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Unit 3 Short Test 2A

1 Circle the incorrect option.
1 Keeping a long-distance friendship going proved to be ... either Pedro or Felicia had imagined.
a more difficult than b as hard as c much easier than
2 I was in my first year at college then, ... most of my friends.
a like b as c as were
3 You shouldn't buy that laptop. It isn't ... some of the other ones in this shop.
a as good a machine as b as good a machine like c such a good machine as
4 That girl is ... the best violinist I've ever heard live.
a practically b by far c twice
5 ... your dentist, I think you need to cut down on eating sweet things.
a As b A good deal c Like

Mark: ___ / 5

2 Choose the correct words to complete the text.

Bonnie and Clyde

When they first met in 1930, Bonnie Parker was a waitress and Clyde Barrow was a petty
thief. Bonnie was bored with her life, 1__ was Clyde. The idea of a life of crime – robbing
banks with Clyde – probably seemed quite glamorous to her.
Two years later, after Clyde had spent time in prison for a car theft, the pair formed a criminal
gang which began to rob businesses and banks across America. It was a 2__ more difficult to
catch a gang of robbers in those days than it would be with today's modern policing
techniques and high-speed communication. And __ they got away with it, the bolder Bonnie
and Clyde became. Encouraged by their initial success, they began to select bigger and
bigger targets, robbing banks located in town centres in broad daylight. The press followed
their adventures and lucky escapes, and within a few years they were __ the most notorious
criminals in America.
Much of the press – and also the 1967 film Bonnie and Clyde – portrayed the pair in a
romantic light, but the reality was much worse. Their gang didn't hesitate to kill police officers
and anyone who stood in their way. Because of this, they became the subject of a massive
nationwide man-hunt. By 1934, there were __ places for them to hide. In May of that year,
Bonnie and Clyde drove into a police ambush and died in a hail of gunfire. It seems that
Bonnie at least foresaw their fate. In a poem discovered after her death, she had written:
'Some day they'll go down together. And they'll bury them side by side.
To few it'll be grief, to the law a relief, but it's death for Bonnie and Clyde.'

1 a as b which c also
2 a far b much c good deal
3 a more b the more c more often
4 a by far b nearly c so
5 a lesser b much fewer c half as many as

Mark: ___ / 5

Solutions Third Edition Advanced Tests 1 Unit 3 Short Test 2A

3 Match the parts of the sentences and complete them with the words below.
a bumpy ride a horse a log mice peas in a pod

1 I must have been very tired last night because I ...

2 Andy and Max are very similar to each other. They're ...
3 The baby was sleeping, so we crept around ...
4 My first few weeks at college were ...
5 I felt really hungry after my journey. I ...

A the house like ________________.

B a bit of ________________, with lots of ups and downs.
C slept like ________________.
D could have eaten ________________.
E like two ________________.

Mark: ___ / 5

4 Circle the correct normal or emphatic adjective to complete the sentences.

1 The animal is covered in small / miniscule scales, which can only be seen under an electron-microscope.
2 Rick is very energetic / frenetic. He has a busy social life and also plays a lot of sport.
3 Big waves doomed / threatened our small yacht, but we managed to sail through the storm.
4 Scientists have come to the startling / surprising conclusion that the signal detected on Wednesday must come from
an alien civilisation.
5 The teachers are quite strict / rigid with us – but they're flexible too, and not unfair.

Mark: ___ / 5

Total: ___ / 20

Solutions Third Edition Advanced Tests 2 Unit 3 Short Test 2A

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