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Psychology student Nicky Wood analyses the topic of friendship. He states that,
according to psychologists we get on with people who share the same background,
opinions, interests, personality and even physical appearance and emotions.
We all like people to like us, and if they like us we are more likely to like them, so
often, we become friends with someone  who wants to be our  friend.
However what does a good friend do?
A good friend knows about your life, and when you're with them you can be yourself
and sometimes you don't even need to speak but differently from a good friend who
knows about your things from you, your best friend lives life with you. Real friends
never let you down or turn the their back on you.
Good friends are hard to find. It’s true, you can make lots of contacts on social
media,but you can't rely on them or you can't be open with them because we don't
know who is on the other side of the phone.We should  remember that real
friendship last for a lifetime  only if  you do things together,share your feelings and
opinions and spend time with them. finally true friendships survive even when living
in different countries, but only if you keep in touch often.

-make friends (fare amicizia) be open with(essere aperti)
-get on whit (andare d’accordo) let down(deludere)
-spend time with (trascorrere del tempo con) rely on (contare su)
-keep in touch(stare in contatto) turn their back on(voltare le


Thee text begins by describing a photo and says that in the UK once a year there is
"No pens Day Wednesady"where students don't use any book or folders and there
are no pens. For instance, in every lesson, from languages to maths and even art,
students only do speaking activities.The aim of the day is to improve students'
communication skills.The students are excited about this change and they are very
pleased to go to school and are less bored.

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