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1.What is the contribution of the following institution in our community?

They determine attitudes, motivations and conditions for development. If institutions are elastic
and encourage people to avail economic opportunities and further to lead higher standard of
living and inspire them to work hard, then economic development will occur.
2.Explain the five “Hierarchy needs”.
Self-actualization- describes the fulfillment of your full potential as a person
Esteem- The higher needs, beginning with esteem, are ego-driven needs. The primary
elements of esteem are self-respect, the belief that you are valuable and deserving of dignity
and self-esteem, confidence in your potential for personal growth and accomplishments.
Love and belonging- Among these needs are friendships and family bonds—both with
biological family and chosen family. Physical and emotional intimacy ranging from sexual
relationships to intimate emotional bonds are important to achieving a feeling of elevated
kinship. Additionally, membership in social groups contributes to meeting this need, from
belonging to a team of coworkers to forging an identity in a union, club, or group of hobbyists.
Safety needs- Next among the lower-level needs is safety. Safety needs include protection from
violence and theft, emotional stability and well-being, health security, and financial security.
Physiological needs- These most basic human survival needs include food and water,
sufficient rest, clothing and shelter, overall health, and reproduction

Take note of those practical suggestions which were listed. Then complete the given
1.Start with baby steps.
For a start, I will get up early and do everyday activities

2.Learn what motivates you and what your bad triggers are:
What motivates you and encourages me:
A.listen to favorite songs
B.exercise well

3. My bad triggers and weaknesses are:


4. Make certain behaviors a routine.

I will start developing the following good habits:
A.clean the house on time
C.sleep and wake up on time

5. Practice self-denial .
I will avoid doing the following:
A.Not waking up early
B.Sleeping late
C.not eating in time

6. Engage in sports or activities.

I am fond of engaging in the following sports activities;
7. Get inspiration from those you admire.
I am encouraged and motivated by the lives of: mom dad sister
8. Visualize the rewards.
If I seriously pursue a disciplined life and carry out what I resolve to do.
In the future, I see myself as a architect with house and cars

Activity 3
Give what is asked in each item.
1. Explain the importance of the family in a community.
The importance of the family in a community is the single most important influence in a child's
life. From their first moments of life, children depend on parents and family to protect them and
provide for their needs. Parents and family form a child's first relationships.
2. Enumerate some of the roles of the family in a community.
-A family should show love to the community by paying
-A family should provide for the needs of the children.
-A healthy family is the lifeblood of a healthy nation.
-A person should also respect religious and cultural beliefs
of the community he belongs to.
How does school help you develop your physical, mental, social, spiritual and political
A.Sports teaches children to have improved self discipline.
B.They can implement this self control in all aspects of their life, from better controlling their
emotions to being more self motivated with their studies.
C. helps children to develop their confidence.
2.Mental having exercise/sports/activities
B.get students to talk to each other
C. Giving to others is known to reduce stress and improve emotional wellbeing.
A. helps students to work effectively together
B.developing the inter-personal skills required to relate positively with their peers and people of
all ages
C. Students must also understand how to participate productively in a diverse and plural society
and learn about, and how to effectively engage with societal institutions and processes.
A.Students should develop a zest for life and the courage and ability to persevere, overcoming
any inner resistance and vacillation when approaching obstacles.
B.They must develop the desire to use and extend what they learn in school.
C. Pupils should have the opportunity to experience the awe and wonder of life.
A.By discussing to students how political works


1.What is the implication of the lesson in your life?
what I've learned is that you shouldn't immediately spend money to save for the next bill or
divide your money for the rest of expenses

2.How will it help you become a better person?

To become responsible because you are the one controlling or care for the big role of the

1.What was the greatest gift that David Brenner received?
The greatest gift that David Brenner received is from his father for giving his whole world.
2.How did education help Brenner reach his dream?
The education helped Brenner reach his dream because of his hard work for learning.
3.What are some benefits you will get from your education?
The benefits that you will get from your education is to learn the information you will need when
you graduate and have a job.
1.Is it important for a person to enter school?Why?
Yes, it is important to enter school so that you can learn every detail you will need..
2.What do you get in going to school?
A school is an educational institution designed to provide learning spaces and learning
environments for the teaching of students under the direction of teachers.
3.How does school help a person reach his dream?
You gain knowledge, skills and experience to help you both in your career and in life in general.
On top of that, by gaining additional skills in communication and problem solving and achieving
your goals, you can also increase your confidence.
4.What is the implication of the lesson in your life?
To learn something you want to achieve.

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