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Government Engineering College, Rajkot

Computer Engineering Department

Subject: Analysis and Design of Algorithms
Subject Code: 3150703
B.E. Semester: 5th
Assignment – Analysis
1. Arrange following rate of growth in increasing order.
2n, nlgn, n2, 1, n, lgn, n!, n3, nn, n!, √
2. Arrange following growth rates in increasing order.
O(n1/4), O(n1.5), O(n3 lg n), O(n1.02), Ω(n6), Ω(n!), O(√n), O(n6/2), Ω(2n)
3. What is the smallest value of n such that an algorithm whose running time is 100n2 runs
faster than an algorithm whose running time is 2n on the same machine?
4. Consider an array A of n elements. Each value of array A is filled from set S
={0,1,2,3,…..,n-2,n-1,n}. There are no duplicate values filled in array A. Design an
algorithm that finds which element from set S is missing in array A such that worst case
time complexity is O(n).
5. Find Big-Oh Notation the f(n)= 3n2+5n+10
6. Find Omega (Ω) notation of function f(n)=2n2 + 6 n*lg n + 6n
7. Find upper bound of function f(n)= lg(n2) + n2 lg n.
8. Prove that T(n) = n3 + 20n is Ω(n2)
9. Prove that T(n) = n3 + 20n + 1 is not O(n2)
10. Is 2n+1 = Ο(2n) ? Explain.
11. Is 22n = Ο(2n) ? Explain.
12. Let f(n) and g(n) be asymptotically positive functions. Prove following.
f(n) + g(n) = Θ(max(f(n), g(n))).
13. Prove that (n + a)b = Ө( nb) , b>0
14. Prove that (lgn)lgn = Ω(n3/2)
15. Prove that lg(n!) = Ө(nlgn)
16. If P(n) = a0+ a1 n + a2 n2 + . . . . . . + amnm then prove that P(n) = O(nm). Here a0, a1, a2
… are constants and am>0.
17. Find out time complexity for the following pseudo codes using O-notation.

Example 1: Example 2:
Algorithm algo1 (n) Algorithm algo2 (n)
{ {
c=0; for( i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { for( i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
for(j = n ; j > 0 ; j--) { c = c +1
if( i < j )
c = c + 1; }
} }
} }
Example 3 Example 7
Algorithm algo3 (n) Algorithm algo7 (n)
{ {
c=0; c=0;
for( i=n ; i >1; i = i/2) { for( i=1; i<=n*n*n, i++) {
c = c+1 c = c+1;
} }
Example 4 Example 8
Algorithm algo4 (n) Algorithm algo8 (n, m)
{ {
i = 1; c=0;
s = 1; for( i=1; i<=n ; i++) {
while ( s <=n) { for (j=1;j<=m;j++){
i++; c = c+1;
s = s + i; }
} }
Example 5 }
Algorithm algo5 (n) Example 9
{ Algorithm algo9 (n)
c=0; {
for (i =0; i<=3*n; i++) { i=1;j=0;
c = c+1; while (i<n){
} j=n;
} while (j>0) {
Example 6 j = j/2;
Algorithm algo6 (m , n) }
{ i = i *2;
c=0; }
for( i=1; i<=m, i++) { }
c = c+1; Example 10
} Algorithm algo10 (n)
for( i=1; i<=n, i++) { {
c = c+1; c = 0;
} for (i=n;i>=0;i=i/2) {
} for( j=0;j<i;j++ ){
c = c+1;
18. Sort following using Selection Sort, Bubble Sort and Insertion Sort. Show your steps.
(i) A={98,54,86,9,92,43,71}
(ii) A={E,X,A,M,P,L,E}
19. Show operation of Shell Sort on array A = {81, 23, 21, 50, 83, 33, 61, 20}
20. Illustrate the operation of Counting Sort on array A = {6, 0, 2, 0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 1, 3, 2}
21. Illustrate the operation of Radix Sort on array A = { 329, 457, 657, 839, 436, 720, 355}
22. Show operation of Bucket Sort using figure on array A = {.97, .31, .61, .46, .93, .12, .98,
.35, .17, .24}
23. Illustrate the operation of Heap Sort on array A = {5, 13, 2, 25, 7, 17, 20, 8, 4}

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