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1. Which type person demands things be done their way and right now.
• Blue
• Red
• Yellow
• Green

2. Which of following not refers to yellow personality tendencies?

• Optimism

• Enthusiasm

• Verbally articulate

• Making quick decisions

3. They want their communication with you to be quick and to the point refers to
• D personality
• I personality
• C personality
• S Personality
4. Which of the following are Blue Personality Ideal situation?

• Hesitant to try new things

• Opportunities for "careful" planning

• Sensitive to criticism

• Can be pessimistic

5. The green personality is generally referred to as the calm personality.


6. Extrovert tend to like quiet situations, like to be alone, usually impressed by what
they do

7. Which character DOES NOT refer to ambivert?
• Not always silent
• High compassion
• Can perform a task in groups or individually
• Prefers to interact with many people at once

8. Time awareness and objectivity in decision making are Red personal growth area



9. Which personality fear rejection the most?

• Blue
• Red
• Yellow
• Green

10. Outgoing, optimist and lively refers to________

• Steadiness personality
• Influence personality
• Conscientiousness personality
• Dominance personality

11. Which character refer to an extrovert?

• Prefers to work alone

• Good at reading people's characters
• Always confident and enthusiastic.
• Think before speak

12. Albert Einstein, Bill gates and Mark Zukerberg is an__________

• Extrovert
• Introvert
• Ambivert

13. Ambivert, is a combined personality trait between introvert and extrovert


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