Onit:3) : Lil Lit

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Onit:3] Page-

ee Natrol hesownCes Netes

all t o s
Natuxal Resouces iNatuxal esowtesinludu
Q u nalue ch a
maierialk usish akt pxouded directly by
toal, l n lukal
uatue, minital, o d oLLt, uuliglt,
Naxal Kuouwuces aue_clasiied en tu basu 0
t a tuo LategoAeA

inludus al ttost atusa

VNon- nemeuz0ble xsounsLs
phoxt peried.
kesouscs that cant be Hgtunall_hun a
LLLL Hequint millionsoyass h foim
tilzzdm latgkal Hhy uill be_deplutcd o
PtToleuan melals c t
Ea Natusal Gal Leal
Renewable Remces includes naluseal esDLLcLA tha
egtuineted tasily lu aL tun hublyplu of entuwable
Cau be
aue toN eseuece buch
a)ahautible AOULCLu-uuu
ui be eakaustd C dejpadid, iY uud Cohinuouly
C Lil lit
px Tn larg
b) nexhawtibl mwncs S a

anouu can Athauwtad by teutinuouu
a Suuliglut4wud

Ruouuees caun alw be clauitied on he baof uilty as-

Kaw Malesialh Pont lsaunceu ae ud as HAw malerial

tupheduclon lhu gatd exhact

ftuluuia Osu fer

hIt-td for

o d Plautk at s psoaluu.ces qntuug heiu eed

by utiliug suultghlWe pblatn aul ed flemrplauk
aimals unsplauh auinnals at actuug as oui
ood tor uumau htiug.
uuy Ruouuwu Ccal, pelucleuun, maliual qas
uucliah maleial A asluug_as ouuc Mg
|Nuclhax ausey gwalural qns clun fuul.

laund iaa tincde A A lamd RLSescus m mde an

Coiduu c9m-elneuwablu biucUsuel

u asu dieuut typel olaud m mdia i l agnisulhua
lausl, fanmlaud, kassu laud zal alt lauel tommutiul
lad ALMduhial land.
MAjasuiby a4 H papalatio e hdia as eaagd
aasiututeal allid actiuitis tuu agsucultsa
ad aceeuuts na
ladd ab-out56.78, tu bt laud

muausmuaus uhlaal skaud bp duman bungs for sa'tyei
huin pun neids
24 H imualues meliicahion mauagenteull tonuwathion o
molluHal emuinaut 4LLldune iuwbult prnunimul
kualn as pLkmanlt Rttfuneud, Jni natueal habitak sh al
BNahleuelas,pakdtuusa, managed ui0cdi tMablichanual B
National Patls uilLik amthakiy D Bicspluks ssL
Th laud uepatesn e dia lsus that e6%
hudes agaiulhue, 32J1fosuted 13 , laud ia

Raughly A milionkustau ef land au Louuidud tokally
LLit o net auaihble fo pekahe
The Pes Lapela aunilabiliy aq laud drctiud huom 0.e9 kuclake
tn451 ta 03 uda oo a4 wll tu pe capita aLailahility
eaquiculhunu aud declinel cua 0:4htdaue n 1151t Di hzch

Theschaue m thtthanalesittiu, qually meuhuxe ofsil e
past asuutau oLakth (lauel) Lud hy fuman uih quh
adrsy ata by huwan aciitit g natixalpoAtk ese
ik uhlua ilit i callk cisLAND DEGRADATlON.
Rdushon in th capability o HaL laudto uppost a panbiculan u

Causes laud dighadation

DeyoLAati on
Remoal of Tuu othu sgttatiom po a4uicultual, LommuReial,
houung0 ssod t uuthout ntplantung as compenaahom
witthout alloukug timm A th txLk to LLgunLate ity called

2 mLaus evisu tatuug of grastisathu gsun plaulk by

2 t uwllk in udured qrouuh oh vcgetation, aud tuin
pcutiuicty, ueluned diveruts of plaut opecisexcessiut
.cuth af uanttd plant pteiu oil uouion dugnadation o-
lamd du ta Catlu meumud
Agsicaultwral Prauticu-
HAL moL ineuie agsiulthural pnanhau menoutusuug p
mmoucppug, exeiue 1 indiitkiminakuu
etestiliaau d
pesticdde ks adolt degsaded the qualuby 4tuti
Hu ultivaiom lamd.
Qvx iigatuma asmland lead o Salinigation, au euaperalLom
walu beg tsalk to t tunyasu sf ho eel m utich
LAap ca4 gsou

at ucp ak au aaid the cuop hialthe


ali eveutually-H laud comLunpductiw

DAUlapm iuduuei ou lha LDMicHoum H ounlau
Ltads tochang pattesmo laud ux bt4 LnuclLion o
out ladl as l at utilizatin oh aaitabi lad er
duumpiy of gcuuald usauepallukaut on laad hat
Lontsibutd iu huch, a laay t6at laud huL dot Ll nalurad

sLasns 9kouh epopulatiom duMamds meuAsidsutial
ALLAA semmectla Sectpas uish comhilbaudeer lmd
As4Ghan cutu gouw induutaial enpamiena toLAs,
askicultusal landhouk thain
Paevention Control Measusbh
Tand degradati on
Stip famming
24 an aguicultukal pxachie uheki cuop au coum in alteHunatuo
Chup p ut uapid wadu mmwemeut hat cauu Soil exoion

0ome o4 the ald agricultukal pMashice in hih dLleut cxopA
a u n n samme ata foleuung a taiom utm Hhat help
n nuthiuat uupleniehment o tht coil

Constnuuetien ot dans
Damsually elosa Har wakx 4 Lleate gudaly thunby
ue oLduces th wloity of_uneht

a i astiltiel ak alo dlesne niyulali em lands pu to b

Conto fanmuag-
ueh faxming is ually puashced asess thu hil eids 4u
ul ea coluslung diuiuus thssuwn sl4 to auoil sal exasien
nseuxa4t_adaptm o science haud,dadbonal daud
pkactice, thuaupkh uueansh olurlopmul
2Pumete ulamakion o walkeland dpaadal foetland,
thuough fownulahon adop.lhon o muli- stakuholelu
Gnccuag agho- fprutay, ciqamie asmug envi nonmeutaly
Austaimablu thoppu4 patluL elo
2PRLp.asL implemeut humatuc ocluen plans intopiatuu
uwadurshid managemut ctnatugies fan asAlngALLOLug
9 t h e movemeut 4 hanspout e cou bvaious ageuk n
Hhet lads to a lou nl
as watex, uius mas maemeut

koil euoien A a nauMal euent Hh y ew pa

mat hasuntul aths it hllps n soil
2So oion b4 wak a man AAsOn o LOsk Lok ef
1 Soll osion by watey
The waleu falos inuLuncusg Soil eoM0n a l ranpall
wid pud, dad ue maunagtsncut, +opagrapky ail1
Hi propeutil

pes SoilGnosion y Wadur

hlah roiom
Du ta high iukuity aainduap Impasti, mall duhvpartiilu
pauLiet n ind uAL au dekashud takun auay by
an watu

hud mamom VATIT

Lain duaps buak opaxt th cat nztut4 sp k
Lmod doum obe u waks that flaus prlaud a
hut calld as ohuut uotiomM

( Rill uoiomi
whun ain watr 0h laung watu dlunlops knmall khest
Jued , tonethatd lou pathi, Thu pathl tAtake a pd
SAAmeut soua dliRAY aAlenn tos hiU etope LOMc
AOA Apildenainad ia aas tun paspitulion Aaliu
eud t tt-ttat ter sil insutratim matu

dGulls uoiou
Watt flam im maiscw thaumuls dunup o dixcy fellauiua
heay Han meltim mowlh aulies tav eodto
ceuiderable dipths

eVally o Suam Ehaimi

Volly p tuean exsion occ epaiAlly cduuug laool o
eloudouuAt ax intuse long tesun aimall.

Bank uorion
Hosd Aie n leud aiven cauus ekoiem f banks o nvers

2Sl cion Wid

d exoian Dicuss staun usind Pastielesranspohts sclpaxhili

by uspenio utaru Cuop,Ox Saltatiom ovek dictanuu nanung-

Aem ateuom t many Kon
w d kcioia a pasuhtulardpreblennatic n Sandy onegamic
oil dubieat To l Sol muittuuL, patchs veaotatiom, CpoAadic
1untall pLuiodic winds

3olANoion by Mas mnvesaeu

ubteLanmam ChouieM
The tcLIRLML o mas mNtoneAaÍ o koil olpends upon.th
onktina.ahina of vasiaus factoss includng Lan fam, uthal.agy,
i l tape,rainkall uutentiy 4 dunation, dxainage chatastuufitics
VL4tfal LONt human ntuwention

H. athve Coastal sail enoion

au facdoA Lpomtibll fos LonstalLLOÁON 4 ccolimut
uAict ributien au winds LUnauls tidus Hosds. Rita

t hHu puocLs q tlogital dugradahon by uuch etconomial.
pxodualuw lamd bucomis ws paduchie m exhtmi_asA
daelopsa duut lika lamdscapetha u inapable ostainin
HA LonANmuuities-tha ona dipendud On it
0tuu mot lutyn ecotLmk ht hAI ha Low aintall
hAR L aintall
long duy Seaioni, iertt druunghk ,Skeleh.l saih paxt
veyetahom CoAe
t anisboth pom human akuse o th laud m aoleee
climahecemditions Bueh as itendusl duouglht, whiih may
gatk, maintain 0k eUn dei Oculaak
thu uuK o duy
laud dasuadalion

_meaxs h lngcluatina s owt cetk 0 u
planiahienu in Cdu To a.ctopdate ngkiLcutiural ,induulnal

XCau o deoHLstadion
Agricultwal Ackiuities
Agpdculual pctiuhtu au Ou th majo ardoks attlig
u h avngrouug dumano for rrd produuek, hugamBun
a tdl dewn q chaps rcattt oaun

led bamd industnies i papek, mateh-tick fusaitext ete
Meed a ubtautial amuunt af uecd tupply erd u d as
Lul hoth dixnetiy akindlixetuy, thufon ku a choppd

Dupcpulahon diucly aeak_fesst coss, a uith He
pauioncites mmak laud i iuded o etablish hauuina
Lebtieanesk Tuu, fout laud u entuled inta mm fout
pAURpO xugh duloudalion.
wtihcaion o4 Jand
asla tat a duortutatiomuaue alo past matukal
paut aunthbueprgunie ikdmntitiat of land. 2f aoeuwu duu h
laud ohuLmakua it ui r qsaueth ef Tuuu

l inral coal minu4 kitgikl cmiduunbl amd e
d laud Thu walk tat comii cutfraa minung pollues
th euinnaet afhe tho nLasbey fouest

Hundudi of Tauus a lost cach yas due to fouut fie

h vaicus potioL O th wold
7T appens dlu ta eahenu nakn unmtu mibu_winterd.

Maaox Mwementso pratuwtien ol Natunal

neuduNs m mdia
Chipko maummt1413)
)ile vally pojLet (111&)
9 d Bachas Andalanu1190)
Nasumada bathue Andolan( 148E)

Cftek of delouetaion"

@Climate mbalamcu
Deatatioun attk t elimalt im mulipl way u as
at vapo n the ail,uhiuh n Lemmpomid on ubh tau last
o TuA huy ale peouid the egueal chads bat keep th ceilmait
Deorestat" lenuals to h Imbaaner in the atmophisie-tmperalu
2The Haphazaud clhaame o fohi has foced CeutHal o t
animalu to shit Lom thliu mati enviwnmeai.

mcua in GLobal waumung

T A play a majnkole n cenbsllua alabal wasung ThLy
uilie he gun heue4aus upuially co, aia raud mstid
fos fped makiug thuxtby uLulanup ihe casb.on balaneL m
t atmesph he Du to conzhant dehoreskahion, th
atuo camaut al guuun hauuu qaus hae icniasd k thus
JLads zto lnsueasL global waHmung

Soil wosion
nds h thad s Tu he coil xmains moist boLul it
u clakamcL of Tuuu cevthe coll u diueclly expoad ta th
un,maluig it day hat caus toil maLenmed tasy.

Aoods i
fou tLLs ahsorb da taugtamauat e_wak uilh theil.
Ook tun tiu aul ct deusn tA nahuwel PLcw
wate dinptedl uads to Plands 0 drouught

wildlipe estinsion
Duto etantaion, VauioLLsSptais s4 minalsa lost Ihey
lau ti habitat forad o nc to ntuw locahomLom
hn aL un puahed to eQkitheec exhmchion.

Salutions Defprestatiom"
OBtuting striak ul sLAulatiornsLgardt
forut latesl mmatte
Otttig 4TuA ust b bannnd in pade h urb thu
dpluHon efeu couer
land tinntd ef ik Tru Ceruek fowhan Letilenenta hnuld be
ia uwxgtal -o plaat Tu nt dcinitp/ 2eplatu i at

* foxest Cover un Iibal destnicts

2Tibal communite haw beun pat of thu foxu ecchen
hu lans inluihord isdepeuoleuct as Luuell ar
influncd y foiet
T to.lal forLt tei m the Hsibal deuhicke iu H15,411 C Cm
hih u 2131 a h gugraplhical auua of di dlishik.
APuim ds.iuus e dbysrzstatieon in tibal oepin can b
canidunad at thiug _cultivahion, Înciasing dimand fer agioulkural
Laud, uatbanuinat daam cenhuchon d qmaing.
Accoclig UN eLtimals h telal amouuut ef wa r
On eau ebeuct tuo milion cubic km whih u eueuyh h
LA th tath uuth a laycr e 3 p m dpth.
HauLvtk th hth waker LonAHtuks a wky mall prepontie1 h
e mous quaiq
he mu watin A c dunlotmmiuT managumudd u
watk u n c t aUranlebl,
AiLu utiy bARUR met the
we Adly ste.chanarteui-ed by ih aighly unutn

Majox we Wate. Reauncs

Mou hart of pc ppl4 in d t a beuid 0 hydo pu

eupy.Powe atins a Lomhuidhd on damd. Dama net only

pACdeuy but alo huhintd kpply o Watux ued in
iukiqakion indudiu ethex dontc pupo

Panblm auildue to dam cemtcion

Dlplacuut human pspuluiom
Lou t biodivw f u t
Wat Lesens Laliuuty wat
cag n ttolutum duuo va uupplied HAauga amals
a u out fom dams
ragmuuahem leu ef otam ew e rict.
matehed Managennent
h Cakchmen
A watksud u aakia o{ laudwku all o Hhe wall

0 Comm@n pla
Watuhid mauagLmeut ua toapuhwave1mkgnattd
uulti HLMWLl managumulplammug poCLM thaf 4uh
balame ual colcancal,omdaic tulhwul-
&pia conaditio withiu a watuuhud.

A halky wanhed povidt tHhe tauplu beuwfit
hwman, olagaaal om.omaieualh.

Consexwaiono WatuH i
ORAin watexhauuestuig= eAY houug bAilduug eiect
hauld haue xaun wat hauuugailia
Ryele Tumed 9 cucl iipal wpste wal oa
hacho agtiuutHutal purpo
Reolu- Lyun taile thauld be pomfed fei eptimum s
CeAation eh watty.
p chick p towkauupatio1a h dsuiskiy watr th nuivkpa
fmduutnal wale

DROght u a memmal, ALturret tate oelimakta
2MD drhu
dseught im an aa itu tu aalfalLL AuhueY-
Ln tHhat
Ln that aea ma o esalal a leng t n meDMAL
t farthes clasified iua mardeie w dsenght dupendis
wpDn ti iual
7www tk aiutal us aaan 15, e t ammal mzdurak
noantall detiit bthutun 2-5, uu dougt
inid 4 Agultuse Lèndia) iu Hhe noelal iuislry m ipct
omonitoing ? maaunaga dought conditioms, Dougik as
classified t o sL Cgtegenes
melt.ooloial ydscloal
dxcttgtk oucug

flood ih

Pecals as thu malumalphenomena Sesious ouiwnmua

h8aard faramy coualu
A p overlouw of waky that hbmeugu lasnd ushich wually dsuy
Ploadplau suich wsd toaut like aampeay
p a e N e u u g - f a t l o s u g , wale
Janldug he wate,
damagug Bskouusdmgaud uLu aROa3 a s a l .
kunourn as wétand

CNater conftit "

attm dtuesibug A sconfiil berw Counnies, Akat

lu couLictu oecuA oVe beth fxthwates Saltzwateu,k

Sahsehweun uuithun mations.

War conliuu ot.cu mnoHy oe atshwatex bitaul

bxshwakx seUMes asikimited LeHAsy fer dsnki
COskig quttal uUe iiaahon
w w wattclatid cemjlia emug uitm mation batuuu
Ltak),it calldasinteiak waler diepuk, bat t n
i t ai bikou 2 o mL haM thuo mahiontit callhd
as mkmaBioual wake ditpuk

nterstate Wate dispute

tlatu as fu to malue lawx 2clakd to waka, e
haunesaNailable wakr ter hunnan tltaxe ut quuaalle
at in ivek a lasge lauu talli umol haro O mt hw
hun chatesthat buomi a be e cantenHon To eelve
Such tonptics, thu Pauliament oh hadia has enaaid The
mterutat RiVEs IWakL Sitpues det, 1156 (RCODa (IRWD -
Lunder Auliilu 262 tontitutiom st hdia tn xolue
wa diepults 01 Lonuict thak ould aiu mu uk
Lombro dibuien e_am inknle ie or ivex valluy
KawEi RiveDirpuk

utumaional Watu Conht


dus WaBtui Tstaly ium oLttomt ta setle tu intanational

wakiLomtlick baluta hndia _Pakilam. t ha wakes-kaaauag
taly hehutun adia lakittan, brokthud bythe hWoold bau
akssmaioval Banh fer Ruconuckin duslapmunt 18RD).
T draly wa Mpd in anachi m_Ja60 b4 hadin fakirtan
n d s Aiue maluy | In dw Riw
werun hluwn yn tas
Ralilan ftau hat Cintu tu cAusI ia of Ht aduus Basn
wR m ndia utish could potzntall etah doupl
tasuuty in Palilas Léptalially at tinuu a man thuu,
th trst was ult a4 tat
9Hewex hudis didu't rku thu laiy duiy auy f tu
Hase latu mdo Lakiectam warl A
2Dianuk dipuks hau beu eebud ia teal eocedus,
poauidedor ithu-t froamtutoh o h teály
un abahaik to a maaimusa lzul pregtLu B a ahon
Suuuhe oLadsmis,akiullusal ududial gorouta aelies c
Bus44 pcducdon,auailabilidiihibuhon lk pmapu ulinatib
p4 0uuels aste dasafied m hwo cakgories
Nosn- cuwa eupy 0uL
RLsabli euL huLCL
xenuwabli emegy luouALL
T huxgy suscuLce ak p ut ma fhd or llmiii ammoul
m d Duy a lonp pexiad ol m uhaistu
i wd Coninuouwuy
l y aunt euvinmmLut ieudl
4 axt nem nwabe bicauLe Huy a u t -quatud1
hi then haut spa oh
g fouilfack

Aduamtages oNon-2neuwabl souneAS

Tlyauu ca Pasy to us
Keleau qlataMeLuo e Y-

Disadvamiages of Nen-newablo
a aru duiti uiled ou day
Tai piuu wiu uup sulad uilU'hbe atoil
awalabl uyem
TL4 aeut eco-ieudly

Thy au gemulud em Matuunal Coicli re un wd
am,tidsu Com bguualus agasm aasn a
skLn iepLLLLd thu acilabl pleilu o meLul

pSelas euss4 wud emup ete

Advamaats o Renewablu lowreu

y ae aiailahls m abundanut qusilib ho ue
Leidudas tso-hitudly
hyl mec0AAOMmy amulaluom
RLuLLabl cows e Ann cost us Hham eonkumug
Hu Loral eluicalupply

Disadvamtages o Rinuvable ouns

Hith cost o ihal invehmut t p plaut
Lou bizdiwiy fett aleu4ith maadificatuon
oL local taymmut bydamn Lenwtruclion or Hydhorlecic eta

Convemioma Aounl May

lCoal, ftursad oo minual, ail, muelas pouLL hycluoukiluui

Nom tomveantiovmal fuu o gu

No4a toyeiluoual ge lncude bimas py cthMal.

Hhum aa teidiud as olluionn u Lco iesdly.

Ateyative eneaayAMc
An nu4 seueuuich euidu alksanat to fortil l
Could a cuteumalu ARu

here asL follouuug typts o altAative eMLLA-

O alax
Cyechsmal LLP4
Bio ful, eHhaudl 1 Liqas
tudsapum fuul
Atgal tul
2 moms tu commuscal LausySouucLu mdua itu
Inatallud Capotits har eALP geuali thLouphCoal (56),
Ca batd 1 ) , diesel basd 1)5nuuluas peutt (27)
huduopCut 20 .) 2uwaku toeees a 2/)
Oon thu atHur hausl,eluuhiuyqutAud -Hhucuh teal
hedowinat kouce accLmiluy sY
erimati 8001, folleued by ditsd o l 1 ) ,ntumalna
Clo4), haydro pauua 15%) muulas uLAguj)
mdia biom s Aceoukfor almot h0 pamau

A upply
}tALe caal comtinuusto tmam the dominad uul for
elusicily qmusalwn HouMUA, ulias p0u nalaa
Aa nail ha beru mttea p cince i11+0 o a010

COnseryation e enengy
Guupy tonsluwatuon uLhLLo LLoeug o munAUzLo euLa
LOmsumpAon y a u p tmepy Seeuuices.
o utainuag 400d 2at o econemie ghAulh , COnkrelaliuon
oeLLA tasn allp in AUidup tuu u
OCwpy Comsewaion-
Poueu quLLaliovm raumikiom dichibuhiom ymut et mad
iieatfault pen ta autid alaktagtCALL
Cuay eficimy
amdune donLutic kilo thouldu eauuey iitu
kshnalapi aush au fhuergstut hulhs lnttiad of incalscLat
ERO Autiwnatuit kmnay euui

OSubidieu GuMmul Ads

Aubiiditachas sheuld Li proui dud by goat to prmet

aid pheuld be aLduuced o iminatu a en: athloab


fout u a ntuabl klsauwce 4tom piological oruu Ty
pLouid Us VAxiDu guods 9 uics at ploys amimpoutaut
Aolt m mLnianung th awDMmtul bauut
talso LeulAilbutes to eLoMomy eh a ouale b pseniduug
wroo foh buldiun maduuial, fuhmituu 9papts putb

VHlih oxt
scoloaical UHl unchions
fores dischatge foluUng eecbngical fuunchievs
Abuesphtkie balamc by abiobing Solax zadiation t h a t
nnainlakna Heuperatu maitalni co lesel b abseraun4
osinilating n bionmass, bpenationalzing nialer cyc
Hascugu evapo-hiasaspizaion pocts
Watshed protesion by duction eh Suuyacen-oh o
watek chasgiuug asaucndLusatek
Cornsexation st iolagital Aiuekut b prmiding hen
to maySplLLeL

twnemaic Utilit
fruh paCuldtfolleunng econemicaily impoatam
phoduetk ohuman etings.

Adu for cuttle

Madiunal flamk hui pmdutt

3 8ia-_ultural uhilty
usdain commumituhxut dinloprol matual bendagt nth
e u aks0eialtd plantri ey Ryaham
Tadac etues in NLPhalaya t


|Nadienal Aelar iswien

7 an mitatiut of ht Cowsnmud fadia Bake
4 to pAmate olak pawENThL efrA0 Lwa Inauguralud
a tu awah.alal Nehs Nalimna Selasmum by
tom Pim minielth Mamnochan ayh om ll anuau
2o10 with a taspet ot 20 GW b 2022
d incktaud iln utilit sola p.eurx quunalon
Capariy by maxly 5 e om 2,650 MW o 26 Mau
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