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Ahmada Auliya Rahman, S.I.Kom., M.Pd.

(as sign science)
How the sign works
– semiotic syntax
How does it relate to other Signs
– semiotic semantics
How is the process of sending & receiving with users
– semiotic pragmatics
(as sign science)
Semiotics in Visual Communication Design
provides its main benefits in drafting the
concept of communicating through images.
Images can be designed to be an effective
communication tool according to the function
and purpose of the communication.
Image is a Sign
Images are Signs (Charles Sanders Pierce,
Germany 1839-1914, Father of Modern
Relationships related to signs are divided into 3
1. Icon
2. Index
3. Symbol
1. Icon
A sign is defined according to the relationship
between the sign and what it represents.
Photos, Face painting/nature landscapes.
Example of Icon
2. Index
The sign is defined according to the
relationship, it can also be cause and effect or it
can also be said that the sign is evidence of
There was smoke billowing from a distance,
indicating that there was fire in that place. Black
smoke is an index that the place where the
smoke is coming from has fire.
Example of Index
3. Symbol
A sign is defined according to an agreement or
convention formed jointly by the community
where the symbol applies.
Example :
National Flag. The elements of color, shape, size
and so on are an agreement which they then
define as meaning.
Example of Symbol

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