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due to better feeding in consequence of the introduction of

``Milk-blended butter,'' with as much as 24 or more per cent

English readers are now well supplied with books on Amos.

m. The western side consists of stony but fertile plains,

There have been in order: Suard (13 years), Francois Juste

hardly proper to speak as liable to adulteration. So-called

to obtain accurate information in regard to requirements.

Early in 1855 he conducted large-scale experiments at Javel

century. Dr Robert Plot (1640-1696), keeper of the Ashmolean

opinions. Thus the evil naturally began to cure itself, and by

but fishing is the chief industry. With other outlying

fringes will depend on the total retardation in time of the

ACROGENAE (``growing at the apex''), an obsolete botanical

public monuments, notably among the last the fountain on

bill, it appeared that in about 1887 the annual production

Alexander III., assumed absolute power (May 9, 1881), and a

Hitchcock, and Audubon's collection of birds) are of exceptional

Yakov Ignatiev, whom he promised to obey as ``an angel and

the bullets are made of lead and antimony--like shrapnel

enemy. Early sharply followed them up, his men infuriated by

(Serbs and Bulgars) are the most numerous, possibly numbering

to be found in the cathedral of Regensburg. With a few

It has been shown by Prof. J. W. Judd that this structure may

tradition regarding them is lost. The language had an alphabet

has assumed since the 17th century. To attempt a history

1146 and Lisbon in 1147. Some years later he became involved

interpreted; the first prize is divided among a number of

ice. Both Portland Canal and Lynn Canal are of historical

advantages of both kinds---a fire-balloon, 10 ft. in diameter,

In the case of sheep the National Sheep Breeders' Association

conditions of the pleasurable effects of colours and their

the Suliot stronghold fell; and he was undisputed master of

of electric currents in terms of the unit called the ampere.

and magnificent in France. We may form some idea of its

all mankind, and very often his near relations, heirs to his

abdicated in favour of his son John. When he returned to

dissented from the judgment, holding that the XIVth Amendment

in which the sacred head of Osiris was preserved. Thence

Here his most genuine wit, his sprightliness, his vivacity,

distant. This was the first balloon that crossed the

community. Aberdeen's popular name of the ``Granite City,'

parent stream by its affluents from the south. That part of

have been expressed, the face should be firmly rubbed for

the carbon which deposited in a very dense form; and as the

bright members are of equal mean density, are as follows:--

different). The basis of the population is Canadian, and

extent by the fact that agreeable tactual experience may be

railway, or in any of the occupations of civil life. As the

1880 to 1889 .309 26.6 .642 12.8

a curt note was received, stating that Consul Cameron had

year, however, the Northmen returned and inflicted worse evil


granted to the faculty by his successors. The Acadimie de

father at Corfinium and Pharsalus, and, having been pardoned by

rhabdoliths). In any case, however Aldabra was formed,

but his figures suggest that it is due to the development

and (4) occasionally on mucous membranes, as in the mouth.

alghe verdi,'' Bull. Soc. Bot. Ital. in N. Giorn. Bot.

he had his umiak or freight boat, sometimes called woman's

continent. The Guinea coast, as the first discovered and the

1851 and 1856 he traversed the continent from west to east,

college. This period of his life is partly described in his

Hermus, presents at a distance an imposing appearance. It is

well-marked physical divisions--a region of mountains to

as an element of evidence to prove previous accession.

selected by states and railroad corporations, covered about

Christian ministers declined to receive temporal emoluments,

Somerton. In 740 he took advantage of the absence of Eadberht

All analyses made prior to the year 1885 are more or less

We may broadly distinguish two main geographical elements in

kasbah or citadel, 400 ft. above the sea. The kasbah forms

plays point to similar handling of the tragic trilogy.

Funtumia elastica, and in West Africa generally by various

humanity. The goddess sometimes appears with doves, as

Godavari and its tributaries the Prawara and the Mula; on the

F. Miklosich, Albanes. Forschungen (Vienna, 1870); C.

the part of the Catholics and openly joined the League in 1589.

and invited certain persons to become the first members of a

been largely thought out under the influence of philosophic

equations a multiplier of about 2,200,000, Airy was led to

masses, the rays of which branch peripherally; in Oedogonium

at the meetings of the society, and succeed to the first

In some of the hottest parts of South America Europeans are

arches, with a frontage of 3700 ft., and bordered on one side

time, accompanied by his new colleague Leotychides, seized

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