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Fiction Reading

We all know that reading is important, but did you know that Fiction reading is more important
than Non-fiction reading? Just like Richard Bach said “If you will practice being fictional for a
while, you will understand that fictional characters are sometimes more real than people with
bodies and heartbeats.” Just like in our childhood memories, our parents read us a book before
we sleep because it helps us to create an imagination of things for us to fall asleep easily. But
there are many good benefits to reading fictional stories; it will lessen your stress and can make
you sleep better.

In fact,”fiction” refers to literature created from the imagination. Mysteries, science fiction,
romance, fantasy, chick lit, and crime thrillers are all fiction genres.

Fiction reading helps younger people to develop their imaginative thinking, It also lessens our
stress, and it makes us exhilarated, because it allows your audience to create an event that is
untrue or make-believe,It would not limit your imagination, and you can also be the character of
the story.

One of the examples here is the book "The Hobbit," which is really enjoyed by the majority,
especially young people. It was published in 1937, and a new version was published in 1954 with
the title The Lord of the Rings. It is the best fiction story for me. The story is all about the quest
of home-loving Bilbo Baggins, the titular hobbit, to win a share of the treasure guarded by a
dragon named Smaug. This story became popular when I was only 10 years old, and I borrowed
a book to read the story of The Hobbit.Then, to help people better understand the story, They
turned "The Hobbit" into a movie after it gained popularity. It was the most amazing story I've
read since I was 10 years old, and because of that story, it helps me to relieve my stress and
improves my critical thinking.

In addition, reading fiction makes us more empathetic. Research shows that fiction is more
effective than nonfiction at changing our views about people different from ourselves. However,
there are some people who choose nonfiction, but take note of this: not all fiction stories are just
like fairy tales; sometimes you can base them on your real life. Another thing is that it also has
deep meanings that we can connect to our lives, especially when we really understand what we

Reading fiction can also help you learn how to interact with others and understand social cues.
This can be especially beneficial for children and teenagers who are still developing their social
skills. Also your vocabulary, because reading fiction can expose you to new words and ideas,
which can help you improve your vocabulary and language skills and lastly, reading fiction can
be a great way to relax and escape from the stresses of everyday life. It can be a great way to
unwind after a long day.
Overall, reading fiction can be a rewarding and enjoyable activity that can have a number of
positive effects on the reader. It can help improve empathy, social skills, vocabulary, mental
flexibility, and can provide relaxation and stress relief. Reading fiction can also be a great way to
escape into new worlds and experience new things, and can help improve imagination and

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