Media Literacy and Technology John Kirby F. Gamaya

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Media and


Student: John Kirby F. Gamaya Grade 12 – STEM

Teacher: Jerson P. Necor
Activity 1.0

1.) How do you feel about the message?

I feel disturbed about the message since it is quite obvious that

the messenger is lying and only wants to scam me by using my mother
to convince me to believe him/her.

2.) What could be the reason that others might believe this message
and follow what the message instructed them to do?

Other people might believe the message since the messenger

involve the word “mother” that may trigger the receiver of the message
to worry and be alarmed and follow what the messenger had conveyed.

Activity 1.1
Activity 1.2
Activity 1.3

EXPLANATION: The photo presented above, did follow almost all the
design principles and elements of texts. However, it lacks emphasis to
the weights, sizes and color of the fonts used in conveying its main

EXPLANATION: The image shown, did bare all the design principles and
elements of texts, by utilizing the fonts with right emphasis,
appropriateness, space, alignment, and consistency in delivering its
EXPLANATION: The picture above almost followed all the design
principles and elements of texts. But, it lacks a bit in text alignment and
space that caused a little bit mess in the image.

Activity 2.1
Through facial expression, the actor shows what emotion is he trying to
convey in this image.

Activity 2.2
Activity 2.3
Activity 2.4
Activity 3.1

Activity 4.1
Activity 4.2
Activity 4.3

Activity 5.0
1.) Think about your first-time using Facebook. What were the steps you need
to create and access your account? How did you post your first thought?

First, I created an email account and then signed up to create my

Facebook account. As far as I can remember, I think the first thing that I posted on
my Facebook wall was a picture of mine during my early years in elementary.

2.) Why do you think Facebook is very popular? Enumerate the ways in which
you interact with Facebook.

Facebook is very popular since it is very accessible and very interactive to the
users than the other social media platforms.
• Through this platform I can post pictures, videos, ideas, and


• It helped me to easily interact and communicate with other

people across the globe.

Activity 5.1

Activity 5.2
Activity 5.3
a.) The practicality of an online IQ, psychological test or diagnostic test.

It is practical in some ways. However, it is not reliable as what professionals

could offer in personal meetings or testing.

b.) Interactivity of the exam.

It is quite interactive but not that engaging since it lacks views from a
professional psychologist or other expert of such assessment.

c.) Other features you would like to incorporate, or how it could be improved.

In my opinion, it could be improve if specialist in such field would observe

the test taker even through online video conference.

Activity 6.0








1.) Why would you like your robot to be designed that way?

Because I want my robot to have a wide range of capabilities in different fields.

2.) What could be the most important features a robot can have?

In my own point of view, the most important features that a robot should
possess is having the capability and potential to acquire all the aspects
aforementioned above since these things are the qualities that a human being does
not have.

3.) Would you consider a good robot should have a combination of

• the power of our smartphones

• and human designed machines for transportation?

Yes, since our generation revolves in this type of living where technology is
very essential and timely.

Activity 6.1
Activity 6.2
Activity 6.3

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