Speaking For Teen 1

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The magnitude of English mastery urgency has made the author

of this book formulating guidelines provided for students. It aims making

learners to comprehend and apply what they have gotten in English class

into their lives.

Consequently, the book is composed to provide enlightenment for

early age English teachers on how English should be taught and how to

understand the children’s development process. These are efforts to

optimize the teaching learning process. This book can be utilized by

teachers who will teach English for elementary school students; parents

who will start teaching English to their children; and parties who will open

non-formal education institution.

The author is aware that this handbook is still far from

perfection and has weakness in some aspects. Therefore, criticism and

suggestion are welcomed for the improvement of this work. This

worksheet, hopefully, would give significant benefit among teachers,

students, as well as people in general who read it.

Kediri, 20th of October 2021

The Author











Questions about your hometown:

1. What is the name of your hometown?

2. Where is it situated? (country, province)

3. Where in the country is your town located? (coast/inland)

4. How far is it from the capital of your country?

5. Where does its name come from?

6. How big is your hometown?

7. Is it a cheap or an expensive place to stay?

8. Is it easy to let a flat?

9. Is it a tourist destination?

10. What is name some of the neighboring towns?

11. Is there a river in your town? What’s its name? Is it big? Is it


12. What are the main sights in your town? Talk about:

• museums (what kind?)

• theatres

• bridges (how old?)

• historic buildings

• parks

13. What are the main economic activities in your town?

14. What is the public transport like?

15. Where can you go shopping?

16. What entertainment options are there?

17. Are there any good restaurants? Do they serve local or

international cuisine? Which is your favorite?

18. Are there any festivals in your town? Are there any fairs and


19. Is there a sports center? Does your town have a sports team?

20. Do you know any famous people who live (or lived) in your town?

21. What is your favorite place?

22. What do you like most about your hometown?

23. What do you dislike?

Dialogue example

Jhon : Hello!

Billy : Hi!

Jhon : What’s your name?

Billy : I’m Billy. What about you?

Jhon : I’m Jhon. Nice to meet you! Where is your hometown?

Billy : My hometown is a coastal state of US.

Jhon : Is it the city or the countryside?

Billy : I live in a suburb area.

Jhon : What’s it known for?

Billy : It’s famous for tobaccos.

Jhon : What do people do there?

Billy : Agriculture is the main industry in my hometown. Most of

the people here plant and sell tobaccos.

Jhon : How is the atmosphere there?

Billy : Well, it’s quite peaceful. I enjoy the fresh air here.

Jhon : How are people there?

Billy : They’re friendly and hospitable.

Jhon : Would you like to live in your hometown or somewhere else?

Billy : Yes, I would. I just wish I can live here forever.

Jhon : Is it easy to find a job there?

Billy : Manual work is easy to find. I’m not sure about the white -

collar jobs.

Jhon : Is it a good environment for young people?

Billy : I don’t think so. The pace of life here is quite slow. If they

want to work in a dynamic environment, they’d better move

to the city.

Jhon : Is traffic congestion a big problem in your hometown?

Billy : Not at all. We couldn’t be happier with the traffic system


Jhon : Wow…. Interesting… I need to visit your hometown someday.

Billy : Yes, please

Cardinal Number

1 : One 17 : Seventeen

2 : Two 18 : Eighteen

3 : Three 19 : Nineteen

4 : Four 20 : Twenty

5 : Five 21 : Twenty One

6 : Six 22 : Twenty Two

7 : Seven 30 : Thirty

8 : Eight 40 : Forty

9 : Nine 50 : Fifty

10 : Ten 60 : Sixty

11 : Eleven 90 : Ninety

12 : Twelve 100 : One Hundred

13 : Thirteen 1000 : One Thousand

14 : Fourteen 1.000.000 : One Million

15 : Fifteen : One Billion

16 : Sixteen : One Quintillion

Write in letters!

1. 26 :

2. 51 :

3. 17 :

4. 162 :

5. 35 :

6. 2451 :

7. 72 :

8. 98 :

9. 20,000 :

10. 100,000 :
Write in numeral!

• Forty three :

• Sixty four :

• Five hundred thirty two :

• One thousand seven :


• Nineteen :

• Twenty eight :

• Ten million :

• Two hundred twenty five :

• Eight :

• Eighty five :

Try to read and answer in letters!

• 51 – 16 =

• 3x2 =

• 8:4 =
• 91 + 17 =

• 27 – 9 =

• 8 + 17 =

• 18 – 9 =

• 71 – 18 =

• 18 + 18 =

• 9x2 =

(+) : Plus (:) : divided by

(-) : minus (=) : equals by

(x) : Multiplied by
Ordinal Number

(pertama) (ke-13)
1st : First 13th : Thirteenth

(kedua) (ke-14)
2nd : Second 14th : Fourteenth

(ketiga) (ke-15)
3rd : Third 15th : Fifteenth

(keempat) (ke-20)
4th : Forth 20th : Twentieth

(kelima) (ke-21)
5th : Fifth 21st : Twenty first

(Keenam) (ke-22)
6th : Sixth 22nd : Twenty second

(ketujuh) (ke-23)
7th : Seventh 23rd : Twenty third

(kedelapan) (ke-30)
8th : Eighth 30th : Thirtieth

(kesembilan) (ke-40)
9th : Ninth 40th : Fortieth

(kesepuluh) (ke-50)
10th : Tenth 50th : Fiftieth

: (kesebelas) : One (ke-100)

11th 100th
Eleventh hundredth
(keduabelas) (ke-
: One
12th : Twelfth 1000th 1000)

Translate into English!

1. Anak pertama : The first child

2. Buku keempat :

3. Meja ketujuh :
4. Kelas kedua :

5. Mobil kesepuluh :

6. Bunga ketiga :

7. Murid keseratus :

8. Buah kesebelas :

9. Pohon kelima :

10. Guru pertama :

Buku : Book Mobil : Car Buah : Fruit

Meja : Table Bunga : Flower Pohon : Tree

Kelas : Class Murid : Student Guru : Teacher

Multiplicative Number
: Empat kali
Once : Sekali Four times

: … Kali
Twice : Dua kali … Times

: Berkali-kali
Three times : Tiga kali Many times


It’s six twenty (minutes).

It’s 6.20 a.m. It’s twenty (minutes) past six.

It’s seven thirty (minutes).

It’s 7.30 p.m. It’s a half past seven.

It’s eight fifteen (minutes).

It’s 8.15 a.m. It’s a quarter past eight.

It’s eight fifty (minutes).

It’s 8.50 p.m. It’s ten (minutes) to nine.

Past : lebih A quarter : 15 menit Ante meridiem : 00.00-11.59

To : kurang A half : 30 menit Post meridiem : 12.00-23.59


- Past digunakan ketika menit ke 1-30

- To digunakan ketika menit ke 31-59

- A quarter digunakan ketika menunjukkan menit ke 15 (past) dan 45 (to)

- A half hanyak digunakan ketika menit ke 30 (a half past)

- Ante meridiem (a.m.) digunakan mulai jam 12 malam sampai 12 siang

- Post meridiem (p.m.) digunakan mulai 12 siang sampai 12 malam

- O’clock hanya digunakan ketika jam tepat (contoh 7 o’clock, 12 o’clock)

- Ketika pukul 1-9, tidak perlu ditulis 01.15, 09.30. cukup 1.15, 9.30

- Penggunaan waktu jam di luar negeri hanya sampai angka 12 (Indo: 24

Please write in English!

15:15 : It is 3.15 p.m. (It is a quarter past three p.m.)

07:00 : It is 7 o’clock (It is seven o’clock)

1. 03:30 :

2. 17:15 :

3. 21:45 :

4. 10:25 :

5. 18:30 :

6. 08:15 :

7. 15:40 :

8. 23:00 :

9. 09:45 :

10. 20:15 :
Draw the watch!

3.30 a.m. 8.15 a.m. 12.30 a.m.

5.45 p.m. 7.25 p.m. 11.10 p.m.

6.50 p.m. 9.05 a.m. 5.40 a.m.



I get up at

Get up : bangun tidur Have a lunch : makan siang

Take a bath : mandi Take a rest : istirahat
Have a
: sarapan Play : bermain
Go : pergi Have a dinner : makan malam
study : belajar sleep : tidur

My activity

I usually wake up at 5 o’clock in the morning. I never forget to tidy up

my bed and clean it up. I take a bath and pray. After that, I help my mother to

prepare the breakfast. I have breakfast with my family in the dining room. We

usually have warm tea, milk and fried rice. Then, I go to school with my friends.

I study at school till 1.00 p.m. I go home, put off my uniform and have lunch with

my mother. After that, I pray, watch TV and take a nap. I always take a bath at

5.00 p.m. After taking a bath, I watch TV while waiting the time for praying. At

night, I read a book and prepare the lesson for the next school day. I go to bed

at 9 00 p.m. That’s all my activity.










My Routine

My name is Jane. I always wake up at 7 o’clock in the morning

then I take a bath and brush my teeth. After that, I do some exercises

then I put my clothes on and prepare my school bag. Next, I have my

breakfast and wait for the school bus. At 8 o’clock I go to school and

start my first class then I go to the second class. After that, I often

take my lunch break and talk with my friends. At around 12 noon I go

back home and take a rest. Next, I usually watch some TV and chat with

my family then I do my homework and help my mother in the house. At 9

o’clock, I read a book and go to sleep.

My Activities

I wake up at 7am every morning. I press the snooze button five

times every morning before I turn off the alarm and get up. I have a cup

of coffee and make breakfast. I usually read the newspaper while I have

breakfast. My children like to have a shower after they have breakfast

but I like to have a shower before I get dressed. My wife brushes her

long hair, and I have short hair so I comb my hair. How do you do your

hair in the morning? It is important to brush your teeth, and some women

like to put make-up on. After I have finished work, I go home to cook
dinner. In my house I usually make dinner. The family eat dinner together

at 7:30pm. After dinner I make sure that my children do their

homework, and then I chill out on the sofa and watch television. On

television I usually watch the News. My wife usually comes to tell me to

take the rubbish out, or wash the dishes. Our children feed the dog and

the cat before they go to bed and I tell them to go to the bathroom too.

If I get sick, I have to take my medication, but then I get into my

pajamas and set the alarm so I wake up in the morning. The last things I

do is lock the door, turn off the lights, and go to bed. It doesn’t take

me long to fall asleep.

It's My Life

I usually wake up at 5 o’clock in the morning. I never forget to

tidy up my bed and clean it up. Then I take a bath and pray. After that

I help my mother to prepare the breakfast. And then, I have breakfast

with my family in the dining room. We usually have warm tea, milk and

fried rice. Then, I go to school with my friends. I study at school till 1

p.m. I go home, put off my uniform and have lunch with my mother. After

that I pray, watch TV and take a nap. I always take a bath at 5 p.m. in

the afternoon. Then I watch TV while waiting the time for praying. After

I pray, I and my family have lunch together. And then, I read a book and

prepare the lesson for the next school day. I go to bed at 9 p.m. That’s

all my activity starting from waking up till going to be.



Subject Object Meaning
I Me Saya
You You Kamu / Kalian
We Us Kita / Kami
They Them Mereka
She Her Dia (Pr)
He Him Dia (Lk)
It It Itu

Translate into English!

1. Saya membantumu. : I help you.

2. Mereka membantu kita. :

3. Kamu membeli sebuah apel. :

4. Saya bertemu dia (pr). :

5. Mereka menjual lima tomat. :

6. Kita pergi ke sekolah. :

7. Kamu dan dia (lk) bermain sepak bola. :

8. Budi dan Susi belajar bahasa Inggris. :

9. Kita makan sepuluh pisang. :

10. Saya suka bayam. :

Membantu : help Bermain : play

Mebeli : buy Sepak bola : football

Bertemu : meet Belajar : study

Menjual : sell Makan : eat

Pergi : go Suka : like


Possessive adjective Possessive pronoun

My….. : …..ku Mine : Milikku
Your … : …..mu / ….. kalian Yours : Milikmu / Milik kalian
Our….. : …… kita / ….. kami Ours : Milik kami / Milik kita
Their.. : ….. mereka Theirs : Milik mereka
Her… : ….. dia (Pr) Hers : Milik dia (Pr)
His… : ….. dia (Lk) His : Milik dia (Lk)
Its… : ….. nya itu Its : Milik nya itu

Translate into English!

1. Ibu ku :

2. Kakek kita :

3. Ayah mereka :

4. Kucing mu :

5. Bibi dia (pr) :

6. Bukumu adalah milikmu. :

7. Pamanku adalah seorang guru. :

8. Neneknya dia (lk) adalah seorang dokter. :

9. Rumahku adalah milikku. :

10. Mobil mereka adalah milikmu. :

I bring my book for me myself, because this book is mine.

You bring your book for you yourself, because this book is yours.

We bring our book for us ourselves, because this book is ours

They bring their book for them themselves, because this book is theirs.

She brings her book for her herself, because this book is hers.

He brings his book for him himself, because this book is his.

Useful Ways of Describing People in English

Describing someone’s appearance

To describe someone’s appearance, you will often use adjectives. An adjective is

a kind of word that describes a noun (a person, place or thing)


Forehead : Dahi Hand : Tangan

Eye : Mata Finger : Jari
Nose : Hidung Nail : Kuku
Cheek : Pipi Chest : Dada
Lips : Bibir Stomach : Perut
Tooth : Gigi Skin : Kulit
Chin : Dagu Back : Punggung
Ear : Telinga Buttock : Pantat
Neck : Leher Leg : Kaki
Shoulder : Bahu Face : Wajah

Describing someone’s character

A person’s character is their personality, who they are on the inside. When you

talk about someone, you might mention what they are like as a person.

Arrogant : sombong helpful : suka menolong

amazing : luar biasa Honest : jujur
brave : berani Impolite : tidak sopan
Calm : tenang Kind : baik
careful : berhati-hati Polite : sopan
careless : ceroboh Smart : pandai, cerdas
cheerful : periang Stingy : pelit
Clever : pintar Stubborn : keras kepala
Cruel : kejam Stupid : bodoh
friendly : ramah Thrifty : hemat

Describing someone’s feelings

People’s feelings are always changing. You can be happy one moment, and then

hear some bad news and become sad.


Afraid : takut Currious : penasaran

Amazed : kagum Happy : bahagia
Angry : marah Lazy : malas
Annoyed : jengkel Nervous : gugup
Bored : bosan Sad : sedih
Calm : tenang Shy : malu
Cheerful : gembira Tired : capek
Crazy : gila Worried : gelisah
My beloved father

My father’s name is Budi Pangestu. He is a hardworking man.

He works as a government employee. His body is tall, like my youngest

brother. His hair is black and straight, same as mine. He has brown

complexion because he likes working under the Sun.

I love talking to my father. He is a wise man who always gives

me great advices. We learn about being a hard worker from him. We

love him very much. He is a great father for us.


Here, we’re going to explain every object, position and detail in a picture. Just

imagine that you’re explaining a picture to a person who doesn’t see it. Here’re

the ways

Explaining the colors

• Black (hitam)

• Brown (cokelat)

• Gray (abu-abu)

• White (putih)

• Yellow (kuning)

• Orange (oranye)

• Red (merah)
• Pink (merah muda/merah jambu)

• Purple (ungu)

• Blue (biru)

• Green (hijau)

For examples:

• The picture is dominated with orange and dark red. (Gambar itu

didominasi oleh warna oranye dan merah gelap.)

• The color of the object on the picture is blue-colored. (Warna dari

benda yang ada dalam gambar yaitu biru.)

• The background is yellow. (Latar belakang dari gambar tersebut

berwarna kuning.)

Explaining the shapes

• Point (titik)

• Midpoint (titik tengah)

• Straight line (garis lurus), terdiri dari horizontal straight line (garis

lurus horizontal) dan vertical straight line (garis lurus vertikal)

• Curved line (garis melengkung)

• Rectangle (segi empat)

• Triangle (segi tiga)

• Trapezoid (trapesium)

• Rhombus (belah ketupat)

• Circle (lingkaran)

• Ellipse (elip, lingkaran lonjong)

• Pentagon (segi lima)

• Hexagon (segi enam)

• Pentagram (bentuk bintang)

• Cylinder (silinder, tabung)

• Cube (kubus)

• Prism (prisma)

• Angle (sudut)

For examples:

• The picture has a several circles around the main object. (Ada beberapa

lingkaran di sekitar obyek utama gambar.)

• There are many rectangle-shaped object on the picture. (Ada banyak

obyek berbentuk segi empat di dalam gambar tersebut.)

• You can see the pentagram on the left side. (Kamu bisa menemukan

bentuk bintang di bagian kiri gambar.)

Using Preposition

• At the top (di bagian atas)

• At the bottom (di bagian bawah)

• On the left (di bagian kiri)

• On the right (di bagian kanan)

• On either side (di bagian sisi, kanan atau kiri)

• At the side (di pinggir)

• In the middle/in the centre (di tengah)

• In the background (latar belakang)

• In the foreground (latar depan)

• Right-hand top corner (pojok kanan atas)

• Right-hand bottom corner (pojok kanan bawah)

• Left-hand top corner (pojok kiri atas)

• Left-hand bottom corner (pojok kiri bawah)

For examples:

• There are cats on either side of the picture. (Ada beberapa kucing di

bagian sisi gambar.)

• At the top of the picture, there is a blue-colored lamp. (Di bagian atas

gambar ada lampu berwarna biru.)

• At the left side, there is the artist’s signature. (Di bagian kiri terdapat

tanda tangan pembuat gambar.)

Example of Describing Picture

The main object of the photo is two pink-colored flowers with yellow

pattern on the edge of the petals. On the right-side flower, there is one orange-

winged butterfly. These two flowers and the butterfly are clearly visible because

even though they are located in the flower field, the photographer blurs the

background so that the photo focuses on the two flowers and butterfly. I think

this photo is very beautiful because there are butterfly and flowers that benefit

each other at one time. The photographer wanted to capture the beautiful

interaction between two living things to show other people.


Parent : Orang Tua Grandparents : Kakek-Nenek

Father : Ayah Grandfather : Kakek

Mother : Ibu Grandmother : Nenek

Child : Anak Grandson : Cucu (Lk)

Children : Anak-Anak Granddaughter : Cucu (Pr)

Son : Anak (Lk) Uncle : Paman

Daughter : Anak (Pr) Aunt : Bibi

Brother : Saudara (Lk) Nephew : Keponakan (Lk)

Sister : Saudara (Pr) Niece : Keponakan (Pr)

Sibling : Saudara Kandung Cousin : Sepupu

Twins : Saudara Kembar Husband : Suami

Household : Rumah Tangga Wife : Istri


1. Tumi is Siyam’s ...

2. Siyam is Tumi’s ...

3. Glopot is Siyam and Tumi’s ...

4. Slamet is Glopot’s ...

5. Siti is Tumi’s ...

6. Glopot is Slamet and Tiyem’s ...

7. Tumi is Kucit and Siti’s ...

8. Siyam is Tiyems’ ...

9. Tumi is Slamet’s ...

10. Bejo is Tumi, Siyam and Glopot’s ...

11. Da’onah is Glopot’s ...

12. Glopot, Tumi, and Siyam are Bejo and Daonah’s ...

13. Slamet is Bejo’s ...

14. Siti is Daonah’s ...

15. Daonah is slamet’s ...

16. Bejo is siti’s ...

17. Tumi is Bejo’s ...

18. Siyam and Glopot are Daonah and Bejo’s ...

19. Slamet is Tiyem’s ...

20. Siti is Kucit’s ...

21. Slamet is Kucit’s ...

22. Siti is Tiyem’s ...

My Family

I have a little family. Let me tell you about my family. My name is Muliya

Rahmawati. I live with my mom, my dad and my brother. We live in Waykanan. My

family is the best family ever. My family is my home. My father is the leader, my

father is my hero and my father is my place to require money. He is the best man

that I have. My father’s job is a teacher. He always works in every day. But his

work is a noble and I want to follow him.

Meanwhile, my mother is a teacher also. My mother is the best chef.

She always cooks the best foods. I like eat at home. My mother also has a good

personality, she has a patient heart and always help someone who has a trouble.

My mother is the best listener ever. My mother is my angel and my mother is my

figure in the world.

Furthermore, I have a younger brother. He is naughty but he is mine. He is a lazy

boy. He is a man who teach me how to smile and happy. I love him so much. He is

fifteen years old. He likes football so much. He is should be better than me. That

is my family. This was the brief introduction about my family My happy little


Here’re some expressions:

Talking to friends

• Can I sit here? (Bolehkah saya duduk disini?)

• May I borrow your pencil? (Bolehkah saya meminjam pensilmu?)

• Why were you absent yesterday? (Mengapa kamu tidak hadir


• What did I miss yesterday? (Saya ketinggalan pelajaran apa


• Can you show me how to count it? (Dapatkah kamu menunjukkan

kepadaku bagaimana cara menghitungnya?)

• Could you please explain it again? (Dapatkah kamu

menjelaskannya lagi?)

• Which page are we on? Which line? (Halaman berapa? Baris ke


• Would you like to lend me your book? (Maukah kamu meminjamkan

bukumu padaku?)

• Do you want to go to the library? (Maukah kamu pergi ke


• Let’s go to the cafetaria (Mari pergi ke kantin)

Talking to The Teacher (berbicara kepada guru)

• Excuse me! (Permisi)

• May I come in? (Bolehkah saya masuk?)

• Present/here! (Hadir (menjawab kehadiran))

• I’m sorry for coming late (Maaf, saya datang terlambat)

• I’m so sorry, I overslept (Mohon maaf, saya ketiduran)

• I’m sorry, I got a traffic jam (Maaf, saya tadi terkena macet)

• I still can’t understand it (Saya masih belum bisa memahaminya)

• Sorry, could you please explain it again? (Maaf, bisakah anda

mengulangi penjelasannya lagi?)

• I forgot to bring my homework (Saya lupa membawa PR saya)

• I have a question (Saya ada pertanyaan)

• May I wash my hand? (Bolehkah saya ke belakang?)

• Would you please let me go to the toile t? (Bolehkah saya pergi

ke toilet?)
Examples of school conversation

Talking to friend

Cindy : Hi, do you mind if I sit beside you?

Chika : No problem

Cindy : Thanks; do we have any homework today?

Chika : Yes, Mr. Stark wanted us to do Exercise 5 and 6 of the

previous chapter

Cindy : He did? I mean, Exercise 6 too?

Chika : Yes

Cindy : May I copy your homework, then?

Chika : No, sorry… but I’ll help you do it

Cindy : Sure, thank you

Chika : Don’t mention it.

Talking to teacher

Teacher : Hello, class. Good morning

Jhon : Good morning, Sir

Teacher : Okay. What am I teaching now?

Jhon : You are teaching grammar.

Teacher : Well, look at the board. See the word! “Grammar” is the

spelling correct?

Jhon : Yes, Sir. The spelling is correct.

Teacher : I am now going to teach you about nouns. What is a noun?

Jhon : A noun is the name of a person, a place, or a thing.

Teacher : Kolkata is a big city. Here are two nouns.

Jhon : Sir! What are they?

Teacher : Kolkata and city.

Jhon : What kind of nouns are they, Sir?

Teacher : Kolkata is a proper noun and City is a common noun. The

time is going to be over, then I will give more explanation

next week. See you

Jhon : See you, Sir and thank you.

Another example:

Bruce : Hi, may I sit here?

Mike : Of course. You are the new student, aren’t you?

Bruce : I am. My name is Bruce, by the way.

Mike : I’m Mike. Where are you from, Bruce?

Bruce : I’m from Jakarta

Mike : Cool, I’ve never been there before. How do you like this city so


Bruce : It’s great. Not so much different from where I used to live, minus

the traffic. I would like to explore more.

Mike : I’ll take you to the hills near by my house sometime, you’re going

to love it.

Bruce : Sounds interesting. Can’t wait.

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