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The Adelphi College

New St. Barangay Poblacion, Lingayen, Pangasinan

College of Education

Course Code: EC 304

Subject: Software Development and Application

Learning Module No. 1

Name: Mark Roel C. Ferrer Rating:
Date of submission:


1. Explain the relationship between software and hardware.

hardware are physical part of a system that can be seen, feel and touched, but the
system software are software that normally came with the system in other to coordinate
and handle the functions of the system hardware, some example of system software
include Operating system, Disk Defragmenter, Command Prompt, but the most
important part of the system software is the operating system which serve as the mother
of all software, without the operating system nothing can be done with the system, all
the application software are being installed on the operating system. while the
application software are software that the user install to serve a specific function.

2. Why collaboration and communication is important in creating software?

a. Unites employees

At a time when more employees work from home than ever before, businesses need
tools that help their teams stay connected to the organization and to each other.

b. Drives efficiency

Team collaboration software helps minimize time spent on back-and-forth emails and
searching for disconnected documentation. Collaboration software makes it easy for
employees to track project details, share documents and notes, and communicate all in
one platform—saving time, money, and frustration.
c. Provides a high-level view of progress to keep teams on track

People collaborate best when everyone is on the same page. This requires access to
clear instructions and information, clarity on individual and team responsibilities, and
ongoing awareness of team progress. In other words, if the right hand doesn’t know
what the left hand is doing, projects can get messy quickly.

d. Strengthens company culture and employee relationships

Effective collaboration leads to stronger employee relationships and more engaged

teams. As people work together closely toward a common goal, they develop greater
trust and strengthen the shared values between them.

The right software helps organizations create this collaborative culture by facilitating
clear communication and opportunities to coordinate plans and problem solve

e. Improves focus and structure

Organization is the foundation of efficiency and a strong collaborative culture. This is

particularly important for remote teams that can’t coordinate in person. Collaboration
software provides needed structure around project plans and communication channels
so teams can focus on the work that matters most.

3. In your own opinion why documentation is important in creating software?

It is important to document all the details in creating a software so that we can easily
track our progress at the same time we can easily check or troubleshoot our software
because we all know that developing a software is a very complex task.

4. In figure below, who do you think was wrong? Is the customer/project

manager/analyst/programmer or business consultant? Why?

I think all of them are wrong because they didn’t coordinate with each other in terms of
what the project should be, there is no planning and also lack of communication.

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