or know almost everything needed for teaching… What really happens is that,

sometimes, we let our ignorance obstruct the free path we have full of opportunities to enhance

our profesional field. As teachers, we should recognize the importance of the different language

teaching methods, no matter how old or recent these methods are. Why is this? The different

strategies these methods present play an important role in the classroom; they help us identify

the needs that every learner has, and that way, we can adapt them to the class depending on

the situation. Strategies of different methods help learners participate, connect, and feel more

confident about their work and learning process. The different methods come up with new ideas,

techniques, and information based on what is best for our learners. This benefits teachers and

helps them acquire knowledge in order to succeed within the classroom.



Universidad IEXPRO (n.d.) More recent methods, Methodological approaches (pp. 46-75).

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