Tayea Popillion - Soldered Pendant Rubric

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Beginning Jewelry 2022 Rubric Soldered Pendants

Begin by sketching at least 3 designs for soldered pendants. Attach sketch photos and visit with
the teacher for final design approval to begin.

When complete. Answer the following questions and rate your final pendant, then submit it in
the hand-in box.

1. What does metal gauge refer to?

a. The thickness of the metal
2. Which is thinner? 18 gauge vs 20 gauge?
a. 20 gauge
3. What is the name of the solution you use to remove fire scale?
a. Pickle solution

4. What is the red solution called you spray onto the solder before heating?
a. fulx

5. Why do you use this red/blue spray before adding heat and soldering?
a. removes oxide films
6. Name/describe three methods for adding texture or color to metal we learned about?
a. Hitting a texture in with a hammer head
b. Using acid to make a patina
c. Scratching it in

7. Describe one way you could have improved your final pendant?
I couldve been more careful with the texture on the final project
Rate your own project below.

Attach all photos to the assignment link separately..

7 7/7 pts Questions answered correctly above on materials.

2 3/3 pts Clear images of your final work (front and backsides, & photos of your 3+ sketches

5 4/ 5 pts Complexity of Design, multiple shapes, cuts, textures . challenging

4 4/5 pts Creativity in use of space, color, textures----& an original design made

4 3/5 pts Neatness of cuts- lines and shapes in your final design even, straight, symmetrical,
and all edges filed smoothly.
4 4/5 pts Craftsmanship of finish work- scratches removed, as well as all silver solder
removed. My piece is buffed thoroughly front and back to shine . Jumpring added for use.

Self grade : 25/30pts rubric Teacher’s _____/30pts

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