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Dato Scoro
f"'! Tsacher Parsnt


I l, Cross (x) a, b, c, d, or e tq the correct answerl
For number 1 to 5, listen to the monolog and To eat atthe new restaurant.
d answer the questions correctlyl d. To have dinner together.

$ 1. How is the cosl of he materialg needed to fix e. To have lunch together.

{h the damage according to Mr. Liverpool? Texf is for numbers 7 and 8,
l a. Between $1.500 and $1.750.
q . b. Mr. Liverpool has not decided yet.
One Month Training Course
c. Much more expensive than expecled.
Suitable young men and women are invited
d. 300% less than Mr. Green's estimate. to apply for places on the one month training
e. $300 more than Mr. Green's estimate. course on hotel work organized by the Hong
2. lt can be inferred ftom this leter that .... Kong lnstitute of Hotel Management. Tuition is
a. Mr. Green estimated the amount payable {ree of charge and students who successfully
to Mr. Liverpool complete the course will be offered employment
b. Mr. Green failed to send contractors to in the Colony's leading hotels.
insped the bam The training Course will take a place from
c. Mr. Liverpool was fuistrated by the Monday 21't July to Friday 22nd, tom 9 a.m. to
damage caused by Hunicane Harry 4.30 p.m. daily, except Safurdays and Sundays.
d. Mr. Liverpool was disappointed by Applications for places on the course are
the estirnate made by..'Mr: Green's welcome for students now in their third year at
adjusters secondary school, who have good knowledge
e. Mr. Green estimated higher than what of English, and have interest in hotel work.
Mr. Liverpool had expec{ed Applicatlons for places on the course are
i 3. The following are true about the monolog, welcome for students now in their third year at
except.... secondary schml, who have interest in hotel
a. he sender of the letter is Mathew work.
I b. the letter is about a complaint Application forms may be obtained from:
.c. The Hong Kong lnstitute of Management,
the Green
'0.' Mr. Mathew't barn was damage caused Box 986,

fi The
The South China Times

date for applications is June 29th.

7. Those who successfully,complete the course

I 6I
will be given ....
4. ln your opinion, where did the dialog happen?
a. free tuition
a. At
the airport
b. a further training course
b. the railway station
c. jobs in big hotels in the Colony
c. the toilet
At d. a chance to stay in the Colony's leading
d. the bus stop
At hotels for one month
e. At an office e. membership of the Hong Kong lnstitute
5. Where did they want to go? of Hotel management
a. They wanted to go to a new hotel. What requirement is needed by an applicant
b. They wanted to go to a new restaurant. to apply for the hotel work training?
c. They wanted to go to a new school. a. Able to speak Mandarin.
d. They wanted to go to a new office. b. Secondaryschoolgraduate.
e. They wanted to go to an airport c. Have interest in hotelwork.
6. What did the man suggest the woman? d. Have good knowledge ofJapan.
a. To eat at his house. e. More than 25 years old.
b. To eat at her house.
Tlp frrcrJrlre ls fu guesdo ns numbr 9 b 11' I go to the local comprehensive school,
wherei have a lot of friends' I like most subjgcts'
Use the tasturcard Abroad and IYin an
but not all of them! ln the evenings I sometimes
Exdusive HolidaYfor4 in Madrid
visit my friends or (14) ........ at home and listen
Take ofi on a private jet with 3 friends and
to music, and at the weekends I like going
swimming or horse riding.
enjoy luxurious 4 days and 3 nights get away to
At the moment I'm working very hard
Ferii de Madrid, Maldives. Entering the draw
because I have exams soon, so I'm spending a
is easy. You will'automatically receive on entry
lot of tinre in the library!
for evLry USD100 or the equivalent in single
l'm lmking fonrvard to hearing from you!
transaction, every time you use your lndonesia-
Write soon!
issued The MasterCard abroad. Simply use
your very own The MasterCard from now till 22
becember 2015 and win a trip of a life time'
Francis Jones
Viiit tnemas te rc ard. com/se a f or more d etail s'
Terms and conditions aPPIY'
The MasterCard is accePted at 12. a. Your friend
over 25 million locations worldwide' b. Good morning
c. How are you
o What is the text about? d. Dear Maria
a. An invitation to go to Madrid. e. I am waiting for You
b. A brochure how to win a trip to Madrid' 13. a. live in d.
has lived in
c. An exclusive offer for a new year event' b. lived in e.
has been lived in
d. A recreation to visit Feria de Madrid' c. am living in
e. An explanation about how to use The 14. a. stays d.
MasterCard and win a triP' b. staying e.
has been staYed
10. Who can join the draw? c. stay
a. People who have the card' 15. Lila : What's in Your mind?
b. People who use lndonesia-issued the lsnar : I don't know today's homework' I was
card abroad. absent todaY.
c. People who do purchasing in minimum Lila : Why don't you ask your friend about
USDlOO. the homework?
d. People who want to visit Madrid. lsnar: ... I'llaskAldo now.
e. People who do the shoPPing before a. Don't mention it.
December 22nd. b. ldisagree.
11 . What is the synonym of the word "equivalenf' c. Good idea.
in the text? d. That's not right.
a. SimitaritY d. ln harmonY e. You're welcome.
b. Look alike e. On balance 16. (O;n the phone)
c. Same value Angga Tery l'm going to Medan next
For numbers 12 to 11, fitt in the blanks with month, but I don't know where
the correctwordsl to stay.
Tery Well, whY don't You lusf sfaY
38 Clifton Gardens London NWG with us?
27 February,2015 That would be great then' I'll be
(12).........., there for a daY or two.
l'm very Pleased that we're going to be
Tery Don't worry You can staY as
penfriends. i'lltellyou a little about myself, and
long as you want.
you can do the same when you write to me'
The italicized statement is an expression for
I (13) ......... an area of Londori called
Maide Vale. lt's quite near the center, but there
are parks nearby where I take my dog, Mickey'
a. capabilitY
for a walk.
b. complaining
I live witr my parents and my younger c. accusing
broher, Paul. My father works for he post office d. admifting mistakes
and mv moher has a parttime job as a nurse' e. suggesting
17. Nana: I have got a new job offer. What do c. Turn on the lamp, please
you suggest I do? d. Turn off the radio, please
Silvi : Well, if you like the job and it pays e. Turn on the AC, please
more money, then you .... 21. Laura needed a break because she ... (study)
a. might hate it all morning.
b. must turn it down a. has studying
c. will be disappointed b. has been studying
d. should take it c. studying studies
e. are too selective d. had been studying
18. Father : Could you please get me the e. studying
moming paper, Tomy? 22. He was red in the face because he ....
Tomy : Sure, Dad. Wait a second. a. has been running
From the conversation, we knowthatTomy's b. had been running
f father is .... c, is running
a. having Tomy read something d. run
b. asking for Tomy's help e. was run
c. expressing his capability of reading 23. I ... all day, so I didn't want to go out.
d. reading the moming paper a. has been work
e. selling moming papers b. has been working
19. Fred : I don't understand the material. c. had been work
Would you mind explaining once d. had been working
again, Sir? e. have been working
Teacher : ... After the breaktime. 24. She ... for ten hours when I woke her.
Fred : Thank you, Sir. a. slept
a. Not atall. d. l'm busy, b. has been slept
b. Here youare. e. Allright. c. had been sleeping
c. Sory I cant. d. is sleeping
20. Tara: Would you do me a favor? e. was slept
Ratih : Of course. What is it? He took ofi the jacket he (put on) ... before.
Jlara: .... a. had puts on
Ratih: All right. I also think that the room is b. have put on
too dark. c. has put on
a. Turn off the lamp, please d. had been putting on
b. Turn ofi the radio, please e. had been being put on

It. Do as the following commandsl

I 1. Read the brochure ,nr*"r the questions.
Sunwel Beach Residenc€s Ketewel - Bali
Prime Prope'rty - Prime Location -Prime lnvesfnent
Only 5 minutes away from Sanur, directly at the beach
All apartments with view to the sea, full hotel amenities
I Large.pools,.spa, fitness, sauna & steam, parking, restaurant

For complete information please visit our website

t invitation - stimulation - temptation
Where: Hotel Mulia Senayan, Jakarta (Leatis Room)
t When: 15h and 16h May 2015 (3 p.m. - 9 p.m.)
For reservation: PT. Umadamai
Phone: +62 361 759 958
For every purchase prior to 31.01.2015,
we will lnvite the buyer for the Ground-Breaking Ceremony
Flight from Jakarta to Bali and a night in a luxury villa FREE

a. What is the brochure about?

b. What should we do to get information about it?
Write a letter to the Alexandra Hotel. Book a single room for four nights next month' Ask for a room
with a view of the sea, and ask for a brochure of the hotel. The address is: Cliff Road Lyme Regis
Dorset RGO 8TY.
3. Correct the words in brackets into Past Perfect Continuous form!
a. I was very tired when I anived home. (l / work / hard all day)
b. The fro boy. cam" into the house. They had a football and they were both very tired. (they / play
/ football)
4. Make a short dialog that involves the expressions of giving request:
5. Make a short dialog that involves the expressions of giving suggestion!

U Read the text and answer the following questionsl

INTERNATIONAL HOTEL CHAIN is urgently recruiting:
. Front office all Positions
. Reservation supervisors & offices
. Restaurant captains & supervisors
. Bartenders & suPervisors
. Housekeeping all Positions
. Kitchen all positions
. Finance all positions
. Recreational attendants
. Engineering Handyman & Technicians
. lT coordinators
Must speak in English and have experience.
Walk in interviews will be held: Mon 4h and Tue 5h May (10.00-16'00)
Jl. Letjen. S. Parman no. 76 Slipi, Jakarta

send your cV or register online at BAL'I RECRUITMEMT SERVICES Ph: 021-52891802

Fax: 021 -52994599 Register online at www.balirecruitnsnlcom

1. Mention the positions required by the hotel!
2. lf we are interested in applying for lT coordinator, what requirements are needed?
3. Are speaking English and having experience as the main requirements for all
4. Where and when willthe walk interviews be held?
5. How can we send our CV?

U Make a brochure telting the readerc ftr save environment! Do on a Piece of cardboard and
decorate it to make yoir brochure more atttactive! $ubmit itto your teacherl

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