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Ahmada Auliya Rahman, S.I.Kom., M.Pd.
Definition of Typography

Typography means a blend of art and technique of

arranging writing.
The goal is that the intent and meaning of the writing
can be conveyed visually to the reader.
Font Type

The following are some types of

letters based on the
classification carried out by
James Craig, including the
5 Font Type

1. Roman

The characteristic of this letter is that it has fins/legs/serifs that are

pointed at the ends. Roman letters have thickness and thinness that
contrast in the lines of the letters. The impression created is classic,
elegant, graceful and feminine.
5 Font Type

2. Egyptian

Is a typeface that has the characteristics of a square foot/fin/serif like a

board with the same or almost the same thickness. The impression that
arises is solid, strong, sturdy and stable.
5 Font Type

3. Sans Serif

The definition of San Serif is without fins / serifs, so this type of letter does
not have fins at the ends of the letters and has the same or almost the
same thickness of letters. The impression created by this type of
lettering is modern, contemporary and efficient.
5 Font Type

4. Script

Script letters resemble hand strokes done with a pen, brush or sharp
pencil and are usually slanted to the right. The impression it creates is
personal and intimate.
5 Font Type

5. Miscellaneous

This type of letter is an extension of the existing forms. Plus

embellishments and ornaments, or decorative stripes. The impression it
has is decorative and ornamental.

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