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Three Dimensional eens ors eee ue ee ace ee aed CO cme) MS ocr ae cee el ODP) environments are created by using computer software and artificial Fe eee ee a ee eee tee ee Re ened eet Rela kag seceaace eae eee Notes Basic Concepts and Line in Space BASIC CONCEPTS AND LINE IN SPACE lal [ ToPic1| RECTANGULAR COORDINATE SYSTEM Though Three dimensional Geometry wos introduced in Clase 1, but here we sholl study it using vector algebra. in this Chopter, we shall study the direction cosines and direction ratios of a Line joining two points and also discuss about the equations of ines in space under diferent conditions. angle between two lines ond shortest distance between two skew lines. ‘Most of the result we shall obtoining will be in vector form as they are elegont and simple. Nevertheless, we shall olso tronslate these resuts in the Cartesian form wich, at times, presents ormore clear geometric and picture ofthe situation Three mutually perpendicular number tines (coordinate axes) having the same origin O form a rectangular coordinate system in space. The xoxis and y-axis determine a plane, called XY plane. Similarly, we have YZ plane and 2X plane. These planes ee called coordinate planes. Let P be ony point in space. Letts (directed) distance from the coordinate planes ¥2 plane; 2x plane: XY plane be xu. 7 respectively. ‘Then, we say that P has the coordinates (« v2) ‘Any pointin the XY plone is of the Form (x uO). Similarly for others. The coordinates ofthe origin are (0,0, 0) Al points on the YZ plane have x-coordinate 0. Hence, equation of YZ planeisx=0. Similarly, equation of ZX plane i plane isz All points on x-axis have y, z-coordinates zero. ‘Thus, the equation of x-axis icy = 0 and 2 = 0 (in fact, canis is the intersection of the two planes y = O and z=0) Grand thot of XY (| ¢ plone fF = ya Typlane Simitarly, the equation of y-oxis is x = Oond 2 = 0; and ‘the equation of z-axis is x= O and y = 0. a .jondé are unit vectors along x, y and z axes respectively ond P = (xy. 2) then OP = xi-+uj+ 26 ond |OP |=yx? +4? +2", the distance of point P from the origin. [Topic 2] DIRECTION COSINES AND DIRECTION RATIOS OF A LINE In the previous chapter, we have studied obout the direction cosines and direction ratios of a vector. Now, ‘we shall define these terms in the context of aline. As ‘we know thet, vector is also defined as a directed line segment, 50, direction cosines of a line L are defined ‘0s the direction cosines of a vector whose support Is the given line L Thus, if @ line L passing through the origin makes ongles a, B and y with x, y and z-oxes, respectively called direction angles, then cosines of these angles, homely cos a, cos fi and cos y are called direction couines of the directed line L If we reverse the direction of L, then the direction ‘angles are replaced by thelr supplements, ie, x ~ a, ~ ond ~ y. Thus the signs of the direction cosines ore reversed Direction cosines of a line usually denoted by £ mand rultis alwaye true that 2+ m? +n? = 1. Any three numbers which are proportional to the direction cosines of a line are called the direction rotios of the line. Thus, if | m and a are direction cosines and a, b and c are direction ratios of a Une, then a3 1.0.4 a kbcngoconane le, (= ak m= bkondn = ck @ Further, 2 +m? +1 a 6 [Topic3 | DIRECTION COSINES OF A LINE PASSING THROUGH TWO GIVEN POINTS Let Ptr, us. 23) and Q¢e2 v2 23) be any two points. We know that by joining any two points, a unique line can be drawn, ‘The direction ratios ofthe line segment PQ are x>—X1; Wa~ Ysita~ 25 OF HG Ys YZ 2p And the decton cosine ofthe tne PQ ore ="; Yaa 23-2; PQ” PQ eG wea wny : Teg a uu ea a leq ~ mF + yw) +P Example 1.1: Ifa line makes angles 90°, 135° and 45° with the x, y and z axes respectively, find Its direction cosines INcERT] ‘Ans. Hare, the line make angles 90% 135° ond 45° withthe x y and z axes respectivaly. Sa,a= 90% 8 = 135° andy = 45% = Direction cosines m,n ofthe tine ore: t=cona= cos 90'= 0 m= cos = cos 135° = cos(180"~ 45%) ne cosymcos 4st= “Thus, the required direction cosines of the line 1 are 0, — Ee” v2 Example 1.2: Find the direction cosines of a line Which make equal angles with the coordinate axes, INCERT] Ans. Here, a= B= Destascorpecaty and 2 Since? +m? +n? =1, > Bator test 3 Thus, the required direction cosine of the line 1 a 2) af et «(eaa) ( Be a} Example 1.3: if a line has the direction ratios 18, 12,~ 4, then what are its direction cosines? ‘Ans. The required direction cosines are: =18 Veter saa +4? e Vaas 22 12 Jeane ae 222 6 Vasa “30 “it -4 °° aaa © ong a2 Thus. required drection cosines ae =2, 5 and =2 Example 1.4: Show that the points (2, 3, 4), ©4,-2,2)and 6,8, 7) are collinear. [NCERT] ‘Ans. Let, AQ, 3,4), 8¢-1,-2, 1) and C(S,8,7) be given points. The direction ratios of AB are:~1~2,-2-3,1~4, fe, ~3,-5,-3 The direction ratios of AC are: S-2,8-3,7~4 1e,3,5,3 Since the directions ratios of AB and AC are proportional, So, AB and AC are either parcilel or esineldent lines. Since, point A is common to both the nes, hence, the points A,B and Core colinear. [Toric 4] EQUATION OF A LINE IN SPACE Aline in space is uniquely determined, F (1) it passes through @ given point and has given direction, or (2) it passes through two given points. Equation of a Line Through a Given Point and Parallel to a Given Vector Vector Equation ho vector equation of a line { pasting through @ point A with postion vector @ and paral o a given vector B is 7 =a+b, where 7 i the position vector of en arbitrary point on the line land a reat number. Spectat ease: The vector equation ofa line {passing ‘through the origin ond paralielto a given vector B is Tans. Cartesian Equation The Cartesian equation of a line passing through a point Ati, Yi. 2) and having direction ratios 0, b SEA BEM 5 FA, where ey, 2) ore coordinates of any point on the line. fm ond n are the direction cosines ofthe line, then ‘the Cartesian equation ofthe line is 254 9h g2oK. Tm a onde Special case: The Cartesian equation of a line | passing through the origin and having direction ratios Method to Convert Vector Form of Equation of a Une into Cartesian Form The vector equation ofa line is, Paden where Faxityjesk Be xfrylenk sof +b) +ck Substitute these values in ()) and equating the coefficients of 7, Jandk, we get xe +e; yayyt dhe rez the GF important S The above x u 2 ore also used to take an arbitrary point ‘on the line. Elminating i we get the desired Cartesian equation ofthe thes Awa, Example 1.5: Find the vector equation of the line which passes through the point (1, 2, 3) and is parallel tothe vector ai + 2} - 22. (NCERT] ‘Ans. The postion vector of the point (1 2, 3) ie F42}+32. So,the required vector equation ofthe lin i Pei sajeat sacl +2}-aby where is 0 real number Example 1.6: The Cartesian equation of a line is 225, Y*4 2-8. wee es vector form, 3° 7 INCERT] Ans. The line posses through (5, 4, 6).S,its position vector io 3 = 5i-4j-+68. Vector B to which thetine is porate is B= af + 7}+28 So, the vector equation ofthe tine i: Fa si— 4466 +100147}4+26), where risa real number. Equation of a Line Passing Through ‘Two Given Points Vector Equation Lit & ond B be che postion veceord Oto poms ‘Ales, Ys» 23) and Bbrq Yo, 22), respectively, that are lying on a tine Let 7 be the position vector of an arbitrary point Pl y. 2) P is a point on the line if ond only if ee eC Vectors. Therefore, P is on the line if ond only if 7-G=xb-2) or Fe BsG-Hace “This ete vector equation ofthe line pasting through ‘wo points, Cartesian Equation ‘The Cartesian equation of «tine pasting through two points, namley, Atxs, Ys. 21) and Bfxa, Ya 22) is: vow zm om Wn HF Method to Convert Vector Form of Equation of a Line into Cartesian Form Bexdeujenk ‘Substitute these values in () and equating the cooficients of f,JandZ, wo get xexi+hammb y= uit Mus—wik 2221+ Meo—2) Eliminating A, we get the desired Cartesian equation ‘ofthe line as som yoy 2 mon nw BA Example 1.7: Find the vector and the Cartesian ‘equations of the line that passes through the points (3, -2,-5) and (3, ~2, 6). INCERT] Ans. Let @ and B betheposition vectors oftwo points AG, -2,-5) and B(3, ~2, 6) respectively, Then, -2)- Sk B =3f-2}+6k So, B-G = (3-3) +(-2+2}+(6+ Nk =k Hence, the required vector equation of the line F 2406-2) = ~2}-5h)+na1k) Also, the required Cartesian equation of the line ‘The vector form of equation of a tine is . 7 = B4n-2) where, Fexdegezt Saxfendend te, [Topics | ANGLE BETWEEN TWO LINES ‘The angle between two lines is defined as the angle between two vectors parallel to them. So, the result for angle between two vectors Is aleo applicable for angle between two lines. Itisquite clear from the igure below that there are two ‘angles 0 and ¢ between twollines such that 0° <0< 90°, 90° < ¢ < 180° and 0 + $ = 180% [By convention, we ‘always consider the acute angle between the two lines} Let the vector equations of the two lines /; and Ip be iPad oad, ands? = deni Let be the ocue ange between the two lines. Then the angle between the two vectors 6, and 6; Is also 6. Thus, the angle between the two lines is glven by oxo £5 18 ee! &Ft important SRB 20 then Rady te theo nes ore pavendcser each other 18, «AB, (ahere ie parornten then both te lines ere poral Ifthe equations ofthe two lines are eh a Co a ‘and eae th i agi sae a Fnac ja 5 lop + bf +c] yas +03 +c ft Important IF two tines ore perpendicular to each other, then 202+ bibo + e402 = 0. me tf wo tine are paral then 22 = = SL ob Example 1.8: Find the angle between the following pair of lines: Fal -s)+k+xGl +2) + 6b), Teti-cksad+2j+2%) INERT] ‘Ans. Comparing the given equations of the two lines with standard equations 7 = +25, and = By = Te ajeak If 8 be the ongle between the two given tines, then cos Tee Now = (31 +2) + 66)(0 +2) +28) 0 Also, Putting these values in (), we have 19 cosas > -on(2) nae Thus the angle between the glen te les =e} Example 41.9: Find the angle between the following pair of lines: R-2 unt 2+], 2 5 = xe2 lye me 8 INCERT] ‘Ans. Comparing the given equations ofthe two Unes with standard equations £28 Wg ay 4 RG 22% Yeh ink, a be we have a; = 2,b:=5,cx8-3 And a3 =~1,62=8,¢2=4 Let @be the orgle between the two given lines. Then cos 0 = ‘ond +b, [vt vchjol+ bh vet Now, ayaa + biba + exey==2+ 40-12=26 fats thedd = (FF C3" = FES = faved = are = eer Wi=9 Putting these values in (9, we have +h cos = Thus, the angle between the given two line (si) Example 1.10: Show that the lines: x-5 2 ond Xan? + Zand = = 4 = 2 areperpendicular toeach other. INCERT] ‘Ans. Comparing the glven equations of the two lines with standard equations som Lyn ab ore 7b 62" 2,¢2=3, “The two lines are perpendicular to each other, when aja + byb + cc) = 0 Here, o10 + Biba + exc 71) 465%) +(1e3)= Hence, the two given lines are perpendicular to teach other. Example 1.11: Find the value of p so ex 2-3 = -14 Ee end that the lines 7-7 3p 925-82 or eright onsen. NCERT Ans. The given lines can be written as ‘Comparing the given equations of the two lines with standard equations yo =, =20nda2= “The two Unes are at right angles, when 402+ baba + c¢9=0 a | 3) (Bx) s2«¢5]=0 > 2 so. 77 7 cy Henca, the two given lines are at right angles 70 when p= [Topicé | SHORTEST DISTANCE BETWEEN TWO LINES When two lines in space intersect, then we say thot the shortest distance (8D) between them is zero ‘Also, when two lines in space ore parallel, then the shortest distance (SD) between them is the perpendicular distance, le, the length of the perpendicular drawn from a point on one line on ta the other line, Further, in @ space, there are lines which are neither intersecting nor parallel. in fact, such lines are non coplanar and are called skew lines. In the following figure, the lines Gé and DB are skewlines. Distance between Two Skew Lines To find the shortest distance between two stew lines, take @ point on ane line and join this point to @ point ‘on the other line so that the line segment so obtained 's perpendicular to both the lines. The length of this, line segment is called the shortest distance between, the two skew lines. Vector Equation IFtwo skew lines ore represented by y+ AB: 7 = 0 +ABy ‘Then the shortest distance between themis given by Gx Bye - a) 1x31 Cartesian Equation ‘The shortest distance between the lines 7 SD.= a a ‘ond 4% 80. = Bye)? + (e,9, — 04)" + (0b, -0,6,)" Distance between Two Parallel Lines Hf two lines l, and f; are parallel, then they are coplanar. Let the lines be Fata =a +95 ‘Then the shortest distance between them is given by Example 1.12: Find the shortest distance between the following pair of lines: Fate ajskend-J+ 8 0nd 7 = 2h —j-h + yal + J+ 2k) INceRT] ‘Ans. Comparing the given equations of the two tines with standard equations 7 = ¢, + 4b, ond Fae tuiy we have 0 Here, &-& = @i-j-H-G+2)+h =7-3)- And Bix a 2 @-n)+a+26 and |B, x By | = C3? + GF = VIB = NP 2 Gx By@y- 3) = Cat +364 -3)-2h 360-9 Sulsttting these volves in, we have “lB 38 res “Bal Example 1.13: Find the shortest distance between the folowing pir of nes: wed yet zed 7 6 zo INCERT] ‘Ans. Comparing the given equations of the two lines with standard cartesian form of equations, we have Xparyy ent z eoLond = 3 y= 5, eT a, = 7,by =~6,c1 = 1 and a3 = 1,6; The shortest distance between the lines Is so. a-M1 Ya-Ma 22-24) a hg Pa es Nbyeo — byes)? +(€492 ~ 62)? + (042-2204) 0) aM Yaw 22-1) Now, | b& % 2 4% 3-1) 5-1) 7-(-1) =| 7 6 1 1 2 1 Kk 6 8) =f -8 || hb -2 4 = 4-6 +2)-6(7- 1) +8-14+6) 16-36-64 =-116 ‘and Moyea ~ bycy) + (6409 — 204)? + (0b, - 3b, = (CeCe + Cay = VTS Substituting these values in (), we have sD» Ha 76, oF 275 units Example 1.44: Find the shortest distance between the following pair of lines: Pe i42]+3k +i +3] + 4k) ond Pa H+ 4j+sk+ wai +6) + 0k) ‘Ans. Comparing the given equations of the two lines with standard equations f= 6,+A6, ond 7 ay+nby we have % ete2jeak @ = 2+ 4j+5k 4a} + 4k B= alsejeat Since 6, = 26,, the two veetors B, and by are parallel So lines are arate, Let by = 26, = 4 +6} +0€ = B coy) Shortest distance between these lines Is given by Here, &-a = (af +4j+5h)-( +2) +30) a T+2}+2k } 3 a ks 9) h 2 = 1a2-16)-j@-2)+i@-6) 4428 1b) = Vere Verse es = vite Substituting these values in (), we have ai +2 sort ae 76 2 “ne = [> units = Bx(-&) = Also, OBJECTIVE Type Questions [1 mark] Multiple Choice Questions 1. The distance of the point (6, 5, 8) from y-axis is (@) Sunits (b) 6 units (© Sunits {d) 10 units: Ans. () 10unie Explanation: The distance ofthe point eu. 2) from the y-axis is V+, ‘Thus, the distance of the point (6, 5, 8) from the yroxtsis Yee, Le, 10 unite 2. @A directed line makes angles of 60° and 135° with the axes of x and y respectively. The angle that this line makes with z-axisis: (©) 15 or 165" (b) 30" oF 150° (© 45" or 135" (@) 60" or 120° 3. The d's of the line making equal angles with the positive directions of the coordinate axes are: 14a wide 2a Laa ORT BRE hag MeO Explonation: inthis cose a = Bw 1 Jeosta= 1 cosa= 80, 1 ¥ 4, Distance of the point (a, 8,1) from y-axisis: @p Is! Olal+h @ fare Ans. (d) fare Explanation: Coordinates of any point on the y-axis ore (0, 0) «+ Required distance = a= OF =P + y=OF ene ‘5. f the directions cosines of a Une are k, k, k then: (@k>0 (0 3 1 a eat b 3 si ted G. The length of the perpendicular drawn from ‘the point (4, ~ 7, 3) on the y-axis Is: (@) 3units ©) 4units © Sunits (@) 7 units (CBSE 2020] ‘Ans. (0) S units Explanatic 3) be the given point and P be a pointon y-axis. + PALy-oxls ‘ P=(,-7,0) Now, PA= (4-07 +(3-0)7 = PTF = STS “V5 = Sunits 7. Gif the Cartesian equation of a line is x-5 ytd 2-68, . FA HARE, then ite vector ‘equation is: () 7 = (ai +7} + 32k) +057 + 4] + 6) ) P= Gi +7] +12k) +s! -4] +68) (© F = (61-4) + 6k) + a1 +7} + 228) (7 = (5144) + 6h) +2491 +79 +328) 8 The direction cosines of tine joining the points (© 2,4,~5) and (4,2, 3) are: Pye eee eye Yee e228 @ 32,8 3-2 6 fae. FP TPT Explanation: We know that the direction conines ofa Une joning the pols (i yi. 2) fond (ez, yz. 22) are hy Yorn Ww =a Yaw Yoa= a +: -w =a noy Vo +a wea Thus, the required direction cosines ore 142 ; [as aFsQ- 4 Grey 2-4 . [aaa ase 345 (1 +2)? + (2-4)? +945) te 252,28 9. The angle between the ines 2x: Gx=-y=- dz, @o () 45° oI" @ 30 Ans. (&) 90° Explanation: The given equations of the two ines can be rewritten as Pe ee 3/24/31 176 = Since, qy93 + babs + 6x¢2 “(GB-Gereo( aa ‘The ongles between the lines is 90% = a4 243 meth y-2 10. @the lines (©) paraltet (© intersecting () perpendicular @) coincident 11. A line makes the same angle 0 with each ‘of the x and z-axes. If the angle, fi which, It makes with y-axis is such that sin?) = 3sin? 6 ‘then find cos*0, 2 4 Os OF 3 2 © : @ 5 3 [oKsHay ans. (9 2 Explanation: If a line makes the angle «. fy with x y.z ones respectively,then (cos? + cos? + cos?y= 1 = costascos?ptcos’@= 1 > ‘2cos8 + cos" 1 > 20086 = [e sin? p= Sein? 0 Giver)] = 2c0s? = 3 3cos" = Scos?@= 3 > cos? 12, @Let P(2, -1, 4) and Q(4, 3, 2) be two points ‘and R be ‘on PQ such that 3PQ = SQR. Then the co-ordinates of Rare: [oIKsHA] 13. The xy plane divides the line Joining the points (2, 2, 3) and (3, 2, 1) in the ratlo (@) 1:2imernally (6) 2:1 extemally (© 3:Linternolly (4) 3:1 externally ‘Ans. (a) 3:1 externally Explanation: The coordinates of the point that divides the line joining the points (1, 2, 3) ond Be41 242 +3 ket ket" Ea) @.2.AVintheratok: 115 ‘This point lies on xy plane So, z-coardinate of ony point lying on this plane must be zero. Le, of a line that is perpendicular to ‘each of the two lines with dir's <1, ~ 2, ‘and <0, 2, 1> are: 415. Every point in space is characterized by ‘coordinates, unique to its position. If we consider the coordinates of the hot air balloon to be (1, 2, 3), then its distance from the coordinate axes can be calculated using the knowledge of three dimensional ‘geometry. ‘The shortest distances of the point (1, 2, 3) from x y z-0%e8 are (e) V5, V7, VIO (@) 1,2,3 © VO,VT3V5 — @ 913,10, V5 Ans. (6) VI3,VI0.V5 Explanation: The shortest distances of the point (2) from thex,y. z-axes are fy? +27 VP ie +g? respectively. Thus, the shortest distances of the point (1, 2.3) from the x y zaxes are VEEP NPI NEE? respectively, te, VIB VI0.VS CASE BASED Questions (CBQs) [4&5 mars] Read the following passages and answer the ‘questions that follow: 416.A cricket match is organized between the lubs A ond & for which @ team from each club is chosen. Remaining players of Club A dnd Club Bare respectively sting onthe lines represented by the equations 23.= ¥=? = ‘and to cheer the (A) The vector equation of the line on which players of Club A are seated, (@) 7 = (042) +20) 424 (Gi +2) - 46) () 7 G42) - 4b) 4a +2)+ 26) (oF = 42) 2%) + acai -2} + 48) © 7 = (oF - 2] 4 4B) 4Mi 427420) (®) The direction cosines of the line on which players of club B are seated, are: ©) 3,26 © 422 @ s) (©)If the tine on which players of club A ‘are seated, is perpendicular to the tine, whose cartesian equation is a 1 then the value of kis: z 1 @F OF nt @-2 (©) @which of the following Is a player of ‘lub A? B42 — 423) ©O14-9 6214) © @ the angle between the lines on which players of clubs A and B are seated is: (@ sin"? 3} is | 19) =i (27 @ eon] oa (2 Ans. (4) 0) = (3142) 48) 0042) +28) Explanation: The vector equation of cline Is given by 7 atab from the given cartesian form of equation fla wehave B= sheaf ak ond 5 saf42k 4. Mector equation o given Une 7 = Gi42j—4h +a+2j 428) ow 777 Explanation: Equetion of line Bis xs ,¥22 52 3° 2 "6 So, direction ratios ofthis tine ore <3, 2. 6> 0, direction cotines of this tine 3 2 eee Pee 5 Tare 2 OM-F ore Explanation: Given equation of line can ‘also be written as wt a i é So,drecton ratios of thisline are <4, >, Also direction ratio of tine Aare <1, 2,2 Since, the two ines are perpendiculr, £10 +b; by +e1¢2=0 1 S2nLsdn de F x20 on ke x 27. conte tether ty: 22a ten (A) @Find the points of intersection of the lines Ly and Ly. © Find the angle between the two! ‘Ans. (B) Angle between the two lines is aiven os 2, +0,0, +66) cos 0 = Here, (eb, cy) =(2.-1,3) ond (@n.b3.€9) = (1.1.2) 2x H(-1x1+1x2 e088 aren Pate Hence, the acute angle between the two Unesis E. VERY SHORT ANSWER Type Questions (VSA) [1 mark] 48. Given that P(3, 2, 4, Q(5, 4, -6) and R{Q, 8, =10) are collinear. Find the ratio in which Q divides PR. ‘Ans. Let Q divides PR in the ratio of k: 1. Then, the ‘coordinates of Q are (#2 +2 Bre) ket kei” bed But according to the question, coordinates of Q are (5, 4, ~ 6) 1 MAB 5 Okr2_ 4 W10k+4 eer area Solving either of the equetions, we get +3 = Sk +S > a= 2 1 > ket 2 Hence, the required ratio is 1:2. 49. If a Une makes angles 90°, 60° and @ with x, ¥y and z-axes respectively, where 0 is acute, then find 8, [cBSE 2015], ‘Ans. We know, cos? + cos? + costy= 1 Here,a= 90°, = 60° andy =0 +: £08790" + cos? 60" + cos”O= 1 0 ay F0=1 3 0+(2) cote 2 cota n1-te 8 = cos = o=30° 20. Find the vector equation ofthe line which is parellel to the vector 3/-2)+6& and which pastes through the point (1,23). INCERT Exemplar} Ans. Let d 31-2)+6L and B= j-2}+3%, So, vector equation of tine which fs poralll to Gand passes through the vector Bis +28 ~2)+38)+2(a7-2}+68) AX Caution Here we wil use the formula, F= B+ 4G, where 7 [nthe equation of the tne which poses through ondis pote to 3 24. Write the vector equation of the line x-5 yt4 7 [CBSE 2013) Ans. Wehave 3 = si-4) +66 and B = 31 +7) +26 ‘So, the vector equation will be Fea+ad = 7 nS) 4) 46£4 4031 +7) +26 22, @Find the vector equation of a Une which passes through the point (3, 4, 5) and is parallel to the vector (2) + 2] - 3k). [CBSE 2019) equation of a line AB ts ¥A2 242, find the de's of a =a" =a line paraltel to AB. [cBse 2012) ‘Ans. The equation of tine AB Is =x_y42_ 242 e = 42 Te Its direction ratios are <3,~2, 6>. Hence, its de's ore 3 2 Bae Pace 6 rca 3-26 ie, 3, 7 +: Dee of a line parellel to AB are proportional 3-26 Bay! 23.1f the 3 24, Find the direction ratios of a line whose tit direction cosines are 2 222 Ans. Since, any tree numer praporional tothe rection cosines arethe crecion ratios, $0, infrte sete of dr's can be found of them, one could be 3, 7,1. which we get on mulipying des by 2 25. Calculate the angle between the tines through the points (4, 7, 8), (2, 3, 4) and ©1,-2,0, 1,25). SHORT ANSWER Typ’ ‘Ans. The dr's of line passing through points (4, 7.8), (2.3,4)is<2-4.3-7,4-8> ie, <2,~4,~4>. ‘And dirs of line passing through points (- 1, 2,0, (0,2, S)is e, <2, 4, 4. Since dr's ofthe two lines ore proportional. Therefore, given lines are parallel to each other. Hence, angle between them is zero, 26. Ifa tine makes angles a py with the positive direction of coordinate axes, then write the value of sinta + sinh +sin’y, (CBSE 2015) ‘Ans. The direction cosines of elne with angles a, 8, ‘yore cos a, cos B, cos. We know, costa + cos” + cosy 2 osha) + Csr ots da ~ (Gin? at sin? B+ sin?) = staan’ pesntys2 -3 27. The electric transmission wires ore fitted on poles using proper accessories. It should be ‘ensured that there is proper tension in the wires Ha line makes angles 90°, 135%, 45° with the x.y and z axes respectively, find its direction cosines. [CBSE 2019] ‘Ans. Given the line makes an angle of 90% 135" and 45° with x y and z-oxes. T= cos 90*=0 m = cos 135 aa ieee Hence, de's ofthe line are 0, Questions (SA (2 marks] 28. The x-coordinate of a point on the line Joining the points P(2, 2, 1) end Q(5, 1, ~ 2) is 4. Find its 2-coordinat [esse 2017) ‘Ans. Given points are PQ2, 2,1) and Q(6, 1,2). P Roa Let R be the point on line PQ which divides the line in the ratio k: 1. As x-coordinate of Ris 4. *. By section formula, 5k 42 bet Now, z-coordinate of point R, 241 -2x241 ket et Hence, z-coordinate of point Ris 3. 29.Find the value of k so that the lines xe-y=krandx-2=2y-1=-2+10re perpendicularto each other. (CBSE 2020] Ska? at ‘Ans. The given lines ore Given, [ys perpendicular tol ax) +-2(2)+(Z)-n 0 1 poker 30. Al-1, 3, 2), B(-2, 3, =1), C(-5, =4, p) and D(-2, -4, 3) are four points in space. Lines AB cand CD are parallel. Find the value ofp. ‘Ans. Equation of line AB, passing through points AGL, 3, 2) and B(-2, 3,1), is ee a UES Tai" 3531-2 22 a eT " <1 0 3 dracon rae Flin AB re <1,0,-3> ‘Similarly, equation of line CD, pessing through pomsCes-aplord D2. # 3.6 S42 542 ytd 28 ar ee) 4. Direction ratios of ine CD are <3, 0,p~3>. Lines AB ond CD are parallel so. thelr rection ratios must be proportonel. je, 1 = ery Spa” > pa-6 Hence, the value of pis - 6. 134. Find the angle between the tines whose direction ‘cosines are given by the equations + m+n=0, Peminnteo, INCERT Exemplar] ‘Ans. We have, l+m+n=0 O or ne-l-m Ki) Asa Bam antnd 2 Bemt-cl-m?=0 fusing 2 tami Bontsamso | Mere = 2m =0 or tm=0 = (&m-rim=0 from) = (m+nim=0 = m=-nerm=0 = t=00rl=-n = Ditection cosines of the lies are proportionat 0 0,-n,nand-n, 0, nie 0,-1,1 and-1,0, 1. S0,the vectors parallel to these given lines are 5, = -Jekond ,=-Tek Hane, the onal between he ones i = 32. @Find the position vector of a point A in ‘space such that OAis inclined at 60* to OX ‘and at 45° to OY and {OA)= 10 units. INCERT Exemplar] 33. Ifa line in the space makes angles «, and y with the coordinate axes, then find the value of cos 2a + cos 2 + cos 2y + sinta + sintp +sin?y, ‘Ans. Given: Line makes angles a, ond y with coordinate axes costa + cos"B + cos*y= 1 0 Now, cos 2a + cos 291 + cos 2y + sin?a + sin?p +sin’y = (cosa ~sin?a) + (cos? -sin?p) + (cosy sin?) + sin?a + sin?B + sinty = costa + cos?p + cosy {using @) Hence, the value of given expression is 1. 34. Find the direction cosines of the following line: [CBSE Term-2 SQP 2022] ‘Ans. The given tine is i y TT 4 Its direction ratios are (1, 1.4). Its direction cosines are a4 4 [CBSE Marking Scheme Term-2 SOP 2022], Explanation: The given equation of ine i: Box Wate or 2 2 = #3 232 T "a4 Then ie drs are <1, 1, 4, ‘Then, de’s are: _ a = . ana 2 41? 44? 4 2 4t2 44? 1.14 “ vis Vie Gs le, tn, ° ava" a2" a2 35. Find the equation of a tine in Cartesian form, which is parallel to Si + j-7% and which passes through the point (5,~ 2, 4). ‘Ans. Equction of a line which passes the point (xs. Ys. 121) ond having direction rations <0, b,c> is given by: A ha be Here, Gc.yn2y) = 6,-2.4) Since, recired line is parallel to the vector 514] -7k. 80, direction ratios of required line is proportonalto 51+~72.t0, «5h k= > Required equation of tine is wo ye) 24 or 36. @Prove that the lines x = py +q,z=ry +s andx= py +q,z= ry +s’ are perpendicular ifpp' +r #1=0, [Dethi Gov. 2022] SHORT ANSWER Type-!| Questions (SA-II) [3 marks] 37. Show thatthe tines xoL_ yo2, 203 25 Intersect. Also, find thelr point of Inter- ‘section, [NCERT Exemplar] ‘Ans Heres ore ety 75 Then, x: aau Also #2 = 4.Ya = 4.22 =0 and 02 = = 2, et Freve Uresintrtect, then the shortest dstonce between them should be zee, We now, shoreet stance betwen two lines x4 23-8)+1(2-20)-2(4-15) ja70 715-18+33_ _0_ 9 o Tare Yao 2 Two lines are intersecting. For finding point of intersection 2, 34 > xe hed, yadh+2, 2edhe3 ‘Since the lines are intersecting the point (xy. 2) ‘must satisfy the second line. + Putting the volues of (% y, 2) in second equation of tne, we get D414 _B42-t_ 443 3 7 - Waa asd 403 a ar = 2443 = 18. =-18 = dead So, xedaeiea y=3C2)42—-2 zed(a)e3et ‘Thus, the lines intersect ot point (~ ZA Caution sf shortest distance between the two lines is ze, then they intersect. 338. Prove that the line through A(0,~2, =1) and B(4, 5,1) intersects the ine through C{3, 9, 4) cond D(-4, 4,4), INCERT Exemplar] ‘Ans. Equation of line passes through the points 1) ond BF, 5,1) is 1). zt “TT + z Now, another equetion of line pating through CG, 9, 4) and DE-4, 4, 4) is. 4 a 9 The lines will intersect, If shortest distance between them Ie zero, Now shortest distonce = HO+10)-10(0+14)+5(-20442) 78 = 2021404210 | fre0 Hence, the two lines intersect each other. ° 39. The direction cosines of a line segment AB od a ook ore io) Fag Jig FAB = ET and the coordinates of A are (3, -6, 10), then find ‘coordinates of B. [DIksHa} ‘Ans. Let the coordinates of Bbe (x, 2) So, direction ratios of AB = ‘Also, direction cosines of AB are 23-2 RCA 0, ts direction ratios are < -2, 3,2>. > e2,3,-2> = ex-3,y4 8.2- 10> 3x-35-2.y+603,2-102-2 = So, coordinates of B are (1,3, 8) 40.@Find the equations of the two lines through the origin which intersect the Une 23, 9°3, 2 oe angles of 200 Fos Gotangles of F each. INCERT Exemplar] ‘41, Find the image of the point (2, ~1, 5) In the ‘equation of the line joining the given point ‘and its Image, Find the length of that line segment also. [cBSE 2013] Ans. The given line is Xa11 y+2 24834, 4 ed 8 ‘Then, coordinates of ary general point, say M, on thisline ore (102 + 11,~44-2,~ 114-8). Let, the given point be P(2,-1, 5). Dr's of PM are <10n + 11-2,-44-24+1,- 11 ~8-5> je, <102.+9,-44-1,- 118-135 ‘As given equation of line is perpendicular to PM. $2000L+ 9) +64 4-1) 11 C114-19 = 1000.4 9041614 441214143 =0 = (100416 +21)24+90+44143=0 > 237A +237 =0 > hed Deis of PM are <-1,3,~2> or <1,~3, > 2. Equation of line PM passing through point 4, 5) and having direction ratios <1, ~ 3, i) 1FQ(a, 8, isthe image of P inline (), then Mis. the mid-point of PQ. Here, M= (1, 2,3) a+? 8 x45 . Clearly, ther direction ratios are not ie Siw Bie proportional, % % ‘So, the two lines are not parallel. Now, shortest distance between two Ui given as gx (@=- a Bixbo| fxad Here, = 2-2 aie dee Taap vk aisn fanba |) J o 2 = a-0)- jeo-1)+ (042) = aisja2k > bed] = PF = va a ts esis Hl [1x4 +3) x14(-3)x2| a Ifa = 2 unite va Since, shortest distance between the two lines is not zero, c0 they are not intercacting. ‘As, the given lines ore neither parallel nor intersecting so, they are skew lines. Hence, proved. var LONG ANSWER Type Questions (LA) [4&5 marks] 45, Hi = ai-Jekand GD = -21+2)+4k are two vectors. The postion vectors of the points A and C are 6/+7}+4& and -9+2k, respectively. Find the position vector of o point P on the line AB and a pont Q on the line CD such that PQs perpendicular to AB ‘and CD both. [NCERT Exemplar] ‘Ans, Given: WB 3} and CD ‘Aso, postion vectors of Aand Care 6f +7) 4k abe 2jeak and -9} +2, respectively ‘Since, PG is perpendicular to both ABand CD So, P and Q will be foot of perpendicular to both the lines through & and C, respectively, Now, equation of line through A and parallel to the vector AB is 28 124 casey 0 = XeSAG UR AeT.2Eh+d So, coordinates of a general point on this line ore 3h+6,7-2,2+4). Since, point Plies on this line ¢. Coordinates of P= (32+ 67-2244). Similarly, equation of a line through © and parallel to the vector CD is: X-0 _ ys9_ 2-2 Soe AF = Meo @ x= Buy =2p-9,2= 4942 80, coordinates of 2 general point on this tine ore (-3p, 21-9, 4+ 2), Since, point Q les on this line *, Coordinates of Q = (-344 24-9, 4 +2) FQ =(3p-3h-6,21-9-74, 4y42-4-4) = (3N-34- 6,2 4-16, 4-2-2) Since P is perpendicular to AB, so it is perpendicular to line (). .. Sum of product of corresponding elements of their direction ratios is zero. = H-3p-9h-6)- (2044-16) +(-2-2) #0 2 “Ty ~ 114-4 =0 6) ‘Similarly, PG is perpendicular to the line (i 4: -BC3u = T- 6) + 22u 4 A 16) + 4p -2 -2=0 = 29u47h=22 =0 0) On solving equotions (ip ond (i), we get wetond dent 4 P=G.83) And Q=63.-7,6) So, position vectors of points P and Q are 21+0)-+36 ond -21 7) +68, respectively ZA Caution Fire calculate the position vectors of two vectors \ehich are perpendicular to the given vectors and then get the required vectors 4G. Find the vector and Cartesian equations ‘of a line pasting through (1, 2, ~4) and Perpendicular to the two lines y+9 0 =16 AG HP ES cose 2017, 13 + and ‘Ans. Any line which is possing through the point (1, 2,~4) and have dr's as a,b econ be written cy 4 6 ar dete Consider that tine () is perpendicular to the given Unes +9 2-10 7 3” =16 and Ai) ‘The dr's of ines (i) and Gi) are <3, 16, 7> ond <3,8,~ 5> respectively. ‘Since, these two lines Is perpendicular to the line with d's a,b. e. a 30-16b+7e=0 a) ‘and 3a48b-Sem0 0) On solving equations (Wy) and (¥) by cross- multiplication, we get. ee B-56 “ 2+is "74448 Dan Ab=Bcwbr The equation of required tne in Cartesian form is xo1 R 244 y=2 eR e224 7 or 6 ‘and in vector form is 7 m4 2)- 48) +007 +3} +66) 47. Find the coordinates of the foot of the perpendicular and the length of the Perpendicular drawn from the point P(S, 4, 2) totheline, 7 =-i +3] +k+ x27 +3j-&). Also, find the image of P in thie line. [cBSE 2012 ‘Ans. The given tine i. Ta-isajeksaalea)-& Its equation in Cartan form is MAR BH8 FEL a er Ao) Corrdinates of any general point, sy Q on tine ) are (24-1, 3A + 3,-A+ 2), The given point is PS, 4 2). Now.di’s ofthe tne PQ ore <= 1-5,3R43-4)-h4 1-2 le, <2-6,9.-1,-2-1> Now, PQ is perpendicular to line (). = 0,02 + bibs + e102 =0 => 222 - 6) + 332-1) + -1)CA-1) 20 3 4-12+9,-3424180 3 14h-14=0 Shel ’. Coordinates of Q are (1, 6,0). ‘These are the coordinates of perpendiculor from Pon the given tne. Now PQ = (5-1 + (4-6) + (2-07 = PCF = ABFASS = YR = 26 units {1 K(a, 8,1) be the image of P in the given tine, then Q must be the mid-point of PK. a+s Bes 19, 2 = 2 o feBye-2 <:mage of Pin the given tine i K(-3, 8,2) and ‘Also, find their point of intersection. 49. Vertices B and C of ABC tle along the line X#29-1_2-0. fing the area of a a the triangle given that A has coordinates (1,1, 2) and the line segment BChas length S units. ‘Ans. Let h be the height of AABC. Then, h is the length of perpendicular from 2-0 eta tot ne 222 oe Clearly, tine posses through the point gay P(-2, 1,0) and paralletto the vector B = 2 + j+ 4b. AQ 1.2) Let x42 _y-1_ 2-0. 2° 0 4 a ‘hon, coordinates of M ore (22~2,2.+ 1.43). Now. drs of AM are (2h~3,4 +2, 44-2) Since AM BC "2109+ bib + €x62=0 3 20d-3)+10.+2)+ 46-2) =0 [As drs oF BC ore «2,1, 45] = 2 =12 2 and Thus the coordinates of M ore Now. . 7 1 Menor anaes baBc ah VERY SHORT ANSWER Type Questions (VSA) [1 marke] 4. Ifthe cartesian equations of aline are 33% = 274 = 22-6 , write the vector equation forthe line. Fe or ae, Sita ayttay it ent 44° tn a) — seas rope 2004 2. Find the vector equation of the line which passes through the point (3, 4, 5) and Is parallel to the vector 2/+2)~3k. Ans. = ————— = -4 shore 2 pear { an f = pra Se “won, T= Geant gle aahe(r-anth os Qremtaralf dean {COSE Topper 2019} SHORT ANSWER Type-! Questions (SA-I) [2morks] 3. The x-coordinate of a point on the line joining the points P(2, 2, 1) and Q(S, 4, -2) is 4, Find ite z-coordinate. “f ptees) ats) | bien hg te a, (ry, Gop Bi ash a Try pant on Pa Se glam ty (BA4%) ~ArL» UV) Ce Stentn@ 2 mAs neg Yam pee (HE L-t) ns {CBSE Topper 20171

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