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of Spain. The puff-adder (Bitis s.

Echidna arietans) of

Aidan, king of the Dalriad Scots, at Daegsastan, defeating

Abyssinians inflicted a crushing defeat on the Italian

bar. From an early age he developed the habit of writing

presence (about 2%) of Meckel's diverticulum already referred

Foillan (founded in the 12th century, but twice rebuilt,

of the small diameter of the bore in relation to the length.

name. In the cantar de gesta of the Cid he plays the part

the purchaser be made of the addition, and it is notorious

Conseil Executif. Later it was given to the Comite de

north on the Mackenzie river, has decided indications of

with the Oxford movement, but is famous as the author of

as the seat of the brain and special senses. The Acephala,

most useful writing from his pen falls into prose resembling

to one and a half amperes during the running intervals.

which this principle indiscerned is an internal sense which is

fashion. There are three classes of chiefs who form the council

have already collected. In order that space may be found

in the 4th century we find reference to stone altars in the

doctrine, for his students. His De Conscientia, ejus Jure

there be added the words ``guaranteed pure'' it is a sufficient

God, who hath pity and nourisheth us from our infancy, who

instruunent-maker. Reference should he made to the articles

ALBANY, a municipal town in the county of Plantagenet, West

1874, and in the most memorable of all exploring expeditions

ALRERTITE, a variety of asphalt found in Albert county, New

if its upper waters had not found contact with the Orinoco,

2 Walter of Henley mentions six bushels per acre as a satisfactory crop.

and it has been suggested that their action was ``running

member of the first Christian community, who, with his wife

who are chiefly traders, as well as Arabs and Kanuri from

are mostly imported from Spain. On the coast the people

may not be straitened with time in the improvement of their

reserves it, they are not subject to a lien for the chartered

the following description, as well as for the plan, reduced

published anonymously Babylon unnd Jerusalem, a slashing

line, through which a branch of the Canadian I,acific'

salvage; seizures under the laws of impost navigation or

Other examples of the establishment of small holdings can

antitheses between Judaic and Gentile Christianity, of which

Elastic limit, Ultimate strength, Reduction

(Strassburg, 1897 ), ii. Band, 2. Abteiluna, pp. 216-226

schools. Dr Barrett, writing (April 14, 1583) to Parsons,

The rain which falls on one side drains into the Chambal,

of Franco-Arab primary and secondary schools, which supplement

under Leo the Isaurian, afterwards emperor, to defend Syria;

father. Other celebrated amnesties are that proclaimed by Napoleon

other lines of rural economies; (12) the library; (13) the

whether friends or foes, outside his kingdom. He knew this

a velvety petal or the smooth surface of a sea-rounded pebble

has two large cold-storage houses. Albion was settled in 1812,

Frankenthal, 1779), reproduced in 1786 as Von Schlachtordnungen,

discovered in 1857) contains nothing that was unknown to the

to at least sixteen additional pages. Some newsdealers have

and thus give rise to two or more Desmids. Gametes which fail

under its present name. The principal industry of the village

at Alltstedt in Thuringia, and in 1524 spent some time in

As a member of the committee on railroads he became interested

pressure for which sparking coils are generally designed.

were superseded by the Amphitheatrum Flavium (known at

metacompounds yield azo-dyestuffs, and the para- compounds

the country between the Coa and the Spanish fortress

Memoirs of Affairs in Scotland, by Sir G. Mackenzie (1821),

1667). See Ritter, Geschichte der Philosophie, iv. 249.

morals were far from blameless, his two dominant passions

Richelieu, by favour of the allies, was present on behalf of

ii.-vii.; C. R. Cockerell, The Temples of Jupiter Panhellenius at

embroidered in quill, the North Pacific tribes carved skilfully

but the discovery of fulminate of mercury in 1799 finally

is complete. The alpenhorn has no lateral openings and

administrative district of Faro, and bounded on the N. by

describe it as ``a pearl set in emeralds,'' in allusion to

Orestes. Menelaus succeeded Tyndareus, and Agamemnon,

Scotland as an attendant of Henry, son of David I. He was in

he made alliances with Polycrates of Samos and Croesus of

practical spirit of Christianity. He combined the principle

interest:--M. de Ayala and F. Sastre, Alcala de Henares

Hoffmann, ``Die tiefsten Temperaturen auf den Hochlandern,''

that the Syriac document from which he translates them had

``I neither affirm nor deny the immortality of man. I

the dey was deported, as well as the greater part of the

of the structure. The building houses the various executive

Marguerite Alacoque was beatified by Pius IX. in

dramas. While thus employed he became acquainted with the

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