Assignment 2 Group 7

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Group 7

Trần Song Hy IELSIU20318
Nguyễn Huỳnh Nhật Minh IELSIU20045
Phạm Thành Nhân IELSIU20372
Phạm Hồ Hoài Thương IELSIU19280
Lê Thuỳ Vy IELSIU19317

Assignment 2
To determine the value of Ld, a weighted average must be calculated based on the
number of trips and corresponding distances shown in the from-to chart.
9× 50+5 ×120+6 × 205+9 ×80+ 2× 85+3 ×170+8 × 85
Ld = =103.8 m
9+ 5+6+9+ 2+ 3+8

a. Based on the from-to table that shows delivery travel distance, we find the
empty routes and calculate empty travel distance associated with each given
Deliveries Associated empty trips Number of trips Empty distance (m)
1→2 2→1 9 110
2→5 1 → 2 and 5 → 1 9 50+30
1→3 3→1 5 200
3→5 1 → 3 and 5 → 1 3 120+30
1→4 4→1 6 115
3→4 1 → 3 and 4 → 1 2 120+115
4→5 1 → 4 and 5 → 1 8 205+30

Then, we have the from-to table of the empty travel distances associated with
each delivery:
From/To 1 2 3 4 5
1 0 9/50 5/120 8/205 0
2 9/110 0 0 0 0
3 5/200 0 0 0 0
4 8/115 0 0 0 0
5 20/30 0 0 0 0

b. The value of Le is:

9 ×50+5 ×120+ 8× 205+9 ×110+5 × 200+8 ×115+20 ×30 775
Le = = =96.875m
9+5+ 8+9+5+ 8+20 8

c. Cycle time:
Ld L 103.8 96.875
T C =T L + +T U + e =0.5+ + 0.5+ =5.0135mins
vc vc 50 50

Available time:
AT =60 A F t EW =60× 1× 0.9 ×1=54 min/hour

Hourly delivery rate:

AT 54
Rdv = = =10.8 deliveries/hour
T C 5.0135

Flow rate of total deliveries:

R f =9+ 5+6+9+ 2+ 3+8=42 deliveries/hour

The number of automated guided vehicles needed to operate the system:

Rf 42
n c= = =3.8 ≈ 4 vehicles
Rdv 10.8

Therefore, 4 AGVs are required to operate the system.

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