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Name: Lowie Jay V.

Udal Course/section: Information technology 1B

Subject: Living in the IT Era

Activity 1: Discussion: (30 pts.)

1. Enumerate the seven identified major trends of Give a brief

discussion in each trend. (2-3 sentences only for each trend)

1. IoT and smart home technology- the so-called Internet of Things (IoT) has been trending
since 2016. The vision of IoT has evolved due to the convergence of multiple technologies,
including pervasive wireless communication, data analytics, machine learning, and use of
hardware technology such as sensors, microprocessors, and microcontrollers.
2. Augmented reality and virtual reality- in 2016, the release of games such as Pokemon Go
and the anticipated VR headset, Oculus Rift, served as a turning point for AR and VR
3. Machine Learning- also called Artificial Intelligence, having machines decide for you seems
to be a daunting task and would probably make you think of robots and talking computers, similar to Iron Man’s Jarvis.
4. Automation- this is very much evident through wearable devices such as step counters and
heart rate monitors used by health-conscious individuals. Information collected is
automatically saved and stored in mobile devices for analysis.
5. Big data- is term that describe large and complex volumes of data. But it is not how much
data an organization has it is what they do with it that matters.
6. Physical-digital integrations- they identify their physical elements and create digital data for
more efficient operation and back-up. The concept of having a “paperless company” in
which transactions, reports, and services are done using automated systems is one such
7. Everything on demand- due to prevalence of network connectivity, it is possible to have
information on demand. Music, movies, and even drivers (e.g., Grab) are made available
through the apps in a smartphone.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of media, blog and messenger?
Define each. (2-3 sentences only)

Advantages Dis-advantages
media Media is a massive source ome advertisements can
for entertainment in the glamourize the use of items that
world through which people cause health risks.
enjoy movies, shows, music, Creating fake profiles and
etc. sending threats or bullying or
Media allows cultural such acts can ruin the mental
diffusion among people health and reputation of
from different parts of the targetted individuals.
blog Easy to set up: don't need personal blogs may be based or
much technical knowledge. contain inaccurate information.
Easy and quick to update or blogs can be time consuming.
add new posts. finding time to write regular
updates can become a chore
Messenger It connects people users cannot be sure of who they
regardless where they are are talking to through IM. It can
actually located. In the be pretty dangerous if they are
company, colleagues can not careful. Moreover, users may
send and reply instant be hoodwinked into the identity
message in real time without of the person on the other side of
face to face, meanwhile the the chat. Impersonation, which
work report can be shared cannot be ascertained, can prove
during the instant chat detrimental when vital
session; the IM can make a information is being shared.
virtual conference without
get all the related people
together in a physical
meeting room

Activity II (50 pts.)

Search online for media outlets that use two or more modes of communication with
their customers. Example are a new program on TV and radio broadcast over the AM
frequency. Do a comparative analysis of the types of outlets the communication network
currently uses in terms of the following:
1. Content

Television contents means information transmitted in an analog or digital television signal or informtaion
transmitted in subtantially the same form from a single source to many recipients,irrespective of the means
of transmission or the apparatus used to reproduce such content.
A radio program, radio progamme, or radio show is a segment of content intended for broadcast on radio.
It may be a one-time production or part of a periodically recurring series. A single program in a series is
called an episode.
2. Audience reach

It reach worldwide
It reach worldwide

3. Your personal preference (among the two modes of communication being used)
In my preferece among the two is that they have there own uses and importance, Both of
them gives informations that we wanna know. Televison on the other have a vision,
images and sound in todays modern world television have a big impact in our daily lives.
Radio is somewhat like tv but there is no visual images, radio also is a big help to our
society there’s some areas that television cannot reach but radio can.
III. Assignment (20 pts.)

Given the specific electronic device below.

1. Mobile phone

Choose one electronic device that is most comfortable and convenient for you. Prepare a written report about
the electronic device you choose by answering the
following questions:

1. Is the device a part of a computer system? If yes, is a computer peripheral? If not, how is this device
classified? (2-3 sentences only)
Answer: Yes, today's new devices, such as tablets, smartphones and wearable computing devices are
considered peripherals as they can be connected and used on a computer system. The difference, however,
is that these devices can run independently of the computer system, unlike a computer mouse, for

2. Where do you usually see or use this device? Do you find it useful in your daily
activities? Why or why not? (2-3 sentences only)
Answer: I see this device everywhere you can use it whenever or wherever you like. Yes, with only our mobile
devices we can read books, listen to music, take pictures, watch videos, play games, create and edit documents,
get a medical opinion, and much more. It can also be very useful and big help specially to our studies.

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