Important Questions Sem1 Physics

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Important questions Long answers type

1) State and prove divergence of a vector field and give its physical significances.
2) State and prove Curl of a vector field and give its physical significances.
3) State and prove stokes theorem.
4) State and prove green’s theorem.
5) Explain the motion of rocket by variable mass system.
6) State types of collisions. Explain Two dimensional Elastic collision.
7) Derive Euler’s equations.
8) Explain the processional motion of rotating TOP.
9) Deduce Keplar’s first and second law from inverse square law.
10)What is central force? Derive the equation of a particle under the action of central force.
11)State the postulates of special theory of relativity. Describe the Lorentz transformations.
12) State the postulates of Einstein special theory of relativity. Describe Michelson-Morley
13)Define SHM to derive a differential equation of SHO and its Characteristics.
14)Define simple harmonic vibration. Explain the combination of two mutually
perpendicular SH vibrations with i) Equal(1:1) frequencies ii) Different(2:1) frequencies
15) Define Damped harmonic Oscillation(DHO). Derive an equation for differential form of
damped harmonic oscillator and give its solution.
16)Derive an equation for displacement of Forced harmonic oscillator(FHO).
Important questions short answer type
Unit-I 1) Explain the physical significances of curl of a vector.
2) Define gradient of a scalar field and explain its physical significances.
3) State different types vector integrals.
Unit-II 4) Explain System of variable mass.
5) Explain the term i) Impact parameter ii) Scattering cross section.
6) What is gyroscope and explain its working.
7) Write a short note on multistage rocket
8) Deduce the conservation of “Energy” and “Momentum” from Euler’s equations.
9) State and explain Newton laws of motion
Unit-III10) What is rigid body? Define angular Displacement (φ), velocity (ω), acceleration (α).
11) Derive inertial tensor matrix
12) What is central force? Show that the central force is equal to negative gradient of PE
13) Deduce Einstein energy Mass Equalance (E=mc 2)
14) State and explain Keplar laws of planetary motion.
15) Write Galileo transformations
16) Explain about length contraction
17) Derive E2=C 2 P2 +m20 c 4
18) Write about four vector formation
Unit-IV 19) Derive the equation for energy of SHO
20) What are the Lissajous figures? Give its advantages.
21) Derive the equation for Relaxation time of DHO
22) What is coupled oscillator explain
23) Explain the terms 1.Amplitude resonance 2.Velocity resonance

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