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Personal Statement

In Nigeria, for most employers in the corporate sector, a master’s degree is the minimum level of
education an applicant is required to have to take up managerial roles. It has now become
necessary for me to advance my employability; hence I have decided to enroll for a master’s in
Business with Logistics and Supply Chain Management at Northumbria University.

My interest and passion for Supply Chain Management evolved as a result of my experience
working within the oil and gas industry in Nigeria. In 2011, I obtained an LLB (Hons) from
Nottingham Trent University and in 2013 I was professionally qualified by the Nigerian Council
of Legal Education to practice Law in Nigeria. With my acquired skills and qualifications, I was
able to gain employment as a legal officer in an organization that engaged in production and
distribution of petroleum products.

In achieving the company's overall goals, my role and job functions often required me to work in
conjunction with various. Specifically, being directly involved with the operations department
spawned my interest in the Supply Chain Management process, primarily because their daily task
and functions revolved around the core service/product of the business and how the process
involved in transforming these products from raw materials to finished goods for the customers
and other end users.

Although my participation in the operation process was limited to the legal aspect, I had access
to operational information which provided me with a general outlook on the other aspects
involved in the operational process amongst which includes procurement, logistics, warehousing,
packaging and other trade related matters.

Intrigued by the complex series of steps involved in these processes, in my spare time I carried
out researches on how businesses operate across various sectors and through this I began to
realize that all these processes lie at the heart of a Sustainable Supply Chain Management as it
involves planning and execution, physical flows of goods, and information, business financial
management, and much more.

Apart from the endless job opportunities offered in the supply chain field, the effect that an
efficient and sustainable SC system has on a business and the Global market at large cannot be
overemphasized. The Global market is constantly experiencing change and the key goal of most
small and medium enterprise, as well as large corporations, is to improve organizational
responsiveness to create value for customers and likewise encourage financial success.

Being a professional in the field of supply chain management requires that you provide solutions
to these problems facing Global Supply Chain Management. For me to have a competitive
advantage in the job market and offer value to any organization, it is necessary for me to first
equip myself with the tools and techniques which will be required to cope with modern business
challenges, through further studies which will enhance my knowledge on the international
business environment, effective business communication as well as potential markets for

Studying at Northumbria University, I hope to learn more about all aspect of business operations,
the links in Supply Chain processes and how to make strategic changes as needed to ensure
continued competitiveness. Through the extensive lectures, practical experience and the industry
links offered by the programme, I expect to emerge with a highly practical understanding of how
to; manage international relations and communications, handle industry challenges, as well as
emerging innovations and technological trends in the contemporary dynamic business world.

My experience in corporate practice involved a great deal of self-motivation, independent

research, applying initiatives, and so you will find that with minimal training/supervision, I have
the enthusiasm and determination to ensure that I make a success of every task which may be
assigned to me. My strong interpersonal and communication skills amongst others are some of
the key strengths that I possess for success in anything that I set to accomplish.

As an innovative person I strive for continued excellence and so I pride myself in being able to
provide exceptional and professional analytical solutions to complex issues by presenting
intellectual creative ideas which seek to bring optimum growth and increase productivity, and
for this reason I strongly believe that I would excel in the Supply Chain field.

Asides from my formal qualifications, I am extremely organized, reliable, focused and I possess
excellent ethics. I always seek to broaden my knowledge and regularly partake in activities
relevant to my progression.

I am very enthusiastic about the scope of study and confident that an opportunity to study a
master’s in Business with Logistics and Supply Chain Management Global Supply Chain
Management at Northumbria University will not only create a direct path for me to pursue a
career in Supply Chain but will also enhance my fundamental and practical business knowledge
and aid in my transformation from a core legal background to the forefront of business
operations, therefore, offering me a competitive advantage with industry leaders. I would be
grateful if my application is considered.

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