PE 11 - Lesson 2

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Physical fitness is the ability to execute everyday
tasks without getting short of breath, tired, or sore.

It is the capacity of the heart, lungs, muscles, and

joints to perform well.
1. Muscular Strength is the amount of force
that muscles employ when they are used.

You need to have strong muscles to support

your bones and joints.

Muscular strength can translate into the

capacity to lift, push, kick, and throw with power.
2. Muscular Endurance is the ability to
use a group of muscles for a long period
of time without getting tired easily.

You need muscular endurance when you

ride a bicycle up and down a hilly track.
Pedaling without stopping requires
muscular endurance.
3. Flexibility is the ability to bend,
twist, reach and move the joints

You utilize flexibility when you

strike a tennis ball or touch your
toes while being seated.
4. Cardiorespiratory Endurance refers to the
ability to perform activities that need increased
oxygen for a period of time.
There are physical activities that can improve your
cardiorespiratory endurance.

Running, walking, biking, and swimming are examples

of activities you can engage in.
Take note of the following terms in connection with
cardiorespiratory endurance.
Heart Rate refers to the number of times your heart beats per
Resting Heart Rate (RHR) refers to your heart rate when you are
resting or not doing any physical activity.

Recovery Time refers to how long it takes your heart rate to return to
RHR after engaging in physical activity
5. Body Composition -compares the weight of your body
fat to the weight of your muscles, bones, and organs.
Healthful body composition has a high ratio of lean
tissue to fat tissue in the body. Good body composition
can make the joints move efficiently.

It also makes the heart and lungs work efficiently during

physical activity.
3 kinds Body Types
1. Ectomorph – having a thin and lean body build.
2. Mesomorph – having a muscular and sturdy body build.
3. Endomorph- having a round and heavy body build
Let's Think about this!

In your notebook, answer the following questions.

1. What is healthful body composition?

2. How can you maintain a healthful weight?


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