M00778925 202010 1 Conditional 1

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Middlesex Universit y

T he Burroughs
Sponsor license number: B3HT J3ME8

Sandra Ememandu
15 A Ot unba Adeleke St reet
Lekki Phase 1
N/A Nigeria

17 April 2020

St udent ID: M00778925

Dear Sandra,

We are pleased t o make you a condit ional of f er at Middlesex Universit y f or t he programme named below. Please ensure you
read all t he t erms and condit ions included in t his let t er bef ore accept ing your of f er.

Course name: MSc Global Supply Chain Management

Start date: 21-SEP-2020
Normal duration: 1 Year
Conditions of of f er: Submission of let t er of recommendat ion.
Location: Hendon Campus
Mode of study: Full T ime
Residential category: Overseas
T uition f ee*: £16,200.00
Deposit required: £1,000.00

* If your of f er is f or a f ull t ime course which is longer t han one academic year, t he t uit ion f ee shown above is f or t he f irst year
of st udy only. If your of f er is f or a part -t ime course, t he t uit ion f ee above is quot ed on a per t aught credit basis.

Depending on t he durat ion of your st udy, your t uit ion f ees may be subject t o inf lat ionary increases. Full det ails of t he
Universit y's f inancial t erms and condit ions can be f ound in t he T erms and Condit ions sect ion of t his of f er let t er. You can also
f ind inf ormat ion about t uit ion f ees and f unding on our websit e at www.mdx.ac.uk

Your of f er is based on your academic achievement s and pot ent ial t o succeed on t he programme. It is not an assessment of
your suit abilit y f or sponsorship as a T ier 4 st udent and does not guarant ee t hat sponsorship will be provided. As part of our
considerat ion of sponsorship you may be required t o at t end a visa credibilit y int erview and t o supply addit ional non-academic
document s. You will be cont act ed separat ely wit h det ails of t he visa credibilit y process should t his apply t o you. Failure t o
pass t he credibilit y int erview and document checks may result in your of f er being wit hdrawn.

How to reply to your of f er

Please log in t o your Middlesex Applicant Port al and go t o t he 'My Applicat ions' page where you will be able t o accept , decline
or request t o def er your of f er. Please make sure you respond t o your of f er by 8 May 2020. Your of f er may be wit hdrawn if you
do not reply by t he deadline given. If you haven't already received your log in det ails f or t he Applicant Port al, t hen you will be
receiving t hem wit hin t he next f ew hours in a separat e email. Please ensure you read t he t erms and condit ions in t his of f er
let t er bef ore accept ing your of f er via t he Applicant Port al.

Paying your deposit

T he deposit amount shown above is of f set against your t uit ion f ees and is only ref undable if your applicat ion f or a st udent
visa is ref used. You should only make a deposit payment once you have met all your academic condit ions.

For det ails on how you can pay your deposit , please have a look at our websit e at ht t p://www.mdx.ac.uk/courses/paying-f ees

If you require a CAS (Conf irmat ion of Accept ance f or St udies) f or a st udent visa, your deposit payment , copy of your passport
and ot her support ing document at ion will be required bef ore t he CAS can be issued. For more inf ormat ion about applying f or a
visa, please visit www.mdx.ac.uk/visa
T o view f urt her inf ormat ion about your of f er, please have a look at our websit e: Your of f er explained

Please not e t he t erms of t his of f er and t he regulat ions governing your st udies at Middlesex Universit y are subject t o English
Law. Inf ormat ion processed f or t he purpose of admissions, enrolment and st udent records may be made available t o relevant
government of f ices.

Yours sincerely,

Gunel McLaughlin
Head of Admissions and St udent Visa Compliance
Middlesex Universit y
T erms and Conditions

T he f ollowing are t he t erms and condit ions of t he of f er which f orm t he cont ract bet ween you and t he Universit y. On accept ing
our of f er you agree t o t hese condit ions:

1. You agree t o observe t he Universit y Regulat ions list ed below, f ound at ht t p://www.mdx.ac.uk/about -us/policies/universit y-
regulat ions
i. Academic Regulat ions
ii. St udent Conduct and Discipline
iii. St udent Complaint s and Grievance Procedures
iv. Regulat ions f or Research Degree Programmes (f or Research st udent s)

2. You agree t o observe t he Universit y Policies list ed below, f ound at ht t p://www.mdx.ac.uk/about -us/policies/public-policy-
st at ement s and ht t p://unihub.mdx.ac.uk/your-middlesex/universit y-regulat ions-and-policies/policies
i. Admissions Policy
ii. Admissions Complaint s Policy
iii. Comput er use policy f or St udent s
iv. Dat a Prot ect ion Policy
v. Designat ed smoking areas on campus
vi. Financial Regulat ions f or st udent s
vii. Print ing and phot ocopy policy f or st udent s
viii. Privacy Policy
ix. Smoking Policy
x. T alking Point Policy

3. If you have been of f ered a place on a Nursing or Midwif ery course you also agree t o observe t he f ollowing, f ound at
ht t p://unihub.mdx.ac.uk/your-middlesex/universit y-regulat ions-and-policies/policies
i. At t endance policy (Nursing and Midwif ery)
ii. Disciplinary policy (Nursing and Midwif ery)
iii. Fit ness f or pract ice policy (Nursing and Midwif ery)
iv. Leavers and Ret urns Policy (Nursing and Midwif ery)

4. You agree t o pay t uit ion f ees and any given addit ional charges relat ing t o your course by t he dat e of regist rat ion or your
st art dat e given. T he t uit ion f ee f or t he f irst year is as st at ed in your of f er let t er. T he f ee quot ed is revised each
academic year. Your of f er let t er indicat es t he resident ial cat egory you have been classif ied as f or f ees purposes. If you
f eel t his classif icat ion t o be incorrect it is your responsibilit y t o cont act t he relevant Admissions t eam.

5. You agree t hat if t he Universit y ref unds you any monies, t hen such ref unds are ret urned t o t he account f rom which t he
f ees were remit t ed including where f ees have been overpaid.

6. T he Universit y has an Admissions Complaint s and Appeals Policy which can be f ound at ht t p://www.mdx.ac.uk/about -
us/policies/public-policy-st at ement s

7. You may cancel t he cont ract wit hout penalt y wit hin 14 days of your accept ance by cont act ing t he Universit y admissions
t eam in writ ing. If you wish t o wit hdraw af t er t hat dat e, you should cont act t he Universit y admissions t eam f or f urt her

8. Where t he programme of st udy you have an of f er f or requires a Disclosing and Barring Check t his will be indicat ed t o you
in t he of f er of st udy and it is your responsibilit y t o ensure compliance and part icipat ion wit h t his check at t he Universit y's
direct ion.

Where an of f er of a place is f or a programme t hat does not require a DBS check you agree t o t ake responsibilit y t o
check any occupat ional or prof essional st andards relat ing t o criminal convict ions where t he programme of st udy you
have an of f er f or might meet occupat ional and prof essional st andards but does not lead t o regist rat ion wit h a
prof essional regulat ory body.

Offer letter generated: 17-APR-20 18 .0 0

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