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Sponsored by:

Hon. Jose C. Angulo, Jr.

Chairman of the Committee on Environment



WHEREAS, Section 16, Article II of the 1987 Philippine Constitution specifically

provides that the state shall protect and advance the right of the people to a balance
and a healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature;

WHEREAS, Section 3(i) of RA 7160 otherwise known as the Local Government

Code provides that the local government units shall share with the national government
the responsibilities in the management and maintenance of ecological balance within
their territorial jurisdiction, subject to the provisions of the said code and national

WHEREAS, Section 2(d) of RA 9003 otherwise known as the Ecological Solid

Waste Management Act of 2000 provides that it is the declared policy of the state to
adopt a systematic, comprehensive and ecological solid waste management program
which shall ensure the proper segregation, collection, transport storage, treatment and
disposal of solid waste through the formulation and adoption of the best environmental
practices in ecological waste management excluding incineration;

WHEREAS, Section 37 of RA 9003 likewise provides that no open dump shall be

established and operated, nor any practices or disposal of solid waste by any person,
including LGUs, which constitutes the use of open dumps for solid waste, be allowed
after the effectivity of the said Act;

WHEREAS, Section 484(b) of RA No. 7160 provides that the Municipal

Environment and Natural Resource Office is tasked to spearhead the implementation of
the Environmental Plans, programs, projects, activities and task of the Municipality
geared toward an efficient and effective utilization, conservation, protection,
management and development of the LGU’s Environment and Natural Resources;
WHEREFORE, pursuant to the above cited laws, the Sangguniang Bayan of the
Municipality of Tanauan, Leyte in a regular session assembled, hereby ordains that:


Section. 1. Title. This ordinance shall be known as “An Ordinance Mandating the
Establishment of Sanitary Landfill and its facilities in the Municipality of Tanauan, Leyte
and providing for its Operational Guidelines from Mandatory Waste Segregation at
source to Final Waste Disposal and Appropriating Funds therefor”.

Section. 2. Objectives.

Role of the Municipality

The Municipality shall:

A. Ensure the long-term management of solid waste, as well as integrate the

various solid waste management plans and strategies in its area of
jurisdiction by providing a sanitary landfill capable of accommodating or
storage of residual disposal. In the development of the Solid Waste
Management Plan, it shall conduct consultations with the various sectors of
the community;

B. Develop the specific mechanics and guidelines for the implementation of the
Sanitary Landfill operation in the Municipality;

C. Primarily be responsible for the implementation and enforcement of the

provisions of RA 9003 whereby the municipality shall collect residual,
recyclable, non-recyclable materials and special wastes only; and

D. In the implementation of the segregation at source, include on the SWM Plan

to divert at least 45% of the solid waste to the waste disposal facility through
reuse, recycling and composting activities and other resource recovery
activities; provided that waste diversion goals shall be increased every three
years thereafter.

Section. 3. Role of the Barangay. Barangays shall establish Barangay Material

Recovery Facility as mandated by law for temporary storage of different waste
classification generated from every household and other waste source. There shall be a
coordination to the municipal LGU in the planning and budgeting process of their solid
waste management to ensure that their plans are in accordance with the national and
local legislations.


Section. 4. Recyclable Waste. Papers, cartoons, potential plastics bottles, bottles,

steel, and the likes shall be collected but subject to final sorting in the material recovery
facility to ensure a lesser volume shall be dumped before final disposal of
recyclable/residual disposal in the sanitary landfill. However, household may opt to sell
their potential residuals and other recyclables to junkshops and itinerant buyers in the

Section. 5. Special/Medical Waste. Infectious or hazardous waste from clinics,

hospitals, rural health unit, isolation and quarantine facility shall be placed in a sealed
septic vault for proper disposal. Coordination from Environmental Management Bureau
(EMB) - Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Office and other
concerned agencies with regards to waste treatment and disposal of hospital
pathogenic and infectious waste pursuant to Toxic Substances, Hazardous Waste,
Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990 (Republic Act 6969) and Joint DENR- DOH
Administrative Order No. 02, Series of 2005 and other related laws and regulations shall
also be conducted.

Section. 6. Biodegradable Waste. Biodegradable waste generated in the market

area and other designated areas of barangays for biodegradables shall be placed in the
composting facility for further processing into bio-organic inputs through the
technological use of Aero-Convector Bio Reactor and other composting facility and
equipment in placed. Bio Organic inputs produced in the composting facility shall be
subject to income generating measure of the LGU. This, however, shall require a further
legislation since this forms part of economic enterprise.

Section. 7. Residual Waste. Waste like paints, spray cannisters, thinners batteries,
tires, single use plastics, candy/ snacks wrappers, junked electronics waste materials
and the likes shall from part of this type of waste classification to be finally disposed in
the landfill only. There shall be a provision of residual containment area for purposes of
temporary storage in the absence of sanitary landfill.


Section. 8. Material Recovery Facility. There shall be a structure of MRF in the

sanitary landfill for the final sorting of the collected residual and recyclable waste before
finally disposing the residual disposal to the sanitary landfill. Since there will a limitation
or control of the number of waste pickers/ scavenger either in the MRF area or in the
residual cell, the LGU shall allocate sufficient funding for the adequate manpower that
will operate the daily function of final sorting of garbage before disposal from the MRF to
the residual cell of the sanitary landfill.

Section. 9. Composting Facility. Reiterating Section 69 of the Municipal

Environment Code under the composting provision, it provides that composting of
agricultural waste and other compostable materials including but not limited to garden
waste, shall be encourage. Residential houses with available yards shall be required to
make their compost pits within their lots for biodegradable waste. Households with no
spaces available for the above-cited pits shall deposit to a designated area of Barangay
for such type of waste to be collected on a separate collection schedule.

Section. 10. Septic Vault. There shall be an installation of septic vault facility
intended for the special waste generated in the hospital, clinics, RHU, isolation centers,
birthing facility, and quarantine centers as they are automatically classified as medically
hazardous materials capable of highly infecting others through either airborne or direct

Future consideration of generating income of the sanitary landfill shall be highlighted by

the LGU by providing a septic vault facility to be installed separately in the sanitary
landfill forming part of the operating facility by allowing other government and even
private entities like hospitals and the likes for a fee or charge. The same shall be
considered a priority in the funding requirement in the subsequent budgeting process of
the LGU. This may, however, shall require further legislation in determining the amount
to be imposed for the tipping fee. With the existing septic vault facility in the sanitary
landfill, the LGU shall coordinate to the DOH for the possible funding on this endeavor.

Section. 11. Residual Cell with road Networks. There shall be a residual cell as
final disposal enough the accommodate residual waste good for at least 3-5 years of
operation. The same shall conform to the standard set by the EMB. Road network shall
be considered in the drafting of engineering design for the passage of the equipment
like garbage haulers, garbage compactors, pay loaders, excavators, and other
equipment necessary for the operation of sanitary landfill.

Section. 12. Leachate Pond and It’s Management. Leachate from the waste pile
may contaminate the surface water that might drain into the creeks, stream, and other
natural water bodies. Therefore, their shall be an appropriate engineering design
through leachate pipe collector that is suitable for leachate pond management and to
ensure that the same shall not have a direct contact to the community since the so-
called contaminants is considered as harmful and infectious substance under RA 6969.
There shall be high density polyethylene pipes that shall be buried of at least 1 meter
from the ground that will connect from the leachate pond collector to the water streams
or creek for the release of effluent after treating it in the leachate pond collection.

Section. 13. Fencing and Security. There shall be a fencing structure to prevent
possible entry of individuals and private haulers that may attempt to dispose their
wastes and stray animals that may enter the sanitary landfill. The following control
measures shall be installed, fence, guard house and other security measures. Perimeter
fence shall be constructed around the dumpsite consisting of concrete post and barbed
wire with cyclone wire gate or net to enclose the area to prevent strangers and stray
animals from entering the closed dumpsite.


Section. 14. Collection. A composition of adequate number solid waste

management team under the office of the MENRO shall oversee the collection of
segregated garbage in every household with a provision of proper personal protective

Section. 15. Equipment. There shall be an adequate/sufficient number of

equipment like garbage trucks, garbage compactor trucks, pay loader and excavator
solely intended for the garbage collection and landfill management. These shall be
manned with personnel fully and technically trained and capable of doing the usual
function of collecting garbage in the municipality of Tanauan and managing the site final
disposal to avoid foul smell.

Section. 16. Gas Management. Landfill produced gas, such as methane and
carbon dioxide, will continue to be generated as long as waste decomposition occurs.
Methane is highly combustible gas and may cause explosions. Therefore, it shall be
necessary to collect the gas and vent it freely, flare it, or recover it for energy use.
Extracting gas from the landfill has an advantage of reducing the concentration of
various chemicals in the leachate.

Sanitary landfill gas monitoring shall continue throughout the operational period. Gas
vents mechanism through gas vent HDPE pipe for gas collection shall be installed and
regular monitoring shall be observed. The need for maintenance shall be based on the
result of the monitoring and shall be done prior to the next monitoring.
Section. 17. Drainage Control System. Run-on and runoff of surface waters can
cause erosion and scouring of the final cover as well as water ponding. Therefore, high
density polyethylene pipes shall be installed in and along the periphery of the disposal
area to collect the water and a potential leachate generated in the cell from the garbage
all the way to the leachate pond. The surface run off drainage system shall be installed
at the lowest portion of the mound and above the leachate pipes.

Section. 18. Groundwater Monitoring. Groundwater monitoring activities shall

continue all throughout the period of operation of landfill. Groundwater sampling and
analysis shall be done as the need arises. Maintenance of the ground water monitoring
system through the monitoring shall be performed as needed. The need for
maintenance shall be determined through inspection of the wells during the regular

Section. 19. Control of Waste Pickers. There shall be a MENRO personnel in

charge in the controlling of waste pickers in the sanitary landfill. The waste pickers shall
only be allowed or given enough time in the morning to gather some potential
recyclables and they shall be subsequently barred from doing the same in the afternoon
3-4 pm, to give time for the heavy equipment to cover the area with soil cover to ensure
that the garbage/residuals will not be scattered and cause bad smell in the sanitary
landfill. Therefore, the LGU shall prepare enough standby soil cover for this purpose.

There shall be a proper identification of scavengers and waste pickers which are only
limited to legally age persons thereby barring any person below legal age to engage in
waste scavenging activity.

Section. 20. Maintenance and Final Cover Monitoring Section 40 of RA 9003

provides that the site shall have an adequate quantity of earth cover materials that is
easily handled and compacted to ensure or at least minimize the presence of flies.
Monitoring and maintenance activities shall be performed in order to maintain the
integrity and effectiveness of the final cover system. The quarterly monitoring and
assessment shall include inspection of the final cover for vegetation, erosion, and the
surface water drainage system.

The final cover is applied to a completed disposal facility to act as a barrier to reduce
infiltration of water into disposal area, reduce gas migration, prevent the emergence of
insects and rodents, and minimize the escape of odor and support vegetation. The
placing of soil cover to areas where the re-profiling is completed shall be covered with
600 mm of topsoil which is resistance to erosion and suitable for vegetation growth.
Topsoil shall be spread and compacted by dozer to the design grade, elevation, and
slopes. Top of soil cover shall have a minimum top slope of five (5) percent to ensure
draining and prevent ponding and seeping-in of rainwater into the garbage mound.


Section. 21. Monitoring. The MENRO shall be mainly in-charge of the

monitoring and evaluation of sanitary landfill. Reports shall be submitted to the ESWM
Board on a quarterly basis and upon review, submit the same to the Municipal
Development Council (MDC) and Sangguniang Bayan for purposes of future
developments and further legislations. This information shall also be made available to
interested parties and shall be posted in municipal bulletin boards.

Section. 22. Provision of Personnel Protective Equipment. As to the personnel,

Section 66 of the Municipal Environment Code also highlighted under the provision of
the health care of solid waste personnel wherein, all personnel directly dealing with
collection of solid waste shall be equipped with personal protective equipment to protect
them from the hazards of handling solid waste. Necessary training shall be given to
collectors and personnel to ensure that the solid waste is handled properly. These
personnel shall be subjected to periodical medical test.

There shall be a daily collection of waste generated inside the quarantine and isolation
facility to ensure that volume of waste will not be compounded with in them.
Subsequently, waste generated inside the facility is automatically treated as hazardous
and still classified as medical waste that needs a necessary intervention of the handling
of waste so as not to infect the scavenger/waste pickers in the sanitary landfill.

Section. 23. Information, Education, Campaign.

(a.) The Municipal Government through the MENRO office shall be primarily involved in
all sectors for the proper dissemination of proper solid waste management through
various mediums such as seminars and meetings, school advocacies and orientations.
This shall be conducted in all levels from the municipal level down to the barangay and
puroks, and in schools. Information Education Campaign on RA 9003 will serve as the
springboard of the total implementation of the program and its components.

(b.) LGU Tanauan shall be involve in various IEC activities and preparation of materials
in relation to its advantages of providing facilities like sanitary landfill. This plan shall be
conducted continuously to strengthened IEC strategies to all other barangays until all
stakeholders and visitors are well-informed and disciplined in terms of proper solid
waste management.
(c.) Prior to the full operation of the sanitary landfill, various IEC materials shall be
produced to support the Solid Waste Management communications program. On the
same vein, production of other informative print materials such as information sheets,
leaflets, flyers and signages shall be continuously developed, reproduced, and
distributed to desired target audience.

(d.) A social media campaign through the municipalities official facebook page shall be
launched to increase people’s understanding on waste segregation and reduction,
proper waste management, impacts handling special waste, and ordinances on
collection, disposal arrangements and the presence of sanitary landfill.

(e.) Towards this end, series of IEC activities, which shall include airing of radio plugs,
distribution of print materials, conduct of orientations/ briefings, posting of tarps and
signages shall be implemented. Strategic alliances with civil society where they could
serve as additional endorsers and partners in the implementation shall also be

Section. 24. Provision of Adequate Funding. There shall be an adequate funding

to be allocated by the LGU either through annual or supplemental budget that shall be
prioritized to ensure a complete set-up of the Category I Sanitary Landfill until it is
completed and to fully guarantee that the operation of the same is in accordance of
what the law mandates.

Section. 25. Stakeholders Participation. Various civil society groups and

organizations at the barangay level which was institutionalized that may have great
potential contribution to solid waste management initiatives shall also encourage to
enjoin on this undertaking. These are the women’s organization, barangay disaster risk
reduction council and barangay volunteer workers and nutrition scholars.

Section. 26. Enforcement. All types of violations committed in relation to solid

waste segregation and management shall be recorded for purposes of immediate
actions and shall be dealt accordingly.

Section. 27. Appropriation. The Municipal Environment Office shall be provided

with the necessary appropriation that shall be included in the Municipality’s Budget

Section. 28. Separability Clause. If for any reason, any part or provision of this
ordinance be declared invalid or unconstitutional by a competent court, any part or
provision not affected thereby shall remain in full force and effect
Section. 29. Repealing Clause. All ordinances, rules and regulations, or parts
hereof in conflict or inconsistent with the provision of this Ordinance, are hereby
repealed, amended, or modified accordingly.

Section. 30. Effectivity. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon

Enacted: May 2022

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