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Amazon https://www.aboutamazon.


 Value: Customer obsession, ownership, invent and simplify, are right, a lot, hire and develop
the best, insist on the highest standards, think big, the bias for action, frugality, vocally self-
critical, earn the trust of others, dive deep, have the backbone, disagree and commit, and
deliver results
o Amazon is guided by fits principles: customer obsession rather than competitor
focus, passion for invention, commitment to operational excellence, and long-term
thinking. Amazon strives to be Earth’s most customer-centric company, Earth’s best
employer, and Earth’s safest place to work.
 Vision: To Be Earth’s Most Customer-Centric Company, Where Customers Can Find and
Discover Anything They Might Want to Buy Online. The two major elements are:

o Customer-Centric Company

o Global Dominance

 Mission: Amazon strives to offer its customers the lowest possible prices, the best available
selection, and the utmost convenience. It clearly states that its customers are most
important to us and Its only goal is to give its customers a good user experience. The three
main elements are:

o Affordable pricing

o Vast products to select

o Amazing User experience





 The hierarchical nature of Amazon's organizational structure can be described. Three CEOs
and three senior vice presidents who are in charge of several crucial areas of the company
make up the senior management team. The fits crucial components of Amazon's
organizational structure are as follows:

o Hierarchical corporate structure: As a result of Amazon's enormous scale, a

hierarchical corporate structure has emerged. More than 1,3 million people are
employed globally by the largest online retailer in the world by revenue.
o Hybrid project groups: When creating new goods and services, Amazon's business
structure incorporates hybrid project groups. According to the abilities and
competencies needed for the project, specialists from different departments are
drawn to the project. These workers may be hired on a part-time basis and report to
the project manager and the head of its departments, or they may work on the
project full-time and solely report to the project manager for the duration of the

o Flexibility of the business: It's vital to note that despite its scale, Amazon is still
quite adaptable to changes in the external marketplace, unlike many other
organizations with hierarchical organizational structures. Additionally, the dominant
online retailer influences the external business environment; it has sparked
disruptive innovation in e-commerce and is about to do so in the global logistics
sector. The effective management of hybrid project groups is crucial to preserving
the business's flexibility.

 Stability in the top management: One of Amazon's distinguishing characteristics is stability.

The biggest internet company in terms of revenue, in particular, has "very little turnover
among its most important power players, with many of them having been at the company
for years, if not decades"[2]. This is unusual for modern businesses, where changes in senior
management teams have become more frequent.

 The organizational structure of Amazon incorporates numerous small teams that handle
various business-related issues. Jeff Bezos, the founder and former CEO of Amazon, is
credited with creating the "two pizza rule." This guideline states that teams should be small
enough so that everyone could be fed with just two pizzas during meetings. The "two pizza
rule" is still in effect today even with the new CEO Andy Jassy.

 We are looking for excellent individuals to join its offices and operations centers throughout
the globe from a variety of backgrounds and sectors. Success at Amazon is shared by
individuals who are customer-centric, innovative, and leaders.


Here we’ve rounded up the top reasons why Amazon is a great place to
 Exciting Career Paths: Amazon offers a wide variety of careers. Data scientists, fashion
innovators, or community outreach managers are all avenues available to Amazon
employees Its focus on progress and continuous learning enables employees to advance its
careers. Through its Career Choice program, we're funding 2,300 Amazon employees to
learn new skills and qualifications in 2022.
o Whatever yits background, qualifications, or ambitions, Amazon has opportunities
for you. We put you in a great position to train and learn new skills, you get paid
while you learn, and you can be rewarded for yits bold career advancements at
 Employee Benefits: Amazon benefits start on day one with a range of supports for
employees and eligible family members This includes private health insurance, and Amazon
will pay 95% of tuition upfront for employees taking courses in high-demand fields after one
year of employment.
 A diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace: Amazon is a company of builders who invent
different backgrounds, characteristics, ideas, and perspectives on behalf of its clients.
Thirteen employee-led affinity groups work with local "types" around the world to foster a
welcoming and inclusive culture. This includes Glamazon, Amazon's LGBTQ+ affinity group
named one of the top 10 LGBTQ+ networks in the world on the 2021 Global Diversity List,
and leading its annual Pride at Amazon celebration. Other affinity groups include
Women@Amazon and the Black Employee Network, all of which host celebrations, events,
and educational and mentorship sessions throughout the year, including Black History
Month. and International Women's Day
 Workplace Safety: Safety is always yits top priority when working at Amazon State-of-the-
art technology is used to protect employees at Amazon sites where safety is a priority
 Employees are empowered to support its local communities: Amazon employees bring the
same innovation and energy to its communities and cities as they do every day Through
employee-led programs, Amazon supports millions of people through community programs,
including donations and practical support in times of need.
 Unique culture that breeds invention: At the forefront of Amazon is customer-centric
innovation, driven by a team of leaders and innovators who strive for excellence Its
Leadership Principles define its culture and help us relentlessly pursue its mission to be the
most customer-centric company on the planet, striving to be the best employer and safest
place to work the planet.
 Sustainability as a priority: In 2019, Amazon co-founded Climate Pledge, committing to
achieve zero carbon emissions across all of its operations by 2040. This goal will be achieved
by deploying 100,000 vans of custom electric delivery by 2030 and transitioning all
operations to renewable energy by 2025 - Amazon is already the largest purchaser of
renewable energy in the world.
o Sustainability extends to all elements of Amazon's operations, and we have taken
steps to minimize packaging waste.


 The WHO definition of a healthy workplace is as follows: A healthy workplace is one in which
workers and managers collaborate to use a continual improvement process to protect and
promote the health, safety, and well-being of workers and the sustainability of the
workplace by considering the following, based on identified needs:
o health and safety concerns in the physical work environment;
o health, safety, and well-being concerns in the psychosocial work environment
including organization of work and workplace culture;
o personal health resources in the workplace;
o ways of participating in the community to improve the health of workers, its
families, and other members of the community
 Essential Qualities of a Great Place to Work:
o Culture of Care: Employees with a culture of high trust who believe They are part of
a caring workplace and they are also 44% more likely to work. A company with
above-average revenue growth. A culture of caring is an engagement trifecta:
 Leaders show employees they’re valued
 Employees care for each other and yits clients
 The entire organization cares that its shared vision is realized
o Promote clear definitions of Success: A good workplace will be each is clearly
defined. These measures of success are found in Quarterly or annual employee
goals, department goals, and company goals. Timely reviews and regular
synchronizations ensure employees feel its priorities are aligned expect. These
progress checks should be backed by outlets for educational growth:
 Consider offering tuition reimbursement or on-the-job training
 Connect employees with online educational platforms (Udemy, Coursera,
 Encourage managers to develop professional development plans for
o Leaders that embrace a Compass Identity: Strong leadership is a great place to
operate; however, this only works when visible. Yits management team should
adopt a unified position, be communicated to employees, and be easy to use.
o Flexibility: The lives of employees are no longer subject to Clock hands, being able
to accept and choose flexible working hours Remote work is essential. With
advances in technology, the history of Restrictions on flexible working environments
quickly disappeared.
o Encourage an Intrapreneurial Mindset: Give employees the freedom to chart its
path within yits organization. Encourage them to speak up when disagreements
arise or its passions are brewing Innovate in yits business. Let yits employees inherit
the skills and The ability to pursue its careers.


o Communicate and appreciate workers: Communication with employees is often

defined as Sharing information and ideas between the management and the
organization of organization employees, and vice versa. The key to an organization's
success is There are many different channels to communicate with yits employees
and yits customers. Social media has a scene communication range.
o Learn to teach: If employees want to grow its skills, make sure they have the
opportunity to take on tasks that will also allow for that growth. An effective
manager must be able to ensure that employees are provided with a variety of tasks
that allow them to successfully utilize current skills and expanded tasks that
represent growth opportunities.
o Collaborate across the department: Workplace collaboration includes Individuals
working together to solve cross-departmental management issues levels and
functions. A group of people has more power and influence than a single person.
Single teamwork allows employees to share knowledge and work more efficiently
and effectively.
o Encourage an environment of acceptance: Acceptance begins by first seeing
everyone as humans, regardless of the color, shape, size, language, or culture every
human being bleeds the color red. At work, this means that we have a greater
tolerance for each other. It takes Encouraging everyone from senior management to
entry-level employees Accepted in the workplace.
o Focus on employee development: Employees Development is the process of
improving an employee's existing capabilities and skills and developing new skills to
support organizational goals. This is Value how employees and job seekers value
development opportunities Quote to consider. Make learning and development a
priority for yits business Culture helps increase employee engagement, increase
retention and attract elites candidate.
o Inspire a culture of self-awareness: When you Break the sense of self, it's about
creating a healthy and productive environment Mindset allows you to focus yits
thoughts and attention. high self-awareness Individuals can draw attention and
criticism to themselves, and observe its current emotional and mental state. Self-
aware people can distinguish and identify potential problems in its psychology and
work process. People with high self-awareness always strive to improve its work
They look for bottlenecks in the process and strive to improve and Correct any
problems that may arise.

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