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1. What do you know about installation ?

2. Are your home using an installation ?
3. Are you using a lamp in your house ?


Electrical installation is an important part in a building that functions to channel electricity from electricity
installations to power points. According to Sugandi, (2001) "in essence the electrical installation of buildings is a
channel of electrical energy, so it functions as a conduit".
The distribution of electricity must be in accordance with regulations that have been standardized by the
National Standardization Agency (BSN) by issuing General Electrical Installation Requirements (PUIL) as a general
guide (reference) for electrical installations.
As explained in PUIL 2000 (1.1), the purpose and objective of the General Requirements for the Electrical
Installation are that the operation of the electrical installation is carried out properly, to ensure human safety from
the danger of electric shock, the safety of electrical installations and equipment, building safety and their contents
from electric fire. and environmental protection.
Parties related to electrical installations such as owners, planners, contractors, supervisors, equipment
manufacturers, work safety supervisors, building supervisors, testers, occupants, operators (if any), fire department,
insurance, must be considered for their interests

 Glossary
1. General : Public
2. Electrical : Something who related with electric
3. Supervisor : A person who watch / advise the worker
4. Conduit : Conductor
5. Channel : Distributing

1. Are you using a lamp in your house ?
2. Are your home using a electrical installation ?
3. Where is your electrical source come from ?
4. What kind of your electrical device in your house ?
5. How much you spent your money for electrical cost ?
6. What is electrical installation ?
7. Where the distribution must be according ?
8. What is explained in PUIL 2000 (1.1)
9. Electrical installation is carried properly on ?
10. What are parties related to electrical installations ?
1. Fire department are related to electrical installation ( T / F )
2. PUIL is general guide for electrical installation (T/F)
3. Electrical installation is an important part of building ( T / F )
4. The function of electrical installation is as a conduit ( T / F )
5. BSN is an agent who makes a standard (T/F)
6. PUIL 2000 is chemical guide book (T/F)
7. Planners aren’t include in parties who related (T/F)
8. The distribution is doesn’t have an accordance ( T / F )
9. Electrical installation isn’t important for industry ( T / F )
10. The parties who relate must not be considered (T/F)

 Games

Compare the things with the function !

Wire The guidance of electrical installation

Supervisor Serve the electrical tools
PUIL To cut or connect the circuit
Switch To conduct the current
Electrical Manufacture A person who advise the worker

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