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What’s on your mind?

Live Photo Room

Facebook is a social networking tool which allows
groups and individuals to engage in peer-to-peer
conversations and both generate and exchange
content online. Users firstly set up a profile of
themselves, with professional and/or personal
information from which they can post links &
multimedia from the internet or their own photos
and content. Approved friends are able to interact
around the content that is shared between them
through public or private messages and a chat
feature. Users can let people know what they are
doing by changing their ‘current status’.
f Search

Shaina Novicio

Use a Facebook Page to broadcast updates and alerts.

Social media and technology

are natural parts of daily life, and
incorporating them into the classroom is
easier than ever before, given how
accustomed many students are to them. Each
social media platform provides numerous
ways to use it in the classroom, ranging from
sharing announcements to holding live
lectures, among other things.
First, social media gives students, teachers,
and parents a smoother, more direct way
tocommunicate. They can check in and ask or
answer questions.
f Search

Shaina Novicio is with- , EDUC-3B.

Use a Facebook Page to broadcast updates and alerts.

Facebook might be the ideal social media site to use in

the classroom.
Stick to what everyone is already familiar with when
using a typical online classroom dashboard to avoid
subjecting teachers and students to a new learning curve.
Have students follow the class’s Facebook Page, and the
instructor can use it to post class updates, share
homework assignments and encourage discussion.
Even if a student isn’t active on Facebook, these Pages
are still accessible when signed out. However, keep in
mind Facebook Page are public and anyone with a
Facebook account can comment on the posts.
f Search

Shaina Novicio


there are a wide number of potential benefits to using
Facebook as an educational tool. Four inter-related
potential benefits:
1. creating a sense of community and promoting
2. enhancing communication between instructors and
3. developing computer literacy and language skills, and
4. incorporating current student culture into the learning
environment are explored.
Facebook is particularly well suited for sharing and
discussion of current events in the news.
f Search

Shaina Novicio

Creating Community/Promoting
Some of the most obvious potential benefits to
incorporating the use of Facebook into the classroom stem
from the basis that Facebook is designed as a social
networking site (SNS). For instructors who see teaching as
establishing a relationship with students, Facebook may be
an effective way to connect (Roblyer et al., 2010).
f Search

Shaina Novicio

Enhancing Communication
A similar potential benefit to that of creating community is
using Facebook to enhance communication. Any resource
that helps instructors and students communicate more
clearly or more frequently is likely to be beneficial to the
educational experience. To the extent that Facebook can
increase the quantity or quality of communications between
instructors and students and between students and their
peers, it should be considered as a possible teaching tool.
f Search

Shaina Novicio

Developing Skills
Another potential benefit to employing Facebook in
the classroom is to promote computer literacy skills.
Muñoz and Towner (2011) note that literacy practices
are “moving well beyond the printed medium to
embrace the digital realm,” with new terms emerging
such as “new media literacy,” “digital literacy,” and
“twenty first century literacy.” They also note the
need for students to learn “e-professionalism,”
distinguishing between their personal and
professional identities. When Facebook is
incorporated into the educational setting, all of these
skill areas can be developed.
f Search

Shaina Novicio

Incorporating Culture
A final potential benefit of using Facebook is the
opportunity to incorporate contemporary student
culture into the classroom. By being online with
Facebook, teachers become more aware of the
current pop culture references to which their students
are exposed. This awareness can be used to
incorporate current events and culture as examples to
help students connect with the course materials
(Sturgeon & Walker, 2009).
f Search

Shaina Novicio

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