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Love of Allah

Allah, he is the one who is near to every person’s heart. He is the only one who love us mean all human
being, if we need anything he give us. He, who love more than our mother, a mother who raise you and
receive any type of pain for his children. He is who love us more than 70 mother. So in return, we have
to love Allah. Allah says to his believer:

“He love them and they love him “. [Quran 5:54]

“Say [O Muhammad (PBUH)], if you love Allah, then follow me, so Allah will love you and forgive
you your sins. And Allah is forgiving and merciful.” [Aal-Imran 3:31]

And the Prophet (PBUH) said:

"A man would not have attained faith until and unless he loves Allah and His Messenger more
than anything else." (Al-Bukhari)

The Prophet taught the following supplication to his Companions,

"O Allah, allow me to love you and to love those who love you and to love whatsoever brings me
nearer to your love and make your love more precious to me than cold water to the thirsty." (At-

Causes of the love of Allah

There are many causes to love Allah, he only create this whole universe, sky, water, mountain and air.
These everything only for us. And this is the causes that we love Allah. And he gives food and shelter
whom need it and many other things. That why we love Allah. When we are in trouble and we don’t
have a solution, we don’t the right path, we are hopeless and don’t think what to do that time the only
one who help us, calm us, give us a right path, give us the solution and the power so we try our best to
overcome is “Allah”. These are the reason that we love him and obey his orders and lead our life in his
way that the messenger of Allah told us.

Signs of the love of Allah

There are many people who claim that we truly love Allah. But the only one who truly love Allah not only
love Allah but only his being and obey his all order and trying very best to do that things that make him
happy. So in return Allah also love his being and who love him most Allah bless him. This will be explain
more briefly that the Companion Abu Moosa Al-Asha'ri, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that
the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said,

"Whoever wishes to meet Allah, Allah wishes to meet him." (Al-Bukhari)

It’s true that the one who truly love Allah can never fear his death, because he know that after death he
is going to meet, the one who he love most and for him he prepare his life to meet him, Allah. He know
that someday this world is going to end and everything is going to destroy and on one will survive here.

Additionally, he love Quran, the word of Allah, revealed to Muhammad (PBUH) who is the Prophet of
Allah; in fact, if his love is really strong, it will encompass the whole creation, for he who loves any one,
loves the works he composes.
How can we make our heart love Allah?
1. Obey his orders. Because these are only the benefactor of our life.
2. Recite Quran daily. Also Allah said “So, recite Quran as much as you can, it may be easy for you”
3. Perform 5 time namaz daily because namaz is the only way to get near Allah and get his
4. Love his creature, care his creature and always try your best to help his being. Because Allah said
in Quran: (Summary) “He love his being most and the one who love his being, he love him the

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