5 - Liberal Feminism Worksheet

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Pre-chewed Politics

Chapter 1
Video 5 Liberalism

The belief that there should be equality between the sexes

What is liberal feminism?

Focuses on securing women greater legal equality by expanding the franchise to give women
What is first wave the vote. They were influenced by the idea of negative freedom and the belief of foundational
feminism? What was the equality
legal and social status of
women in the C18th and

Based her arguments on firm liberal views, dismissing the idea that women were inferior to
Why was Mary men. She agreed with the legal argument that all men have natural rights inherited at birth.
Wollstonecraft’s call for She also argued that women should have parity with men when it comes to natural rights
greater gender equality
firmly liberal?

The revolution controversy was a series of pamphlets written by British writers, debating the
What was the Revolution French revolution. Wollstonecraft wrote “a vindication of the rights of men” in response to a
Controversy? How did pamphlet written by Edmund burke, who criticised the revolution and defended the
Wollstonecraft feel about aristocracy. She saw an opportunity for women to gain legal equality by drafting a new
the aristocracy? constitution
It started in America to target legal inequalities and workplace discrimination but also non-
What brought the first legal and cultural barriers that limited opportunities for women. They were influenced by the
wave of feminism to an idea of
end & what triggered the
second wave?

The problem of unhappiness amongst housewives. She argued that it wasn’t unreasonable for
What did Betty Freidan women to ask if they wanted more out of life
mean by “the problem
with no name” and the
“feminine mystique”?
How was her criticism of
both firmly liberal?

Friedan was a founding member of the national organisation of women, which aimed to bring
In what ways did second equality to women. They drafted a bill of rights for women in 1968, detailing the
wave liberal feminists amendments to the constitution they wanted
believe that an enabling
state could promote the
freedom of women?

What is liberal feminism?

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