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working requires a great deal of attention.

In skilled

of Medical Jurisprudence (1894); Sir J. Stephen, History

Philistus excavated a canal to give free access to the

railways. It was a mere village till 1855, when Aldershot

trade by the Casa de Contratacion, it was concentrated

Spaniards in the New World now revealed to the ambition of

Those who yielded to stress of persecution fell back into

Sicily. In 1135 and 1137 it was taken by the Pisans, and

rank in the lower grades in some corps somewhat depends upon

extraordinary beauty and sun-like brightness.'' So glorious

with great rapidity from 1891 to 1905, a circumstance largely

are a great centre for ``Hittite'' antiquities, found at

Adelaide's life (Vita or Epitaphium Adalheidae imperatricis)

from the ethical doctrines laid down in the more popular

acquainted with the poet Simonides, and other members of the

emperor, which yet seemed all to point to a like disquieting

over Seistan, so far estranged him from the British connexion

of the Helmund. This main watershed retains its high altitude

the north-east the brown-skinned Hamite and the Semite mingle

station of Borja, in 38 deg. 30' S. lat. and 77 deg. 30' 40'' W.

and showed great skill as a translator in his Traduction

his name as the title for his Anacharsis en Grece.

of the paraffin series. G. Darzens (Comptes Rendus, 1904,

his reign the South Welsh princes, owing to the pressure

water, and the aqueous solution on boiling loses ammonia and

in Holland, Flanders and Brabant, but failed to obtain any

and staff officers had committed themselves blindly to the

suffetes in place of that of duumvirs, and in certain

and defiles which are locally known as daras. One of these,

``Where in some towns,'' says the statute 4th Henry VII.

crops, and by the root-crops much less than of potash; more

whether what is narrated does not even in these parts still

enjoyments are thus eminently fitted to be social ones; and as

Alliance'' (q.v.) of the 26th of September 1815 was an

empress Judith for a redivision of the empire in favour of

been concluded on behalf of Germany with the chiefs of the

study of Greek by Jews. He was famous as a collector of

land, afford means of reaching the plateau, or the easier

came into use. Early in 1647 the Long Parliament wished

of discipline, his ever-watchful attention to the health

and having for its primary object the spiritualization of the

that part of the mainland of North America lying between the

daughter, to mediate a truce between his father-in-law and

Brahim. On the 23rd, his submission was formally made to the

connexion with the struggle for supremacy on the middle Niger

are names for these pleasing aspects of objects? Or must we

path (W). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6,509

advertisers, that newspaper publishers for a long time

indeed was his unquestioned position when suddenly he was

quickly cleared by the British skirmishers, and the line of

has been continued under the title of Old Moore's Almanac.

possession of a ship is given up to a hirer, who appoints

stress, and the circumflex (^) for the rising and falling

the British claims, and the incident was finally closed on

Congress, by inducing members of Congress to invest in the

5. Pennine Alps (from the Little St Bernard to the Simplon Pass).

Testament to be an historical person, even as the fact that

the ordinary course of his duties, and within his ostensible

distributed as a pet, and is feral in some places.

1900 increased at a much greater ratio than that of the raw

Alexandria has greatly expanded. As the British consular

for use in naval architecture. Aluminium, when alloyed

Swedes 87 2 7 1/2 71 6

describe it in detail, though something concerning the civil

His commentaries on Plato and Ptolemy are lost. Those on

Bamian. It is full of awkward grades and minor passes, but

BIBLIOORAPHY.--For a general account of Algeria, see Maurice

technical equipment in Scotland, given by Mr A. Forrester

despite the paucity of ports and the absence of navigable

distribution. In thus ignoring the administrative functions

Col de l'Eychauda (Vallouise to Monestier), bridle path. . . . . . . . . .7,970

referred to in Lev. xviii. 23.7 There may have been stories

are essentially the same in all cases, slight variations in

Alain, became king of Navarre by his marriage with Catherine of

set out the same year for Russia, but was carried by stress of

necessary. It is probable that one of the chief motives

with Domina Abundia (Old Fr. Dame Habonde, Notre Dame

See G. Voigt, Die Wiederbelebung des klass. Altertums (2

circulation among persons who believe it to be a serious and

later works of Josephus, we should have to place the book

by means of salts of nickel or of chromium; and a yellow

familiar objects, and writing in a key not rising above that

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