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Higher Nationals

Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF)


Programme title Higher National Diploma in Business Administration

Ms. Hiruni Weerakoon

Assessor Internal Verifier
Unit 03: Human Resource Management
HR practices
Assignment title
T.M. Kithmina Sandaruwan Thilakarathne
Student’s name

List which assessment criteria the Assessor Pass Merit Distinction

has awarded.


Do the assessment criteria awarded match

those shown in the assignment brief?

Is the Pass/Merit/Distinction grade awarded

justified by the assessor’s comments on the
student work? Y/N

Has the work been assessed

Is the feedback to the student:
Give details:

• Constructive? Y/N
• Linked to relevant assessment Y/N
• Identifying opportunities for
improved performance? Y/N
• Agreeing actions?
Does the assessment decision need
Assessor signature Date

Internal Verifier signature Date

Programme Leader signature (if

Confirm action completed
Remedial action taken
Give details:

Assessor signature Date

Internal Verifier signature


Programme Leader signature (if required)

Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form

Student Name/ID T.M. Kithmina Sandaruwan Thilakarathne

Unit Title
Assignment Number 01 assignment Assessor Ms. Hiruni Weerakoon
Submission Date Date Received 1st
Re-submission Date 03.09.2022 submission
Date Received 2nd submission

Assessor Feedback:

LO1 Explain the purpose and scope of Human Resource Management in terms of resourcing an
Pass, Merit & Distinction
with talent and
P1 skills appropriate
P2 to fulfil
M1business functions.
M2 D1

Pass, Merit & Distinction P3 P4 M3 D2

LO3 Analyse internal and external factors that affect Human Resource Management decision-
Pass, Meritincluding employment
& Distinction P5 legislation
P6 M4 D3
LO4 Apply Human Resource Management practices in a work-related context

Pass, Merit & Distinction P7 M5 D3


Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and
grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.
Assignment Feedback

Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor


Student 03.09.2022

signature m
General Guidelines

1. A Cover page or title page – You should always attach a title page to your assignment. Use
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2. Attach this brief as the first section of your assignment.
3. All the assignments should be prepared using a word processing software.
4. All the assignments should be printed on A4 sized papers. Use single side printing.
5. Allow 1” for top, bottom , right margins and 1.25” for the left margin of each page.

Word Processing Rules

1. The font size should be 12 point, and should be in the style of Time New Roman.
2. Use 1.5 line spacing. Left justify all paragraphs.
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4. Use footer function in the word processor to insert Your Name, Subject, Assignment No,
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5. Use word processing application spell check and grammar check function to help editing
your assignment.

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4. Excuses of any nature will not be accepted for failure to hand in the work on time.
5. You must take responsibility for managing your own time effectively.
6. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as illness,
you may apply (in writing) for an extension.
7. Failure to achieve at least PASS criteria will result in a REFERRAL grade .
8. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic RE FERRAL. You will
then be asked to complete an alternative assignment.
9. If you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, reference them properly using
HARVARD referencing system to avoid plagiarism. You have to provide both in-text citation
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10. If you are proven to be guilty of plagiarism or any academic misconduct, your grade could be
reduced to A REFERRAL or at worst you could be expelled from the course
Student Declaration

I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to present it
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4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspects of my program,
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Student’s Signature

Date: 03.09.2022
(Provide E-mail ID) (Provide Submission Date)
Higher Nationals in
Unit 03: Human Resource Management
Assignment Brief

Student Name /ID Number T.M. Kithmina Sandaruwan Thilakarathne

Unit Number and Title Unit 03 – Human Resource Management

Academic Year 2022

Unit Tutor Hiruni Weerakoon

Assignment Title HR practices

Issue Date

Submission Date 03.09.2022

IV Name & Date

Submission Format:
Section A:

The submission should be in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a
concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use
of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with
research and referenced using Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is
2,000–2,500 words, although you will not be penalized for exceeding the total word limit.

Section B:

The submission should be in the form of a completed individual portfolio folder that includes
following specific documentation:
job specification, CV, interview selection criteria, interview notes and preparation, and an
evaluation of the process. The evaluation of HR practices and the process of recruitment and
selection should be a written piece of work with a recommended word limit of 500–1,000 words,
although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit.

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Explain the purpose and scope of Human Resource Management in terms of resourcing an
organisation with talent and skills appropriate to fulfil business functions.

LO2 Evaluate the effectiveness of the key elements of Human Resource Management in an

LO3 Analyse internal and external factors that affect Human Resource Management decision-
making, including employment legislation.
LO4 Apply Human Resource Management practices in a work-related context.
Assignment Brief and Guidance:
Section A
The Human Resources (HR) department of a company of your choice will be restructured based
on the findings of a review report that you have been asked to complete. With a brief overview
introducing the chosen organization, you are required to explain the objectives of the HR function
and the key roles and responsibilities. The writing should then follow through an assessment of
the approaches used in workforce planning, recruitment and selection, development and
training, performance management and reward systems.

The report is expected to be further narrated through special attention provided on the
approaches used to improve effectiveness of employee recruitment and selection process. These
approaches should be explained with specific examples. It is also important to explain and
critically evaluate the benefits of employee relations and employee engagement, and comment
on the adoption of flexible organization, flexible working practice and ‘employer of choice’ by
applying the theories in to the practical scenario of the chosen organization. You are also
required to discover and evaluate various methods of HRM practices that can increase the
organizational productivity and profit while justify the importance of HRM. Report should also
cover an evaluation of key employee legislations that need to be considered when making
important Human Resource Management (HRM) decisions and “managing” human resources.
The content will then finalize a complete picture of the HR department re-structure.

The review has to be submitted as a case study report on how HRM functions are applicable to
workforce planning and resourcing in the origination.

Section B:
While working as a management trainee in the Human Resources (HR) department of a chosen
organization, you have been asked to take part in testing the new recruitment and selection
process to recruit Department Head for the new product line. As the first step, you have to form a
small team (3–4 members) to design a job specification for the particular job role and then you
will take part in an interview simulation for the same job role advertised by another team similar
to yours.
The aim of your team is to test the recruitment and selection process and complete an individual
document portfolio (by each individual member of the team) to submit.
The document portfolio should include:
Designing and placing job advertisements, Documentation of preparatory notes for interviews,
interview notes based on selection criteria and a justified decision of the candidate selected, A
job offer to the selected candidate, An evaluation of the process and the rationale for conducting
appropriate HR practices.
Grading Rubric

Grading Criteria Achieved Feedback

P1 Explain the purpose and the
functions of HRM, applicable to
workforce planning and resourcing an

P2 Explain the strengths and

weaknesses of different approaches
to recruitment and selection.

P3 Explain the benefits of different

HRM practices within an organisation
for both the employer and employee.

P4 Evaluate the effectiveness of

different HRM practices in terms of
raising organizational profit and

P5 Analyse the importance of

employee relations in respect to
influencing HRM decision making.

P6 Identify the key elements of

employment legislation and the
impact it has upon HRM decision

P7 Illustrate the application of HRM

practices in a work-related context,
using specific examples.

M1 Assess how the functions of

HRM can provide talent and skills
appropriate to fulfil business
M2 Evaluate the strengths and
weaknesses of
different approaches to recruitment
and selection

M3 Explore the different methods

used in HRM practices, providing
specific examples to support
evaluation within an organisational

M4 Evaluate the key aspects of

relations management and
employment legislation that affect
HRM decision-making in an
organisational context.

M5 Provide a rationale for the

application of specific HRM practices
in a work related

D1 Critically evaluate the

effectiveness of the recruitment and
selection techniques in two

D2 Critically evaluate HRM practices

and application within an
organisational context, using a
range of specific examples.

D3 Critically evaluate employee

relations and the application of HRM
practices that inform and influence
decision-making in an organisational

I would like to extend my special thanks to my human resource management lecture Hiruni
Weerakoon. Who gave me the golden opportunities to do this wonderful project as well as all the
lectures on our Esoft metro campus from this. I learned many new things.

Secondly, I would like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot to complete this


Table of content

01. Introduction to the organization

02. Introduction to the HRM functions

2.1 Function of HRM

2.2 Objectives Role and responsibility of HRM functions about selected organization

03. Strength and weakness of different approaches to recruitment and selection

3.1 Recruitment

3.1.1 Internal Recruitment

3.1.2 External recruitment

3.2 selections

3.3 competitors

04. Benefits of different HRM practices within and organization for both employer and
1.4. Employer benefits

4.2 Employee benefits

05. Effectiveness of different HRM practices in teams raising organizational profit and

06. Importance of employee relations in respect to influencing HRM decision making

07. Key elements of employment legislation and the impact it has upon HRM decision making

7.1. Employee legislation

7.2. Key elements employee legation of the selected organization

01. JD and JS

02. Job advertisement

03. CV and cover letters of other group

04. Interview questions and evaluation from of selected candidate and summery of other c

05. Offer latter

06. An evaluation of the process and the rational for conducting appropriate HR practices.


Ceylon Tea Company PLC
Merrill Fernando dedicated his life is tea when in the 1950s; he saw the concentration of
ownership in the tea industry in the hands of a few large corporations. This was leading to the
commoditization of tea. He decided that in the interest of tea drinkers around the world. And the
crop that his country produced with so much care and artistry, he would fight his process of

Damro Tea (PVT) Ltd was started 1988 introduced lovers of fine tea to the concept of tea
picked, perfected and packed at origin. Being owned and managed by a tea producer, Damro is
also a role producing countries. Damro presents an unmatched collection of teas, each tasted and
selected with the benefit of decades of experience in tea, and most importantly with a passion for
quality. (Silva, 2020)


Formulated by our team of globally renowned tea experts and approved personally by
chainman CEO our unique collection of tea standards determines the elevation legion and
quintets of team to be procured. (Report, 2019/20)


Selection based on samples obtained from plantation brokers to meet company standards.
Products: There are large numbers of Damro Ceylon tea companies throughout Sri Lanka. The
strategy of providing fresh, ethically produced high quality tea has made Damro on of the most
popular tea brand in the world. As of 2011the the brand is sold in over 100 countries, is the
second most popular tea brand in Australia, and is one of most recognized international tea
brands. (Annual report 2018/2019)

From year to year Damro Ceylon Tea Company products a large number of products. In 2018,
2700 products were produced and in 2019, 3000 products were produced Ceylon tea (Report,

Ceylon gold – Finest Ceylon tea, Damro premium Ceylon tea –lose leaf Ceylon tea,
Damro elixir of Ceylon tea, Damro real tea cordial, Damro natural infusions (Chocolate,
Turmeric, Ginger and almond), Annual herbal tea infusions (Strength, Awake, youth)

 Green tea-
Natural green tea – jasmine petals, Damro inspiration- rose with French vanilla, Damro
Ceylon green tea – pure green tea, morocco mint green tea, Watte boutique UAD,
MEDA, YATA) (Google)

The Damro seven-star luxury tea experience offers a ranges of teas and point of sales materials
(POSM) items suitable for any hostility venue. The Damro premium, single region, fun and
green tea and infusions along with the contemporary exceptional teas,watte boutique teas, t-
series designer gourmet teas and the exclusive tea maker’s private reserve offer a range of teas
suitable for hotel/restaurant/café (HORECA) economy and seven star properties. (Annual,

Branches: There is large number of Damro Tea Company’s located and its main company is
located in peliayagoda. Damro Ceylon Tea Company has distributed products in 105 markets in
2018 and has 890 supply chain partners. In 2019, the products were distributed in 100 markets
and 941 supply chain partners. (Annual report 2017, 2018, 2019)

Manufacture- Hollywood Tea factory-Talawakelle, Bearwell Tea factory –Lindula Rihanna

estate- Kahawatte plantation, Wellanduru Estate-Tea factory, Lumbini Tea valley Ceylon –
Shopping mall- Arpico super center -katugastota, kurunagala, Golmork-softlogic super market,
Crescent Boulevard.

Supply chain partners: At Damro every cup of tea is brewed which carefully selected
ingredients hand-picked from the tea garden. the majority of the groups supplies are tea small
holders and regional plantation companies through whom tea is produced. Almost in 100% of tea
is procured from the colombo tea auction in line with the tea control, act and a few specialized
varieted of tea such as, Darjeeling and assume which are not available in sri lanka are imported.

Local suppliers and service providers 719

Roregin suppliers and service providers 222

Total value created to supplier R.s 9.5 BN

A stringent evaluation process for supplier’s selection based on;


Business practices

Ethics (Annual report 2019/2020)

Employees: The percentage of employees at Damro company increase or decreases in year by


By the end of 2020, Damro will have a total of 644 employees.


Male 228 27 36
Female 237 46 152
(Annual report 2016/2017)

2.1 Function of HRM

About HRM

Human Resource Management is a function in organizations designed to maximize employee

performance in service of an employer’s strategic objectives.HR is primarily concerned with the
management of people within organizations, focusing on policies and on systems.HR department
and units in organization typically undertake a number of activities, including employee
recruitment “training and development” performance appraisal, and rewarding (e.g., managing
pay and benefit system). HR also concerns itself with industrial relations, that is, the balancing of
organizational practices with requirements arising from collective bragging and form
governmental laws

Definitions of HRM

May great scholars hand defined human resource management in different ways and with
different words, but the core meaning of the human resource management deals with how to
manage people or employee in the organization.

The national institute of personal management (NIPM) of India has defined human resource-
personal management as “that part of management which is concerned with people at work and
with their relationship within an enterprise. Its aim is to bring together and develop in to an
effective organization of the men and women who make up enterprise and having regard for the
well-being of the individuals and of working groups, to enable them to make their best
contribution to this success.

Edwin Flippo defines – human resource management as ‘planning, organizing, directing,

controlling, of procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance to the end
that individual, organizational and social objectives are achieved”

According to Decenzo and Robbins, “human resource management is concerned with the people
dimension “in management. Since every organization is made up of people, acquiring their
services, developing their skills, motivating them to higher levels of performance and ensuring
that they continue to maintain their commitment to the organization is essential to achieve
organizational objectives. This is true, regardless of the type of organization- government,
business, education, health or social action “


HRM process is a strategic approach which helps the business or the organization the
competitive advantage by maximizing the performance of indirectly contributes
achieving the gales of organization. whereas, human resource management process is them term
which implies selecting, recruiting, training, appraisals of employees, providing orientation,
benefits, compensation, security and safety in compliance with labor laws of the particular
country or government. (ngwenya)

The following are the various HR processes:

Human resource planning (recruitment, selection, hiring, training, induction, evaluation


Recruitments: it aims attracting applicants that math a certain job criterion.

Selection: the next level of ailtration. aims at short listing candidates who are the nearest
matches in terms qualifications, expertise and potential for a certain job.

Hiring: deciding upon the final candidate who get the job

Training and development: those processes that work on an employee onboard for his skills
and ability’s up gration.

Functions of HRM

Recruitment and selection

The requirements and selection functions is to attract people to work in the organization and
select the best candidate usually an employee brand starts attracting people once the candidate
have applied the selection is a Human Resource tool to select the candidates who best qualified
and have the highest potential. Recruitment is very fast witch advancement of technology and as
are suit you have to choose different type for each sector.

HR planning

The first task of human resource management is to identify the future needs of the organization.
What kind of people the organization needs and how many it will develop recruitment selection
performance management, learning and development and all the human resource activity.

Learning, training and development

Allowing employees to develop the skills needs for the future is an essential responsibility of
human recourse. This human resource linked to recruitment and selection and human recourse
will bridge the got between the current workface a the workface needed in the near future almost
all employers understand the value of future investments. It is the responsibility of department of
Human recourse to street these efforts in fight direction.

Job analysis and planning

Job analysis is process of identifying the nature of a job and determining the human requirements
such as the qualification skills and work experience required to perform the job. The primary
purpose of job planning is to present and organize duties and responsibilities and tasks into a
proper work unit to achieve each objective.

Compensation and benefits

Compensation and benefits refer to the compensation salary and other monthtary and non-
monetary benefits passed on by a firm to its helps to keep the employees motivated
and brings that best out of them at workplace. compensation wherein completely rated to the
money which is being to an employee i.e. salary, bonus, incentive.etc.,. benefits the other hand
are the non-Monterey in captives given to employees. Like health benefits, medical aim, yearly
travel trips etc. for which the employees don’t have to pay (patidarv, 2019)
2.2 Objectives Role and responsibility of HRM functions about selected

Training, learning and development

Create cluster of technical skills training for 250 production staff to enhance their development
business and communication, finance, and accounting, information technology compliance and
system requirements. Leadership and management on the job training technical.

Cross functional training –

Information technology, finance, quality assurance new products development, food technology,
shipping customer service.

330 employees to share the inter departmental process and procedures

Health and safety

Damro as a manufacturing company is committed to providing employees with a safe work

environment focused on eliminating and managing health and safety concerns such as the risk of
hazards and injuries.

Adhering to the requirements of the 4 pillars –Labour health and safety environment and
business ethics of sedex members ethical trade audit (SMETS) methodology, Damro ensures
continuous improvement of health and safety in the workface.

The packing and bagging factory situated in paliyagoda ids equipped with a fully-fledged
medical facility with medical check-ups conducted every weekend by specialists in the medical
field. The health and safety committee conducts monthly reviews on the safety and hazardous
situations and comprises of worker representation of 25% proving the strength of our health and
safety policy across. The group, zero injuries and hazards of critical nature have been reported
during the year under review.

Damro pays employees higher than average resulting in an 85% higher employee’s growth rate.
Damro is committed as healthcare and safety manufacturing company soft forces on providing
and managing a safe work environment for employees. (Annual report 2019/2020)

Employee benefits

In addition to be the benefits and welfare schemes noted below, dormitory facilities are provided
for all female staffing production worker category. (full time, part time, and casual) the new
dormitory was inaugurated 2016/2017 and provides accommodation for 54 employees at present.

Health care– medical screening, medical clinics, medical leave, hospitalization insurance, OPD

Maternity leave - all female employees are eligible for approximately 3 months of maternity

Benefits offered to our permanent

Fringe benefits

bonus, production incentives, death donation scheme, thrift society, attendance allowance,
housing loan, welfare loan scheme, special grants from the empathy fund, school book /
uniforms / distribution, scholarships scheme for children, in house-hostel and kitchen facility for
the staff, evening snack, staff tea sales.

Benefits provided to full time employees

Educational assistance, support self-employment projects for family members, food relief, loan
facilities for house keepers. On average, about 200 employees a year benefit from this. (Annual
report 2019/2020)

Benefits which are standard for full time employees are as follows: health care, maternity leave.


3.1 Recruitment

For any organization recruitment involves developing and maintaining a effective and efficient
team. A good recruitment strategy wills minize the waste of time and money spent on extensive
training and development for unqualified employees.

Recruitment types explain how an organization reaches out to potential job seekers.
Recruitments will use a variety of methods to select sources, screens, shortlists and resources
according to the needs of the organization.

3.1.1 Internal Recruitment

Internal sources of recruitment are readily available to an organization. Internal recruitment are
basically three main categories transfers, promotions and re-employment of former employees.

 Internal recruitment method-


Promotion is the process of improving the staff of an organization by evaluating its is the process of transferring and employee with more responsibilities and
facilities to a higher position if he is in lower position. Most organizations complete this by
internal recruitment. Accordingly, employees hold new positions at certain times of the year.

Job transfer occur when an employee is moved from one job to other position that is reactively
equal in pay responsibility and organizational level. (Keith Davis)

Employees referrals:

Employees of current companies have the ability to contact their friends and family for
employment. they are well aware of the corpate culture, working conditions and job
requirements and are more likely to hire suitable acquaintances. Organizational staff referrals are
encouraged as this can save cost and time.

Internal job posting:

This means that a recruitment manager will hold an open job position only for existing
employees. applicants must be employees who have worked for the company for a certain period
of time. accordingly, external candidates will not be able to apply for the post.

Advantage of internal recruitment

Ability to retain the best people – Ability to obtain employees with a wide range of Experience
in recruiting internal employees.

Cost reduction – ability to reduce the extra cost to the company in recruiting employees in the
company internal recruitment.

Receiving experienced people – Receiving more experienced staff in re-hiring employees and
retired employees.

Working longer – In internal recruitment when recruiting employees within the company, they
prefer to work longer hours.

Shortens the introduction process – when hiring new employees, it takes them a long time to
identify new takes, but in internal selection they only need to identify takes.

Job improvement: promoting from within the company can strengthen the company
the workface is strong and the company has the company an opportunity for growth

Disadvantage of internal recruitment

No new ideas can introduce – When recruiting employees within the company they have a
lower rate of entry into new ideas.

Neglect of responsibility- Employees of the company will sometimes neglect their

responsibilities after being appointed to new positions.

Limited choice – a company can have several qualified people and only one person which a
perfect fit for an open position will be selected.

Increasing training cost- a current employee is suitable for new role but the candidates have all
the qualities and they do not need training but with external recruitment it allows a new
employee to be a candidate with all the skill experience and qualifies require. However, an in
house recruiter is not allows to taken on all the responsibilities and perform an effective role
from day takes time to give them a proper understanding of their service

3.1.2 External recruitment

External sources of recruitment should be sought from our said the institution. External sources
must be considered but it involves a lot of time and money. External sources of recruitment
factory gate job, advertisements, educational institution, employment agencies, labor contractors.

 External recruitment methods-


Job vacancies are published in various print and electronic media. This is one of the most
common methods of external recruitment advertising uses the advertising system to attract
qualified and experienced people. this external recruitment method is used when qualified and
experienced employees are not abstained from other general most senior positions in
an organization are filled by this methodology.

Job market -
The job market is not natural place or an open entity bats concept intend to high light structures
of compititation exchange and interaction between for employees locking for employees the
employee searching of word is it imperative accept of employment and financing job.

Labor contractors-

The most common method of external recruitment is done by labor contractors who are
employed with the company or have a contract to supply workers to the company to complete a
specific type of work. This method is used to recruit unskilled and semi-skilled employees.

Casual callers -

This method of external is considered as method of recruiting previously applied candidates.

This is, applications from people who are all redy on the job list can be called new applicants. the
most suitable candidates who are selected here will be selected for the job.

Recommendation -

Applicants will be introduced by friend and relatives under this external recruitment in the
workplace, many employees are engaged is small scale work and have knowledge of the
background of future employees, so such persons are retained in their workplace. therefore,
employees are recruited through external recruitment.

Advantage of external recruitment

Bring a new idea – When hiring new employees, the company has the ability to enter into new

Increased conversion rate – external recruitment attracts people with different abilities and skill
levels, thereby increasing the chances of building candidates with maximum potential.

Better quickly candidates- External recruitment has the potential to select better positioned
candidates for positions
Disadvantage of external recruitment

High Cost – candidates have to go through a lengthy process to make the right choice. This
process consists of three main steps: search evaluation and selection first, it may in involve
positing jobs or reaching out to third-party agents to find potential applicants for the job. The
second step is background checks, interviews, etc. Ultimately it is about determining successful
applicants and job offers. having to spend more of the company’s resources, money and time on

Large process – having to lengthy progresses such as conducting workshops, conducting

interviews in recruiting out soured employees

Higher risk – having to pay close attention to them when recruiting people for open positions.

Time consuming – the biggest disadvantage of external recruitment is that is takes longer to fill
open positions hundreds of recruitments resume for each open position and takes a long time
check. Accordingly, the applicant has to spend more than an hour on this center test period using
a tracking system.

3.2 selection

Selection is the process of selecting the most suitable candidate. For a vacant position in the
organization. That is the selection process eliminates unsuitable candidates and selects indiuals
with prior qualifications and skills to fill the organization job.

Most often, the selection and recruitment are used interchangeable but how ever both have
different scope. The former is a negative process that rejects as many unqualified applicants as
possible so as to hire right candidate while the latter is appositive process that attracts more and
candidates and stimulates them to apply for the jobs. Based on the complexity of selecting the
right candidate the selection process is comprised of several steps:

Preliminary interview, receiving applications, screening of applications, Employment Texts,

interviews reference checking, medical examination, final selection.

The selection process offers the following advantages:

Its is less expensive and save a lot of time and effort, it helps to keep any bias while recruiting
the right candidate. its helps to eliminate candidates who lack knowledge, ability and expertise.


Structured interviews are most effective type of inter the interview process is formed thorough
identification of key requirements of the job and a list of question is drawn up. A panel of
interviewer’s works through each set of questions with each candidates and scores theme on their the end of the interview process the overall if additional selection methods are chosen
this fed into the overall process at the end ageing, the best-fit candidate is offered the job.

Types of interviews

Unstructured interviews – involves a procedure where different questions may be asked of

different applications.

Situation in interviews- candidates are interviewed about what actions they would take in
various job-related situations. the job- related situations are usually identified using the critical
incidents job analysis technique. The interviews are then scored using a scoring guide contoured
by job experts.


References are also used as a selection method occasionally unsatisfactory reference may affect
decisions to appoint individual.

Application and CV

Applying for a job the basic approach is to complete of fairly therefore should be made aware of
only the important aspects required to allow them to be used for shortlisting. The advantage of
using an application according to the process conducted by the institution is abstain and certifies
some information from all the candidates.

Advantages of applications and CV: there is no need to produce and send a job utility structure to
every applicant.
Disadvantage of application and CV: it is more difficult to compare the skills and travel of
special candidates.

Selection text

Job seekers who have perused the initial interview are called for the test. Deferent types of tests
are conducted depending on the job and the company these test can be aptitude tests, personality
tests and aptitude test and are conducted to judge how well a person can perform job-related
tasks. accordingly, other test such as medical tests and psychiatric tests will also be conducted.

Advantages: proper assessment –test furnish a groundwork for finding out the suitability of
candidates for a number of jobs

Tests suffer from the following disadvantages:

Unreliable –the inference drawn from the checks may also now not be correct in positive cases.
the talent and ability of a candidate may additionally be true judge with the help of test.

Selection decision

After abstaining the information of the candidates, the crucial step here is the selection, the taken
from the candidates how have passed the preliminary interviews, examinations, final interviews
and investigations here the views of line manager in particular are considered because the line
manager is responsible for the performance of new employees.

Advantages of selection methods


The face to face interview reads body language and facial expression better a telephone
interview is quick and easy. With less stress for un interview.

Application and CV

Entrepreneurs receive valuable information about applicants through an application letters.

CV provides great understanding or skills, experience and qualifications, A cover letter can give
you an accurate idea of their suitability for job, It saves time and costs less.
Selection text

Objective assessment: tests apply better goal standards than any different methods. Subjectivity
of each and every kind is nearly eliminated.

Uniforms basis: test furnish a uniform groundwork for comparing the overall performance of
applicants. Some candidates and given to the candidates and their rating will enable selectors to
see their performance.

Disadvantage of selection methods


Face to face interviews can take time to set up and conduct they often require travelling.

In a phone interview it can be difficult to tell if a response is genuine

Application and CV

hortest take longer for application articles and Cv, Choices are difficult when information is
presented differed across different cv format.

Training or job gaps can be easily hidden by the job applicant. inspectors can also stop
appointing an unsuitable candidate for the job.

Selection text

The inference drawn from the checks may also now not be correct in positive cases. The talent
and ability of a candidate may additionally be true judge with the help of test.

Some folks can also no longer concern of exposure. They can also be ready however may not
like to be assessed thru the test. The agency may also be disadvantaged of the offerings of such
personal who are not willing to appear for the exams however are otherwise suitable for the

3.3 competitor

Internal recruitment

Methods Damro Ceylon tea Bogawanthalawa tea

promotion  Damro of firs senior  Employees for

positions for long-time Bogawanthalawa Tea
employees.accordinly action Company get promotions
will be taken to provide after long period of
suitable posts for employees service. Promotions are
and employers. limited as the employees
of this company have less
factors than Damro.

Transfer  In the internal recruitment  Bogawanthalawa Tea

process Damro transfers Company employs a
offices of the company to large number of senior
senior executive positions in executives giving them
manufacturing companies. the opportunity to hold
 That is because Damro has of senior positions in other
large manufacturing companies for only one
companys bogawanthalawa. person a year.

Re- employees  Employees of every retiring  Bogawanthalawa tea

company have the company recruits only a
opportunity to rejoin as an limited number of retired
internal recruitment factors. employees through
 In the internal recruitment internal selection.
process Damro re-employees
17 % of its employees each

Internal advertising  Internal advertising is the  Bogawanthalawa

(job posting) process of posting company job vacancies in
/advertising jobs within an the internal advertising
organization. Damro these within the company. This
job posting give all job posting is open to all
employees in the employees within the
organization the opportunity organization.damro was
to apply openly ahead of bogawanthalawa
there they will be to apply for in this process
vacant post. Damro gives
equal opportunities for all its
employees so it employees so
it would be to Damro
advantage to recruit from
within the organization

External recruitment

Advertisement  A job advertisement is an  A job advertisement is

announcement that informs an e-mail advertisement
people that there is a job. This published to recruit
factors in an external someone to do a
requirement. Damro uses these specific job in a
methods to advertise job position in a company
vacancies on social media and or an organization.
recruit employees.
Job market  Damro uses the job  Using the job market as
market to recruit an external recruitment
candidates accordingly, factors
the vacancies of the Bogawanthalawa
employees required by recruits’ employees
the company are through the job market
displayed in the job at the end of the year.
market at the end of the

Casual callers  This method of recruitment is  The applications of the

concerned with the use of persons listed in the job
previously applied candidate as list are called as new
a source of recruitment. applicants and suitable
accordingly, about 10%of the applicants are selected
applicants will be recruited by for the job. Thus the
Damro. bogawanthalawa
company recruits a
small number of
qualified people.
Labor contractors
 This is the most common  The most common
Method of eternal recruitment method of external
done by labor contractors at recruitment,
damro. Damro uses this method to bogawanthalawa
recruited unskilled and semi- recruits skilled and
skilled employees. The contractors semi-skilled workers
contact the workers and send them through contractors.
to the locations where they are Contractors’ therefore
needed. Damro pays a commission direct employees to the
to each employees provided by the place of recruit.


 Us a method of selecting  The inspectors of the
employees, the interview bogawanthalawa
involves a facet face company have structure
conversation between the dialogue with the
interviewer and the interview candidates in which
of Damro, where the interview they select the
selects answers to select a candidates Damro is
potential candidate. ahead of them.

 Candidates are selected by  The bogawanthalawa
Damro by reference.reviw tea company selects an
checks formal letters and employee’s nu sing
conversations however they do reference. There make
not pay much attention to the selective takes using
decision to understand this. friendly and formal

Selection text
 Candidates will be called after  Bogawanthalawa
initial interview. accordingly, candidates are recruits
Damro selects include fitness after a medical
tests, personality tests and examination in addition
health tests. After these teste, to aptitude test and
they select suitable candidates personality tests, but
for the company’s job Damro is ashed in the
selection test.

Selection decision
 The selection decision will be  After obtaining all the
made after obtaining the information
information of the candidates. bogawanthalawa gives
Damro makes the final the final decision to the
decision from the candidate candidates after the
after passing the preliminary candidates have passed
interviews, tests, and final the preliminary
interviews. interviews, test
investigation checks’



Employee benefits are the indirect and non-cash compensation paid to an employee. These
benefits are given to employees over their salaries and wages. They are also called fringe
benefits that are offered to attract and retain

1.4. Employer benefits

Employer benefits of Damro Ceylon Tea Company

Damro conducts skills workshops or employers. Provides company knowledge and leadership
training workshops for new employers repuied through external recruitment and internal

Organizational culture, planning for change, training and developing, health and sefty,
development of good reactions, management of confiscates,
Main training programs identified through the performance evaluation in 2018/19

460 training programs for individual and groups were recommended by the HODs, for the year
2019/20. All the trainings have been clustered to 08 categories in –line with the business

Training and development

8 raining clusters

Business and communication

Compliance and system recruitment

Finance and accounting

Information technology

Leadership and management

Professional trainings

Food hygiene and safety/OHS

On the job trainings/technical

Training and development programs lineups are offered to the individuals after a stringent
evaluation process. External and internal training programs are candidate for all categories in our
workface, in addition to the job training through a culture of mentoring and job rotation. During
the year 9 group – external training programs were conducted by reputed industry experts and 36
group-internal programs were conducted by Damro in-house knowledge bank. Consisting of
experienced personal in the industry.

External training programs: leadership skill, accounting and financial reporting new standards,
advanced data analysis areas and new technology, training and communicating product
sustainability, first aid training, excel training session.

Internal training program: computer skills hygiene trainings, FTD functions, school of tea, basic
external training session, cross functional trainings, training on quality attitude behaviors, carbon
neutral Damro, advancing excel training session, (Annual report 2018/19)

On the job training

250 production staff to develop and enhance their training competency. Damro will spend 21,584
hours on training programs.

Health and sefty

Damro is constantly tied to health and Safty.the Company is constantly committed to providing
new knowledge and security as well hygienic practice to its employer. accordingly, the company
offers a number of benefits for the health and sefty of its employers.

Damro conducts monthly medical check-ups for even employees of a factory paliyagoda.

Providing health wears kits to the company employers due to covid-19 and provide safe working
environment for all employers.

The company offers maternity leave, especially for female employers, and the company provide
hospitalization insurance for them.

Damro provide safe transportation and life insurance for traveling expresses.

Organizing workshops on first aid to prevent accidents during working knowledge.

Provide psychological training sessions on firefighting exercise and other sefty opportunities
over a period of six and half months.

Labor relations

Damro constantly aims to develop employer relation they have been working to provide various
benefits to the enhancing the friendly relationship of the employers of the company.

Hold a cricket tournament between employer very year.

Organized with the staff of religions activity company through haut the year.

Provide staff get to gather opportunity at the end of the year.

Conducting fitness sessions for employer on weekend

Damro celebrate world womens day 2018 by provide sweets to all working women as well as a
popper show and fun photo booths.

The company employers hold an annual sorts event by Damro to avoid stress and develop
friendship, accordingly the company has its own cricket team (report, 2015/16)
4.2 Employee benefits

Damro organized training workshops for employees before they are hired. developing the
knowledge and skills of the employees gives them through practical exercises. Wilma is always
dedicated to the employees of the company.

Training and development

Damro is based on human resource training and development on the strategic as privation of the
organization in time during the year we all conduct 170 individual trainings and 45 teams.
Programs development plans are developed with a full beneficiary base for all employees. As
training and development for Damro employees,

Training hours

Cross functional training

Information technology


Quality assurance

New product department

Food technology

Customer service

Tea department.

330employees to share the inter departmental processes d procedures. Damro organized internal
programs and external programs for the employees that is,

Technological training programs: this ensures certification for NVQ Level 4 technicians. Food
technology, leadership and management, VACCP team programs, HACCP team training,
training on quality/attitude and behaviors programs, first aid training, training basic electronic
programs, leadership skills, power of positive attitude programs




2017/18 2918/19

Training hours during the last two years




2017/18 2018/19

Investment in training (annual report 2018/19)

Leadership and management: Damro organized an increasingly practical skills development

program to build leadership among employees to develop employee’s skill and knowledge.
Employees will have to use new technological equipment accordingly, Damro organized
technological programs to impart technical knowledge to every employee, and new technological
know-how provides employee benefits such as fe-feeding employees.

Health and sefty

Health and safety are key areas, aid down procedures and practices are followed to ensure the
safety and wellbeing of Damro employees. All workers undergo a health careening a year. Year
minimum the service of doctor is available at the medical center located at the company premises
once a week and any employee any avail o this service. Prescribed medicines are also provided
free f charge and an open door policy in practiced in the organization. (annual report 2018/19)

At the end of each month an employee can go for a medical checkup at the paliyagoda center and
get the medicines they need free of charge.

An employee need sefty during working hour Damro and provides employees with knowledge of
emergency service.

A rating maternity leave for three months for female employees

Damro provides an environment where all employees can work in a health and safety manner.
Providing life insurance for the employees of the company.

Health care: all permanent executives and above inclusive of spouse and children below 18 years
of age are eligible to claim for health care, and dental in the event of hospitalization or general
treatment. Applicable limits vary with the employee category. medical coverage varies with
cadre and executive category. All non-executives are also eligible for the above. (annual report

Labor relations

Damro has organized events to build friendly relationship and build a monotonous mindset
between the companys employees and new employees.


All factors staff participated in the worker’s annual events held at ramadiya held early
Staff Christmas party and carols were held at laic Hilton in December for executives and above
categories and non-executive- clerical categories.

Children (under 12) of existing employees participated in the children’s Christmas party held in

Sorts festivals are organized by Damro every year. accordingly, the company also has a cricket
team with employees.

Operational takes

Damro will always provide a large amount of recurring benefits to employees for their addicting
needs. Benefits affords of Damro Premont cade.

Bonus, production incentives, attendance allowance, death donation scheme, thrift society,
housing loans, welfare loan scheme, special grants from the empathy fund, school
books/uniforms distribution, scholarship scheme for children, evening snack, night shaft meal,
free tea sales, staff transport, laundry service, uniforms and overcoats.

Loan schemes: permeant employees with 5 years of service are eligible for lone for the following
categories; education assistance, housing, funeral assistance, celebrations, medical, emergency
and self-employment.

Death donation: in the event of a death in the family; spouse, parents and children up to 21 years
of age, all confirmed employees will be eligible for the specified donation.

Benefits provide to full time employees

Damro continues to recognize employees with long service, and continued to felicific ate them
on reaching service period of 10,20 and 25 years with cash awards and gold the
year we have had, 10 recipients of awards for 20 years, and 04 recipients with ten years. They
are most equally distributed in all key departments showing that all key departments are adopting
attractive employees’ facilities and opportunities. The recipients of awards under this category
show their immense commitment to the growth of the business. (annual report2915/16)

The main objective of any organization it’s to make profit achieve these organization sectional
goals. Hence, adequate HRM planning and development programs should be implemented in
order enhance performance. Human resource management is an essential component for an
organization regarding labor trover productivity as well as the financial growth of an
organization similarly hrm plays a pivotal role in employee’s retention and their productivity.

Damro benefits existing and new employee as well as staff. Damro therefore focus on
employees and staff for the benefits of its company and employees. Damro constantly strives to
provide employees with the knowledge and skill they need. Employees will therefore prefer to
stay in the company

Recruitment and selection: Damro recruitment and selection employees through external and
internal recruitment. Hiring employees through internal recruitment will be profitable for the
company it is easy for people to move on to that task. So it wills facilities the productivity of the
company. Logical work for employees confided to individual

Training and development: Damro has created wide range of programs for technical
educational and psychology work for employees confident to individual segments of the
company, so the staff is well- rounded with knowledge and practical skills. As Damro provides
such quality benefits to the employees provide a complete and efficient service to the company.
That is the profitability of the company.

Benefit: a company need provide additional benefits to its employees and employer and Damro
is in the process of providing those benefits. Damro offers wide range of benefits such as bonus
lone, scholarships and more employees in providing such benefits to employee they do not
attempt to leave the company and when there are job vacancies they refer that own cousin and
friends to work for the company. Its contribute to the productivity and profitability of the

Labor relations:
Damro company employees are willing to work for the company. This is due to the fact the
Damro maintains a very high level of employee relation moug its employees. Employees love
the company by providing the security and well-being they need, as well as maintaining a good
work environment. Damro also organize various events to strengthen employees’ friendly
relationships. The relationships between the company is very high levels remains to stay in the
company and they do not try to leave the company.



Employee relations is a term used to describe the relationship to describe to relationship between
employers and employees. present organizations are in lerested in being faster and more
transport. Therefore, more attention will be paid to employee communication than ever before.
Improving workplace relationship and collaboration is the primary goal of every employee
relationship. correct leadership to retain employees in service and one of the most important
factors in attracting new candidates is that employee relationships are often focused on helping
line managers connect with their employees.

Employees building positive employee relationship is an important factor as well as beneficial to

the workplace.

Employee satisfaction: normal employment is often linked to employee satisfaction. Low-

employed employees will not be satisfied. Poor employee relationship can be a major factor. On
average,65%of employees find that their employers communication affects important for
building employee relationship.

the key to remaining a companys staff in the relationship between value and each the
company needs to have good communication to build employee relationship. there is ample
scope for minimizing the problems ensued by maintaining communication between employees.
Employees know the employer well and employers. Understand the employee methodoly.
Communication saves the problems that arise in a company and creates the backbone of employee is able to develop the ability to relate to their problems without any
intermediaries this is a key factoring resolving employee issues.


employee equality is a factors that strength a companys relationships. Employee relationship will
be enhanced by treating all employees equally, regardless of race and age. A company has
deferent employees and employee and working equally without contradiction will fundamentally
affect the growth of a company. This will be facilitated by the employer identifying the


employees stay in a company based on its process and employee’s benefits. Accordingly, the
companys environment is good, employees are more likely to stay there. Motivating employees
in a company increases their employee recourse. Different ceremonial all incase will be able to
build. employee motivation by providing create relationships between employees and
this factor is needed to improve employee relationship.


good leadership is essential for an efficient company. relationship management encourages and
benefits employees, enhances employee’s retention by appreciating the work they do, and
empowers employees to find purpose in their work. The way managers treat employees directly
depends on the levels of satisfaction and satisfaction of the company employees, leadership is a
good guide for employees and it affect the development of a company according to the correct
process of the employees


Employment legislation refers to a body of laws that regulate the relationship between employers
and employees. While the bulk of these laws are generally designed to protect workers, there are
some regulations that are imposed upon workers. Issues that are addressed by employment lows
include discrimination, legal working ages, and safe working conditions violation of employment
laws are unusually civil matters, which are handle in civil courts or through administrative
procedure. (Felicia dye)

Equal pay act 1963

Equal pay act of 1963 which prohibits discrimination on the premise of gender in repayment for
considerably comparable paintings below comparable essence, males and females
doing some job should obtain the equal pay. According to the bureau of about statics, womens
salaries men’s have risen dramatically for the reasons that EPA enactment from sixty-two
percentage of men’s profit in 1070 to eighty-three percentage in 2014.nonetheless, the EPA same
pay for some paintings desires have now no longer been absolutely achieved.

Race relation act 1976

The 1967 race relations act expended on legislation formed by the 1968 act by updating the
definition of discrimination to include both direct and indirect discrimination. Under the act, it
was unlawful to discriminate either directly or indirectly on racial grounds in the areas of
employment, education, housing, and the provision of good, facilities and savers. imputably
‘there act concentrate on addressing racial discrimination through legal procedures. something
previous bills had failed to do. workers where now able to take employees to court if they felt
they had been traded unfairly on the grounds of race. (Mccolgan, 2008/09)

National minimum wage act 1998

The national minimum wage act 1998 sets out the basic legal formwork the national minimum
wage on the United Kingdom and amend agriculture worker’s legislation. It is a formwork act
that provides for the detailed provision of its operational regulation. The act provides the
statutory authority to make regulations and set out the statutory basis for the low pay

Labour relation act 1992

An act to amend the regulation referring to the popularity of change unions and taking to
business action to make provision approximately way of balloting in ballots below the trade
union Labour relations act 1992:to amend provisions of that act referring to right of individuals
and non-individuals of change unions and to make deferent provision approximately rights of
change union includes personal and workers. To make similar provision regarding the
enforcement of law referring to minimal wages. (dye, 2021)



Age discrimination employment act 1967

Damro under the employment act of 1967, people over the age of 40 or older will have the
opportunity to work for the company. ADEA’s security will apply to both service employees and
job seekers. Under it, Damro not discrimination on the basis of a person’s age in relation to any
period, condition or job privilege, including recruitment, dismissal, promotion, compensation,
benefits, job assignment and training. Damro severs every employee regardless of age.

Under the National Minimum Wage Rate Employees is paid a monthly salary, daily wage and a
weekly wage. Accordingly

 Damro Ceylon Tea Company Employee is paid a monthly salary of Rs.10, 000
and a daily Employee is paid Rs.400.00

Equal pay act, 1963

Under the equal pay act 1963, which probity discrimination on the basis gender in compensation
for substaially equal work under are conditions. Damro does not discriminate between male and
female employees and offers similar benefits to them. Damro respect all womens in the
company. Damro provides both knowledge and practical skill equally. therefore, damro is
properly implemented under that act.

Occupation sefty and health act 1970

Under this act, which establish the occupation safety and health administration, Damro
employees are provided with a safe and healthy work environment. Damro acts with full
responsibility for the safety of employees has created an environment in which the workplace
can work without any dander.

Family and medical leave act 1993

Under this act Damro is obliged to grant emergency leave to employees. Up to 12 weeks of non-
working leave for 12 months’ dude to family and medical reasons. there is also a need to
maintain group health benefits during the holidays as employees continue to working during the
holidays. Damro this will give maximum support to the employees and will also give the
employee the required benefits.

Work regulation 1992 personal protective equipment

There regulation apply to general terms of service, but government guidelines and regulations
may change after the civid-19 epidemic and with employees working remotely. Damro has
therefore taken steps to provide employees with appropriate peoplonal protective
equipment(PPE) such as gloves, goggles, face marks, shoes and helmets. Damro provides a
conductive environment for employees to work safely in the face any problems that may arise.
Damro also provides them with information, advice and training on PPE usage.


Job description

Executive finance

Reporting to 2021 may 02

Lyzon holdings (pvt) ltd no 10/A flower road Kandy

Summery – packaging solution is an apparel is also a leading supplier of all types of
office stationery, packaging and computer printing peripherals. We are looking for dedicated
female to be part of our team for immediate employment.

Job specification

AAT/charted part qualified or degree

Hands on experience in accounting package

Should have 2-5 years of working experiences in a similar capacity

Budget planning

Support role to executive management

Distribute appropriately the financial resource of the company

Most computer skills with MS office excel /word


01 candidate cv


April. 24. 2020,

General manager,

Layzon (pvt Ltd) ,



Dear sir /madam,

I’m writing to (lyzon pvt Ltd company) expenses my interest in the entry level position available
at lyzon company. I’m also get know about this from one of your company’s coffers.

I’m currently following business management higher national diploma in Esoft metro campus.

Financial sector offers recognized growth opportunities as candidates reach from trainee officers
level to general manager level. Employee have respect in the Society. So I’m willing to do this
job respectively. if I got selected. I will do my best.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you.

Your sincerely,

Dahami nishara


Dahami nishara Halambage

468 katugastota road Kandy


Looking for long association with people-oriented organizations where individual skills, talent,
honest and hardworking are acknowledged and conducive work environment is provided and to
be self-motivated, achieve excellence in what I do and to become the most productive employee
in the organization.


Full name: Dahami nishara Halambage

Date of birth: 06 .02. 2000

Gender: female

Nationality: Sri lanka

Religion: Buddhist

Education: St Anthony’s girl’s college Kandy.

NIC number: 200053703226

Civil status: single


Work as an assistant marketing manager under john keells holdings in Colombo (2018 – 2020)


I’m following higher national diploma in business management. e soft metro campus 2021


Diploma in English (ICBT)

Diploma in computer science (ICBT)

Diploma in computer science (NIBM)


General certificate of advance level - year 2016 (index no: 6473347)

Sinhala B Media C Geography C


School level

 President of school Media unit (2018-2019)
 President of school sports club (2018 -2019)
 Member of school Media unit (2016 – 2019)
 School Prefect (2019)
 Kandy district school Media day competitions championship (2019)


 Kandy zonal school sport meet runner up (2010, 2012, 2014)

 Kandy district meet – merit & super merit certificates (2010- 2018)
 Central province provincial sports meet – merit & super merit certificates (2010, 2014)
 Collage color eve - merit & super merit certificates (2014)
 Annual inter house sports meet championship (2012 ,2010, 2014, 2018) (field & track
 Best athlete in the year (2010, 2012, 2014, 2018)


Planning and organized skills

Good at all the sports

Leadership and management


Mrs. Ruwani ekanayaka

Lecture BM, Program coordinator

e soft metro campus


Mrs. Hiruni Weerakoon

Lecturer HRM, HR manager.

E soft metro campus


I do here certify that date information provided. Are true and correct to the best of my

................................ ...............................

Date signature
02 Candidates cv

Covering latter

April 24 2021

Finance Executive Manager

Lyzon Pvt. Ltd, Kandy.

Dear Sir/Madam

I’m writing to express my interest in the entry level position available at lyzon Ltd. I got
know about this from one of your company’s employee. I have completed my bachelor’s degree
at Esoft Metro Campus – Kandy and I also completed CIMA in BCAS Kandy. My courses in
business management gave given me a solid foundation for what I planned to build my future.
Financial Sector offers recognized growth opportunities reach from Trainee officer level to
General Manager level. Employees have respect in the society. So, I’m willing to do this job
respectively if I got selected. I’ve do my best. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look
forward to hearing from you soon.

thank you,

Yours sincerely,

M.T.M Zaffry.

Full Name: Mohamed Thalif Mohamed Zaffry

Date of Birth: 14.01.2000

Gender: Male

Nationality: Sri Lankan

Religion: Islam

Education: Zahira College

NIC no.: 200001400371

Civil status: Single

contact details: 39/1, river side, hinguloya, Mawanella

+94 76 984 6111


• Audit and financial accounting expert

• Accurate forecasting

• Process implementation

• Staff leadership and development

• Proficient in SAP, Excel VBA



• Assisting in the preparation of budgets.

• Managing records and receipts.

• Reconciling daily, monthly and yearly transactions.

• Assisting in preparation of balance sheets.

• Processing invoices.


Certifications Certified Management Accountant

Successfully completed CA in Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka- Colombo

I do here certify that the information provided above are true and correct

Signature. Zaffry Date:25.04.2021

03 candidate CV

Covering letter:

April 24, 2019

General Manager,
Finance Executive Manager,
Lyzon (Pvt. Ltd) Company,

Dear Sir/Madam,

I’m writing to express my interest in the entry-level position available at lyzon Company.
I’m also get to know about this from one of your company’s officer.

I’m successfully completed my CA in Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka.

I’m following a Higher National Diploma in Business Management at ESOFT Metro
Campus-Kandy. And also I’m also completed an IT course in Open University- Polgolla.
My courses in Business Management have given me a solid foundation what I plan to
build my future.

Financial Sector offers recognized growth opportunities as candidates reach from Trainee
Officer level to General Manager level. Employees have respect in the society. So I’m
willing to do this job respectively if I got selected. I’ve do my best.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank You,
Yours sincerely,
M.G.S.O. Gunasekara


01) Sathsarani Oshadi Gunasekara

15/A, 10th mile post, Kengalla
Mobile Number: 076 4743056


 To secure a challenging position in a reputable organization to expand my

learnings, knowledge, and skills.
 Seeking an entry-level position to being my career in a high-level professional
 Seeking a career challenges.
 Cover the all duties and responsibilities given by the authority.


 Full Name: Mudiyanse Gunasekaralage Sathsarani Oshadi Gunasekara
 Date of Birth: 21.10.1999
 Gender: Female
 Nationality: Sinhala
 Religion: Buddhist
 Education: A. Rathnayake Central College- Walala
 NIC Number: 199979503860
 Civil Status: Single


 Work as a Executive Marketing Officer under NDB Bank in Colombo until 2018- 2020
 Assist in organizing company events.


 Following a Higher National Diploma in Business Management at ESOFT Metro
Campus- Kandy (2021-present)


 Successfully completed Certificate Course of English Career Skills(NVQ-4) at Technical
College- Pathadumbara (2018-2019)
 Successfully completed a Certificate Course of Completion in Computer Literacy at
Open University- Polgolla. (2020)
 Completed a Diploma in English in UK Campus (Academy of English)-Kandy


 Undertaken a research regarding Factors affecting on employee’s Stress at NSB Bank-



 Successfully completed Certificate Course of English Career Skills(NVQ-4) in Technical
College- Pathadumbara (2018-2019)
 Successfully completed Certificate Course of Completion in Computer Literacy in Open
University- Polgolla. (2020)
 Completed a Diploma in English in UK Campus (Academy of English)-Kandy


 General Certification of Education Ordinary Level (2015)- A. Rathnayake Central

College, Walala (Index No- 54608317)

Sinhala A English B
Buddhism A Commerce C
Mathematics C Health Science A
Science C Dancing A
History C

 General Certification of Education Advanced Level(2019-Commerce) –A.

Rathnayake Central College, Walala (Index No-8505420)

Accounting S General English B

Business Studies B Economics


School Level- A. Rathnayake Central College- Walala
 Secretary of the School Commerce Society Organized “Odyssey” – Annual
Commerce day 2018
 Commendable service to the house “Parackrama” (2018)

 Ability to work quickly and accurately
 Excellent organization skills
 Leadership and personal management
 Good presentation skills
Miss. Hiruni Weerakoon, ,


Interview Questions

01.Tell me about your self

02.What are your strengths and weaknesses?

03.What attracted you to our company?

04.What’s your work experience’s?

05.How is your communication skill?

06.Tell me about your finance experience and finance knowlge?

07.How is your knowlge of technology?

08.Why did you decided to apply for this post

09.What will you do if you selected for this job?




POSITION TITLE: Financial executive

DEPARTMENT: Finance department


INTERVIWER: Dilmi nishara






PRESENTATION this sector needs to be
(PROMPATNESS, further developed

this sector needs to be 
COMPUTER SLKILLS further developed.



He can control any situations, High numeracy

Weakness- Getting nervous

Recommended for hire not a match decision not yet made

Dilmi Halambage


Interviewer signature


The above assessment on the selection criteria by our selection committee files the brief details
of all the candidates. Based on their written information and the information obtained airing the
interview, the judge prepared the all the reports the reaching conclusions.

01.Sathsarani Oshadi

Sathsarani Oshadi has been with NDB Bank for 2 years. She held the positions of executive
marketing officer. According to the sample tests candidates but was not able to pass our selection
criteria therefore, she does not qualify for the position we expect.

02.Dahami nishara
Dahami worked for keells holdings for two years and worked as an assisted marketing manager.
According to the sample test, she has some qualifications but could not pass our selection
criteria’s therefore, she does not qualify for the positions we expected.


Letter of appointment

Date: 27. 04.2021

Address: 39/1, River Side, Hinguloya, Mawanella

Dear: Mohamed Thalif Mohamed Zaffry

Appointed as finance executive

We Refer to your recent interview for the above position and are pleased to inform that we are
offering you the position with the company affect you from 26th March 2021 under the following
terms and conditions:

 Salary: R.s 75.000 (basic)

 Probation Period: The probationary period need to be served by the candidate, after
joining the job
 Working Hours: The working hours to be followed by the employee, Monday to Friday
working, (Saturday and Sunday off), Lunch break:(1:00pm to 2:00pm)
Leave policy: Mention number of leaves granted per year. Details of sick leave, earned leave,
casual leave, maternal leave, etc.

Mohamed Zaffry

(employee Signature)

Our company needed an employee for executive finance accidents. We decided to conduct an
interview to fill the vacancy. therefore, an advertisement (JD and JS) containing the information
required for the post was published.2021.04.24 interviews were conducted to recruit suitable
employees. According to the nominations, three candidates appeared for the interview.

Second questions were asked of the tree applicants according to our selection criteria. They will
respond favorably. Our four-member selection committee than summarized the capacity of all
the candidates through the above assessments.

We examined the reports based on a conclusion obtained from the information obtained during
the written application and the interview.

In the end, our committee was able to select one candidates who qualified for the position we
able to bring all the selection criteria of Mohamed zaffry to a high our committee
selected him for these executive finance position on the basis of selection.

After interviewed gave him the offer latter authorizing him to work as decided by our company.

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