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FS2 Weekly Journal

November 2022
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On our first week in the field study observation I remembered my high school days
particularly my teacher in second year English subject, she tried her best to make a
connection with each student in her classroom. She knew what are interests were and

about our families. She used that information to bring our interests into the
classroom. One of the biggest reasons that she will always be my favorite teacher is
because she helped my love of reading grow. She made books of various genres
available in our classroom and to take home. She suggested books that she thought
we would enjoy, and today I realize that it was books that she hoped would get us
hooked and we'll learn from. I’ve had so many wonderful teachers through the years
that have helped shape my life, I remember one of them said “I’ve learned that people
will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget
how you made them feel.” and this I bring still with me. As I have observed the
teachers in UZHS are kind of the same, they are very concern with the learnings of
their students, they encourage them to be more attentive in the classroom, to
participate, they do their best to awaken their student's interest.

Sir Lawrence Belleza

Cooperating Teacher

Julhamid, Nurmainna
TCP Student

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