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The human population has reached 8 billion individuals. Over 900 million
hectares (i.e. over 40% of the total landmass of the earth) which is committed
to producing crops to support this still growing population.
Vertical farming is the concept of growing crops in vertical indoor spaces to
produce vegetables throughout the year whilst occupying less land. Compared
to traditional agricultural practices, farming under a controlled, indoor climate
also consumes less water and labour. It is deemed as one of the solutions to
the ongoing global food shortage.
It is part of a greener revolution where farmers can increase crop production
sustainability, while coping with weather extremes. In fact, the vertical farming
industry is expected to be worth $33 billion by 2030.
With this urban farming technique, a big market growth is expected in term of
local area wherein food mart, digital mart, green sustainable residences, waste
management plants, export chain facility, research centre etc. can be brought
into existence. Therefore, making it a self-sufficient centre for itself.
Vertical farming with Urban Green Farms is the practice of growing crops using
soilless farming techniques such as Hydroponics, Aquaponics, and Aeroponics
in vertically stacked layers.
Instead of providing LED’s for the growth of crops, plants. Natural light can be
sourced throughout the structure making it more of an iconic green structure
in the locality.
Ironically, farming has created a set of new hazards unique to activities
involved with the production of food and has exacerbated many older ones.
Exposure to toxic levels of agrochemicals (pesticides, fungicides) and a wide
spectrum of geohelminths are transmitted with regularity at the tropical and
sub-tropical agricultural interface.
Growing crops closer to where customers live is a massive vertical farming
benefit. It reduces transportation costs, CO2 emissions and reduces the need
for refrigerated storage making produce fresher and more profitable.
With the involvement of a research centre creates a wide spectrum of growth
along with maximising the use of natural recourses making it a carbon neutral

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