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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Urdaneta City Pangasinan

Name: _______________________________________________ Score:________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Date:_________________
Lesson 2 Functions, Roles and Skills of a Manager

Week 3 & 4


An individual engaged in management activities is called a manager. Managers supervise, sustain, uphold
and assume responsibility for the work of others in his or her work group, team, department or the organization,
in general. Therefore, it is safe to assume that organizational succeeds depends upon manager who practic optimal
utilization of their human and material resources, and who encourage high levels of performance, effectiveness,
and efficiency among the individuals under their care.

The term “Levels of Management’ refers to a line of demarcation between various managerial positions in
an organization. The number of levels in management increases when the size of the business and work force
increases and vice versa. The level of management determines a chain of command, the amount of authority &
status enjoyed by any managerial position.

Managerial Levels

Top-level Managers - are the general or strategic managers who focus on long-term organizational concerns
and emphsize the organization's stability, development, progress and overall efficiency and deffectiveness. They
are also concerned with organization's inter-relationship with their external environment. Chief Executive
Officers (CEOs), Chief Operating Officers (COOs), presidents and vice presidents are examples of top-level
managers in big corporations; they have authority over all other human resources of their organization.
Traditionally, top-level executives set the company's general direction by designing strategies and by controlling
various resources.

Example of Top-level Managers:

1. Carlo Joaquin Tadeo López Katigbak the current president and CEO of Philippine entertainment
and giant media conglomerate, ABS-CBN Corporation.
2. Manuel "Manny" Velez Pangilinan, chief executive of Hong Kong-listed First Pacific, which owns
big brands like Philippine Long Distance Telephone.
3. Jaime Augusto Miranda Zóbel de Ayala currently serves as the chairman and chief executive
officer (CEO) of Ayala Corporation.
4. Ernesto Tanmantiong, CEO, President and Director of Jollibee Foods Corporation.
5. Eugene Sering Acevedo, President and Chief Executive Officer of Rizal Commercial Banking
6. Felipe Enrique Lapuz Gozon, chairman and CEO of GMA Network Inc.,

Middle-level Managers- are the tactical managers in charge of the organization's middle levels or
departments. They formulate specific objectives and activities based on the strategic or general goals and
objectives developed by top-level managers. Their traditional role is to act as go-betweens between higher and
and lower levels of the organization; they announce and interpret top management priorities to human resources
in the middle hierarchial level of the company. It has been observed that the middle-level managers are more
aware of the company's problems compared in the higher level because of their closer contacts with the customers,
frontline managers, and other subordinates. To be an ideal middle-level manager, one must be creative so that
they could provide sound ideas regarding operational skills as wel as problem-solving skills that will help keep
the organization afloat.
Fronline or Lower-level Managers - are also known as operational manager and are responsible for
supervising the organization's day-today activities; they are the bridges between management and non-
management employees. Traditionally, they are controlled and instructed by top-level and middle-level managers
to follow their orders in support of the organization's major strategy. Lately, however, their role has been
expandded in some large companies, as they are encouraged to be more creative and intuitive in the exercise of
their functions, so thay they could contribute to their company's progress and the development of new projects.

Managerial roles are classified intro three types: interpersonal, informationalm and decision-making. Henry
Mintzberg, a professor at McGill University, conducted a research on what real managers do. (see table below)

Managerial Skills

Conceptual Skills. Conceptual skills enable managers to think of possible solutions to complex problems.
Through their ability to visualize abstract situations, they develop a holisitc view of their organization and its
relation to the wider external environment sorrounding. Top-level managers must have these conceptual skills in
order to be successful in their work.

Human Skills. Human skills enable managers in all levels to relate well with people. Communicating,
leading, inspiring and motivating them become easy with the help of human skills. Dealing with people, both in
the organization's internal and external environment, is inevitible, so it is necessary for managers to develop these
human skills.

Technical Skills. Technical skills are also important for managers for them to perform their tasks with
proficiency with the use of their expertise. Lower-level managers find these skills very importanct because they
are the ones who manage the non-management workers who employ varied techniques and tools to be able to
yield good quality products and services for their company.

Week 3

Activity 1. Search Me!

WORD SEARCH. Find the words that corresponds to the clues given below. It can be Horizontally (forward or backward),
Vertically (up or down).

1. Manager
2. Levels of Management
3. Top level Managers
4. Carlo Katigbak
5. Manuel Pangilinan
6. Jaime Zobel de Ayala
7. Ernesto Tanmantiong
8. Eugene Acevedo
9. Felipe Gozon
10. Middle level Managers
11. Frontline Managers
12. Conceptual Skills
13. Human Skills
14. Technical Skills
15. Managerial roles
Activity 2 Help Me Clear Things!
1. How do organizations classify managers according to their functions? Describe the respective functions
of each type of manager.
2. Among the different types of managers, which type of managers are more aware of their organization’s
problem? Why?

3. Enumerate the thre classifications of managerial roles suggested by Mint:zberg. Are they equal in
importance? Why?
4. Have the managerial functionns remained the same through time? Why do you say so?

Activity 3. Arrange the following scrambled letters to form a new word.


Week 4

Activity 1. I KNOW YOU!

Get hold any business magazine. Name five CEO or presidents of known corporations whose accomplishments.
Describe their work as top-level managers of their respective corporations. Relate your description
of their work with the functions, roles and skills of managers.
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________________________________

Activity 2. At the end of the lesson, write two or three sentences to complete the following.
1. I realized that:
2. I resolved that:

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Subject Teacher Head Teacher III Principal IV

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