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Handling a complex world. Fleet Manager 200 Plus Installation Manual Version: 4 Contents ‘Contents Introdustion.... System Overview. Analogue/Digital Inputs Frequency Inputs. System Requirements Safety Before installation Installer Requirem Tools! Secure the workplace: During installation. Positioning af product components: Installation of Wicing: After Installation During Operation Installation Installation Requirements Summary of Installation Steps. FNIZ00 Plus Harness Installation Starter Interruation Code Plug Socket Installation, Positioning the FM200 Plus Unit nnn oe vn Signal inputs..... Analogue/Digital Inputs, quency Inputs. Frequency Input Jumper Selection nnn oe vn Seo eO2DTATMOVTOMAE EERE LOLUDD Power QUIBUtS nee svvtnentnvienvernn scene secon neree A " Speed Sender Power (VEPC)... tt Positive Drive, so oT Serial Communization Loading Device Drivers €onfiguring Vehicle Properties . Setting the Real Time Clack. Speed and RPM Calibration. gine Speed (RPM) Calibration Vehicle Speed Calitration... Testing Installatio Test Brive et and Transfer Data... Troubleshooting... Maintenance .. FM200 Plus Specifications... Declarations .. ‘Type-Approval Declaration of Conformity. Restrictions. ‘DO Part Numbers np 1 uty ous aban Pat pr Maral vis 208 Page oF Introdu' ‘System Overview The DO Fleet Manager 200 Plus (FM200 Pius) is an on-board-samputer for use in vehioles and warking machines. The system is designed to record a wide range of vehicle and tria related information, including: vehicle speed, engine speed, engine temperature, fuel consumption, trip start and end times. The F200 Plus interfaces sdirectly to a large selection of transducers which enable the recording of data, such as: vehicle position. Tuel ‘sonsumption, and vehicle loading. ‘The FII200 Plus is used in conjunction with the DO Fleet Manager application software. This software facilitates the management ef vehicle, driver and passenger information, definition and management of events to be monitored by vehicle units, recording of servicing details, analysis of fleet cata and extensive management reporting, The primary method af communicating with the FM200 Pius is via the green Vehicle Flug. The plug is used to extract data from the FN200 Pitys and transfer it to a Personal Camputer, where it can De processed and analysed. by the WDO Fleet Manager agplication software. Various modems can be connected te the FM200 Pius to jacilitate wireless communication with the vehicle uni. ‘Vehizle drivers are identified by means of a driver specifie blue plug; identification can be enforced! by interrupting the vehicle’ starter circuit AnalogueiDigital Inputs The FIN1200 Plus is equipped with sight analogue/cigital inputs (11-18), which can be used to monitor either digital ‘or analogue signals. The eighth AnaloguerDigital inout (16) is shared with the fourth frequency input (F4}. Input signal voltage tange and resolution is selectable from the Fleet Manager sofware. For cigital type inaut signals, switching thresholds can be defined. in the software, which, when crossed, trigger an event that records the specified data. Please refer to the “Specifications” section, of this dacument, for mare details Frequency Inputs ‘The FINIZ00 Pius has four frequeney inputs, which tan be used to retord frequency type signals, The fourth frequency input (Fé) is shared vith the eighth Analogue’Digital input (I@). Provision is made for = wide range of signal types. Please refer to the ‘Frequency Input Jumper Selection” section, cf this dacument, for mare details System Requirements The FW1200 Plus is designed for use in vehicles, special vehicles and! working machines with a 12 or 24 volte battery system, The YOO Fleet Manager application software is required to complete the instalaion grocess. np 1 uty ous aban Pat pr Maral vis 208 Page et Safety Before Installation Installer Requirements: Installation should only be undertaken by 2 vehicle technician with comprehensive occupation specific knowledge and wha has complete command of the actions required by the occupation Installation by an unqualified technician may adversely affect the operating reliability ofthe vehicle and could endanger other road users Abasic knawledge of vehicle electrical and mechanical sy Fleet Manager 200Ftus system. ‘The system should only be installed by a suitably qualified vericle technician with a basic knowledge of ihe operation of comauters > Installation technicians should attend a VDO training course ta acquire the skills needed for installation, configuration and operation of the VOO Fleet Manager system Installers should consult the vehicle manufacturer's documentation for the specific vehicle make and model prior to undertaking an installation, Installers should pay particular attention to the Incatian of fuel systems, hycrsulio systems, compressed air systems and other electrical and mechanical systems, which may have a bearing on the installation > Installers should pay attention to any changes to the vehicle systems or seitings, which should be noted prior to the installation. Installers should refrain fram smoking and the use of naked flames, which could cause afire in or near the vehicle ms is required! to successfully install the VOO ‘Standard technical equioment andl appropriate tools for use with vehicles are required to install the WOO Fleet Manager 290 Plus system > Vehisie specific tools may be required far the removal of eonsales and covers, ‘Secure the workplace: Remove the ignition key from the vehicle ignition lock. Ensure that the vehicle's engine cannot be unintentionally started during the installation > Record all data stored in the volatile memery of the vehicle’ systems to ensure that such data can be restored. When the negative terminal of the battery is disconnected, all volatile memory will be lost. Please ensure that such information is recorded priar to disconnection so that systems can be reconfigured correctly. ‘Short-tircuiting the vehicle S electrical system may result in fite, exolosion ef the battery and/or camage ts other electrical systems The negative terminal of the vehicle battery should be disconnected before commencing installation. If ine vehicle has additional batteries, it may be necessary to disconnect the negative terminals of these batteries toa. During installation ‘Should it be necessary to remove Seats, covers ar other components. care should be taken ta avai accidental damage ardior disconnection ef cables. All components shauld be checked for damage prior to being installed into the vehicle ‘Far small installation openings. a drill should be used ‘ar larger openings, a conical milling cutter, compass saw or file should be used, > All rough edges sheuld be trimmed. Careful attention must be paid to the manufscturers "safety regulations for all tools used. Gils and fuels must be collected in appropriate containers and disposed of in accordance with the law (np 1 uty ous insatiawon ttaruat vis 208 Paget or 18 Positioning of product component: Installers should ensure that the components of the product de nat influence or hamper the functioning of ihe vehicle’ systems 5 Gare should be taken to ensure that the produet’ companemts do nat get damaged during installation. Ensure that sufficient space: is available for all components of the product prior to commencing the installation. ‘Please pay attention to the rauting of cables and wiring 5 Do not install the product in or near the locatian of mechanical or electrical airsags. Bo nat drill into supperting or stabilising braces ar besms Installation of Wiring: > Note the product’ wire gauge Ifthe wire gauge is reduced, curent density increases which may cause the wiring to averhea Cables should be routed in existing channels and should not be routed parallel to ignition cables or ather cables subject to high current, Cables should be fixed with cableties ar adhesive tape Do not route cables over moving parts, * Do nat fix cables on the steering eolunn Ensure that the cables are not exposed to pulling, pressure or shearing deformation, Ifthe cables are routed through drilled holes, rubber grommets or similar protection should be used. Suitable cable-strigpers shauld be used fo strip insulating material from cables and oable-strippers should be adjusted ta avoid damaging or separating the wire strand’ Cables should only be connerted using scider or suitable crimping lugs A proper crimping tool shuld be used on all crimping lugs. > Careful attention must be paid to the manufacturers”safety regulations for all tools used. ‘Insulate all expasedl wires to prevent short-circults Connestions to vehicle power supply must be installed with a fuse or current limiting device 2 Be aware that short-aireuiting may be caused by faulty connections and crushed er damaged cables. ' Shortcircuiting the vehicle electrical system may result in fire, explosion of the battery andor damage to ther elzctrival systems. To prevent this, all connections carrying current must be soldered and insulated correetly. Other eonnections such as the speed signal, RPM signal, brake light er elutch switch can be mace with crimping lugs 2 ncarrect connections can lead fo short circuits. Connections should only be made in accordance with the vehicle § wiring diagram 2 Gurrert and voltage should be measured with a multimeter or diode test Imo, The use of inadecuate test equipment may resuit in the damage to control devices or cther electric systems After Installation ‘Reconnect the vehicle $ ground cable to the negative terminal of the battery Re-configure the values in the volatile memory cf all systems. Chest all vehicle functions. > Explain the functions of the FI200 Pius systern to the customer and give the customer the User Manual During Operation ° The product must be operated in accordance with operating instructions Failure to use the product as directed might result in personal injury, the environment ial damage and'or damage to (np 1 uty ous insatiawon ttaruat Pacer 200" Pages ot 15 Installation Installation Requirements. Please note the requirements specified in the "Safety"ser Summary of Installation Steps mid in of this document Eee 1 2 ‘S_Connaet pone ena syne inputs 4 lepen'vehicle Hos Inbenge vente ua liseli Fume i | est hatspe: Aopieator Sotto Fuh Lily ‘Pew lo Use Inet Mi Dealer Ubi "any Te Use Ts es iy [set enaner Aecicehon Sotaere Hale & ces ‘Pete [2 Use Ine f Daater Ut ‘TMU Beso a Issn sce” 7 eevee evumetiren TUES Ua any ba Lea ite [ARTS oiseer some | stbrercgpene mui Hay Kuss 7 ER PEP ARTI ring ee Sten [aR on ee eT 1 elder Fecienge Meir samen | alten ecor ie erera SA relative ein Ie phay bing "Hou 10 Use 161 ft Lester Luiny regs Pegs Sally Fhe Mnegyr Application Sea lA Dees 11 Su FNOOG Fa bts uy Fepisve San Then 19 Use Tne ta Daatar Udy" Fla Maen Applian, Set wb has 7D Galbrae toned are mews ary Tren 2 se [nel beater voy" Sh Teet ett Fre te regieees Saees Tibet iarensr agpicabon stvere socumnerrah taliesha Note: Staps 4,0 & Ucan be pertsoras inane eparaton, usa te | Laer Laity. (np 1 uty ous insatiawon ttaruat aneventir "0 Page 18 FM200 Pius Harness Installation Please read the ‘Safety”section, of this document, before installing the vehicle hamess, ‘Connect the M200 Plus hamess wires according to the following table Ei Carre ieee bly WATT alls Fos : uate /Jemphe ‘aurbicls reared ann Sand 2 Ge not teg ints an eksting aroun wre cerrsna nah ie arm val a = sn Erengay Inga danpee See ft Fronperey lead | cea tcl ty EMER Pl Sere! TOO bey FY inp 7 etaire sa8ed sme Mh mo Froepenny gas > Bote a Freer fot etactee | Gree] CPS Inenly Fins 2 Moa Ltumzerte Gs permen, nsee connected i recuarey Inout ¢ nib uy BU aR hues aes abe eft" requsrcy Inout Juniper Eaiscion ses] ‘Sot Seas Ta0 oy IME TW ramets [1 fet requercy Inout 4 Siapplies perwrs ler specel sereaw cur | exons ese, sept grrettisinse Cu cogs Piug Lower t requred. nur There Pon feasted eral Page ‘Starter Interruption The FINZ00 Plus has an internal relay intended exclusively for the interruption of the vehicle § starter circuit ‘Conneat the two starter interruption wires to the corresponding terminals on the back of the vehicle unit. Cut the ‘vie from the ignitian loek to the starter relay and selder the starter interruption wires from the Fh{200 Firs unit ‘onto the-ends of the wires from the starter circuit. These wires can be connected either way Note: The internal relay is intended only for interrupticn of the lov current stafter circuit This relay should not be ‘used to interrupt the fuel pump or ariy other coriponent of the vehicle electrical system. Fer high current starter pplication, an adbitional relay will be required ‘Code Plug Socket Installation Note: Please follow the instructions, regarding the positioning of preduct components, as contained in the “Sat section, of this document. The Code Plug Socket must be installed inside the passenger compartment or the driver cabin, to protect it from possible damage by water or other environmental factors, The Code Plug Socket should not be installed in or near the vertilstion or heating systems, which may cause itto overheat, The Gade Plug Scoket should be installed in a position where it will not be subjested to pressure, impact or excessive vibration Select the installation position carefully before proceeding Mark and drill o cut the required hole Remave the mounting olip from the socket Remave the protection film from the adhesive surface of the foam ring and press it fimly against the back of the interface. Insert the suoket into the mounting hole and slide sith the installation, 2 mounting eli inte pasition Hole size = 13/16"- 20 mm (np 1 uty ous insatiawon ttaruat vis 208 Page Positioning the FM200 Pius Unit Note: Please follour the instructions, regarding the positioning of preduct components, as contained in the “Sataty section, of this document. > The F200 Plus must be installed insice the passenger compartment or the driver cabin, to protect it from possible damage by water or other environmental factors. ‘The F200 Plus should nat be installed in or near the v ‘a overheat ‘The FN200 Avs should bé installed! in a position where it will not be subjected to pressure, impact or excessive vibration > Select the installation position carefully before proceeding with the installation 5 Mark ane! drill the required holes, Route cables from the unit to the appropriate senders within the vehicle. Adcitional information can be found in the ‘Harness Installation"section of this document. * after connecting the system camponents and pertorming a system test, maunt the vehicle unit securely making use of the optional metal armoured housing, if required. The armoured housing is available as 3 spare part and is used to protect against tampering lation or heating systems. which may cause it Signal Inputs AnalogueiDigital Inputs The F200 Plus is equipped with eight analogue/cigital inputs (11-18), which can be used to monitor either digital ‘or analogue signals. The eighth Analogue/igital inout (18) is shared with the fourth frequency input (F4}. Inout signal voltage range and resolution is selectable from the Fleet Manager software, For cigital type inaut sionals, sinitohing threshaids can be defined. in the software, whigh, when erossed, trigger an event that records the specified data. Please refer to the “Specifications” and ‘Harness Installation” sections, of this dacumient, for more cetails Frequency Inputs ‘The F120 Plus has four frequeney inputs. which can be used to record frequency type signals. The fourth frequency input (Fé) is shared with the eighth Analogue’Digital input (IB). Provision is made fore wide range of signal types. Please refer to the ‘Frequency Input Jumper Selection”, ‘Harness Installation” and “Spec fications” sections, of this dosument, far more details np 1 uty ous aban Pat pr Maral is 20 Page ur 18 Frequency Input Jumper Selection ‘The FIIZ00 Fius can accept a large variaty of input signal types. To accommodate the many ocssibilities, 2acn frequency input (FVSFD, F2/RPM, 3 and Fd) is provided! with = jumper for selecting the appropriate sional range. These jumpers are located inside the FIM200 Plus as shown ovacceeo GooGcoOOS 99009000 coD00000 e HARNESS CUNNEG /LIK | For most installations, the detault settings will be comect. If the FM200 Piusdloes not correctly detect the input signal, the following table should be consulted to establish the applicable setting. If the signal type is unknown. try the options in the arder shown below, starting from the tap. ‘The table shows the jumper position for each signal pe. Each jumper oositien can be applied to each of the four frequency inputs, The last row in the table she 2 F3 jumper pesition when @ GPS is connected. A summary of this table is provided inside the lid of each ead nal Range Symbol Inga Details 2 Avcounied 1 2 Nk recomend rarnatysiral De : signing is nose riterirout rypacerce 4 See ener acs ou in ith igh stune: ps fee uccapes iran 22 Bien sie ena = § Vie ire ptr wv veepattosnutena cy | smart iL spats 4 ne a Sposa hops his le ue impedes Ingur rnpaence. tenet Move wenger tous equc ed inout imbesence ae euankees a willed FRIAS nae g HipFA TR eae ta Esa nd > winer 828 tem Tez cr aa us inzabawon ttaruat Pacer 200" Faye a8 Power Outputs External Relay Drives > The FN1200 Aus has two extemal relay drive outputs (Relay Drive 1 & 2), which are suitable for controlling external relays. 5 These outputs are controlled by the Fh!200 Plus and are configured in Vehicle Properties of the Fleet anager application software, ‘The Relay Drive Outputs cannect to the qround side of an external relay. > The maximum cumen, of the extemal relay is limited to 150mA. Please refer to the “Specifications “and “Hames Installation"sections, of this oocument, for more details, ‘Speed Sender Power (VSPD} nominal 11 volt de suppiy is provided specifically for powering a speed sensor, requiring extemal power. SPD outout is internally current limited. Refer to the *FIMZ00 Plus Specifications” Seotion of this document This output is centrolies application software y the FIM200 Plus ancl is configured in Vehicle Properties of the Flest Manager Positive Drive + The Positive Drive eurput supplies power to FIM200 Plus accessories This output is controlled oy the FMZ00 Plus and is eonfigured in Vehicle Properties of the Fleet Manager application software Aevess to this qutput is via the WOO FNIZ00 Plus Serial Cable. Refer to the Fh!200 Plus Snecifications” section of this decument. Serial Communication The FNI2O0 Plus is equiped with one TTL (S1) andl tua RS232 (32 & 93) serial ports. + The F200 Pius Serial Cable is required to connect to these ports. Please refer io the "Sp ions" section, of this decument, and the FMI200 Plus Serial Cable coeumentation for more details Loading Device Drivers. ° The FIN200 Plus is supplied with only the Operating System loaded, Before the unit can be configured, the Iatest version of FM200 Plus Device Drivers must be loaded. » The latest Device rivers are contained in the latest version of the Fl Dealer Utility, which can be downloaded from hia: Load Device Drivers onto effher a 258k Vehicle Plug, or 2584 Device Driver Plug, using the FM Dealer Utility. Reefer ta the document ‘Haw To Use The Fh Dealer Utility” Ingert the plug, containing the Device Orivers, into the vehicle ® code plug socket, The device drivers will be loaded onto the FMZ00 Plus. + Refer to the document “FM200 Beep and Flash Codes" for an explanation of the audile and visible signals, generated by the FI200 us, Note: Make sure the dats transfer is complete lnefore removing the plug fram the sockat. Successful transfer is hwo short beeps. If a cifferent keep sequenes is hears, data transfer was unsuccessful and must be 0.00 this, the vehicle plug must Se re-initialsed and the device divers reloaded anto the plug ‘Configuring Vehicle Properties The configuration of the FikI200 Plus unit is specified in the Fleet Manager application sofware. It includes the selection of devices connected to each input, and the events assaciated with data measured on specific inputs. ‘Mare: details can be found in the Fleet Manager application software dacumentation. or online help the vehicle configuration has been defined, itis loaded onta the Vehicle Plug and transferred to the vehicle by inserting the plug into the vehicle’ code plug socket np 1 uty ous aban Pat pr Maral vis 208 Please refer to-the document ‘F200 Beep and Flash Cades”for an explanation of the audible and wisible signals, generated by the FIM200 Fius: The latest documentation, finenware and application information can be obtained trem Setting the Real Time Clock The Real Time Clock in the FMZO0 Plus must be set fo the local time. This is done using the blue Driver Plug and either the FM Dealer Utility of Fleet Manager apolication software, The correct date and time is then leaded into the FM200 Plus oy inserting the Driver Plug into the vehicle $ code plug socket. ‘Speed and RPM Calibration ‘Vehicle speed and RPM signals are calibrated using the violet calibration plugs labelled “SPD CAL" andl “RPM ‘CAL’, respectively. The calitrations ean be performed using either, the default settings on the ealitration plug, or bby selecting specific values using the Fl Dealer Litlity. Before calibrating, the blue driver plug should be initialised. Engine Speed (RPM) Calibration Default Settings The "RPM CALplug is pre-programmed for use at 1000 RPN. Disarm the system using the blue driver plug Insert the ‘RPM CAL" violet plug into the code plug sockets Start the engine Increase engine speed to 1000 RPM and keop it constant for a few seconds. Remove the violet plug from the socket. ‘The FN200 Pls will be calibrated to the engine speed of the vehicle ‘Custom Settings The "RPI CAL"plug can be programmed with custom calisration values Disarm the system using the blue driver plug Measure the exact frequency of the RPM signal using the appropriate measurement tools Set the “RPM CAL"plug to the measured frequency using the ‘FM Dealer Uiility"softare. Disarm the system using the blue driver plug Turn the ignition on. Inger the calipration plug into the cade plug soeket, The unit will beeo three times indicating that it has been caliorated successfully. Vehicle Speed Calibration Default Settings The "SPD CAL" alug is ore-programmed for use over 10 meters. This value can be changed using Unilty software. During ealioration, the LED will fash 2s speed pulses are rezeived, and the wait wi perlels of one second! When the plug is removed, the Unit will Deep three times Disarm the system using the blue plug Drive to the beginning of a measured 10 mater distance, Insert the violet plug labelled "SPD CAL" into the code plug socket Drive the measured 10 meters. Remrawve the viol The FN200 Plus unit is now cai ¢ FM Dealer beeg in e vehicle interface, rated with the correct distance to pulse ratio. ‘Custom Settings Disarm the system using the blue plug Drive to the beginning af a demarcated 10 meter distance. Measure the exact distance ta pulse ratio using the appropriate measurement tools Set the speed calibration plug “FD CAL"to the correct distance to pulse ratio using the FM Desler Utility software. Disarm the system using the blue driver plug and turn the ignition on, Inger the calipration plug into the code plug soeket, np 1 uty ous aban Pat pr Maral vis 208 The unit will bea three times indicating that it has been calibrated successfully. Testing Installation Test Drive Disarm the system by inserting the blue plug inte the Code Plug socket Wait forthe audibia signal. 5 Rettave the plug. > Start the engine. Garry out a test drive Extract and Transfer Data > Aber the test drive, tum off the ignition. Wait forthe system to arm, indicated by LED. on the code olug socket, flashing Insert the green vehicle plug into the code plug socket. ‘ Albeeo indicates the start of data transmission * The LED on the cade plug socket flickers during data transfer. A second begp indicates cata transmission is completa. Remave the green vehicle plug > Insert the vehicle plug into the dowmload module. ‘Transfer the data ta the PC using the Fleet Manager application software. Consult the Fleet Manager application software decumentatian for further details. Troubleshooting > Alarge assortment of application information, in the form of Knowledge Base Articles (KBA$) can be accessed from the Support section of: tts ‘Other apolication documents can be found on the Fleet Manager CD, or downloaded from btto:tivnww.cidov,com. ‘The audible and visual signals generated by the FM200 Plus are described in the dacument: and Flash Codes" FMZ00 Beep ented Cv ve aig emi le PRED Plas foes No Reranevertane poled | Hav Ws aed Feces Ineblge ever glug notaremeater ne (seme comsetorver cup rsh can etek Froese ies Playtest heecerseavancie leet anager 309 Ue nae irsoract (alte tne 099 Bos nay Tino Mise a pets “Tose ons Flee Miawagis 20M Pie rot sat Pace saben teste tors ike ee gr Laver snot eurrorsecta crv ths vehcls tenanie le dwer cag or te vehicle Maintenance The FI200 Plus unit is maintenance-free, | rtdty us esaawon tarot ansesntae 9009 Faye at Please ensure that the Code Plug sacket is kept clean and free of cust and dirt FM200 Plus Specifications eS SEE ee mee bee aaa Se ee See Se : ee ie amo een ae rae oy le rnareneraenan ema Frateann Fin Cheatin EE Note: All specifications are typical and are subject ta change without pricr natice. (np 1 uty ous insatiawon ttaruat aneventir "0 Faye 1408 Declarations ‘Type-Approval This product conforms to the requirements of TH245/EEC, as last amended by Directive 95/54 ype-appraval number: @1°72/245°95/54°255 1°00 022551 Declaration of Conformity ‘We declare on aur avn respansibilty that the product is in compliance with following nermfs) er documents: DIN EN 55022 (11/2001) DIN EN 81000.6-2 (08/2000) Restrictlons. ° The F200 Plus is for use only in earthaound vehicles and vor The FNI200 Plus must be powered from a battery source * The FN200 ‘30 meters. signal wires should not exce! VDO Part Numbers ee Ceo 10. 723-002015 F200 Plus Kit X38. 72E-002-080 FN200 Pus Vehicle Unit x39. 723-002-081 $200 Pius Wiring Hamess x39, 723-002-082 #200 Plus Senal Cable 98, 723-000-035 Code Plug 256k isame as FM200) X38. 728-000-087 Cade Plug 98k (same as R200) X39. 723-002-008 Driver ID Plug tsame 3s FIM200 ano F100) x39-723-000-054 Passenger Plug 836.723-002-005 Cade Flug Harness R36. 723-000-031 Tatal housing FMZ00/FN200 Flue 39. 728-000-078 Fleet Manager Application Sofware 239.723.002.008 Download Module X38-724-002.086 F200 - GPS Interface x39.723-002-028 Calibration Set (Vielat Code Flug set} np 1 uty ous aban Pat pr Maral vis 208

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